FBI won't release files on Hillary criminal case. Says NOBODY CARES!!

What criminal case?

She sold classified info to china. Where have you been?
And just what 411 did she sell China?
so what am I gonna do with these 3000 Hillary Clinton Commemorative plates I bought in 2015???
Learn to twirl them on a stick and dress like an Asian..
now i am really mad that i had the chance to buy Barry Toilet paper for 50 cents a roll,....i hear they are worth about 45.00 now
What criminal case?

She sold classified info to china. Where have you been?
And just what 411 did she sell China?

Her idiot husband gave US nuclear secrets to the Chinese, gave China their "most favored trade nation" status, and forced the World Trade Organization to accept them.
Bill Clinton never gave US nuclear secrets away to China..China stole them before Clinton knew they had been stolen...
What criminal case?

She sold classified info to china. Where have you been?
And just what 411 did she sell China?
so what am I gonna do with these 3000 Hillary Clinton Commemorative plates I bought in 2015???
Learn to twirl them on a stick and dress like an Asian..
now i am really mad that i had the chance to buy Barry Toilet paper for 50 cents a roll,....i hear they are worth about 45.00 now
I got a roll of it for Christmas but I couldn't resist wiping my ass with it. Same with the one with Hillary's face on it.
What criminal case?

She sold classified info to china. Where have you been?
And just what 411 did she sell China?

Her idiot husband gave US nuclear secrets to the Chinese, gave China their "most favored trade nation" status, and forced the World Trade Organization to accept them.
Bill Clinton never gave US nuclear secrets away to China..China stole them before Clinton knew they had been stolen...
How do we send anonymous mail to the FBI telling them they need to release all information pertinent to throwing Hillary in jail where she belongs?
FBI shuts down request for files on Hillary Clinton by citing lack of public interest

But in a letter sent this week and obtained by Fox News, the head of the FBI’s Records Management Division told Clevenger that the bureau has “determined you have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject.”

So hitlery's "personal privacy" over rides the public's right to know if she is just as much of a criminal sociopath as most people believe she is.

I'm not surprised of course. I'd really like to know if I've been bullshitted by everything I've read that looks truthful to me.
I'd like to know if hitlery really is some sort of sweet little old lady who just wants what's best for the country, as opposed to the criminally insane sociopath hag I'm confident she is. Why would anyone try to keep such information hidden from the public?

FBI shuts down request for files on Hillary Clinton by citing lack of public interest

But in a letter sent this week and obtained by Fox News, the head of the FBI’s Records Management Division told Clevenger that the bureau has “determined you have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject.”

So hitlery's "personal privacy" over rides the public's right to know if she is just as much of a criminal sociopath as most people believe she is.

I'm not surprised of course. I'd really like to know if I've been bullshitted by everything I've read that looks truthful to me.
I'd like to know if hitlery really is some sort of sweet little old lady who just wants what's best for the country, as opposed to the criminally insane sociopath hag I'm confident she is. Why would anyone try to keep such information hidden from the public?

For the same reason that I can't file an FOIA request for your FBI file.
McCabe an Obama appointee is running the FBI.

Obama is still running The Federal Government Power Structure with over 800 holdovers still in key positions and The Senate on a massive Slowdown of Confirmations, and The Deep State trying to disrupt The Trump Administration in Collusion with the media.
interest, legal meaning.....To have a claim, a right or privilege....No one has that but certain folks....Sorry Charlie, Starkist doesn't want tuna's with good taste, they want tuna that taste good...Shouldn't that be "taste well"? Stupid rules for English usage...
Hey FBI!

Suck My Dick like you Suck Obama Bin Lying's Tiny Cock!

No one cares about McCabe, Comey & Mueller's Witch Hunt over a Nothing Burger that you are illegally conducting on Trump.
Or so like thinking people do and teach yourself.

Common citizens can do most things like this.
My idea?

We need to all find out how to do FOIA requests and flood The FBI with them.

How do we send anonymous mail to the FBI telling them they need to release all information pertinent to throwing Hillary in jail where she belongs?

Pay a lawyer to do it for you.

Or go to law school.
Or so like thinking people do and teach yourself.

Common citizens can do most things like this.
My idea?

We need to all find out how to do FOIA requests and flood The FBI with them.

How do we send anonymous mail to the FBI telling them they need to release all information pertinent to throwing Hillary in jail where she belongs?

Pay a lawyer to do it for you.

Or go to law school.

Not if you want the FBI to bother reading your requests before tossing them into the trash.
Or so like thinking people do and teach yourself.

Common citizens can do most things like this.
My idea?

We need to all find out how to do FOIA requests and flood The FBI with them.

How do we send anonymous mail to the FBI telling them they need to release all information pertinent to throwing Hillary in jail where she belongs?

Pay a lawyer to do it for you.

Or go to law school.

Not if you want the FBI to bother reading your requests before tossing it into the trash.
Make them get a huge trash can.
Or so like thinking people do and teach yourself.

Common citizens can do most things like this.
My idea?

We need to all find out how to do FOIA requests and flood The FBI with them.

How do we send anonymous mail to the FBI telling them they need to release all information pertinent to throwing Hillary in jail where she belongs?

Pay a lawyer to do it for you.

Or go to law school.

Not if you want the FBI to bother reading your requests before tossing it into the trash.
Make them get a huge trash can.


Are you guys under the impression that overwhelming the FBI with FOIA requests will somehow punish them?

It'll just slow the process even more, and the only loser in the situation will be the guys who shelled out for the stamps.
Just use publicly available FOIA request as a model and then flood the office with them.

MOST lawyers don't write their own contracts or Filings. They use pre made models and software and fill in the damn blanks and charge you $300 an hour for it.

The law profession is largely a scam.

That's why most politicians are lawyers.

Or so like thinking people do and teach yourself.

Common citizens can do most things like this.
My idea?

We need to all find out how to do FOIA requests and flood The FBI with them.

How do we send anonymous mail to the FBI telling them they need to release all information pertinent to throwing Hillary in jail where she belongs?

Pay a lawyer to do it for you.

Or go to law school.

Not if you want the FBI to bother reading your requests before tossing them into the trash.

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