FDA orders ban on all trans fat

What in the fuck is the issue with requiring a food seller to ensure its ingredients are safe? You want to inject trans fats for whatever perverse reasoning, find a way to do it safely and inject all you want.

As I stated before, everybody knows that trans fats are not good for your health, but like many other things we consume, it's only bad in excess. It's not poison and people eat them because they like them. I don't eat trans fats at home, but I'm sure I do on occasion when I go out to eat and I'm in very good health. The problem is when people consume too much of them.

Consuming too much sugar can also cause long term health problems. Should the FDA ban that next to ensure we're eating safely? That should put every bakery in the country out of business until they find a way to inject it into their food for whatever perverse reasoning.

Consuming too much alcohol is far more dangerous than trans fats. Shall we reenact Prohibition until breweries and distilleries can find a safe way to make alcoholic drinks for whatever perverse reasoning?

Where does the line get drawn?

Summa y'all just act like toddlers in here, no shit.

You would know better than anyone, I suppose, since it's you defending the government treating you like one.

You didn't address the question at all, that being: what the fuck is the issue with the government doing the job we asked it to?

FDA has been protecting the food and drug supply since way before either of us were born. Every civilized society ever has instituted some kind of structure to do the same thing. And yet now, out of freaking nowhere, trans fats, a synthetic substance with no redeeming social or nutritional value whatsoever, become the pacifier to your toddler?

Poster please.

Moreover, taking a substance off the GRAS list is no "ban". It's requiring the substance to certify itself as clean.

Go ahead -- make an argument against that.
I dare you.

Trans fats in and of themselves are not dangerous. It's the quantities consumed. And let's just be honest, A person who consumes enough trans fats to poison their own body and weigh three bills isn't suddenly going to become healthy just because trans fats are no longer used.
Trans Fats ARE poison , they are just a poison that our bodies can metabolize up to a certain point.

Just like half the other shit you put in your mouth.

Oh, I agree.

Which does make this shit silly. I find it fucking hilarious that the same people who want to ban trans fact are all about legalizing marijuana for instance LOL legalize em both, the government has no business keeping fatty from killing themselves or stoner from stoning himself into oblivion.

Just don't come crying when you need medical assistance and have no money.


There is no trans fat "ban".


FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years.

Is there a place where you can go buy trans fats and add them to your foods like salt and pepper that I don't know about, or does the fact that the people who currently use trans fats will no longer be allowed to use trans fats actually constitute a ban on trans fats?

You fucking idiot

Just learn to partially hydrogenate vegetable oil.

Though I have no idea why you would want to consume a poison on purpose.
Trans fats in and of themselves are not dangerous. It's the quantities consumed.
That's like saying heroine in and of itself isn't dangerous, it's the quantities.

a) have no nutritional benefit whatsoever
b) raises LDL, lowers HDL
c) increases triglycerides in blood
d) causes systemic inflation

In other words - ITS NOT REALLY FOOD, its more like a mild poison. I'm fine with people selling it, so long as its not sold as food. If you really want to poison yourself, you should be allowed to order it from a chemical seller.
What in the fuck is the issue with requiring a food seller to ensure its ingredients are safe? You want to inject trans fats for whatever perverse reasoning, find a way to do it safely and inject all you want.

As I stated before, everybody knows that trans fats are not good for your health, but like many other things we consume, it's only bad in excess. It's not poison and people eat them because they like them. I don't eat trans fats at home, but I'm sure I do on occasion when I go out to eat and I'm in very good health. The problem is when people consume too much of them.

Consuming too much sugar can also cause long term health problems. Should the FDA ban that next to ensure we're eating safely? That should put every bakery in the country out of business until they find a way to inject it into their food for whatever perverse reasoning.

Consuming too much alcohol is far more dangerous than trans fats. Shall we reenact Prohibition until breweries and distilleries can find a safe way to make alcoholic drinks for whatever perverse reasoning?

Where does the line get drawn?

Summa y'all just act like toddlers in here, no shit.

You would know better than anyone, I suppose, since it's you defending the government treating you like one.

You didn't address the question at all, that being: what the fuck is the issue with the government doing the job we asked it to?

FDA has been protecting the food and drug supply since way before either of us were born. Every civilized society ever has instituted some kind of structure to do the same thing. And yet now, out of freaking nowhere, trans fats, a synthetic substance with no redeeming social or nutritional value whatsoever, become the pacifier to your toddler?

Poster please.

Moreover, taking a substance off the GRAS list is no "ban". It's requiring the substance to certify itself as clean.

Go ahead -- make an argument against that.
I dare you.

Trans fats in and of themselves are not dangerous. It's the quantities consumed. And let's just be honest, A person who consumes enough trans fats to poison their own body and weigh three bills isn't suddenly going to become healthy just because trans fats are no longer used.
Trans Fats ARE poison , they are just a poison that our bodies can metabolize up to a certain point.

Just like half the other shit you put in your mouth.

Oh, I agree.

Which does make this shit silly. I find it fucking hilarious that the same people who want to ban trans fact are all about legalizing marijuana for instance LOL legalize em both, the government has no business keeping fatty from killing themselves or stoner from stoning himself into oblivion.

Just don't come crying when you need medical assistance and have no money.


There is no trans fat "ban".


FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years.

Is there a place where you can go buy trans fats and add them to your foods like salt and pepper that I don't know about, or does the fact that the people who currently use trans fats will no longer be allowed to use trans fats actually constitute a ban on trans fats?

You fucking idiot

Just learn to partially hydrogenate vegetable oil.

Though I have no idea why you would want to consume a poison on purpose.

Yeah, well I didn't have room for a chemistry lab in my house when I built it, so there goes that lol

Seriously though Pogo is being ridiculous, OF COURSE it's a ban. Now I happen to believe there is nothing wrong with banning them. I just don't believe it's the federal government's role to do so.

In fact, I believe they are missing out on a golden opportunity to tax the fuck out of trans fats and if someone is willing to pay $11 for a bag of Oreos, more power to them.

Actually, I will amend that. The tax should be on a sliding scale, meaning the more you weigh, the more you pay.
Trans fats in and of themselves are not dangerous. It's the quantities consumed.
That's like saying heroine in and of itself isn't dangerous, it's the quantities.

a) have no nutritional benefit whatsoever
b) raises LDL, lowers HDL
c) increases triglycerides in blood
d) causes systemic inflation

In other words - ITS NOT REALLY FOOD, its more like a mild poison. I'm fine with people selling it, so long as its not sold as food. If you really want to poison yourself, you should be allowed to order it from a chemical seller.

and how do you feel about legalizing marijuana?

PS I would legalize heroin as well. I don't give a fuck if someone wants to poison themselves. We're Americans, that includes being free to do something stupid.
Trans fats in and of themselves are not dangerous. It's the quantities consumed.
That's like saying heroine in and of itself isn't dangerous, it's the quantities.

a) have no nutritional benefit whatsoever
b) raises LDL, lowers HDL
c) increases triglycerides in blood
d) causes systemic inflation

In other words - ITS NOT REALLY FOOD, its more like a mild poison. I'm fine with people selling it, so long as its not sold as food. If you really want to poison yourself, you should be allowed to order it from a chemical seller.

and how do you feel about legalizing marijuana?

For sale as food in a grocery store?

What in the fuck is the issue with requiring a food seller to ensure its ingredients are safe? You want to inject trans fats for whatever perverse reasoning, find a way to do it safely and inject all you want.

As I stated before, everybody knows that trans fats are not good for your health, but like many other things we consume, it's only bad in excess. It's not poison and people eat them because they like them. I don't eat trans fats at home, but I'm sure I do on occasion when I go out to eat and I'm in very good health. The problem is when people consume too much of them.

Consuming too much sugar can also cause long term health problems. Should the FDA ban that next to ensure we're eating safely? That should put every bakery in the country out of business until they find a way to inject it into their food for whatever perverse reasoning.

Consuming too much alcohol is far more dangerous than trans fats. Shall we reenact Prohibition until breweries and distilleries can find a safe way to make alcoholic drinks for whatever perverse reasoning?

Where does the line get drawn?

Summa y'all just act like toddlers in here, no shit.

You would know better than anyone, I suppose, since it's you defending the government treating you like one.

You didn't address the question at all, that being: what the fuck is the issue with the government doing the job we asked it to?

FDA has been protecting the food and drug supply since way before either of us were born. Every civilized society ever has instituted some kind of structure to do the same thing. And yet now, out of freaking nowhere, trans fats, a synthetic substance with no redeeming social or nutritional value whatsoever, become the pacifier to your toddler?

Poster please.

Moreover, taking a substance off the GRAS list is no "ban". It's requiring the substance to certify itself as clean.

Go ahead -- make an argument against that.
I dare you.

Trans fats in and of themselves are not dangerous. It's the quantities consumed. And let's just be honest, A person who consumes enough trans fats to poison their own body and weigh three bills isn't suddenly going to become healthy just because trans fats are no longer used.
Just like half the other shit you put in your mouth.

Oh, I agree.

Which does make this shit silly. I find it fucking hilarious that the same people who want to ban trans fact are all about legalizing marijuana for instance LOL legalize em both, the government has no business keeping fatty from killing themselves or stoner from stoning himself into oblivion.

Just don't come crying when you need medical assistance and have no money.


There is no trans fat "ban".


FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years.

Is there a place where you can go buy trans fats and add them to your foods like salt and pepper that I don't know about, or does the fact that the people who currently use trans fats will no longer be allowed to use trans fats actually constitute a ban on trans fats?

You fucking idiot

Just learn to partially hydrogenate vegetable oil.

Though I have no idea why you would want to consume a poison on purpose.

Yeah, well I didn't have room for a chemistry lab in my house when I built it, so there goes that lol

Why would you need a chemistry lab to make food?

Seriously though Pogo is being ridiculous, OF COURSE it's a ban. Now I happen to believe there is nothing wrong with banning them. I just don't believe it's the federal government's role to do so.

The Constitutional grants Congress the power to regulate commerce.

Actually, I will amend that. The tax should be on a sliding scale, meaning the more you weigh, the more you pay.

You must be really short.
Trans Fats ARE poison , they are just a poison that our bodies can metabolize up to a certain point.

Just like half the other shit you put in your mouth.

Oh, I agree.

Which does make this shit silly. I find it fucking hilarious that the same people who want to ban trans fact are all about legalizing marijuana for instance LOL legalize em both, the government has no business keeping fatty from killing themselves or stoner from stoning himself into oblivion.

Just don't come crying when you need medical assistance and have no money.


There is no trans fat "ban".


FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years.

Is there a place where you can go buy trans fats and add them to your foods like salt and pepper that I don't know about, or does the fact that the people who currently use trans fats will no longer be allowed to use trans fats actually constitute a ban on trans fats?

You fucking idiot

You actually think posting "FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years." makes it some real thing?

What in the fuck is wrong with you?
Trans Fats ARE poison , they are just a poison that our bodies can metabolize up to a certain point.

Just like half the other shit you put in your mouth.

Oh, I agree.

Which does make this shit silly. I find it fucking hilarious that the same people who want to ban trans fact are all about legalizing marijuana for instance LOL legalize em both, the government has no business keeping fatty from killing themselves or stoner from stoning himself into oblivion.

Just don't come crying when you need medical assistance and have no money.


There is no trans fat "ban".


FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years.

Is there a place where you can go buy trans fats and add them to your foods like salt and pepper that I don't know about, or does the fact that the people who currently use trans fats will no longer be allowed to use trans fats actually constitute a ban on trans fats?

You fucking idiot

You actually think posting "FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years." makes it some real thing?

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

CNN reported it, if isn't true, take it up with them you dumb fuck

FDA on trans fat Halt use in U.S. food within 3 years - CNN.com
By all means, show us a scientifically derived list that rates the U.S. differently. Be sure to provide the original source.
"Life expectancy" ratings are nothing but ridiculous soothsaying.

Moronic idiots seem to have trouble comprehending that.

Fuckin' dumbass. Why don't you put a clown face in your avatar. You're just as clueless as them.

Right. That's why the people that release those statistics are real scientists and you are not.
You're a mentally deranged anti-science brainwashed global warming nutjob. You're so fucked in the head that you wouldn't know the difference between a scientist and the tooth fairy.

Funny, I wouldn't have suspected based on your avatar that you are the tooth fairy.
Idiotic rantings like that will just make you seem stupider. You display less intelligence than a chimp.

Gee, more childish ranting. How quaint.
Moreover, taking a substance off the GRAS list is no "ban". It's requiring the substance to certify itself as clean.

Go ahead -- make an argument against that.
I dare you.

Well, I guess that's your little secret, now, isn't it.

FDA on trans fat Halt use in U.S. food within 3 years - CNN.com

Once again, there's ZERO in that link that refutes anything I said.
Go ahead --- QUOTE it.

Once again I told y'all, and even linked directly to it, we've done all this as long as two years ago.
The bullshit didn't fly then and it ain't gonna fly now.

There IS NO BAN. Period.
At the end of the day you have the government once again playing nanny where they have to no business doing so. People know trans fats are not healthy for you, but in moderation they aren't going to kill you. They aren't arsenic. They are used in foods to increase the flavor which is why many restaurants use them and processed foods contain them. Simply don't eat them if you're that concerned. The market works these things out on its own and grown adults can make their own decisions as to what they put in their bodies.

I dream of a world where people go about their daily lives in relative peace because everybody minds their own fucking business.

Hogwash. The FDA has the authority given to them by Congress to protect the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. It isn't like this is the first time they have banned dangerous products from the food chain. Stay tuned because there are more bans coming.

And it isn't a "ban" anyway. It's simply letting food makers know that the honor system of them saying, "uh, yeah, this stuff's fine, trust us" won't be good enough and needs to be substantiated.

What kind of idiot would want that to NOT happen? Boggles the frickin' mind.

Trans fat is directly linked to heart disease, the most common cause of death in this country.

You wouldn't know science if it bit you in you ass.
heart disease is not, the most common cause of death in the Country?....is that what you are saying?....
Are you illiterate?
apparently you cant answer a question......you said what the guy said was bullshit.....if it is lets see you prove it....because i can show you plenty of stuff saying Heart Disease is the no 1 cause of death in this Country...
Your reading comprehension problem is very severe.

Your conversation skills seem to be at the level of a four year old. Does your mommy know you are on her computer?
Just like half the other shit you put in your mouth.

Oh, I agree.

Which does make this shit silly. I find it fucking hilarious that the same people who want to ban trans fact are all about legalizing marijuana for instance LOL legalize em both, the government has no business keeping fatty from killing themselves or stoner from stoning himself into oblivion.

Just don't come crying when you need medical assistance and have no money.


There is no trans fat "ban".


FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years.

Is there a place where you can go buy trans fats and add them to your foods like salt and pepper that I don't know about, or does the fact that the people who currently use trans fats will no longer be allowed to use trans fats actually constitute a ban on trans fats?

You fucking idiot

You actually think posting "FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years." makes it some real thing?

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

CNN reported it, if isn't true, take it up with them you dumb fuck

FDA on trans fat Halt use in U.S. food within 3 years - CNN.com

No they DIDN'T, because that's not what it says.
Go ahead. Find it.
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Who knows....?
i believe the Medical advancements since the 30's till now,kinda suggests that Medical advancements have played a pretty big part in how long people are now living...

A large part of that was due to improvements in diets, that, until the past 30-40 years, increased our life expectancy. Fast food altered that trajectory.
medical advancements have had a lot to do with that too.....people who would be dead in the 50's are living today.....

Yes, vaccines, and advanced diagnostics and surgery have made a lot of that possible as well.
Oh, I agree.

Which does make this shit silly. I find it fucking hilarious that the same people who want to ban trans fact are all about legalizing marijuana for instance LOL legalize em both, the government has no business keeping fatty from killing themselves or stoner from stoning himself into oblivion.

Just don't come crying when you need medical assistance and have no money.


There is no trans fat "ban".


FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years.

Is there a place where you can go buy trans fats and add them to your foods like salt and pepper that I don't know about, or does the fact that the people who currently use trans fats will no longer be allowed to use trans fats actually constitute a ban on trans fats?

You fucking idiot

You actually think posting "FDA orders food manufactures to stop using trans fats within 3 years." makes it some real thing?

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

CNN reported it, if isn't true, take it up with them you dumb fuck

FDA on trans fat Halt use in U.S. food within 3 years - CNN.com

No they DIDN'T, because that's not what it says.
Go ahead. Find it.

Read the link fool. If the FDA proposal is approved then trans fats will be banned unless approved on a case by case basis. That essentially means a ban.

So yes, they are proposing a ban.

Can someone link me to a single honest post from Pogo?
Stay tuned because there are more bans coming.

I have no doubt about that. The world is filled with bed wetters like you who piss their sheets nightly over all the perceived dangers in the world that someone else needs to save you from.

They say that intelligence skips a couple of generations. But hey, I'm sure your grandchildren will be smart as tacks.

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