FDR Warns America About Today's republicans

Speaking of crystal balls...Benjamin Franklin said this LONG before FDR was around:
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
Seems like Ben foresaw the modern progressive movement.

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

Ah, the great debate about the origin of that quote! It's widely accepted that Franklin used that particular wording...just as it's known that others coined similar sentiments prior to Franklin. My point remains the same...Franklin foresaw the problem with the people being able to vote themselves money...which is the underlying Achilles heel of modern day progressive thought.

It is not widely accepted. It is widely disseminated by the right wing echo chamber.


"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." —NOT Benjamin Franklin

This meme was generated (or at least circulated) by Americans for Prosperity. Given that this organization likes to pass itself off as a responsible participant in the nation’s political life, you’d think they’d take 10 seconds to check the veracity of the quotes they attribute to founders like Franklin. But Franklin never said this, even though you wouldn’t know it from the hundreds of times it’s been attributed to him on the web (without citation), almost always by folks with Conservative/Libertarian politics.

Examples include

1) This Forbes Magazine blog.

2) The “policy forum" at entrepreneurship.org.

3) This edu site intended for use by teachers.

4) The webpage of Walter E. Williams, an economics professor at George Mason.

This misquote is also ubiquitous in the Tea Party blogosphere as well.

The real Ben Franklin was more subtle (and arguably progressive) in his understanding of the relationship between private property and the state. Here’s a quote (too long for a meme, unfortunately) that reveals a far less Conservative/Libertarian Franklin:

"All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages [sic]. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it." Property Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris

I see this far left drone did not cite the far left source they pulled this form.. When the people find they can vote themselves... FakeFoundersQuotes

However: Not Franklin, and there is no validated source for it. Exhaustive attempts to identify a source are detailed here:

Hey pea brain, I already cited the source you posted in my first reply to Old Style. Have an adult in the room so you can keep up.

Post 189

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

No you did not far left drone! None of that was your words..

No, they really weren't. democrats were often openly Marxist in FDR's time - this includes FDR.
That's what the John Birch Society believed. It was founded by the Koch Brother's father, as the Koch Brothers started its latest incarnation, the Tea Party. Of course you believe it too.

Says the far left drone that believes the far left propaganda without question or hesitation..
Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ah yes the far left posts a link that does not fit their propaganda once again!
FDR prolonged the depression which the more I think about it is EXACTLY what Obama is doing. After all Obama said FDR was his idol. Harvard is a dangerous institution.

Imaginary revisionist history scenarios can be so much fun. I wonder what would have happened if Lee had Sherman tanks at Gettysburg?
FDR prolonged the depression which the more I think about it is EXACTLY what Obama is doing. After all Obama said FDR was his idol. Harvard is a dangerous institution.

Imaginary revisionist history scenarios can be so much fun. I wonder what would have happened if Lee had Sherman tanks at Gettysburg?

Imagine if the slaves could read books!!!
FDR prolonged the depression which the more I think about it is EXACTLY what Obama is doing. After all Obama said FDR was his idol. Harvard is a dangerous institution.

Imaginary revisionist history scenarios can be so much fun. I wonder what would have happened if Lee had Sherman tanks at Gettysburg?

Yep like if the far left would hold FDR to the same standards they do anyone with an (R)..
Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

Ah, the great debate about the origin of that quote! It's widely accepted that Franklin used that particular wording...just as it's known that others coined similar sentiments prior to Franklin. My point remains the same...Franklin foresaw the problem with the people being able to vote themselves money...which is the underlying Achilles heel of modern day progressive thought.

It is not widely accepted. It is widely disseminated by the right wing echo chamber.


"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." —NOT Benjamin Franklin

This meme was generated (or at least circulated) by Americans for Prosperity. Given that this organization likes to pass itself off as a responsible participant in the nation’s political life, you’d think they’d take 10 seconds to check the veracity of the quotes they attribute to founders like Franklin. But Franklin never said this, even though you wouldn’t know it from the hundreds of times it’s been attributed to him on the web (without citation), almost always by folks with Conservative/Libertarian politics.

Examples include

1) This Forbes Magazine blog.

2) The “policy forum" at entrepreneurship.org.

3) This edu site intended for use by teachers.

4) The webpage of Walter E. Williams, an economics professor at George Mason.

This misquote is also ubiquitous in the Tea Party blogosphere as well.

The real Ben Franklin was more subtle (and arguably progressive) in his understanding of the relationship between private property and the state. Here’s a quote (too long for a meme, unfortunately) that reveals a far less Conservative/Libertarian Franklin:

"All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages [sic]. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it." Property Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris

I see this far left drone did not cite the far left source they pulled this form.. When the people find they can vote themselves... FakeFoundersQuotes

However: Not Franklin, and there is no validated source for it. Exhaustive attempts to identify a source are detailed here:

Hey pea brain, I already cited the source you posted in my first reply to Old Style. Have an adult in the room so you can keep up.

Post 189

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

No you did not far left drone! None of that was your words..

You posted> http://www.lorencollins.net/tytler.html

I posted> The Truth About Tytler

They are the SAME.
Well it's a new day, time to check in and see what kind of documentation Finger-Boy's come up with.....

That's not what I wrote either but you're illiterate so you make up your own posts. That's cute. Reminds me of a post you wrote when I first got to USMB - it went, and I quote, "I went back and reread your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".


Liberalism invented the very concept "all men are created equal". It's irreconcilable with racism.
That makes him a poser clown and you, a kid on the side with jelly all over his face.

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think you're fooling, making shit up? Go ahead --- quote me saying anything like that.

Crickets? Really?
Nothing? Zippo? The Void? Bupkis? Buggerall? Bo Diddly?

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell ya.

Here you go, asshole. Post #115:

"Racism is by definition conservative."

How in the wide world of blue fuck does that make your point at all?

You're saying the FFs were conservative racists? I didn't even bring up the FFs. YOU did.
Smatter Fingerboy? Can't find anything, trying to deflect?

I quoted you, dumbfuck. You said racism is "conservative" by definition. I pointed out that only an asshole would say such a thing. It has nothing to do with the Founding Fathers.
Well E I would probably agree with you on that, that Keynesian policy worked. The problem is that the level of spending would not have been possible without the war as an excuse for it. I saw another article where Roosevelt and his advisors felt when the war was over the bad economy would still be there and need even more govt injection of funds.

Which just goes to show that the war didn't really solve the depression. All the war did is siphon off the unemployed into the military. The elimination of FDR's economic controls at the end of the war is what ended the depression.
Ah, the great debate about the origin of that quote! It's widely accepted that Franklin used that particular wording...just as it's known that others coined similar sentiments prior to Franklin. My point remains the same...Franklin foresaw the problem with the people being able to vote themselves money...which is the underlying Achilles heel of modern day progressive thought.

It is not widely accepted. It is widely disseminated by the right wing echo chamber.


"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." —NOT Benjamin Franklin

This meme was generated (or at least circulated) by Americans for Prosperity. Given that this organization likes to pass itself off as a responsible participant in the nation’s political life, you’d think they’d take 10 seconds to check the veracity of the quotes they attribute to founders like Franklin. But Franklin never said this, even though you wouldn’t know it from the hundreds of times it’s been attributed to him on the web (without citation), almost always by folks with Conservative/Libertarian politics.

Examples include

1) This Forbes Magazine blog.

2) The “policy forum" at entrepreneurship.org.

3) This edu site intended for use by teachers.

4) The webpage of Walter E. Williams, an economics professor at George Mason.

This misquote is also ubiquitous in the Tea Party blogosphere as well.

The real Ben Franklin was more subtle (and arguably progressive) in his understanding of the relationship between private property and the state. Here’s a quote (too long for a meme, unfortunately) that reveals a far less Conservative/Libertarian Franklin:

"All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages [sic]. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it." Property Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris

I see this far left drone did not cite the far left source they pulled this form.. When the people find they can vote themselves... FakeFoundersQuotes

However: Not Franklin, and there is no validated source for it. Exhaustive attempts to identify a source are detailed here:

Hey pea brain, I already cited the source you posted in my first reply to Old Style. Have an adult in the room so you can keep up.

Post 189

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

No you did not far left drone! None of that was your words..

You posted> http://www.lorencollins.net/tytler.html

I posted> The Truth About Tytler

They are the SAME.

Once again the far left drone ignore the entire post that was not theirs, but shown to be someone else's words..
FDR prolonged the depression which the more I think about it is EXACTLY what Obama is doing. After all Obama said FDR was his idol. Harvard is a dangerous institution.

Imaginary revisionist history scenarios can be so much fun. I wonder what would have happened if Lee had Sherman tanks at Gettysburg?

Imagine if the slaves could read books!!!

Or how about Sherman with Lee tanks at Atlanta? Do you like that one better?

No, they really weren't. democrats were often openly Marxist in FDR's time - this includes FDR.
That's what the John Birch Society believed. It was founded by the Koch Brother's father, as the Koch Brothers started its latest incarnation, the Tea Party. Of course you believe it too.

Says the far left drone that believes the far left propaganda without question or hesitation..
Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ah yes the far left posts a link that does not fit their propaganda once again!
Try reading it -
His anti-Soviet views led him to become a founding member of the John Birch Society.[17] Koch claimed that the Democratic and Republican Parties were infiltrated by the Communist Party, and he supported Mussolini's suppression of communists. He wrote that "The colored man looms large in the Communist plan to take over America" and characterized welfare as a secret plot to attract rural blacks and Puerto Ricans to Eastern cities to vote for Communist causes and "getting a vicious race war started."[16]
FDR prolonged the depression which the more I think about it is EXACTLY what Obama is doing. After all Obama said FDR was his idol. Harvard is a dangerous institution.

Imaginary revisionist history scenarios can be so much fun. I wonder what would have happened if Lee had Sherman tanks at Gettysburg?

Yep like if the far left would hold FDR to the same standards they do anyone with an (R)..

I don't know about FDR, but I'm pretty sure Lincoln could kick some ass.

No, they really weren't. democrats were often openly Marxist in FDR's time - this includes FDR.
That's what the John Birch Society believed. It was founded by the Koch Brother's father, as the Koch Brothers started its latest incarnation, the Tea Party. Of course you believe it too.

Says the far left drone that believes the far left propaganda without question or hesitation..
Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ah yes the far left posts a link that does not fit their propaganda once again!
Try reading it -
His anti-Soviet views led him to become a founding member of the John Birch Society.[17] Koch claimed that the Democratic and Republican Parties were infiltrated by the Communist Party, and he supported Mussolini's suppression of communists. He wrote that "The colored man looms large in the Communist plan to take over America" and characterized welfare as a secret plot to attract rural blacks and Puerto Ricans to Eastern cities to vote for Communist causes and "getting a vicious race war started."[16]

Once agin the far left drones continue to show that it does not fit thier propaganda!

" as the Koch Brothers started its latest incarnation, the Tea Party"
Last edited:
Well it's a new day, time to check in and see what kind of documentation Finger-Boy's come up with.....

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think you're fooling, making shit up? Go ahead --- quote me saying anything like that.

Crickets? Really?
Nothing? Zippo? The Void? Bupkis? Buggerall? Bo Diddly?

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell ya.

Here you go, asshole. Post #115:

"Racism is by definition conservative."

How in the wide world of blue fuck does that make your point at all?

You're saying the FFs were conservative racists? I didn't even bring up the FFs. YOU did.
Smatter Fingerboy? Can't find anything, trying to deflect?

I quoted you, dumbfuck. You said racism is "conservative" by definition. I pointed out that only an asshole would say such a thing. It has nothing to do with the Founding Fathers.

Then what the fuck is this, smegma-for-brains?

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

That's what the challenge was, stupid. You failed, flagged, bagged, got shut out, wrapped up and taken to the cleaners. And you still have fucking jelly all over your face. If that's even what it is.
Well it's a new day, time to check in and see what kind of documentation Finger-Boy's come up with.....

Who do you think you're fooling, making shit up? Go ahead --- quote me saying anything like that.

Crickets? Really?
Nothing? Zippo? The Void? Bupkis? Buggerall? Bo Diddly?

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell ya.

Here you go, asshole. Post #115:

"Racism is by definition conservative."

How in the wide world of blue fuck does that make your point at all?

You're saying the FFs were conservative racists? I didn't even bring up the FFs. YOU did.
Smatter Fingerboy? Can't find anything, trying to deflect?

I quoted you, dumbfuck. You said racism is "conservative" by definition. I pointed out that only an asshole would say such a thing. It has nothing to do with the Founding Fathers.

Then what the fuck is this, smegma-for-brains?

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

That's what the challenge was, stupid. You failed, flagged, bagged, got shut out, wrapped up and taken to the cleaners. And you still have fucking jelly all over your face. If that's even what it is.

You weren't clear about what you wanted me to demonstrate, moron. All you proved is that you're a shitty communicator.
Well it's a new day, time to check in and see what kind of documentation Finger-Boy's come up with.....

Crickets? Really?
Nothing? Zippo? The Void? Bupkis? Buggerall? Bo Diddly?

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell ya.

Here you go, asshole. Post #115:

"Racism is by definition conservative."

How in the wide world of blue fuck does that make your point at all?

You're saying the FFs were conservative racists? I didn't even bring up the FFs. YOU did.
Smatter Fingerboy? Can't find anything, trying to deflect?

I quoted you, dumbfuck. You said racism is "conservative" by definition. I pointed out that only an asshole would say such a thing. It has nothing to do with the Founding Fathers.

Then what the fuck is this, smegma-for-brains?

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

That's what the challenge was, stupid. You failed, flagged, bagged, got shut out, wrapped up and taken to the cleaners. And you still have fucking jelly all over your face. If that's even what it is.

You weren't clear about what you wanted me to demonstrate, moron. All you proved is that you're a shitty communicator.

So here's where we are --
You make an accusation, immediately get challenged to back it up, run away for a day with nothing to say, then finally come back to post pigshit having nothing to do with the accusation, and STILL can't document it, all the while posing as a child giving the finger with jelly smeared all over his face.....

--- and this makes ME a "shitty communicator".

Thanks for clearing that up. As noted before, you're a fucking joke. You just confirmed it yet again.
Cowardly pissant.
FDR was a great man and president...

Yes he was. He gave his life for our nation. He could have stayed in his very easy life taking care of himself and the polio. He choose to serve our nation until he died.

Whenever anyone said his name around my parents or grandparents the first thing out of their mouths was "he saved us all" which he did.

The sacrifices he made to control his country and crush his enemies to stay in power, what a sacrifice. FDR was the first President to try to turn the country into a socialist utopia, he crushed the 10th amendment, started the dictatorship of the courts and wow, he made a lot of progress doing that. He also started the government jihad against business and the successful in this country. He is on the short list of worst Presidents in our country with Lincoln and Wilson.

BTW, even if you like what he did, to say he "gave" his life to his country conotates he died for it, like a soldier in WWII. You meant to say he "dedicated" his life to his country.
FDR prolonged the depression which the more I think about it is EXACTLY what Obama is doing. After all Obama said FDR was his idol. Harvard is a dangerous institution.

Imaginary revisionist history scenarios can be so much fun. I wonder what would have happened if Lee had Sherman tanks at Gettysburg?

Zackly. Hey, what if one side had nukes, the other side had Romulan disruptor guns and the Indians had frickin' laser beams attached to their heads?

Yeah, armchair revisionism. It's everything except creative.
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