FBI Tapes Reveal 40 MLK Affairs 'Laughed' As Friend Raped Parishioner

Another example of a right wing racist trying to discredit a black man who deserves honor.

Yeah. You will use that excuse your hole life. Typical liberal asshole. Can’t except the truth. If it was a white guy you’d be screaming. Who’s racist here.

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Another example of a right wing racist trying to discredit a black man who deserves honor.

Good people can do bad things; bad people can do good things. There is a difference between honoring someone and sanctifying them.

As for whether or not this story is true, I have no idea. Doesn't really matter since he is dead and can't be prosecuted.

Unfortunately being dead no longer prevents someone from being prosecuted as in the case of Columbus and Columbus day. MLK's bad behavior was no secret to his close circle of Friends....they all looked the other way because something else was happening that they considered to be much bigger then a few sexual flings here and there. That however it does not justify keeping up a statue of him in DC. If the me-too movement is consistent... Statue needs to be brought down.


I think all the statues should be taken down....smacks of idolatry in the first place.

I don't really care one way or the other about the statues other than that it creates a bunch of drama when you take one down, no matter who it is. Sometimes honoring people can be a good chuckle. We have a park named after a black lady from our city who went on to become some notable opera singer because the blacks needed to have a park named for one of theirs I guess. They funny thing about it to me was she hated our city. Wanted to have nothing to do with it. Other than returning for a funeral once, she never set her precious foot in our heathen village after the day she moved to New York. To me what is even more amusing is that the park is across from a government housing project and next door to a Kentucky Fried Chicken, all of which I am sure infuriated her even more.
Another example of a right wing racist trying to discredit a black man who deserves honor.

I see you have no counter to the FBI tapes, just a lot of anger and partisan too, which hurts YOUR case about the man. It has been long known that Hoover was a full blown racist who tried to take down King, but he never followed through on all the surveillance he had on him.

King was a flawed man who did amazing things to help expose the utter rot of illegal Segregation that had relegated black people to a second rate existence, a demeaning situation to live under.

His street marches exposed the ugliness of institutional racism, garnered a number of celebrity supporters who would march with him. He gave a great 1963 speech that THEN excited the people, but today disregarded by many because of their hate.

His leadership on the Montgomery Bus Boycott was a major factor in their success.

His leadership in the Chicago marches exposed Mayor Daley as a virulent racist who made promises he never followed through.

Follow the truth no matter how unpleasant they are, what King did with women was bad, what he did for Civil rights is what will be remembered in history books.

His great 1963 speech was plagiarized.

He was a serial plagiarizer...that is how he got his phd....and the school even knew it but excused him because?????

Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King

  • [email protected].

    'committee of scholars appointed by Boston University concluded today that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. plagiarized passages in his dissertation for a doctoral degree at the university 36 years ago.

    "There is no question," the committee said in a report to the university's provost, "but that Dr. King plagiarized in the dissertation by appropriating material from sources not explicitly credited in notes, or mistakenly credited, or credited generally and at some distance in the text from a close paraphrase or verbatim quotation."

    Despite its finding, the committee said that "no thought should be given to the revocation of Dr. King's doctoral degree," an action that the panel said would serve no purpose.

    But the committee did recommend that a letter stating its finding be placed with the official copy of Dr. King's dissertation in the university's library.

    The four-member committee was appointed by the university a year ago to determine whether plagiarism charges against Dr. King that had recently surfaced were in fact true. Today the university's provost, Jon Westling, accepted the committee's recommendations and said its members had "conducted the investigation with scholarly thoroughness, scrupulous attention to detail and a determination not to be influenced by non-scholarly consideration."

    The dissertation at issue is "A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman." Dr. King wrote it in 1955 as part of his requirements for a doctor of philosophy degree, which he subsequently received from the university's Division of Religious and Theological Studies.

    Continue reading the main story

    One member of the investigating committee, John Cartwright, the university's Martin Luther King Professor of Social Ethics, said the panel had refrained from speculating about the reasons why Dr. King had not properly attributed material, which came from a variety of other interpreters of the works of Tillich and Wieman'
Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King

In a nutshell the guy was a phoney through and through....yet the media did its best to cover it all up and promoted him like he was a saint....no supprise there....the propaganda machines constantly work very diligently to deceive the American People.

I saw that and because of Tipsycatlover, I learned something new. It is a shame he did that and a lot of it too.

But I caution everyone here since there are many hero's in history who also did terrible things, while they did something great too. Lets not get carried away in the MLK bashing as it can become hypocritical.

Consider that JFK slept around on his wife, yet made the commies back down from Cuba.

Consider that Lyndon Johnson was a walking human scumbag, who badly managed the Vietnam war, yet helped get the Civil rights of 1965 passed.

Consider that FDR tried to pack to the SCOTUS, Incarcerated innocent Japanese, most of them citizens into camps, he help throw General Short and Admiral Kimmel under the bus. Yet his war time leadership was often very good, helped the allies in a partnership that succeeded despite that one of them is an ideological enemy.

Consider that Jimmy Carter was a failed leader on Energy and Terrorist issues, his absurd rescue policy was the reason why the hostage rescue mission was doomed to failure. yet he was the one who got the Camp David accords signed by two nations historically big enemies.

There are examples from history too.
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Another example of a right wing racist trying to discredit a black man who deserves honor.

Good people can do bad things; bad people can do good things. There is a difference between honoring someone and sanctifying them.

As for whether or not this story is true, I have no idea. Doesn't really matter since he is dead and can't be prosecuted.

Unfortunately being dead no longer prevents someone from being prosecuted as in the case of Columbus and Columbus day. MLK's bad behavior was no secret to his close circle of Friends....they all looked the other way because something else was happening that they considered to be much bigger then a few sexual flings here and there. That however it does not justify keeping up a statue of him in DC. If the me-too movement is consistent... Statue needs to be brought down.


I think all the statues should be taken down....smacks of idolatry in the first place.

I don't really care one way or the other about the statues other than that it creates a bunch of drama when you take one down, no matter who it is. Sometimes honoring people can be a good chuckle. We have a park named after a black lady from our city who went on to become some notable opera singer because the blacks needed to have a park named for one of theirs I guess. They funny thing about it to me was she hated our city. Wanted to have nothing to do with it. Other than returning for a funeral once, she never set her precious foot in our heathen village after the day she moved to New York. To me what is even more amusing is that the park is across from a government housing project and next door to a Kentucky Fried Chicken, all of which I am sure infuriated her even more.

Yeah but the liberals don’t quit giving Trump shit. We don’t pick and choose to ho we go after. That is racist

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Comes as no supprise to most of us...but good to see the truth is getting exposed to the daylight.

Another shocking fact is revealed: The FBI allowed King to rape a woman...they were next door to the motel room and listened to it all and did nothing to intervene.

[FBI tapes show ... | Daily Mail Online]

Yeah, dummy, you've been had again.

The Daily Flail lied to you, again. Confident that you wouldn't mind, since it's a lie you are desperate to hear. After all, your fabulous "author" didn't see or hear the tapes - they are locked away in a vault. All he had were "summaries" provided by an agency engaged in a years-long effort at character assassination. No historian worth a grain of salt would rely on such, other than to demonstrate the stinking, festering swamp of corruption that was the FBI. You didn't even perk up when you read about FBI efforts to drive Dr. King into suicide.

But then, you got your daily dose of clickbait dangled before your snout, and, being the mindless parrot you are, you couldn't but jump, snap, swallow and regurgitate. Quite something, aren't you?
What it all comes down to is deception as in how the media constantly lies to the people....the example of how the media helped deceive the people in regards to mlk is just one case.....many,many others.

Trump has done more to expose the media propagandists than anyone and he deserves much credit for that.

Still yet...much more needs to be done....hopefully --eventually --there will be a congressional investigation of the media...way overdue.

The American People need to be told the truth....only then can they make good decisions when they go out to vote.

Yet the media tries to manipulate the news in order to get people to vote democratic....that is a bigger story than the alleged russian story.
So the article is about a guy who claims the FBI has all this information. Now, the unfaithful stuff isn’t any different then JFK’s affairs at the time. The rest is highly suspect.
Another example of a right wing racist trying to discredit a black man who deserves honor.

Good people can do bad things; bad people can do good things. There is a difference between honoring someone and sanctifying them.

As for whether or not this story is true, I have no idea. Doesn't really matter since he is dead and can't be prosecuted.

Unfortunately being dead no longer prevents someone from being prosecuted as in the case of Columbus and Columbus day. MLK's bad behavior was no secret to his close circle of Friends....they all looked the other way because something else was happening that they considered to be much bigger then a few sexual flings here and there. That however it does not justify keeping up a statue of him in DC. If the me-too movement is consistent... Statue needs to be brought down.


I think all the statues should be taken down....smacks of idolatry in the first place.

I don't really care one way or the other about the statues other than that it creates a bunch of drama when you take one down, no matter who it is. Sometimes honoring people can be a good chuckle. We have a park named after a black lady from our city who went on to become some notable opera singer because the blacks needed to have a park named for one of theirs I guess. They funny thing about it to me was she hated our city. Wanted to have nothing to do with it. Other than returning for a funeral once, she never set her precious foot in our heathen village after the day she moved to New York. To me what is even more amusing is that the park is across from a government housing project and next door to a Kentucky Fried Chicken, all of which I am sure infuriated her even more.

Yeah but the liberals don’t quit giving Trump shit. We don’t pick and choose to ho we go after. That is racist

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Racism, spacism. Everything is an offense to somebody these days.
Another example of a right wing racist trying to discredit a black man who deserves honor.

FBI was a leftist outfit at the time, dominated by Robert F. Kennedy.

Remember and never forget that MLK was a devout Teabagging Dittohead. Not a liberal by any sense of the word
Wow, the patron saint of the BLM crowd and liberals in general.
So, was he a fraud after all?

Secret FBI tapes that accuse Martin Luther King Jr of having extramarital affairs with '40 to 45 women' and even claim he 'looked on and laughed' as a pastor friend raped a parishioner exist, an author has claimed.

The civil rights hero was also heard allegedly joking he was the founder of the 'International Association for the Advancement of P***y-Eaters' on an agency recording that was obtained by bugging his room, according to the sensational claims made by biographer David Garrow - a Pulitzer prize-winning author and biographer of MLK.

Writing in British magazine Standpoint, Garrow says that the shocking files could lead to a 'painful historical reckoning' for the man who is celebrated across the world for his campaign against racial injustice.

FBI tapes show Martin Luther King Jr had 40 affairs and 'laughed' as friend raped parishioner | Daily Mail Online

“The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.”

Why wait so long? Why not release the information to the public now?

“The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.”

Why wait so long? Why not release the information to the public now?
It is because that it isn't true. They are trying to discredit the King's family because the truth is coming out about the government was the ones that had killed MLK. And so now they are trying to mark them as liars as the way they are trying to mark Pres.Trump as one.
Since mere accusation is enough these days to eviscerate people, it need not be true. Women's Rights movements should be appalled. In fact, "pussy eater" is very similar to the stigma the liberals have accused Trump of being.
MLK statues should be removed from sight immediately.
White history removed. Black history removed. It works both ways...

“The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.”

Why wait so long? Why not release the information to the public now?
It is because that it isn't true. They are trying to discredit the King's family because the truth is coming out about the government was the ones that had killed MLK. And so now they are trying to mark them as liars as the way they are trying to mark Pres.Trump as one.

So where is the evidence that “the government” was behind the MLK hit?

“The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.”

Why wait so long? Why not release the information to the public now?
It is because that it isn't true. They are trying to discredit the King's family because the truth is coming out about the government was the ones that had killed MLK. And so now they are trying to mark them as liars as the way they are trying to mark Pres.Trump as one.

So where is the evidence that “the government” was behind the MLK hit?
I know that most people doesn't take the word of a Black person. But here it is.

Annnddd everybody accepts this guys word as fact, with no evidence.

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