FDR Warns America About Today's republicans

First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
How many strawmen are possible in one thread? Must say though, you do have a certain way about you.
Stating facts is not a strawman.
Do a little reading.

All the republicans on the Supreme Court voted for Citizens United.
All the democrats voted against it.
Republicans in the House shut down the government to protest Obamacare.
And the Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar Ponzi scheme....
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction A 516 Trillion Derivatives 8216 Time-Bomb 8217 Global Research
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
How many strawmen are possible in one thread? Must say though, you do have a certain way about you.
Stating facts is not a strawman.
Do a little reading.

All the republicans on the Supreme Court voted for Citizens United.
All the democrats voted against it.
Republicans in the House shut down the government to protest Obamacare.
And the Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar Ponzi scheme....
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction A 516 Trillion Derivatives 8216 Time-Bomb 8217 Global Research

More proof that the far left is a very dangerous religion.

Although the far left should be glad that this ruling came down otherwise unions would be blocked from giving money to the far left..
FDR was a great man and president...

Yes he was. He gave his life for our nation. He could have stayed in his very easy life taking care of himself and the polio. He choose to serve our nation until he died.

Whenever anyone said his name around my parents or grandparents the first thing out of their mouths was "he saved us all" which he did.

It just goes to show how utterly and irreparably batshit crazy a very LARGE SWATH of the Right is when those freakazoids actually believe that FDR was somehow a communist or a fascist. Those people are completely untethered from reality and are more worthy of our pity than our scorn. FDR was without a doubt one of our greatest presidents ever, the only one in history to have to lead us out of absolutely the worst financial crisis we ever had, one caused by 12 years of reckless Republican rule under Harding / Coolidge and Hoover, to preparing us for the worst and most devastating war in our world's history, a war that was unavoidable but had we not prepared for it, would have turned out decidedly differently.

FDR was right about Social Security, he was right about Public Works Projects, he was right about mobilizing women for the workforce, seeing quite clearly that war was coming, he was right about the Lend-Lease act. They use the same old stupid argument to say that FDR actually made the depression worse, not better. What a bunch of utter fools.

Unlike the many Rabid, stupid fucked up Righties here in USMB who, luckily for us, are in no way representative of America at large, I can find good things to say about every President, even Nixon, absolutely irrespective of party. In fact, my favorite President of all time, bar none, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was a Republican.

As I just wrote, Righties who write this shit and think that smart people take it seriously are more worth our pity than scorn. They exhibit a kind of brain damage that I fear nothing can cure.

FDR was wrong about everything. His administration was infested with communists. The evidence indicates he knew many of them were communists. Yet, you claim it's crazy to suggest that he was a communist. His policies turned a sharp but short recession into the Great Depression. He engineered us into a war that no American wanted to be in.

FDR was a scumbag.
FDR prolonged the depression which the more I think about it is EXACTLY what Obama is doing. After all Obama said FDR was his idol. Harvard is a dangerous institution.
I think FDR had an inkling of what he was hoping for, I don't credit Obama for the same, unless I'm in a very bad mood, then all bets are off.
FDR was a great man and president...

Yes he was. He gave his life for our nation. He could have stayed in his very easy life taking care of himself and the polio. He choose to serve our nation until he died.

Whenever anyone said his name around my parents or grandparents the first thing out of their mouths was "he saved us all" which he did.

It just goes to show how utterly and irreparably batshit crazy a very LARGE SWATH of the Right is when those freakazoids actually believe that FDR was somehow a communist or a fascist. Those people are completely untethered from reality and are more worthy of our pity than our scorn. FDR was without a doubt one of our greatest presidents ever, the only one in history to have to lead us out of absolutely the worst financial crisis we ever had, one caused by 12 years of reckless Republican rule under Harding / Coolidge and Hoover, to preparing us for the worst and most devastating war in our world's history, a war that was unavoidable but had we not prepared for it, would have turned out decidedly differently.

FDR was right about Social Security, he was right about Public Works Projects, he was right about mobilizing women for the workforce, seeing quite clearly that war was coming, he was right about the Lend-Lease act. They use the same old stupid argument to say that FDR actually made the depression worse, not better. What a bunch of utter fools.

Unlike the many Rabid, stupid fucked up Righties here in USMB who, luckily for us, are in no way representative of America at large, I can find good things to say about every President, even Nixon, absolutely irrespective of party. In fact, my favorite President of all time, bar none, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was a Republican.

As I just wrote, Righties who write this shit and think that smart people take it seriously are more worth our pity than scorn. They exhibit a kind of brain damage that I fear nothing can cure.

FDR was wrong about everything. His administration was infested with communists. The evidence indicates he knew many of them were communists. Yet, you claim it's crazy to suggest that he was a communist. His policies turned a sharp but short recession into the Great Depression.

A conspiracy theory about FDR being controlled by the commies and Stalin delivered as fact by a guy who refutes over 80 years of accepted history about when the Great Depression started. He calls the stock market crash 1929 and bank closures a "sharp but short recession"





Do we really need links to tell us when the Great Depression began?
FDR was a great man and president...

Yes he was. He gave his life for our nation. He could have stayed in his very easy life taking care of himself and the polio. He choose to serve our nation until he died.

Whenever anyone said his name around my parents or grandparents the first thing out of their mouths was "he saved us all" which he did.

It just goes to show how utterly and irreparably batshit crazy a very LARGE SWATH of the Right is when those freakazoids actually believe that FDR was somehow a communist or a fascist. Those people are completely untethered from reality and are more worthy of our pity than our scorn. FDR was without a doubt one of our greatest presidents ever, the only one in history to have to lead us out of absolutely the worst financial crisis we ever had, one caused by 12 years of reckless Republican rule under Harding / Coolidge and Hoover, to preparing us for the worst and most devastating war in our world's history, a war that was unavoidable but had we not prepared for it, would have turned out decidedly differently.

FDR was right about Social Security, he was right about Public Works Projects, he was right about mobilizing women for the workforce, seeing quite clearly that war was coming, he was right about the Lend-Lease act. They use the same old stupid argument to say that FDR actually made the depression worse, not better. What a bunch of utter fools.

Unlike the many Rabid, stupid fucked up Righties here in USMB who, luckily for us, are in no way representative of America at large, I can find good things to say about every President, even Nixon, absolutely irrespective of party. In fact, my favorite President of all time, bar none, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was a Republican.

As I just wrote, Righties who write this shit and think that smart people take it seriously are more worth our pity than scorn. They exhibit a kind of brain damage that I fear nothing can cure.

FDR was wrong about everything. His administration was infested with communists. The evidence indicates he knew many of them were communists. Yet, you claim it's crazy to suggest that he was a communist. His policies turned a sharp but short recession into the Great Depression.

A conspiracy theory about FDR being controlled by the commies and Stalin delivered as fact by a guy who refutes over 80 years of accepted history about when the Great Depression started. He calls the stock market crash 1929 and bank closures a "sharp but short recession"





Do we really need links to tell us when the Great Depression began?

Yeah 'cuz before the Internets, nobody knew.

Before the internets nobody knew O'bama started the '08 recession by retroactive time machine just as Bill Clinton caused 9/11. Before the internets we didn't know Bush hisself blew up the towers. Before the internets we didn't know the Democratic party invented slavery. Before the internets we did't know Hitler was a leftist and Liberalism was fascism. We didn't even know Lincoln was Hitler.

Before the internets we were so stupid. All we knew was,
War is Peace;
Freedom is Slavery;
Ignorance is Strength.

Luck for us that last one gave us the Internets.
I'm wondering at this point, are any of the later posters actually listening to what he said? 'No one will have to pay for this?' 'The administration in charge...' which was his???

That's a typical republican attitude. At least in my life.

Starting with reagan, he said tax cuts will increase revenues and pay for themselves. Which was nothing but a big fat lie. He also said that tax cuts for the rich would create jobs. Which was nothing but a big fat lie. reagan also said he gave everyone a tax cut. Which was a big fat lie. reagan never cut my taxes. Every time he talked about lowering taxes, he increased taxes for me. he also said he would balance the budget and pay off the debt. He did the exact opposite to the point that he saddled us with the highest level of debt and deficit in history.

The first bush said it. On top of telling all of us he wouldn't raise taxes. Which he did raise taxes. He also took our nation to the brink of economic collapse. Which was why Clinton won in 1992.

The bush boy told all of us that taxes would create jobs. He also told us that hussein had wmds, that he would find bin laden and bring him to justice. I personally was effected by 9-11 so I really wanted bin laden found and brought to justice. he said he didn't torture then came out with a book and said yes he did and would do it again. Same with cheney. I can't remember anything that the bush boy said was true. Unlike his father, he actually did take our nation to economic collapse. Which is why Obama won in 2008.

What I find very weird is that republicans on this thread claim that the democratic party was the party of conservatives yet not one conservative on this thread has said anything nice about him. If he was a conservative they would like him. They hate him and call him names. None of them like the New Deal and none of them like social security. I can't think of any policy of FDR's that any republican liked. They even take hitler's side in WWII. They say FDR attacked Germany and their boats but leave out the very important fact that Germany declared war on America before FDR attacked them. They accuse FDR of the attack on Pearl Harbor even though it was Japan who did it.

Yes democratic politicians raise taxes. To pay off debt and what he was spent. FDR raised taxes to over 90% on the rich to pay for WWII and the New Deal.

Republicans spend like there's no tomorrow and don't use cash to do it. They believe that anything a democratic politician does must be paid in cash. Anything a republican president does is never paid in cash. They take deficit and debt to historic levels and then blame it all on democrats.

They take no personal responsibility for anything they do. They expect everything to be free for them. But everyone else has to pay for it. The bush boy waged not one but TWO wars and cut taxes for the rich by billions at the same time. Which is one of the reasons why we have such out of control debt now.
Well it's a new day, time to check in and see what kind of documentation Finger-Boy's come up with.....

Like all Nazis, he's a socialist. I know the truth is hard for you to admit, but nevertheless, there it is.

And here's another clue for you, asshole: there's nothing "conservative" about racism. That's purely a characteristic of those who lick the boots of the almighty state - liberals, in other words.

That's not what I wrote either but you're illiterate so you make up your own posts. That's cute. Reminds me of a post you wrote when I first got to USMB - it went, and I quote, "I went back and reread your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".


Liberalism invented the very concept "all men are created equal". It's irreconcilable with racism.
That makes him a poser clown and you, a kid on the side with jelly all over his face.

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think you're fooling, making shit up? Go ahead --- quote me saying anything like that.

Crickets? Really?
Nothing? Zippo? The Void? Bupkis? Buggerall? Bo Diddly?

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell ya.
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
How many strawmen are possible in one thread? Must say though, you do have a certain way about you.
Stating facts is not a strawman.
Do a little reading.

All the republicans on the Supreme Court voted for Citizens United.
All the democrats voted against it.
Republicans in the House shut down the government to protest Obamacare.
And the Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar Ponzi scheme....
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction A 516 Trillion Derivatives 8216 Time-Bomb 8217 Global Research

That wasn't the first or even second time the republicans shut down our government.

They did it twice in the Clinton years.
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
How many strawmen are possible in one thread? Must say though, you do have a certain way about you.
Stating facts is not a strawman.
Do a little reading.

So the government shutdown was something the GOP did? With no assist from the Democrats? Let's be honest here, Chris...the Obama Administration made a political calculation that a government shutdown would be blamed on the GOP and so they were just as unwilling to compromise as the GOP simply because they didn't think they would be blamed for a resulting shutdown.
Well it's a new day, time to check in and see what kind of documentation Finger-Boy's come up with.....

Like all Nazis, he's a socialist. I know the truth is hard for you to admit, but nevertheless, there it is.

And here's another clue for you, asshole: there's nothing "conservative" about racism. That's purely a characteristic of those who lick the boots of the almighty state - liberals, in other words.

That's not what I wrote either but you're illiterate so you make up your own posts. That's cute. Reminds me of a post you wrote when I first got to USMB - it went, and I quote, "I went back and reread your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".


Liberalism invented the very concept "all men are created equal". It's irreconcilable with racism.
That makes him a poser clown and you, a kid on the side with jelly all over his face.

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think you're fooling, making shit up? Go ahead --- quote me saying anything like that.

Crickets? Really?
Nothing? Zippo? The Void? Bupkis? Buggerall? Bo Diddly?

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell ya.

Here you go, asshole. Post #115:

"Racism is by definition conservative."
All the republicans on the Supreme Court voted for Citizens United.
All the democrats voted against it.

democrats hate the 1st amendment, well all civil liberties really. So you moved to crush the rights of free speech that criticized party members.

You totalitarians moved to block "Hillary: The Movie" but the SCOTUS remembered that there is a 1st Amendment - which OUTRAGED you thugs.

Republicans in the House shut down the government to protest Obamacare.
And the Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar Ponzi scheme....
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction A 516 Trillion Derivatives 8216 Time-Bomb 8217 Global Research

Oh, you have no brain, you just post hate points from KOS.

Carry on.
Do we really need links to tell us when the Great Depression began?

dear, the seeds of any economic event can be found in many places at many times. What we know for sure is that 12 years of depression and 6 years of world war make FDR the worst president by far in American History. Would liberals love Obama even more if he prolonged this recession another 6 years that included a world war withj 60 million dead?

Sure they would, they're liberals.
Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government

same reason our genius Founders created a country based on fear of govt: govt was the source of evil in human history. They knew that without seeing the great 20th Century liberals Hitler Stalin and Mao. You still don't know it. What does that teach you?
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


You mean the same FDR that put Americans into concentration camps?

You mean the same FDR that confiscated US gold?

You mean the same FDR that started WW2 with Japan by cutting off oil?

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