FDA asks federal judge to seal Pfizer vaccine data for 55 years

Witness/victim relays, “Ten months of safety data gone” following her trial info as a participant. Side effects led to the need to refinance her house to pay her uncovered medical bills from jab. Absolute censorship. Strong evidence regarding FDA’s, CDC, NIH system is broken with “huge gaps”.

More information will continue to grow as cheated individuals stand up for drug trial transparency and revealing the explicit organizations directly involved with censoring the data.
The Vaxxes are a far bigger health hazard than Covid. The FDA, CDC, NIH and all the rest of the Faucists are engaged in crimes against humanity.

This and the testimony of all the others should be a full wake call for everyone but sadly it is not enough yet and elitists must still believe that they will get away scotfree without consequences for what has been done to people.

Those same criminals have been damaging babies and children for years whose only voice was their parents and a few doctors and attorneys. The criminals will most definitely get their reward in eternity but let it also be in earth as it is in heaven and that they be prosecuted now for their current and obvious crimes.
This and the testimony of all the others should be a full wake call for everyone but sadly it is not enough yet and elitists must still believe that they will get away scotfree without consequences for what has been done to people.

Those same criminals have been damaging babies and children for years whose only voice was their parents and a few doctors and attorneys. The criminals will most definitely get their reward in eternity but let it also be in earth as it is in heaven and that they be prosecuted now for their current and obvious crimes.

Indeed. And now the Corrupt Fascists are hyping the NU/Omicron variant... with only 100 reported cases in South Africa...as a reason to enact another global lockdown. This is not a public health action, it is an act of war to subjugate free people and turn us into slaves.
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Indeed. And now the Corrupt Fascists are hyping the NU/Omnicron variant... with only 100 reported cases in South Africa...as a reason to enact another global lockdown. This is not a public health action, it is an act of war to subjugate free people and turn us into slaves.
Yes it seems like they didn’t have the fuel behind the Mu variant months back so now it’s going to be the Nu variant. Next up will be the next letter of the viral identification system. Never ending. No cause for alarm there are active teams of scientists Actively seeking the next potential viral pandemic …. if it doesn’t happen they will cause it by cutting open infected animals in the wild like they are doing. I have a source if anybody wants the extra information about it.
Indeed. And now the Corrupt Fascists are hyping the NU/Omnicron variant... with only 100 reported cases in South Africa...as a reason to enact another global lockdown. This is not a public health action, it is an act of war to subjugate free people and turn us into slaves.
Yes it most definitely is. It has been coming down for some time now and is now manifesting enough for others to see it all. Rod and I were treated like pariah over both the bank fraud and then it was even worse with me being cover in caustic chemicals at work and them .lying about what I was covered in. They literally believed I would simply die and go away and truthfully many days have passed Rod and I both wondered if that would happen too. It has taken years to learn ways to try and mitigate the damage that those chemicals did without the professional medical help that by law I should have been entitled to. All they did was teach us more about how corrupt the entire system is through and through.
Yes it seems like they didn’t have the fuel behind the Mu variant months back so now it’s going to be the Nu variant. Next up will be the next letter of the viral identification system. Never ending. No cause for alarm there are active teams of scientists Actively seeking the next potential viral pandemic …. if it doesn’t happen they will cause it by cutting open infected animals in the wild like they are doing. I have a source if anybody wants the extra information about it.
Please PM me any other info you have.
Witness/victim relays, “Ten months of safety data gone” following her trial info as a participant. Side effects led to the need to refinance her house to pay her uncovered medical bills from jab. Absolute censorship. Strong evidence regarding FDA’s, CDC, NIH system is broken with “huge gaps”.

More information will continue to grow as cheated individuals stand up for drug trial transparency and revealing the explicit organizations directly involved with censoring the data.
What’s her name?
What’s her name?
Thank you for asking JC456 and a very good question. I will have to watch the video again and you are absolutely right her name needs to be repeated and case examined fully. It is my responsibility as a poster to include her name. Breanne Dressen. Thank you for bringing that to my attention and I will now remember her name by repeating it and posting about Breanne Dressen more than just this thread.
Thank you for asking JC456 and a very good question. I will have to watch the video again and you are absolutely right her name needs to be repeated and case examined fully. It is my responsibility as a poster to include her name. Breanne Dressen. Thank you for bringing that to my attention and I will now remember her name by repeating it and posting about Breanne Dressen more than just this thread.
Thanks. My sister asked me, so she is the one to actually thank! Appreciate your follow up
Linking to accelerated production due to Nu/omicron that Big Pharma is now boasting about to save the Prisoners, an important earlier video that links to the increased production of the virus for ebola vaccine should be archived. It is where Fau Chi makes a Freudian slip, if that’s what it is, because it regards a very important mutation that links that ebola vaccine. We think we’ve mentioned the exact timepoint, and the omicron/Nu variant contains that mutation also:

Post #12
Thanks. My sister asked me, so she is the one to actually thank! Appreciate your follow up
Your sister is spot-on! Common sense and pursuit of important details runs in your family! Continue to fight the good fight:)
Anyone taking this shot after this are truly stupid
If the bird experiment posted is true, then the only choice y'all unvaccinated will have at this point, with hundreds of millions vaccinated already, is to become vaccinated or die.

Personally, I have seen no scientific study that shows humans will react the same way as the chickens with their vaccines, and would need more info and experiment results shown to me on humans, before believing it.

I was only opining, that IF IT WERE TRUE, that humans were the same as the chickens, then we are in a worldwide mess!
Well if that ain't a big red flag. :laughing0301:

"The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.

As explained in a prior article, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

With that promise in mind, in August and immediately following approval of the vaccine, more than 30 academics, professors, and scientists from this country’s most prestigious universities requested the data and information submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to license its COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA’s response? It produced nothing. So, in September, my firm filed a lawsuit against the FDA on behalf of this group to demand this information. To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA still has not released a single page. Not one.

Instead, two days ago, the FDA asked a federal judge to give it until 2076 to fully produce this information. The FDA asked the judge to let it produce the 329,000+ pages of documents Pfizer provided to the FDA to license its vaccine at the rate of 500 pages per month, which means its production would not be completed earlier than 2076. The FDA’s promise of transparency is, to put it mildly, a pile of illusions..."

FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

Oh! The Communism of it all!
If the bird experiment posted is true, then the only choice y'all unvaccinated will have at this point, with hundreds of millions vaccinated already, is to become vaccinated or die.

Personally, I have seen no scientific study that shows humans will react the same way as the chickens with their vaccines, and would need more info and experiment results shown to me on humans, before believing it.

I was only opining, that IF IT WERE TRUE, that humans were the same as the chickens, then we are in a worldwide mess!
show me the studies where the first were done on humans to see if it were safe to do it on animals.

I'll be waiting. Odds of beating covid for most are still very high. The odds of us surviving people like you are very low.

Take a look.

Brianne’s vaccine was made from a chimp virus, not even a chimp coronavirus, but a chimp adenovirus. The psycho
If the bird experiment posted is true, then the only choice y'all unvaccinated will have at this point, with hundreds of millions vaccinated already, is to become vaccinated or die.

Personally, I have seen no scientific study that shows humans will react the same way as the chickens with their vaccines, and would need more info and experiment results shown to me on humans, before believing it.

I was only opining, that IF IT WERE TRUE, that humans were the same as the chickens, then we are in a worldwide mess!
What bird experiment?
We’ve already posted to USMB on this chimp virus used in AstraZeneca. It came from The Gambia, so when Brianne is told “It is an immune-mediated response to the spike protein,” one should automatically reach for Edward Hooper’s book and webpage, because your link to Fau Chi and HIV-1 vaccine is HIV-2 And polio vaccine in The Gambia, and the collecting of adenoviruses that began in 1959. This genome was published in Jul 2012, while in Ap 2012, Fau Chi had given his influenza terstimony to the Senate at the time that the ill Tongguan copper miners were going into the hospital from breathing bat feces dust. But the chimp virus was a gift from Johns Hopkins:

Y25 Chimp Adenovirus Genome
What badger finds remarkable about the Y25 genome are the insane multiple expressions of alanine, arginine and proline, reminiscent of the python nidovirus: RRRRR, of its spike protein.

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