FDA prohibits Florida from using monoclonal antibody treatments

The FDA - and Biden administration - should be told to fuck off at this point.

They are literally and intentionally MURDERING Americans.

I am at home in bed with COVID PNEUMONIA in both lungs, unable to take full, pain-free breaths, going on my 3rd week now because, despite getting worse and having to go to the local ER 3 times, I was denied the antibodies, denied Ivermectin, and denied all therapeutics ... despite having a compromised immune system.

I was sent home all three times without being given anything...until a 4th trip after my markers shot up and the docs found my heart under stress.

After over 2 weeks I was finally given strong antibiotics directly into my vein, in an IV bag, and pills and other strong meds to take home.

The doctors told me that the CDC did not consider me 'high priority' and denied use of life-saving treatments.

In my view, the CDC 'declared war' on me and my health, turning its back on me to let me die, as they are doing to everyone they deny these medications now.

I fought for this country all over - I had their back, now they turn their back on me by withholding life-saving treatments? And my life is no more important than anyone else's out there - none of yours! Biden / the CDC needs to GTFO of the way and let DOCTORS use whatever meds work to save Americans' lives.

2024? I hope voters who have been denied kidney transplants, heart transplants, and life-saving treatments remember Biden and his administration tried to kill them, family members, and / or friends by playing politics instead of letting doctors use life-saving medications to save lives.
I'm so sorry you are so sick!! It sounds like you must have the Delta variation of covid and not omicron variation which does not get you as sick as Delta variation. Monoclonal antibodies worked great on the Delta variation but you must take it within the first 5 days of getting Infected or showing symptons...you likely missed your chance to receive them, since you said you've been sick for weeks and Regeneron and Eli Lilys were not banned until a day or two ago, due to not being effective with the omicron variation? I'm not certain on Ivermechtin, but it too could be early use....if effective at all? Do you have a primary care doctor that you've gone to that could intervene?
I'm so sorry you are so sick!! It sounds like you must have the Delta variation of covid and not omicron variation which does not get you as sick as Delta variation. Monoclonal antibodies worked great on the Delta variation but you must take it within the first 5 days of getting Infected or showing symptons...you likely missed your chance to receive them, since you said you've been sick for weeks and Regeneron and Eli Lilys were not banned until a day or two ago, due to not being effective with the omicron variation? I'm not certain on Ivermechtin, but it too could be early use....if effective at all? Do you have a primary care doctor that you've gone to that could intervene?
One, which is why the last time I went to the ER he took my doc's call and suddenly I began getting IVs, antibiotics, steroids (for MS), etc. He probably saved my life.
I'm so sorry you are so sick!! It sounds like you must have the Delta variation of covid and not omicron variation which does not get you as sick as Delta variation. Monoclonal antibodies worked great on the Delta variation but you must take it within the first 5 days of getting Infected or showing symptons...you likely missed your chance to receive them, since you said you've been sick for weeks and Regeneron and Eli Lilys were not banned until a day or two ago, due to not being effective with the omicron variation? I'm not certain on Ivermechtin, but it too could be early use....if effective at all? Do you have a primary care doctor that you've gone to that could intervene?
you really care4all, even for a lying shill like that tard.
but what about his big pharma donors?
What about the majority of our (Democrat) politicians who are behind banning therapeutics, literally killing Americans, because they are heavily invested in Phizer, J&J, etc...?
What about the majority of our (Democrat) politicians who are behind banning therapeutics, literally killing Americans, because they are heavily invested in Phizer, J&J, etc...?
never happened, shill freak.
The politics in New Hampshire may bring ther sccience along with it to trump the FDA effeminates.

Post 983
Big Pharma donors may get trumped with the least expensive ivermectin made legal by state law.
you really care4all, even for a lying shill like that tard.
At some point the politics and division has to stop. I have had some heated exchanges with others who have different views than I do, but I would never seriously wish for anyone to have serious health issues or die from from COVID, especially because big pharma sellout / invested politicians are banning life-saving therapeutics to force Americans into one-size-does-NOT-fit-all vaccines, some that have serious life-altering / life-taking side effects.

I have spent the last 34 years of my life fighting for and defending ALL Americans ... and won't stop just because someone hates that I do not agree with their politics or ideology.

Yeah, I would take a bullet for anyone on this board if need be, always have been willing to do so, no matter how heated our debates get.

You know when the worst day in modern-day America was?
- 9/11

You know when the best day was after that / since then?
- 9/12

The entire country came together. We were all Americans, all family, period.

Everyone out there stay safe, stay healthy, and God bless.
At some point the politics and division has to stop. I have some heated exchanges with others who have different views than I do, but I would never seriously wish for anyone to have serious health issues or die from from COVID, especially because big pharma sellout / invested politicians are banning life-saving therapeutics to force Americans into one-size-does-NOT-fit-all vaccines, some that have serious life-altering / life-taking side effects.

I have spent the last 34 years of my life fighting for and defending ALL Americans ... and won't stop just because someone hates that I do not agree with their politics or ideology.

Yeah, I would take a bullet for anyone on this board if need be, always have been willing to do so, no matter how heated our debates get.

You know when the worst day in modern-day America was?
- 9/11

You know when the best day was after that / since then?
- 9/12

The entire country came together. We were all Americans, all family, period.

Everyone out there stay safe, stay healthy, and God bless.
that's all nice and shit. but your whole body of "work" on this board is partisan shilling aimed at division. no sell.
One, which is why the last time I went to the ER he took my doc's call and suddenly I began getting IVs, antibiotics, steroids (for MS), etc. He probably saved my life.
Thank goodness!!!

You piss me off 95% of the time on here, but I really do enjoy it!!! The 5% I do agree with you, is kinda boring.... I prefer the arguments, more fun than just agreeing! :p
Florida Blows the Lid on “Medical Authoritarianism” - Trish Regan Show

That's deceiving! A different monoclonal antibody treatment used by Florida like it was candy on Halloween during Delta, worked great against Delta. I do not believe it was Regeneron or Remdesivir (sp???), the treatment DeSantis bought recently, from a donor.....which also worked for Delta, if taken early.

99% of all covid cases are Omicron now, which had multiple mutations, and two of the Pharma versions, the one DeSantis recently bought, and the one from Eli Lilly for monoclonal antibodies do not work for omicron, according to their completed trials on humans with the omicron variant....is what is being reported.
Thank goodness!!!

You piss me off 95% of the time on here, but I really do enjoy it!!! The 5% I do agree with you, is kinda boring.... I prefer the arguments, more fun than just agreeing! :p
Chat boards like this are designed to be places of competitive / often heated sharing of information and discussions, not places intended for everyone to get together, hug, & sing kumbahyah all the time. Never will be.

HATE or seriously ill feelings toward others, however, is not an option for me.
I'm so sorry you are so sick!! It sounds like you must have the Delta variation of covid and not omicron variation which does not get you as sick as Delta variation. Monoclonal antibodies worked great on the Delta variation but you must take it within the first 5 days of getting Infected or showing symptons...you likely missed your chance to receive them, since you said you've been sick for weeks and Regeneron and Eli Lilys were not banned until a day or two ago, due to not being effective with the omicron variation? I'm not certain on Ivermechtin, but it too could be early use....if effective at all? Do you have a primary care doctor that you've gone to that could intervene?

No therapeutic should be banned or removed due to the fact it's a medical doctor that prescribes them. I trust my doctor to make decisions on my health more so than a politician or agency he or she procures for political reasons.

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