FDR Warns America About Today's republicans

Only things he did wrong in his presidency was allow jewish pressure in and falling to jewish pressure to aid England and then attack Germany.
I figured it was only a matter of time before a rwnj jew hater would show up. yupp.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Well if you did not post your far left propaganda anymore there would be one less Jew hater on this board!
Only things he did wrong in his presidency was allow jewish pressure in and falling to jewish pressure to aid England and then attack Germany.

Do you think England would have defeated NAZI Germany without America entering the war? If FDR had listened to you, were would be either goose stepping or subjects of Stalin.
Probably not. I doubt we would be either. USSR collapsed without firing a shot...Hitler wanted Europe and room to grow his Reich...I think we would have eventually allied with Hitler as there was a lot of pro German supporters in America. England was none of our concern IMO...they may have won the war but they lost Europe to communism for 50 years and they lost almost ALL of their empire.
Yes, I can imagine that a traitorous rwnj like you would have gladly allied himself with Hitler. Thank you so much for proving that once again, Rughties have been wrong about pretty much everything.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Only things he did wrong in his presidency was allow jewish pressure in and falling to jewish pressure to aid England and then attack Germany.

I guess you didn't catch in your history class that Germany declared war on us first.
I am a history buff so yes I know that. I also know Roosevelt KNEW the Japanese were going to attack and he wanted and needed them to to give the US a reason to get into the war. Before Pearl Harbor the US had been committing economic terrorism against Japan and the US brought it on themselves...well the politicians did,the sailors and soldiers just became collateral damage for the corporate and political scumbags.
Ah...I cannot understand why people consider far right wingers to be crazy loon jobs. :cuckoo:
Do you paint everyone who doesn't agree with you as far right wingers? Seems to be a cop out so you don't have to debate them...but yeah I am not a right winger. I am a Racial Socialist. So economically I am a socialist,socially I am a nationalist/Conservative/etc.
Yes, I can imagine that you are a racial something something.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Only things he did wrong in his presidency was allow jewish pressure in and falling to jewish pressure to aid England and then attack Germany.

I guess you didn't catch in your history class that Germany declared war on us first.
I am a history buff so yes I know that. I also know Roosevelt KNEW the Japanese were going to attack and he wanted and needed them to to give the US a reason to get into the war. Before Pearl Harbor the US had been committing economic terrorism against Japan and the US brought it on themselves...well the politicians did,the sailors and soldiers just became collateral damage for the corporate and political scumbags.
Ah...I cannot understand why people consider far right wingers to be crazy loon jobs. :cuckoo:
Do you paint everyone who doesn't agree with you as far right wingers? Seems to be a cop out so you don't have to debate them...but yeah I am not a right winger. I am a Racial Socialist. So economically I am a socialist,socially I am a nationalist/Conservative/etc.
Yes, I can imagine that you are a racial something something.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Looking in the mirror again there far left drone?
This should be good. Kosh is going to tell us about Germany not attacking American ships, including Navel vessels and the Japanese didn't attack Pearl Harbor.

And yet the far left still will not acknowledge the true history of FDR, yet they run a narrative about another president.

The far left just loves to rewrite history to fit their hypocrisy filled narrative...

The history about FDR that is accepted by American and foreign historians and scholars on the left, the right, the center and the objective neutral has been in existence for over 70 years you idiot. The revisionist are the agenda driven political hacks that began popping up in the mid 90's with a revised history. That is why it is called revisionist history you dope. The revisionist follower history nut job zombie like robots like you promote the that garbage is written by political commentators and conspiracy theorist. The extreme right that includes the radical corporatist, birchers and fascist went into a panic when the FDR Memorial and Monument was erected in the nations capitol. Only three other Presidents are recognized in such a way, unless you count the Kennedy Center. The FDR Memorial stands between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and all three stand in the shadow of the Washington Monument. The nation officially recognizes the history inscribed on the panels carved in stone and on bronze panels as part of the Monument dedicated to who has been recognized as one of our greatest President's. The ideologies and beliefs of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt are honored, respected and preserved forever in our nations capitol.
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This should be good. Kosh is going to tell us about Germany not attacking American ships, including Navel vessels and the Japanese didn't attack Pearl Harbor.

And yet the far left still will not acknowledge the true history of FDR, yet they run a narrative about another president.

The far left just loves to rewrite history to fit their hypocrisy filled narrative...

The history about FDR that is accepted by American and foreign historians and scholars on the left, the right, the center and the objective neutral has been in existence for over 70 years you idiot. The revisionist are the agenda driven political hacks that began popping up in the mid 90's with a revised history. That is why it is called revisionist history you dope. The revisionist follower history nut job zombie like robots like you promote the that garbage is written by political commentators and conspiracy theorist. The extreme right that includes the radical corporatist, birchers and fascist went into a panic when the FDR Memorial and Monument was erected in the nations capitol. Only three other Presidents are recognized in such a way, unless you count the Kennedy Center. The FDR Memorial stands between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and all three stand in the shadow of the Washington Monument. The nation officially recognizes the history inscribed on the panels carved in stone and on bronze panels as part of the Monument dedicated to who has been recognized as one of our greatest President's.

Yes so the far left want to do all they can to prop up their God despite that FDR lied the US into war, attacked a country that did not attack the US and did away with due process.

So this far left drone just proved my earlier comments!

Check mate..
This should be good. Kosh is going to tell us about Germany not attacking American ships, including Navel vessels and the Japanese didn't attack Pearl Harbor.

And yet the far left still will not acknowledge the true history of FDR, yet they run a narrative about another president.

The far left just loves to rewrite history to fit their hypocrisy filled narrative...

The history about FDR that is accepted by American and foreign historians and scholars on the left, the right, the center and the objective neutral has been in existence for over 70 years you idiot. The revisionist are the agenda driven political hacks that began popping up in the mid 90's with a revised history. That is why it is called revisionist history you dope. The revisionist follower history nut job zombie like robots like you promote the that garbage is written by political commentators and conspiracy theorist. The extreme right that includes the radical corporatist, birchers and fascist went into a panic when the FDR Memorial and Monument was erected in the nations capitol. Only three other Presidents are recognized in such a way, unless you count the Kennedy Center. The FDR Memorial stands between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and all three stand in the shadow of the Washington Monument. The nation officially recognizes the history inscribed on the panels carved in stone and on bronze panels as part of the Monument dedicated to who has been recognized as one of our greatest President's.

Yes so the far left want to do all they can to prop up their God despite that FDR lied the US into war, attacked a country that did not attack the US and did away with due process.

So this far left drone just proved my earlier comments!

Check mate..
You offer up an opinion about Roosevelt lying the nation into war. The opinion is not based on facts, but rather what became a poplar subject of conspiracy theory books and magazine articles of the 20th Century. For each set of these conspiracy theories there are books and articles that debunk and refute them.

Your comment that FDR attacked a country that did not attack the US is to crazy to even address. Are you seriously suggesting the US was not attacked at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines and that Germany was not attacking US vessels, including US Navy ships in the Atlantic or that Germany did not declare war on America?

Can we assume you are talking about the internment of west coast Japanese after the public and west coast politicians demanded the internment camps be established. Yes, FDR made the mistake of listening to 90% of the population who feared the Japanese American population. He would have been judged far more harshly if the vast percentage of citizens didn't support the internment, or if their would have been an act of sabotage committed.
This should be good. Kosh is going to tell us about Germany not attacking American ships, including Navel vessels and the Japanese didn't attack Pearl Harbor.

And yet the far left still will not acknowledge the true history of FDR, yet they run a narrative about another president.

The far left just loves to rewrite history to fit their hypocrisy filled narrative...

The history about FDR that is accepted by American and foreign historians and scholars on the left, the right, the center and the objective neutral has been in existence for over 70 years you idiot. The revisionist are the agenda driven political hacks that began popping up in the mid 90's with a revised history. That is why it is called revisionist history you dope. The revisionist follower history nut job zombie like robots like you promote the that garbage is written by political commentators and conspiracy theorist. The extreme right that includes the radical corporatist, birchers and fascist went into a panic when the FDR Memorial and Monument was erected in the nations capitol. Only three other Presidents are recognized in such a way, unless you count the Kennedy Center. The FDR Memorial stands between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and all three stand in the shadow of the Washington Monument. The nation officially recognizes the history inscribed on the panels carved in stone and on bronze panels as part of the Monument dedicated to who has been recognized as one of our greatest President's.

Yes so the far left want to do all they can to prop up their God despite that FDR lied the US into war, attacked a country that did not attack the US and did away with due process.

So this far left drone just proved my earlier comments!

Check mate..
You offer up an opinion about Roosevelt lying the nation into war. The opinion is not based on facts, but rather what became a poplar subject of conspiracy theory books and magazine articles of the 20th Century. For each set of these conspiracy theories there are books and articles that debunk and refute them.

Your comment that FDR attacked a country that did not attack the US is to crazy to even address. Are you seriously suggesting the US was not attacked at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines and that Germany was not attacking US vessels, including US Navy ships in the Atlantic or that Germany did not declare war on America?

Can we assume you are talking about the internment of west coast Japanese after the public and west coast politicians demanded the internment camps be established. Yes, FDR made the mistake of listening to 90% of the population who feared the Japanese American population. He would have been judged far more harshly if the vast percentage of citizens didn't support the internment, or if their would have been an act of sabotage committed.

See how the far left will deny the facts and blame others!

Also see how they claim that declaring war is the same as attacking!

See why the far left religion is so dangerous? They hold different standards for their own, but because he had a (D) next to his name he get s a pass.

The real reason the far left loves FDR is because he almost turned this country into a socialist nation.

What is even more funny is watch the far left rail against the military industrial complex, but is was FDR that made that complex. See the hypocrisy of the far left at work..
This should be good. Kosh is going to tell us about Germany not attacking American ships, including Navel vessels and the Japanese didn't attack Pearl Harbor.

And yet the far left still will not acknowledge the true history of FDR, yet they run a narrative about another president.

The far left just loves to rewrite history to fit their hypocrisy filled narrative...

The history about FDR that is accepted by American and foreign historians and scholars on the left, the right, the center and the objective neutral has been in existence for over 70 years you idiot. The revisionist are the agenda driven political hacks that began popping up in the mid 90's with a revised history. That is why it is called revisionist history you dope. The revisionist follower history nut job zombie like robots like you promote the that garbage is written by political commentators and conspiracy theorist. The extreme right that includes the radical corporatist, birchers and fascist went into a panic when the FDR Memorial and Monument was erected in the nations capitol. Only three other Presidents are recognized in such a way, unless you count the Kennedy Center. The FDR Memorial stands between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and all three stand in the shadow of the Washington Monument. The nation officially recognizes the history inscribed on the panels carved in stone and on bronze panels as part of the Monument dedicated to who has been recognized as one of our greatest President's.

Yes so the far left want to do all they can to prop up their God despite that FDR lied the US into war, attacked a country that did not attack the US and did away with due process.

So this far left drone just proved my earlier comments!

Check mate..
You offer up an opinion about Roosevelt lying the nation into war. The opinion is not based on facts, but rather what became a poplar subject of conspiracy theory books and magazine articles of the 20th Century. For each set of these conspiracy theories there are books and articles that debunk and refute them.

Your comment that FDR attacked a country that did not attack the US is to crazy to even address. Are you seriously suggesting the US was not attacked at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines and that Germany was not attacking US vessels, including US Navy ships in the Atlantic or that Germany did not declare war on America?

Can we assume you are talking about the internment of west coast Japanese after the public and west coast politicians demanded the internment camps be established. Yes, FDR made the mistake of listening to 90% of the population who feared the Japanese American population. He would have been judged far more harshly if the vast percentage of citizens didn't support the internment, or if their would have been an act of sabotage committed.

See how the far left will deny the facts and blame others!

Also see how they claim that declaring war is the same as attacking!

See why the far left religion is so dangerous? They hold different standards for their own, but because he had a (D) next to his name he get s a pass.

The real reason the far left loves FDR is because he almost turned this country into a socialist nation.

What is even more funny is watch the far left rail against the military industrial complex, but is was FDR that made that complex. See the hypocrisy of the far left at work..
Your posts get more idiotic as the thread progresses.

"Also see how they claim that declaring war is the same as attacking!" Shooting torpedo's out of submarines at ships qualifies as attacking you nut job. Both the USS Greer and the USS Kearny were attacked for ignoring Hitler's orders not to escort American merchant vessels across the Atlantic. FDR decided not to take orders from Adolf and declared the seas to be neutral areas and refused to give up the right of US vessels to sail the seas. The Kearny survived the attack with a loss of 11 killed and 22 injured sailors. Another ship, the USS Reuben James didn't make it back to port. It was sunk and sent to the bottom of the ocean with 115 sailors. All this happened before Pearl Harbor and was committed by German submarines. These are the kinds of facts the revisionist like to leave out of their conspiracy theories. Of course the attack of Pearl Harbor is conveniently being ignored.

The poster is correct, FDR helped to establish the military industrial complex. The thing we call World War II had something to do with that. Yes, he turned the US into an arsenal that defeated the Japanese and Germans. His leadership in the years preceding years of WWII helped to develop the high tech weapons that overpowered our enemies and at the same time prepared private industry to quickly move from development to production. His foresight and vision was one of the assets that garnered him recognition as a great leader of the time.
Only things he did wrong in his presidency was allow jewish pressure in and falling to jewish pressure to aid England and then attack Germany.
I figured it was only a matter of time before a rwnj jew hater would show up. yupp.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Would only be a matter of time before someone whined that saying jewish pressure and Jews in general within the administration pushed for war would be called anti jewish or anti semitic. I am more than happy to debate this with you..I mean it was World Jewry that in 1933 declared war on Germany. That is a fact and indisputable.
Only things he did wrong in his presidency was allow jewish pressure in and falling to jewish pressure to aid England and then attack Germany.

Do you think England would have defeated NAZI Germany without America entering the war? If FDR had listened to you, were would be either goose stepping or subjects of Stalin.
Probably not. I doubt we would be either. USSR collapsed without firing a shot...Hitler wanted Europe and room to grow his Reich...I think we would have eventually allied with Hitler as there was a lot of pro German supporters in America. England was none of our concern IMO...they may have won the war but they lost Europe to communism for 50 years and they lost almost ALL of their empire.
Yes, I can imagine that a traitorous rwnj like you would have gladly allied himself with Hitler. Thank you so much for proving that once again, Rughties have been wrong about pretty much everything.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Actually if I had been president I would have stayed LEGIT when I said we were staying neutral instead of committing economic terrorism against Japan and helping the British find German Subs and giving them arms. The war had nothing to do with us I would have been diplomatic with whoever won after it was over.Only traitors I see are those who were more loyal to their Jewish brethren and not the country they were supposed to be serving.

Only things he did wrong in his presidency was allow jewish pressure in and falling to jewish pressure to aid England and then attack Germany.
I figured it was only a matter of time before a rwnj jew hater would show up. yupp.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

He's a socialist. That makes him a left-winger.
Racial Socialist...but it doesn't matter Statisk is a jew and anyone who DARES tell the truth about jews is an evilantisemitewhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
Great Depression - 20th Century History

The majority opinion is that only the war brought us out of the depression, including spending in preparing for the war. Roosevelt did not end the depression as some here would lead you to believe.
So Keynes brought us out of the Great Republican Depression.

How does a recession made worse by democrats who were in control of the house and Senate for two years become a Republican recession? Oh right you also tell fairy stories.

Because it's bad, so Republicans did it
This should be good. Kosh is going to tell us about Germany not attacking American ships, including Navel vessels and the Japanese didn't attack Pearl Harbor.

And yet the far left still will not acknowledge the true history of FDR, yet they run a narrative about another president.

The far left just loves to rewrite history to fit their hypocrisy filled narrative...

The history about FDR that is accepted by American and foreign historians and scholars on the left, the right, the center and the objective neutral has been in existence for over 70 years you idiot. The revisionist are the agenda driven political hacks that began popping up in the mid 90's with a revised history. That is why it is called revisionist history you dope. The revisionist follower history nut job zombie like robots like you promote the that garbage is written by political commentators and conspiracy theorist. The extreme right that includes the radical corporatist, birchers and fascist went into a panic when the FDR Memorial and Monument was erected in the nations capitol. Only three other Presidents are recognized in such a way, unless you count the Kennedy Center. The FDR Memorial stands between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and all three stand in the shadow of the Washington Monument. The nation officially recognizes the history inscribed on the panels carved in stone and on bronze panels as part of the Monument dedicated to who has been recognized as one of our greatest President's.

Yes so the far left want to do all they can to prop up their God despite that FDR lied the US into war, attacked a country that did not attack the US and did away with due process.

So this far left drone just proved my earlier comments!

Check mate..
You offer up an opinion about Roosevelt lying the nation into war. The opinion is not based on facts, but rather what became a poplar subject of conspiracy theory books and magazine articles of the 20th Century. For each set of these conspiracy theories there are books and articles that debunk and refute them.

Your comment that FDR attacked a country that did not attack the US is to crazy to even address. Are you seriously suggesting the US was not attacked at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines and that Germany was not attacking US vessels, including US Navy ships in the Atlantic or that Germany did not declare war on America?

Can we assume you are talking about the internment of west coast Japanese after the public and west coast politicians demanded the internment camps be established. Yes, FDR made the mistake of listening to 90% of the population who feared the Japanese American population. He would have been judged far more harshly if the vast percentage of citizens didn't support the internment, or if their would have been an act of sabotage committed.

See how the far left will deny the facts and blame others!

Also see how they claim that declaring war is the same as attacking!

See why the far left religion is so dangerous? They hold different standards for their own, but because he had a (D) next to his name he get s a pass.

The real reason the far left loves FDR is because he almost turned this country into a socialist nation.

What is even more funny is watch the far left rail against the military industrial complex, but is was FDR that made that complex. See the hypocrisy of the far left at work..

Such is the nature of evil... That's what it does.

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