FDR Warns America About Today's republicans

I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


You mean the same FDR that put Americans into concentration camps?

You mean the same FDR that confiscated US gold?

You mean the same FDR that started WW2 with Japan by cutting off oil?

and the same FDR that prolonged the Depression until he finally dropped dead 12 years after taking office!!
FDR issued an executive order that authorized the military to place American citizens in concentration camps without due process. What does that tell you about the agenda of an out of control regime?
FDR issued an executive order that authorized the military to place American citizens in concentration camps without due process. What does that tell you about the agenda of an out of control regime?

Yes the control they wanted was truly Nazi like and extended everywhere:
Here's most famous Supreme Court case (I kid you not)

Ten charges were for violating codes requiring "straight killing." Straight killing prohibited customers from selecting the chickens they wanted; instead a customer had to place his hand in the coop and select the first chicken that came to hand. There was laughter during oral arguments when Justice Sutherland asked, "Well suppose however that all the chickens have gone over to one end of the coop?"[1]
FDR issued an executive order that authorized the military to place American citizens in concentration camps without due process. What does that tell you about the agenda of an out of control regime?

Yes the control they wanted was truly Nazi like and extended everywhere:
Here's most famous Supreme Court case (I kid you not)

Ten charges were for violating codes requiring "straight killing." Straight killing prohibited customers from selecting the chickens they wanted; instead a customer had to place his hand in the coop and select the first chicken that came to hand. There was laughter during oral arguments when Justice Sutherland asked, "Well suppose however that all the chickens have gone over to one end of the coop?"[1]

There was a famous case where a guy who owned a dry cleaner had his business shut down because he charged too low of a price for pressing a suit.

There were some 1,400 NRA compliance enforcers at fifty-four state and branch offices. They were empowered to recommend fines up to $500 and imprisonment up to six months for each violation. On December 11, 1933, for instance, the NRA launched its biggest crackdown, summoning about 150 dry cleaners to Washington for alleged discounting. In April 1934, forty-nine-year-old immigrant Jacob Maged of Jersey City, New Jersey, was jailed for three months and fined for charging 35 cents to press a suit, rather than the 40 cents mandated by the NRA dry cleaning code.
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Well it's a new day, time to check in and see what kind of documentation Finger-Boy's come up with.....

Like all Nazis, he's a socialist. I know the truth is hard for you to admit, but nevertheless, there it is.

And here's another clue for you, asshole: there's nothing "conservative" about racism. That's purely a characteristic of those who lick the boots of the almighty state - liberals, in other words.

That's not what I wrote either but you're illiterate so you make up your own posts. That's cute. Reminds me of a post you wrote when I first got to USMB - it went, and I quote, "I went back and reread your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".


Liberalism invented the very concept "all men are created equal". It's irreconcilable with racism.
That makes him a poser clown and you, a kid on the side with jelly all over his face.

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think you're fooling, making shit up? Go ahead --- quote me saying anything like that.

Crickets? Really?
Nothing? Zippo? The Void? Bupkis? Buggerall? Bo Diddly?

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell ya.

Here you go, asshole. Post #115:

"Racism is by definition conservative."

How in the wide world of blue fuck does that make your point at all?

You're saying the FFs were conservative racists? I didn't even bring up the FFs. YOU did.
Smatter Fingerboy? Can't find anything, trying to deflect?
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


Speaking of crystal balls...Benjamin Franklin said this LONG before FDR was around:
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
Seems like Ben foresaw the modern progressive movement.

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler
Well E I would probably agree with you on that, that Keynesian policy worked. The problem is that the level of spending would not have been possible without the war as an excuse for it. I saw another article where Roosevelt and his advisors felt when the war was over the bad economy would still be there and need even more govt injection of funds.
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


Speaking of crystal balls...Benjamin Franklin said this LONG before FDR was around:
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
Seems like Ben foresaw the modern progressive movement.

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

Ah, the great debate about the origin of that quote! It's widely accepted that Franklin used that particular wording...just as it's known that others coined similar sentiments prior to Franklin. My point remains the same...Franklin foresaw the problem with the people being able to vote themselves money...which is the underlying Achilles heel of modern day progressive thought.
FDR issued an executive order that authorized the military to place American citizens in concentration camps without due process. What does that tell you about the agenda of an out of control regime?

Hey simp, why don't you try something new...educate yourself.

After Pearl Harbor

The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 led military and political leaders to suspect that Imperial Japan was preparing a full-scale attack on the West Coast of the United States. Due to Japan's rapid military conquest of a large portion of Asia and the Pacific between 1936 and 1942, some Americans feared that its military forces were unstoppables.

American public opinion initially stood by the large population of Japanese Americans living on the West Coast, with the Los Angeles Times characterizing them as "good Americans, born and educated as such." Many Americans believed that their loyalty to the United States was unquestionable.[25]

But, six weeks after the attack, public opinion along the Pacific began to turn against Japanese Americans living on the West Coast, as the press and other Americans became nervous about the potential for fifth column activity. Though the administration (including the President Franklin D. Roosevelt and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover) dismissed all rumors of Japanese-American espionage on behalf of the Japanese War effort, pressure mounted upon the Administration as the tide of public opinion turned against Japanese Americans. Civilian and military officials had serious concerns about the loyalty of the ethnic Japanese after the Niihau Incident which immediately followed the attack on Pearl Harbor, when a civilian Japanese national and two Hawaiian-born ethnic Japanese on the island of Ni'ihau violently freed a downed and captured Japanese naval airman, attacking their fellow Ni'ihau islanders in the process
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


Speaking of crystal balls...Benjamin Franklin said this LONG before FDR was around:
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
Seems like Ben foresaw the modern progressive movement.

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

Ah, the great debate about the origin of that quote! It's widely accepted that Franklin used that particular wording...just as it's known that others coined similar sentiments prior to Franklin. My point remains the same...Franklin foresaw the problem with the people being able to vote themselves money...which is the underlying Achilles heel of modern day progressive thought.

It is not widely accepted. It is widely disseminated by the right wing echo chamber.


"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." —NOT Benjamin Franklin

This meme was generated (or at least circulated) by Americans for Prosperity. Given that this organization likes to pass itself off as a responsible participant in the nation’s political life, you’d think they’d take 10 seconds to check the veracity of the quotes they attribute to founders like Franklin. But Franklin never said this, even though you wouldn’t know it from the hundreds of times it’s been attributed to him on the web (without citation), almost always by folks with Conservative/Libertarian politics.

Examples include

1) This Forbes Magazine blog.

2) The “policy forum" at entrepreneurship.org.

3) This edu site intended for use by teachers.

4) The webpage of Walter E. Williams, an economics professor at George Mason.

This misquote is also ubiquitous in the Tea Party blogosphere as well.

The real Ben Franklin was more subtle (and arguably progressive) in his understanding of the relationship between private property and the state. Here’s a quote (too long for a meme, unfortunately) that reveals a far less Conservative/Libertarian Franklin:

"All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages [sic]. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it." Property Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris
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FDR issued an executive order that authorized the military to place American citizens in concentration camps without due process. What does that tell you about the agenda of an out of control regime?

Hey simp, why don't you try something new...educate yourself.

After Pearl Harbor

The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 led military and political leaders to suspect that Imperial Japan was preparing a full-scale attack on the West Coast of the United States. Due to Japan's rapid military conquest of a large portion of Asia and the Pacific between 1936 and 1942, some Americans feared that its military forces were unstoppables.

American public opinion initially stood by the large population of Japanese Americans living on the West Coast, with the Los Angeles Times characterizing them as "good Americans, born and educated as such." Many Americans believed that their loyalty to the United States was unquestionable.[25]

But, six weeks after the attack, public opinion along the Pacific began to turn against Japanese Americans living on the West Coast, as the press and other Americans became nervous about the potential for fifth column activity. Though the administration (including the President Franklin D. Roosevelt and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover) dismissed all rumors of Japanese-American espionage on behalf of the Japanese War effort, pressure mounted upon the Administration as the tide of public opinion turned against Japanese Americans. Civilian and military officials had serious concerns about the loyalty of the ethnic Japanese after the Niihau Incident which immediately followed the attack on Pearl Harbor, when a civilian Japanese national and two Hawaiian-born ethnic Japanese on the island of Ni'ihau violently freed a downed and captured Japanese naval airman, attacking their fellow Ni'ihau islanders in the process

So the far left drone just proved that FDR did away with due process and shows they support FDR's actions..

So in other words this drones post did nothing to but prove the original comments..

Then again if FDR did violate the civil "rights" of others due to the power of the people, then you would think the far left would not hold FDR in such high regard..
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


Speaking of crystal balls...Benjamin Franklin said this LONG before FDR was around:
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
Seems like Ben foresaw the modern progressive movement.

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

Ah, the great debate about the origin of that quote! It's widely accepted that Franklin used that particular wording...just as it's known that others coined similar sentiments prior to Franklin. My point remains the same...Franklin foresaw the problem with the people being able to vote themselves money...which is the underlying Achilles heel of modern day progressive thought.

It is not widely accepted. It is widely disseminated by the right wing echo chamber.


"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." —NOT Benjamin Franklin

This meme was generated (or at least circulated) by Americans for Prosperity. Given that this organization likes to pass itself off as a responsible participant in the nation’s political life, you’d think they’d take 10 seconds to check the veracity of the quotes they attribute to founders like Franklin. But Franklin never said this, even though you wouldn’t know it from the hundreds of times it’s been attributed to him on the web (without citation), almost always by folks with Conservative/Libertarian politics.

Examples include

1) This Forbes Magazine blog.

2) The “policy forum" at entrepreneurship.org.

3) This edu site intended for use by teachers.

4) The webpage of Walter E. Williams, an economics professor at George Mason.

This misquote is also ubiquitous in the Tea Party blogosphere as well.

The real Ben Franklin was more subtle (and arguably progressive) in his understanding of the relationship between private property and the state. Here’s a quote (too long for a meme, unfortunately) that reveals a far less Conservative/Libertarian Franklin:

"All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages [sic]. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it." Property Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris

I see this far left drone did not cite the far left source they pulled this form.. When the people find they can vote themselves... FakeFoundersQuotes

However: Not Franklin, and there is no validated source for it. Exhaustive attempts to identify a source are detailed here:

No, they really weren't. democrats were often openly Marxist in FDR's time - this includes FDR.
That's what the John Birch Society believed. It was founded by the Koch Brother's father, as the Koch Brothers started its latest incarnation, the Tea Party. Of course you believe it too.

Says the far left drone that believes the far left propaganda without question or hesitation..

No, they really weren't. democrats were often openly Marxist in FDR's time - this includes FDR.
That's what the John Birch Society believed. It was founded by the Koch Brother's father, as the Koch Brothers started its latest incarnation, the Tea Party. Of course you believe it too.

We can trace the roots of right wing traitors even further back.

Wall Street s Fascist Plot to Seize the White House
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


Speaking of crystal balls...Benjamin Franklin said this LONG before FDR was around:
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
Seems like Ben foresaw the modern progressive movement.

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

Ah, the great debate about the origin of that quote! It's widely accepted that Franklin used that particular wording...just as it's known that others coined similar sentiments prior to Franklin. My point remains the same...Franklin foresaw the problem with the people being able to vote themselves money...which is the underlying Achilles heel of modern day progressive thought.

It is not widely accepted. It is widely disseminated by the right wing echo chamber.


"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." —NOT Benjamin Franklin

This meme was generated (or at least circulated) by Americans for Prosperity. Given that this organization likes to pass itself off as a responsible participant in the nation’s political life, you’d think they’d take 10 seconds to check the veracity of the quotes they attribute to founders like Franklin. But Franklin never said this, even though you wouldn’t know it from the hundreds of times it’s been attributed to him on the web (without citation), almost always by folks with Conservative/Libertarian politics.

Examples include

1) This Forbes Magazine blog.

2) The “policy forum" at entrepreneurship.org.

3) This edu site intended for use by teachers.

4) The webpage of Walter E. Williams, an economics professor at George Mason.

This misquote is also ubiquitous in the Tea Party blogosphere as well.

The real Ben Franklin was more subtle (and arguably progressive) in his understanding of the relationship between private property and the state. Here’s a quote (too long for a meme, unfortunately) that reveals a far less Conservative/Libertarian Franklin:

"All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages [sic]. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it." Property Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris

I see this far left drone did not cite the far left source they pulled this form.. When the people find they can vote themselves... FakeFoundersQuotes

However: Not Franklin, and there is no validated source for it. Exhaustive attempts to identify a source are detailed here:

Hey pea brain, I already cited the source you posted in my first reply to Old Style. Have an adult in the room so you can keep up.

Post 189

Except Franklin never said it.

The Truth About Tytler

No, they really weren't. democrats were often openly Marxist in FDR's time - this includes FDR.
That's what the John Birch Society believed. It was founded by the Koch Brother's father, as the Koch Brothers started its latest incarnation, the Tea Party. Of course you believe it too.

Says the far left drone that believes the far left propaganda without question or hesitation..
Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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