FDA prohibits Florida from using monoclonal antibody treatments

if it is not life-saving for omicron, then valuable treatment time is wasted. that's a shame for DeSantis big donor, but doctors are not lackeys of DeSantis bigpharma donors. they have to attempt the best treatment available.

and no, trumptards, that does not include ivermectin, high dosage of vitamin c, zinc, hqc, rectal ozone therapy, forsythia, and/or drinking bleach. sorry.

I found out a lifelong friend of mine has a wife suffering from Covid from his brother, who is also a lifelong friend of mine. From what he said, she was almost dead. She spent nearly two weeks on a ventilator. His claim is that out of desperation, they gave her invermecitin and it very well may have saved her life. Before she became a stay at home mom and housewife, she was a respiratory therapist so she knew exactly what was going on, and as an unvaxinated person, likely did a lot of research on covid as a former clinician.
No therapeutic should be banned or removed due to the fact it's a medical doctor that prescribes them. I trust my doctor to make decisions on my health more so than a politician or agency he or she procures for political reasons.
That's simply quackery. We run studies on all drugs/vaccines etc given, and give approval or disapproval, for all uses based on trials and the science....?

That's the way it has ALWAYS worked...Ray.
That's simply quackery. We run studies on all drugs/vaccines etc given, and give approval or disapproval, for all uses based on trials and the science....?

That's the way it has ALWAYS worked...Ray.

So why the EUA for monoclonals and when it's found it's working well in Florida by a Governor some speculate could replace Trump if he doesn't run, they pull it?

We never ran any proper studies for the vaccine since the only possible way to determine long term effects is time, and we used it because we needed it so badly. If the commies think that pulling the monoclonals is justified because Omicron is the only thing left and the antibodies don't work, why not pull the vaccines as well?
If treatments work, and the vaccines clearly don't - that impacts the stock prices of big Pharma. Xi's Biden regime isn't going to let anything get in the way of selling product.
So in other words the profits of the pharmaceutical industry counts more than lives that would be saved by using monoclonal antibody treatments.

I will remember that when I vote in November and in 2024. (Providing I am still alive as I have a big target on my back for COVID-19 or one of its variations to hit.)
This alone is murder and treason---Biden should be dealt with harashly.
You stupid twat

The FDA is not stopping anything other than shipping out a drug that doesn't work on omicron.

Other monoclonal antibody drugs that do work are still being shipped BY THE GOVERNMENT and the two they stopped shipping are still available in the private market
Same as when they tried to stop Ivermectin from being prescribed.
Biden is owned by Big Pharma and so is The FDA.
Try bleach & UV lights up your ass. That might work according to your boy.

Let us know how you make out, Clown.
the point that flew over your head is that fully tested vaccines are not only allowed but being pushed and forced on people, while the antibodies have been stopped by the federal government.
Ya wanna try that again?

By the way...as stated previously (dumbass) the FDA has stopped SHIPPING 2 mca drugs that don't work on omicron.

others are still being shipped
do you know the long term consequences of this mAb treatment?

We've been using them for 50 years.

Xi's Biden regime outlawed them to use for Covid - because Covid is a cash cow. They've been in use since the 1970's.

Biden is deliberately killing Americans to promote higher stock prices for big Pharma.

Lefties who are fine with this and have nothing critical to say about Biden and his FDA are monsters.

Let’s say it was Trump doing this to California…would you speak up then? Yep.

You lefties are frauds and cowards. You know it yourselves. Everyone else sees it.

democrats polled last week that they want to kill the unvaxxed.

To evil vermin like Leech, this is perfect - killing those who didn't bow to the Reich.

That over half of those whose lives we saved through the Anti-Bodies had the fauxination is beside the point...

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