FDR Admiration Society

Pathetically stupid thesis rejected and mocked by everyone and anyone with a lick of education and common sense.

Except for the UCLA economists who I daresay are smarter than you

Obviously they are not if they think FDR could have ended the Depression before he even took office

Roosevelt was elected in 1932 the Depression did not end until 1943

I don't know how you can say it ended in 1939 when unemployment in 1939 was HIGHER than it was when FDR took office

Shit FDR's own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, said as much when he said, " “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”"

And read the article

Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery. Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943.
1943? Are you kidding?
In the middle of WWII?

The Depression ended in late 1938 with positive economic growth
It is GDP (GNP) that determines when a depression end ps

So why was unemployment higher in 39 than 33?

In fact FDR', NIRA act was deemed unconstitutional and later reinvented but still allowed collusion that before FDR was illegal and that collusion is still illegal today
If you count those employed in government relief programs, unemployment was 10 percent

Great Depression, Great Recession - Roosevelt Institute

In 1933, the civilian unemployment rate was nearly 25 percent. If we count people in work-relief jobs as employed, the jobless range was about 10 percent by 1940. During FDR’s first term, GDP grew at an annual rate of about 9 percent. The GDP grew about 11 percent annually after 1937-38.
The New Deal brought relief to most Americans. Voters responded by electing FDR to an unprecedented four terms in good part because of his popular programs to help “the Forgotten Man.” No amount of conservative spin or revisionist history can change this fact. In the 1936 election, FDR carried 46 of the 48 states. As conservatives cried “the economy will work itself out in the long run,” Harry Hopkins, a Roosevelt adviser, famously replied: “People don’t eat in the long run, they eat every day.”

"Yes, I love FDR. Good boy. Let me command US forces in WWII. Gave me Eastern Europe, Bulgaria. What a guy"

Stalins Army already held Eastern Europe
How do you propose FDR get him out?
Pathetically stupid thesis rejected and mocked by everyone and anyone with a lick of education and common sense.

Except for the UCLA economists who I daresay are smarter than you

Obviously they are not if they think FDR could have ended the Depression before he even took office

Roosevelt was elected in 1932 the Depression did not end until 1943

I don't know how you can say it ended in 1939 when unemployment in 1939 was HIGHER than it was when FDR took office

Shit FDR's own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, said as much when he said, " “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”"

And read the article

Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery. Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943.
Give us a link besides rhe dopey one by from rhe magazine article proclaiming the Depression ended in 1943. Also, provide one that says unemployment was rhe same in or higher in 1939 as it was in 1933. By rhe way, FDR was not the President in 1932.

I never said he was president in 32.

Great Depression Timeline

After all FDR's spending the UE rate dropped about 3% in 6 years

How can you really believe that a president who orders farmers to slaughter 6 million pigs in order to limit competition raise the price of pork was helping the economy?

Kind of reminds me of cash for clunkers, a policy that took millions of perfectly serviceable cars out of the economy and actually hurt the poor and middle class because they could not afford to buy new cars at the higher prices that the reduction of salable cars contributed to
The New Deal brought relief to most Americans. Voters responded by electing FDR to an unprecedented four terms in good part because of his popular programs to help “the Forgotten Man.” No amount of conservative spin or revisionist history can change this fact. In the 1936 election, FDR carried 46 of the 48 states. As conservatives cried “the economy will work itself out in the long run,” Harry Hopkins, a Roosevelt adviser, famously replied: “People don’t eat in the long run, they eat every day.”

Can you point to anyone who thinks that limiting competition by allowing corporate collusion and raising prices is good economic policy?
Pathetically stupid thesis rejected and mocked by everyone and anyone with a lick of education and common sense.

Except for the UCLA economists who I daresay are smarter than you

Obviously they are not if they think FDR could have ended the Depression before he even took office

Roosevelt was elected in 1932 the Depression did not end until 1943

I don't know how you can say it ended in 1939 when unemployment in 1939 was HIGHER than it was when FDR took office

Shit FDR's own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, said as much when he said, " “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”"

And read the article

Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery. Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943.
1943? Are you kidding?
In the middle of WWII?

The Depression ended in late 1938 with positive economic growth
It is GDP (GNP) that determines when a depression end ps

So why was unemployment higher in 39 than 33?

In fact FDR', NIRA act was deemed unconstitutional and later reinvented but still allowed collusion that before FDR was illegal and that collusion is still illegal today
Wasn't. You have to prove that it was. You can not do it.
The New Deal brought relief to most Americans. Voters responded by electing FDR to an unprecedented four terms in good part because of his popular programs to help “the Forgotten Man.” No amount of conservative spin or revisionist history can change this fact. In the 1936 election, FDR carried 46 of the 48 states. As conservatives cried “the economy will work itself out in the long run,” Harry Hopkins, a Roosevelt adviser, famously replied: “People don’t eat in the long run, they eat every day.”

Did Chávez Help the Poor?
Pathetically stupid thesis rejected and mocked by everyone and anyone with a lick of education and common sense.

Except for the UCLA economists who I daresay are smarter than you

Obviously they are not if they think FDR could have ended the Depression before he even took office

Roosevelt was elected in 1932 the Depression did not end until 1943

I don't know how you can say it ended in 1939 when unemployment in 1939 was HIGHER than it was when FDR took office

Shit FDR's own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, said as much when he said, " “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”"

And read the article

Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery. Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943.
Give us a link besides rhe dopey one by from rhe magazine article proclaiming the Depression ended in 1943. Also, provide one that says unemployment was rhe same in or higher in 1939 as it was in 1933. By rhe way, FDR was not the President in 1932.

I never said he was president in 32.

Great Depression Timeline

After all FDR's spending the UE rate dropped about 3% in 6 years

How can you really believe that a president who orders farmers to slaughter 6 million pigs in order to limit competition raise the price of pork was helping the economy?

Kind of reminds me of cash for clunkers, a policy that took millions of perfectly serviceable cars out of the economy and actually hurt the poor and middle class because they could not afford to buy new cars at the higher prices that the reduction of salable cars contributed to
You said he was elected in 1932. Ya, elected, but did not take office until March of '33. By rhe way, by 1941 unemployment was below 10% and by 42 and 43 below 5%. Hence, your economic whiz's are claiming below 10% is a depression, Most economist and historians have the depression ending in 1940.
Was that the whole UCLA Economics Department that arrived at that conclusion? Did other university economics departments agree with the findings? Did the History Department agree with the decision?
Why didn't FDR simply follow the Depression plan the economists had laid out?
If I remember there was no depression plan from economists and the Republican plan was "balance the budget."

There are many others who agree as there are plenty of books and articles that say FDR prolonged the Depression

The guys at UCLA just used data that others didn't use
Was that the whole UCLA Economics Department that arrived at that conclusion? Did other university economics departments agree with the findings? Did the History Department agree with the decision?
Why didn't FDR simply follow the Depression plan the economists had laid out?
If I remember there was no depression plan from economists and the Republican plan was "balance the budget."

There are many others who agree as there are plenty of books and articles that say FDR prolonged the Depression

The guys at UCLA just used data that others didn't use
Books? Can you name one? Articles, can you name or link any to an actual recognized economist or historian?
The New Deal brought relief to most Americans. Voters responded by electing FDR to an unprecedented four terms in good part because of his popular programs to help “the Forgotten Man.” No amount of conservative spin or revisionist history can change this fact. In the 1936 election, FDR carried 46 of the 48 states. As conservatives cried “the economy will work itself out in the long run,” Harry Hopkins, a Roosevelt adviser, famously replied: “People don’t eat in the long run, they eat every day.”

Did Chávez Help the Poor?

"Yes, I love FDR. Good boy. Let me command US forces in WWII. Gave me Eastern Europe, Bulgaria. What a guy"
"Yes, I love FDR. Good boy. Let me command US forces in WWII. Gave me Eastern Europe, Bulgaria. What a guy"
You are an uninformed uneducated fool. Bulgaria fought on rhe side of the Nazi's until Bulgaria was overrun and defeated by Russian forces in 1944 and which time they decided to switch sides and support the Russians.
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Except for the UCLA economists who I daresay are smarter than you

Obviously they are not if they think FDR could have ended the Depression before he even took office

Roosevelt was elected in 1932 the Depression did not end until 1943

I don't know how you can say it ended in 1939 when unemployment in 1939 was HIGHER than it was when FDR took office

Shit FDR's own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, said as much when he said, " “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”"

And read the article

Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery. Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943.
1943? Are you kidding?
In the middle of WWII?

The Depression ended in late 1938 with positive economic growth
It is GDP (GNP) that determines when a depression end ps

So why was unemployment higher in 39 than 33?

In fact FDR', NIRA act was deemed unconstitutional and later reinvented but still allowed collusion that before FDR was illegal and that collusion is still illegal today
Wasn't. You have to prove that it was. You can not do it.

The collusion wasn't illegal?

Then why was the NIRA found to be unconstitutional?
Was that the whole UCLA Economics Department that arrived at that conclusion? Did other university economics departments agree with the findings? Did the History Department agree with the decision?
Why didn't FDR simply follow the Depression plan the economists had laid out?
If I remember there was no depression plan from economists and the Republican plan was "balance the budget."

There are many others who agree as there are plenty of books and articles that say FDR prolonged the Depression

The guys at UCLA just used data that others didn't use
Was that the whole UCLA Economics Department that arrived at that conclusion? Did other university economics departments agree with the findings? Did the History Department agree with the decision?
Why didn't FDR simply follow the Depression plan the economists had laid out?
If I remember there was no depression plan from economists and the Republican plan was "balance the budget."

There are many others who agree as there are plenty of books and articles that say FDR prolonged the Depression

The guys at UCLA just used data that others didn't use
Books? Can you name one? Articles, can you name or link any to an actual recognized economist or historian?

You can't use google?

Jim Powell
Robert Higgs
Except for the UCLA economists who I daresay are smarter than you

Obviously they are not if they think FDR could have ended the Depression before he even took office

Roosevelt was elected in 1932 the Depression did not end until 1943

I don't know how you can say it ended in 1939 when unemployment in 1939 was HIGHER than it was when FDR took office

Shit FDR's own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, said as much when he said, " “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”"

And read the article

Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery. Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943.
Give us a link besides rhe dopey one by from rhe magazine article proclaiming the Depression ended in 1943. Also, provide one that says unemployment was rhe same in or higher in 1939 as it was in 1933. By rhe way, FDR was not the President in 1932.

I never said he was president in 32.

Great Depression Timeline

After all FDR's spending the UE rate dropped about 3% in 6 years

How can you really believe that a president who orders farmers to slaughter 6 million pigs in order to limit competition raise the price of pork was helping the economy?

Kind of reminds me of cash for clunkers, a policy that took millions of perfectly serviceable cars out of the economy and actually hurt the poor and middle class because they could not afford to buy new cars at the higher prices that the reduction of salable cars contributed to
You said he was elected in 1932. Ya, elected, but did not take office until March of '33. By rhe way, by 1941 unemployment was below 10% and by 42 and 43 below 5%. Hence, your economic whiz's are claiming below 10% is a depression, Most economist and historians have the depression ending in 1940.

Yeah it took WWII to get us out of the Depression not FDR's policies that were designed to reduce competition and raise prices

Can you show me anyone who thinks government policy to allow collusion and violations of antitrust laws so as to decrease competition and raise prices is sound policy?
Obviously they are not if they think FDR could have ended the Depression before he even took office

Roosevelt was elected in 1932 the Depression did not end until 1943

I don't know how you can say it ended in 1939 when unemployment in 1939 was HIGHER than it was when FDR took office

Shit FDR's own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, said as much when he said, " “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”"

And read the article

Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery. Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943.
Give us a link besides rhe dopey one by from rhe magazine article proclaiming the Depression ended in 1943. Also, provide one that says unemployment was rhe same in or higher in 1939 as it was in 1933. By rhe way, FDR was not the President in 1932.

I never said he was president in 32.

Great Depression Timeline

After all FDR's spending the UE rate dropped about 3% in 6 years

How can you really believe that a president who orders farmers to slaughter 6 million pigs in order to limit competition raise the price of pork was helping the economy?

Kind of reminds me of cash for clunkers, a policy that took millions of perfectly serviceable cars out of the economy and actually hurt the poor and middle class because they could not afford to buy new cars at the higher prices that the reduction of salable cars contributed to
You said he was elected in 1932. Ya, elected, but did not take office until March of '33. By rhe way, by 1941 unemployment was below 10% and by 42 and 43 below 5%. Hence, your economic whiz's are claiming below 10% is a depression, Most economist and historians have the depression ending in 1940.

Yeah it took WWII to get us out of the Depression not FDR's policies that were designed to reduce competition and raise prices

Can you show me anyone who thinks government policy to allow collusion and violations of antitrust laws so as to decrease competition and raise prices is sound policy?
If it took WWII for America to get out of the depression that is evidence that FDR's New Deal did not spend nearly enough.
The depression required war-time spending. We now know from FDR and the Great Depression that the amount of money spent must be ample. We also know from the same sources that the program to end the depression cannot be stopped as soon as their are indications the depression is leaving. At least we now have some kind of answer to depressions that we didn't have when FDR took office.
Roosevelt was elected in 1932 the Depression did not end until 1943

I don't know how you can say it ended in 1939 when unemployment in 1939 was HIGHER than it was when FDR took office

Shit FDR's own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, said as much when he said, " “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”"

And read the article

Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery. Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943.
Give us a link besides rhe dopey one by from rhe magazine article proclaiming the Depression ended in 1943. Also, provide one that says unemployment was rhe same in or higher in 1939 as it was in 1933. By rhe way, FDR was not the President in 1932.

I never said he was president in 32.

Great Depression Timeline

After all FDR's spending the UE rate dropped about 3% in 6 years

How can you really believe that a president who orders farmers to slaughter 6 million pigs in order to limit competition raise the price of pork was helping the economy?

Kind of reminds me of cash for clunkers, a policy that took millions of perfectly serviceable cars out of the economy and actually hurt the poor and middle class because they could not afford to buy new cars at the higher prices that the reduction of salable cars contributed to
You said he was elected in 1932. Ya, elected, but did not take office until March of '33. By rhe way, by 1941 unemployment was below 10% and by 42 and 43 below 5%. Hence, your economic whiz's are claiming below 10% is a depression, Most economist and historians have the depression ending in 1940.

Yeah it took WWII to get us out of the Depression not FDR's policies that were designed to reduce competition and raise prices

Can you show me anyone who thinks government policy to allow collusion and violations of antitrust laws so as to decrease competition and raise prices is sound policy?
If it took WWII for America to get out of the depression that is evidence that FDR's New Deal did not spend nearly enough.
The depression required war-time spending. We now know from FDR and the Great Depression that the amount of money spent must be ample. We also know from the same sources that the program to end the depression cannot be stopped as soon as their are indications the depression is leaving. At least we now have some kind of answer to depressions that we didn't have when FDR took office.

So if a president today said he was going to abandon anti-trust law and allow corporate collusion do drive competition out of business and raise prices you would think it's a sound policy
Give us a link besides rhe dopey one by from rhe magazine article proclaiming the Depression ended in 1943. Also, provide one that says unemployment was rhe same in or higher in 1939 as it was in 1933. By rhe way, FDR was not the President in 1932.

I never said he was president in 32.

Great Depression Timeline

After all FDR's spending the UE rate dropped about 3% in 6 years

How can you really believe that a president who orders farmers to slaughter 6 million pigs in order to limit competition raise the price of pork was helping the economy?

Kind of reminds me of cash for clunkers, a policy that took millions of perfectly serviceable cars out of the economy and actually hurt the poor and middle class because they could not afford to buy new cars at the higher prices that the reduction of salable cars contributed to
You said he was elected in 1932. Ya, elected, but did not take office until March of '33. By rhe way, by 1941 unemployment was below 10% and by 42 and 43 below 5%. Hence, your economic whiz's are claiming below 10% is a depression, Most economist and historians have the depression ending in 1940.

Yeah it took WWII to get us out of the Depression not FDR's policies that were designed to reduce competition and raise prices

Can you show me anyone who thinks government policy to allow collusion and violations of antitrust laws so as to decrease competition and raise prices is sound policy?
If it took WWII for America to get out of the depression that is evidence that FDR's New Deal did not spend nearly enough.
The depression required war-time spending. We now know from FDR and the Great Depression that the amount of money spent must be ample. We also know from the same sources that the program to end the depression cannot be stopped as soon as their are indications the depression is leaving. At least we now have some kind of answer to depressions that we didn't have when FDR took office.

So if a president today said he was going to abandon anti-trust law and allow corporate collusion do drive competition out of business and raise prices you would think it's a sound policy

How about the time FDR took over all production in this country and told business what they could produce, who they could hire and what supplies they could get ?
I never said he was president in 32.

Great Depression Timeline

After all FDR's spending the UE rate dropped about 3% in 6 years

How can you really believe that a president who orders farmers to slaughter 6 million pigs in order to limit competition raise the price of pork was helping the economy?

Kind of reminds me of cash for clunkers, a policy that took millions of perfectly serviceable cars out of the economy and actually hurt the poor and middle class because they could not afford to buy new cars at the higher prices that the reduction of salable cars contributed to
You said he was elected in 1932. Ya, elected, but did not take office until March of '33. By rhe way, by 1941 unemployment was below 10% and by 42 and 43 below 5%. Hence, your economic whiz's are claiming below 10% is a depression, Most economist and historians have the depression ending in 1940.

Yeah it took WWII to get us out of the Depression not FDR's policies that were designed to reduce competition and raise prices

Can you show me anyone who thinks government policy to allow collusion and violations of antitrust laws so as to decrease competition and raise prices is sound policy?
If it took WWII for America to get out of the depression that is evidence that FDR's New Deal did not spend nearly enough.
The depression required war-time spending. We now know from FDR and the Great Depression that the amount of money spent must be ample. We also know from the same sources that the program to end the depression cannot be stopped as soon as their are indications the depression is leaving. At least we now have some kind of answer to depressions that we didn't have when FDR took office.

So if a president today said he was going to abandon anti-trust law and allow corporate collusion do drive competition out of business and raise prices you would think it's a sound policy

How about the time FDR took over all production in this country and told business what they could produce, who they could hire and what supplies they could get ?
And you refuse to answer my question

Is abandoning anti trust law and allowing corporate collusion to eliminate competition in order to drive up prices sound economic policy?

Does it make sense to slaughter 6 million pigs so as to drive up the price of pork when people were going hungry?

This is exactly what FDR did yet you celebrate him while you would certainly excoriate any president for doing so today
One of the problems of the Great Depression was that selling prices dropped so low that it cost more to make the product than it could be sold for. The example of that was in the farms. It cost more to feed the pigs than the prlce the farmer could get if he sold the pigs. Pigs were destroyed with other farm products because the pigs were to costly to even market.
The NIRA was an attempt to make sure a profit could be made on products. It failed because businessmen set the profit margin too high.

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