FDR & Obama: Two Peas in a Pod?

Considering most historians are Progressives who believe FDR 20% Unemployment for 7 years was "Great" then yeah, Obama's downgrade and record unemployment will rate him great too

And we have good ol' Calvin Coolidge and Hebert Hoover to thank for that.

Because creating a small class of obscenely wealthy folks always has good outcomes..no?


How do you confuse Coolidge with "Wonder Boy" Hoover?

They were totally different. FDR emulated Hoovers policies and turned a recession into the FDR Depression. Coolidge and Harding turned a worse recession around in 18 minths

I'm beginning to wonder about economists, are most of them communists and socialists too?
1. Both blamed their poor economic performances on their predecessors. As President-elect, FDR refused to even meet with Hoover to discuss the country's problems. Sound familiar? As a result, a Constitutional Amendment was passed to move up the inauguration date by three months.

2. Both were reelected by withholding important information from the voters. FDR was seriously ill and died six months after the 1944 election. Obama was seriously negligent and covered up the assassination of our Ambassador just before the 2012 election.

3. Both were foreign policy amateurs who created enormous problems for their successors. FDR was suckered by Stalin, just as Obama has been suckered by Putin/Assad.

Any others?

Until FDR was sworn in, Hoover was the president. FDR should not have gotten involved with Hoover's presidency, and had FDR gotten involved everything could have been blamed on FDR's advice.

FDR was governor of New York and had been an assistant Secretary of the Navy.

FDR was not seriously ill when elected and the nation knew he had polio. The March Dimes was started in his name and the march of dimes led to the eradication of polio.

As for Stalin the USSR is now gone and America is still here. The casualties the USSR took were enormous as America looked on sending supplies but not men until Germany declared war on America.

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