FDR Admiration Society

Neither you or Dale refute or challenge my postings. You simply whine and pat yourselves on the back. When I refute and debunk your nonsense you fail to respond. Over and over you pull the same routine. Claim you are right and never wrong, toss a few insults and name calling and then issue a new flood of misdirected out of context quotes.
You claimed and still claim Canaris was a viable conduit for negotiating a conditional surrender. You added names of other Germans who could do the same. I showed how dopey your idea was by exposing the facts about how the Nazi's caught them and killed them and in the case of Canaris, his whole family. Bitch slapping you has become routine.[/QUOTEt

You haven't been able to dispute anything I have claimed.......nothing whatsoever.......bring it on because I know of which I speak......

They don't try to dispute, because they can't.

They just move on to something different....or post "Oh, yeah..but...but...."
I want people to wake the fuck up and start questioning what is being done to them instead of bending over and just taking it. Seriously, if people only realized that the elites haven't accomplished their goal of not needing us just yet, we could turn it all around. I see what is going on and it couldn't be clearer to me but they are closing our window of opportunity to fight back. We need a mass awakening of monumental proportions and elections do not mean shit.
You just are angry that people are not interested in your topics of interest. There are a lot of Americans waking up to various issues and concerns, they just aren't the things that concern you. Vast awakenings have and are occurring in civil rights, economic equality, freedoms being denied in health care and education, judicial process and other issue's. When people say "wake up America" they are simply pleading for attention to their selected agendas and interest. Sorry, there are not more folks who want to focus on old conspiracy theories. That's just the way it is. If conspirators killed Kennedy, they got away with it.

"... people are not interested in your topics of interest."

Seems to hold your interest, huh?
I guess conspiracy issues fall under freedom of speech. Usually conspiracy issues are found allied with fear and rumors.

No fear here at all...I simply don't swallow the bullshit that is fed to me since I have the ability to think for myself along with a keen eye for research. I attack every issue from many different angles. I do not read just things that I suspect may be true without reading the other side. There is a pro for every con and you have to have the ability to discern the information and reach your own conclusion. I have that ability while it seems that you struggle with it. I think you are smart enough that you will eventually "wake up" as to what has been done to you and it has nothing to do with left versus right, white versus black, protestant versus catholicism or poor versus rich. The elites that really call the shots use the divide and conquer strategy in order to keep us divided and fighting with each other so we never see whom the real enemy is. They use psy-ops like the Lusitania sinking, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin and 9/11 to rally the sheep so that we will support illegal wars financed by the very same bankers that extend credit created from thin air and it is our labor that actually moves this fake Monopoly money that they use to buy up real tangible assets. I know quite a bit because I have taken the time and invested lots of it to learn how things really work and it's not what you think at all. You can either wake up now or finally see what I am saying is true when it's too late. I know how the system works and I see how it has been killing this country. I see how this country has been used to prey on countries that didn't have the resources to fight off the military industrial complex whose owners coveted the natural resources they wanted. Read John Perkins book, "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man"....it's pretty enlightening and some things might become clearer to you.
Perkins book has been denounced and debunked by academics, the media, and government agencies and is viewed as a tin foil hat conspiracy theory promoter. Read all about it at Wikipedia. But hey, your the guy that is smarter than University Professors with Doctorate degrees and view University online essays and academic writings as common websites.

Yeah, anyone can write on Wikipedia and unless these "professors" have ever worked for the CIA or the corporate "gubermint" that is USA.INC? How would they know? What we do know is that this corporate entity has funded and propped up any despot that will play ball with them so the money rolls in...don't play ball? There is a coup de 'etat like what happened in Iraq, Iran, Chile, etc, etc......USA.INC doesn't spread "democracy" (which is a joke because America was founded as a Republic)....USA.INC is about the bottom line on the ledger sheet...think, learn, grow and evolve....

"Yeah, anyone can write on Wikipedia..."

Recently, I worked for a political candidate,and found the Leftist slant at Wikipedia....the ease of inserting Leftist propaganda,and the difficulty of adding positive facts to my candidate.
Neither you or Dale refute or challenge my postings. You simply whine and pat yourselves on the back. When I refute and debunk your nonsense you fail to respond. Over and over you pull the same routine. Claim you are right and never wrong, toss a few insults and name calling and then issue a new flood of misdirected out of context quotes.
You claimed and still claim Canaris was a viable conduit for negotiating a conditional surrender. You added names of other Germans who could do the same. I showed how dopey your idea was by exposing the facts about how the Nazi's caught them and killed them and in the case of Canaris, his whole family. Bitch slapping you has become routine.[/QUOTEt

You haven't been able to dispute anything I have claimed.......nothing whatsoever.......bring it on because I know of which I speak......

They don't try to dispute, because they can't.

They just move on to something different....or post "Oh, yeah..but...but...."
I want people to wake the fuck up and start questioning what is being done to them instead of bending over and just taking it. Seriously, if people only realized that the elites haven't accomplished their goal of not needing us just yet, we could turn it all around. I see what is going on and it couldn't be clearer to me but they are closing our window of opportunity to fight back. We need a mass awakening of monumental proportions and elections do not mean shit.
You just are angry that people are not interested in your topics of interest. There are a lot of Americans waking up to various issues and concerns, they just aren't the things that concern you. Vast awakenings have and are occurring in civil rights, economic equality, freedoms being denied in health care and education, judicial process and other issue's. When people say "wake up America" they are simply pleading for attention to their selected agendas and interest. Sorry, there are not more folks who want to focus on old conspiracy theories. That's just the way it is. If conspirators killed Kennedy, they got away with it.
I am not angry in the least...concerned? Most definitely and you don't have a clue as to WHY there is economic inequality. You don't have a clue as to why people are not afforded decent healthcare or even what is making them sick to begin with that feeds into the profits concerning big pharma. Unless you understand the "WHY", you can't understand what it will take. You can stomp your little feet, you can raise your little fist in protest but that isn't going to change diddly squat. Big pharma is owned by the big banks that also own all the big insurance companies...they are not interested in cures because there is no profit in that. The banking oligarchs (using your income taxes from a fiat currency created from thin air) are the majority stockholders in every Fortune 500 corporation that have used this fiat currency to buy off politicians that have put incredibly unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" in place like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT and the most recently job killing agreement in place that is the TPP. The demise of the middle class was planned by the Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N whose sole purpose was to take down the middle class of not only America, but any prosperous country....you see, the elites know that poor people are easier to control. A healthy middle class works against their agenda of a feudalistic, technocratic totalitarian society where they are the rulers over the serfs...how can you not see this?
Neither you or Dale refute or challenge my postings. You simply whine and pat yourselves on the back. When I refute and debunk your nonsense you fail to respond. Over and over you pull the same routine. Claim you are right and never wrong, toss a few insults and name calling and then issue a new flood of misdirected out of context quotes.
You claimed and still claim Canaris was a viable conduit for negotiating a conditional surrender. You added names of other Germans who could do the same. I showed how dopey your idea was by exposing the facts about how the Nazi's caught them and killed them and in the case of Canaris, his whole family. Bitch slapping you has become routine.[/QUOTEt

You haven't been able to dispute anything I have claimed.......nothing whatsoever.......bring it on because I know of which I speak......

They don't try to dispute, because they can't.

They just move on to something different....or post "Oh, yeah..but...but...."
I want people to wake the fuck up and start questioning what is being done to them instead of bending over and just taking it. Seriously, if people only realized that the elites haven't accomplished their goal of not needing us just yet, we could turn it all around. I see what is going on and it couldn't be clearer to me but they are closing our window of opportunity to fight back. We need a mass awakening of monumental proportions and elections do not mean shit.
You just are angry that people are not interested in your topics of interest. There are a lot of Americans waking up to various issues and concerns, they just aren't the things that concern you. Vast awakenings have and are occurring in civil rights, economic equality, freedoms being denied in health care and education, judicial process and other issue's. When people say "wake up America" they are simply pleading for attention to their selected agendas and interest. Sorry, there are not more folks who want to focus on old conspiracy theories. That's just the way it is. If conspirators killed Kennedy, they got away with it.
I am not angry in the least...concerned? Most definitely and you don't have a clue as to WHY there is economic inequality. You don't have a clue as to why people are not afforded decent healthcare or even what is making them sick to begin with that feeds into the profits concerning big pharma. Unless you understand the "WHY", you can't understand what it will take. You can stomp your little feet, you can raise your little fist in protest but that isn't going to change diddly squat. Big pharma is owned by the big banks that also own all the big insurance companies...they are not interested in cures because there is no profit in that. The banking oligarchs (using your income taxes from a fiat currency created from thin air) are the majority stockholders in every Fortune 500 corporation that have used this fiat currency to buy off politicians that have put incredibly unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" in place like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT and the most recently job killing agreement in place that is the TPP. The demise of the middle class was planned by the Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N whose sole purpose was to take down the middle class of not only America, but any prosperous country....you see, the elites know that poor people are easier to control. A healthy middle class works against their agenda of a feudalistic, technocratic totalitarian society where they are the rulers over the serfs...how can you not see this?
None of this has anything to do with FDR. Why don't you start a thread about your issues? Each time you post or get a response to your post the topic is hijacked away from the intent of the OP and thread. I have politely answered your questions and provided links at your request but feel when I do so I am involved in a conspiracy to hijack the thread. If you want to discuss your topic, start that thread.
I guess conspiracy issues fall under freedom of speech. Usually conspiracy issues are found allied with fear and rumors.

No fear here at all...I simply don't swallow the bullshit that is fed to me since I have the ability to think for myself along with a keen eye for research. I attack every issue from many different angles. I do not read just things that I suspect may be true without reading the other side. There is a pro for every con and you have to have the ability to discern the information and reach your own conclusion. I have that ability while it seems that you struggle with it. I think you are smart enough that you will eventually "wake up" as to what has been done to you and it has nothing to do with left versus right, white versus black, protestant versus catholicism or poor versus rich. The elites that really call the shots use the divide and conquer strategy in order to keep us divided and fighting with each other so we never see whom the real enemy is. They use psy-ops like the Lusitania sinking, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin and 9/11 to rally the sheep so that we will support illegal wars financed by the very same bankers that extend credit created from thin air and it is our labor that actually moves this fake Monopoly money that they use to buy up real tangible assets. I know quite a bit because I have taken the time and invested lots of it to learn how things really work and it's not what you think at all. You can either wake up now or finally see what I am saying is true when it's too late. I know how the system works and I see how it has been killing this country. I see how this country has been used to prey on countries that didn't have the resources to fight off the military industrial complex whose owners coveted the natural resources they wanted. Read John Perkins book, "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man"....it's pretty enlightening and some things might become clearer to you.
Perkins book has been denounced and debunked by academics, the media, and government agencies and is viewed as a tin foil hat conspiracy theory promoter. Read all about it at Wikipedia. But hey, your the guy that is smarter than University Professors with Doctorate degrees and view University online essays and academic writings as common websites.

Yeah, anyone can write on Wikipedia and unless these "professors" have ever worked for the CIA or the corporate "gubermint" that is USA.INC? How would they know? What we do know is that this corporate entity has funded and propped up any despot that will play ball with them so the money rolls in...don't play ball? There is a coup de 'etat like what happened in Iraq, Iran, Chile, etc, etc......USA.INC doesn't spread "democracy" (which is a joke because America was founded as a Republic)....USA.INC is about the bottom line on the ledger sheet...think, learn, grow and evolve....

"Yeah, anyone can write on Wikipedia..."

Recently, I worked for a political candidate,and found the Leftist slant at Wikipedia....the ease of inserting Leftist propaganda,and the difficulty of adding positive facts to my candidate.

Wikipedia is a decent source for information if it's not political. One night I spent 10 hours Googling every member that belonged to both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission and Wikipedia was instrumental into looking into their backgrounds. What I found was that every single person that belonged to both groups was schooled at one of the 28 Jesuit colleges or went to an Ivy League school that belonged to a Jesuit secret society like Skull and Bones or they belonged to other prestigious secret societies like Cap and Gown, Quill and Dagger, Scroll and Key, etc, etc.....

They don't try to dispute, because they can't.

They just move on to something different....or post "Oh, yeah..but...but...."
I want people to wake the fuck up and start questioning what is being done to them instead of bending over and just taking it. Seriously, if people only realized that the elites haven't accomplished their goal of not needing us just yet, we could turn it all around. I see what is going on and it couldn't be clearer to me but they are closing our window of opportunity to fight back. We need a mass awakening of monumental proportions and elections do not mean shit.
You just are angry that people are not interested in your topics of interest. There are a lot of Americans waking up to various issues and concerns, they just aren't the things that concern you. Vast awakenings have and are occurring in civil rights, economic equality, freedoms being denied in health care and education, judicial process and other issue's. When people say "wake up America" they are simply pleading for attention to their selected agendas and interest. Sorry, there are not more folks who want to focus on old conspiracy theories. That's just the way it is. If conspirators killed Kennedy, they got away with it.
I am not angry in the least...concerned? Most definitely and you don't have a clue as to WHY there is economic inequality. You don't have a clue as to why people are not afforded decent healthcare or even what is making them sick to begin with that feeds into the profits concerning big pharma. Unless you understand the "WHY", you can't understand what it will take. You can stomp your little feet, you can raise your little fist in protest but that isn't going to change diddly squat. Big pharma is owned by the big banks that also own all the big insurance companies...they are not interested in cures because there is no profit in that. The banking oligarchs (using your income taxes from a fiat currency created from thin air) are the majority stockholders in every Fortune 500 corporation that have used this fiat currency to buy off politicians that have put incredibly unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" in place like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT and the most recently job killing agreement in place that is the TPP. The demise of the middle class was planned by the Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N whose sole purpose was to take down the middle class of not only America, but any prosperous country....you see, the elites know that poor people are easier to control. A healthy middle class works against their agenda of a feudalistic, technocratic totalitarian society where they are the rulers over the serfs...how can you not see this?
None of this has anything to do with FDR. Why don't you start a thread about your issues? Each time you post or get a response to your post the topic is hijacked away from the intent of the OP and thread. I have politely answered your questions and provided links at your request but feel when I do so I am involved in a conspiracy to hijack the thread. If you want to discuss your topic, start that thread.
FDR was not the hero that you proclaim him to be and I have proven that...whether you choose to believe it or not is your issue. He "pledged" our labor as collateral on the debt due to the Bankruptcy Act of March 9th, 1933. Up until 1933, no one had to have a "certificate of live birth". FDR pledged our labor and using the birth certificate that was monetized and printed on bond paper...thus allowing this corporation to "borrow" a fiat currency created from credit extended out of thin air. The huddled, uneducated masses (most of which couldn't even read above a 3rd grade level) were told that they had to turn in their gold (which is real money)did as they were instructed, the banking oligarchs took it in exchange for paper notes that could not be exchanged for real "money" i.e something that had an intrinsic value. The people were sold a bill of goods and they exchanged their God given rights for "privileges" that required people to acquire a license for something that under Admiralty law would be "illegal" otherwise....get it now?

I love when the Left puts up salutary plaques!

Like this one...


"Abraham Lincoln, a Democrat?

So says a plaque at a public university in Lincoln’s home state of Illinois, where, since 1905, students at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago have seen the nation’s 16th president — and quite possibly its most influential — honored as a democrat.

“This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln,” the inscription reads. “Democrat.”
College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat' | Fox News

Roosevelt....nothing to fear but fear itself.....
...and the 32nd President issuing policies that extended both the Depression, and WWII>

True story.
They don't try to dispute, because they can't.

They just move on to something different....or post "Oh, yeah..but...but...."
I want people to wake the fuck up and start questioning what is being done to them instead of bending over and just taking it. Seriously, if people only realized that the elites haven't accomplished their goal of not needing us just yet, we could turn it all around. I see what is going on and it couldn't be clearer to me but they are closing our window of opportunity to fight back. We need a mass awakening of monumental proportions and elections do not mean shit.
You just are angry that people are not interested in your topics of interest. There are a lot of Americans waking up to various issues and concerns, they just aren't the things that concern you. Vast awakenings have and are occurring in civil rights, economic equality, freedoms being denied in health care and education, judicial process and other issue's. When people say "wake up America" they are simply pleading for attention to their selected agendas and interest. Sorry, there are not more folks who want to focus on old conspiracy theories. That's just the way it is. If conspirators killed Kennedy, they got away with it.
I am not angry in the least...concerned? Most definitely and you don't have a clue as to WHY there is economic inequality. You don't have a clue as to why people are not afforded decent healthcare or even what is making them sick to begin with that feeds into the profits concerning big pharma. Unless you understand the "WHY", you can't understand what it will take. You can stomp your little feet, you can raise your little fist in protest but that isn't going to change diddly squat. Big pharma is owned by the big banks that also own all the big insurance companies...they are not interested in cures because there is no profit in that. The banking oligarchs (using your income taxes from a fiat currency created from thin air) are the majority stockholders in every Fortune 500 corporation that have used this fiat currency to buy off politicians that have put incredibly unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" in place like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT and the most recently job killing agreement in place that is the TPP. The demise of the middle class was planned by the Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N whose sole purpose was to take down the middle class of not only America, but any prosperous country....you see, the elites know that poor people are easier to control. A healthy middle class works against their agenda of a feudalistic, technocratic totalitarian society where they are the rulers over the serfs...how can you not see this?
None of this has anything to do with FDR. Why don't you start a thread about your issues? Each time you post or get a response to your post the topic is hijacked away from the intent of the OP and thread. I have politely answered your questions and provided links at your request but feel when I do so I am involved in a conspiracy to hijack the thread. If you want to discuss your topic, start that thread.
FDR was not the hero that you proclaim him to be and I have proven that...whether you choose to believe it or not is your issue. He "pledged" our labor as collateral on the debt due to the Bankruptcy Act of March 9th, 1933. Up until 1933, no one had to have a "certificate of live birth". FDR pledged our labor and using the birth certificate that was monetized and printed on bond paper...thus allowing this corporation to "borrow" a fiat currency created from credit extended out of thin air. The huddled, uneducated masses (most of which couldn't even read above a 3rd grade level) were told that they had to turn in their gold (which is real money)did as they were instructed, the banking oligarchs took it in exchange for paper notes that could not be exchanged for real "money" i.e something that had an intrinsic value. The people were sold a bill of goods and they exchanged their God given rights for "privileges" that required people to acquire a license for something that under Admiralty law would be "illegal" otherwise....get it now?
Tin foil hat nonsense. I provided a link. You do not give credit to responses made by Doctorate degree professors from highly ranked accredited universities, so any debate with you is hopeless. No matter how many links are provided to debunk and discredit your conspiracy theory, you will simply repeat your last response and proclaim you have studied the issue and know more about it than even the Doctorate degree scholars at the finest and most respected universities and colleges in the world.
The link to the FDR Memorial was posted because this is actually a thread about FDR and not designed to be a catch-all thread for a couple of conspiracy theory buffs.

I love when the Left puts up salutary plaques!

Like this one...


"Abraham Lincoln, a Democrat?

So says a plaque at a public university in Lincoln’s home state of Illinois, where, since 1905, students at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago have seen the nation’s 16th president — and quite possibly its most influential — honored as a democrat.

“This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln,” the inscription reads. “Democrat.”
College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat' | Fox News

Roosevelt....nothing to fear but fear itself.....
...and the 32nd President issuing policies that extended both the Depression, and WWII>

True story.
So you are doing the usual routine. A specific series of questions you have evaded answering were shown to you this morning and you are failing to respond, but happy to make a post that has nothing to do with the topics you were challenged with. Oh look, a college called Lincoln a Democrat on a plaque.
Did you even read the whole article by FOX about the 1905 plague?
Last edited:
I want people to wake the fuck up and start questioning what is being done to them instead of bending over and just taking it. Seriously, if people only realized that the elites haven't accomplished their goal of not needing us just yet, we could turn it all around. I see what is going on and it couldn't be clearer to me but they are closing our window of opportunity to fight back. We need a mass awakening of monumental proportions and elections do not mean shit.
You just are angry that people are not interested in your topics of interest. There are a lot of Americans waking up to various issues and concerns, they just aren't the things that concern you. Vast awakenings have and are occurring in civil rights, economic equality, freedoms being denied in health care and education, judicial process and other issue's. When people say "wake up America" they are simply pleading for attention to their selected agendas and interest. Sorry, there are not more folks who want to focus on old conspiracy theories. That's just the way it is. If conspirators killed Kennedy, they got away with it.
I am not angry in the least...concerned? Most definitely and you don't have a clue as to WHY there is economic inequality. You don't have a clue as to why people are not afforded decent healthcare or even what is making them sick to begin with that feeds into the profits concerning big pharma. Unless you understand the "WHY", you can't understand what it will take. You can stomp your little feet, you can raise your little fist in protest but that isn't going to change diddly squat. Big pharma is owned by the big banks that also own all the big insurance companies...they are not interested in cures because there is no profit in that. The banking oligarchs (using your income taxes from a fiat currency created from thin air) are the majority stockholders in every Fortune 500 corporation that have used this fiat currency to buy off politicians that have put incredibly unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" in place like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT and the most recently job killing agreement in place that is the TPP. The demise of the middle class was planned by the Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N whose sole purpose was to take down the middle class of not only America, but any prosperous country....you see, the elites know that poor people are easier to control. A healthy middle class works against their agenda of a feudalistic, technocratic totalitarian society where they are the rulers over the serfs...how can you not see this?
None of this has anything to do with FDR. Why don't you start a thread about your issues? Each time you post or get a response to your post the topic is hijacked away from the intent of the OP and thread. I have politely answered your questions and provided links at your request but feel when I do so I am involved in a conspiracy to hijack the thread. If you want to discuss your topic, start that thread.
FDR was not the hero that you proclaim him to be and I have proven that...whether you choose to believe it or not is your issue. He "pledged" our labor as collateral on the debt due to the Bankruptcy Act of March 9th, 1933. Up until 1933, no one had to have a "certificate of live birth". FDR pledged our labor and using the birth certificate that was monetized and printed on bond paper...thus allowing this corporation to "borrow" a fiat currency created from credit extended out of thin air. The huddled, uneducated masses (most of which couldn't even read above a 3rd grade level) were told that they had to turn in their gold (which is real money)did as they were instructed, the banking oligarchs took it in exchange for paper notes that could not be exchanged for real "money" i.e something that had an intrinsic value. The people were sold a bill of goods and they exchanged their God given rights for "privileges" that required people to acquire a license for something that under Admiralty law would be "illegal" otherwise....get it now?
Tin foil hat nonsense. I provided a link. You do not give credit to responses made by Doctorate degree professors from highly ranked accredited universities, so any debate with you is hopeless. No matter how many links are provided to debunk and discredit your conspiracy theory, you will simply repeat your last response and proclaim you have studied the issue and know more about it than even the Doctorate degree scholars at the finest and most respected universities and colleges in the world.
The link to the FDR Memorial was posted because this is actually a thread about FDR and not designed to be a catch-all thread for a couple of conspiracy theory buffs.
Oh how I wish that was the case...that I was just some kind of delusional "nut case" that latches onto any type of "anti- gubermint" conspiracy but nothing could be further from the truth. Up until I was 49 years old, I bought everything this corporate "gubermint" fed me. I demonized people that dared to question any official story because I had child like faith....but to my detriment, I moved to Detroit, Michigan three plus years ago for work. I was free from distractions like playing in a band, gathering with friends, etc, etc so I was isolated. My son that was 17 at the time swore up and down that 9/11 was an inside job and if I would watch "Loose Change" and if I could walk away from watching that with no questions? He would stop bugging me...I eagerly took him up on the challenge because who wants to be taught how the cow ate the cabbage from some "wet behind the ears" kid? I watched it and took notes just so I could shut his ass up. I watched it and I was stunned to learn that there was so much that we were not told...and then right around that time Eric Snowden revealed that all the tools necessary to spy and store our every move on the internet and cellphone activity had been put in place before 9/11 and that the Patriot Act had been written well in advance....when these revelations hit me and the scales fell from my eyes? It pissed me off so much that I went from being horrified to being one pissed off motherfucker. I turned off the TV and started downloading books, listening to documentaries and lectures. It became a quest for the truth and I don't give a shit on how ugly it is. I have prayed for guidance every time I venture down the rabbit hole because it veers off in so many directions but God has granted me "clarity of thought" and the ability to do proper vetting of information and the ability to discern information...so your university "professors" and their opinions do not mean diddly squat to me. I would love to discuss some things with them because I am armed to the hilt with information....because this is what I do....it is pretty much all I do...even when I am at work. I am a walking, talking encyclopedia of knowledge and I soak information up like a sponge.
Neither you or Dale refute or challenge my postings. You simply whine and pat yourselves on the back. When I refute and debunk your nonsense you fail to respond. Over and over you pull the same routine. Claim you are right and never wrong, toss a few insults and name calling and then issue a new flood of misdirected out of context quotes.
You claimed and still claim Canaris was a viable conduit for negotiating a conditional surrender. You added names of other Germans who could do the same. I showed how dopey your idea was by exposing the facts about how the Nazi's caught them and killed them and in the case of Canaris, his whole family. Bitch slapping you has become routine.[/QUOTEt

You haven't been able to dispute anything I have claimed.......nothing whatsoever.......bring it on because I know of which I speak......

They don't try to dispute, because they can't.

They just move on to something different....or post "Oh, yeah..but...but...."
I want people to wake the fuck up and start questioning what is being done to them instead of bending over and just taking it. Seriously, if people only realized that the elites haven't accomplished their goal of not needing us just yet, we could turn it all around. I see what is going on and it couldn't be clearer to me but they are closing our window of opportunity to fight back. We need a mass awakening of monumental proportions and elections do not mean shit.
You just are angry that people are not interested in your topics of interest. There are a lot of Americans waking up to various issues and concerns, they just aren't the things that concern you. Vast awakenings have and are occurring in civil rights, economic equality, freedoms being denied in health care and education, judicial process and other issue's. When people say "wake up America" they are simply pleading for attention to their selected agendas and interest. Sorry, there are not more folks who want to focus on old conspiracy theories. That's just the way it is. If conspirators killed Kennedy, they got away with it.

"... people are not interested in your topics of interest."

Seems to hold your interest, huh?
Yeah, he's evil.

They don't try to dispute, because they can't.

They just move on to something different....or post "Oh, yeah..but...but...."
I want people to wake the fuck up and start questioning what is being done to them instead of bending over and just taking it. Seriously, if people only realized that the elites haven't accomplished their goal of not needing us just yet, we could turn it all around. I see what is going on and it couldn't be clearer to me but they are closing our window of opportunity to fight back. We need a mass awakening of monumental proportions and elections do not mean shit.
You just are angry that people are not interested in your topics of interest. There are a lot of Americans waking up to various issues and concerns, they just aren't the things that concern you. Vast awakenings have and are occurring in civil rights, economic equality, freedoms being denied in health care and education, judicial process and other issue's. When people say "wake up America" they are simply pleading for attention to their selected agendas and interest. Sorry, there are not more folks who want to focus on old conspiracy theories. That's just the way it is. If conspirators killed Kennedy, they got away with it.

"... people are not interested in your topics of interest."

Seems to hold your interest, huh?
Yeah, he's evil.

Elected FOUR times

Looks like the Republicans were evil

Seven Years?
Now you are just getting silly

Depression ended in 1939. Seven years would have ended it in 1932
FDR did not take office until 1932
FDR inherited the Grear Depression and began making life easier for the American people as soon as he took office. They kept electing him over and over. People who lived in the Grear Depression and WWII loved, trusted, and respected their President.
FDR turned the US into a modern Democracy

Trump is returning us to our isolationist past

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