FDR Warns America About Today's republicans

Yes, that's exactly what you are -- a fraud and a poser.

I never heard of you before today, when I saw you "thank" a post about killing more Muslims. That told me all I needed to know. As if the screen name wasn't enough.

Like all Nazis, he's a socialist. I know the truth is hard for you to admit, but nevertheless, there it is.

And here's another clue for you, asshole: there's nothing "conservative" about racism. That's purely a characteristic of those who lick the boots of the almighty state - liberals, in other words.

That's not what I wrote either but you're illiterate so you make up your own posts. That's cute. Reminds me of a post you wrote when I first got to USMB - it went, and I quote, "I went back and reread your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".


Liberalism invented the very concept "all men are created equal". It's irreconcilable with racism.
That makes him a poser clown and you, a kid on the side with jelly all over his face.

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think you're fooling, making shit up? Go ahead --- quote me saying anything like that.

You're a fucking pathetic joke, Finger-Boy. The whole world's laughing at you.
And for shit's sake wipe that fucking jelly off your face. Get a damn bib or sump'm.
He was the 1936 Brian Williams!
I love it when the Right eats their own. Williams was a major Bush apologist during the moronic Iraq war, and now, just to attack NBC the Right shits all over one of their own.

Brian Williams is a right-winger?

Now we know you're a lunatic.
Well he sure exaggerates like a Right-winger!

He lies just like a left-winger.
Right-wingers ALWAYS lie about Left-wingers.
Actually your post speaks ironically to the opposite on several levels.
Yep, FDR warned us about Conservatives while holding hands with Stalin.

FDR Was a Communist

FDR must have been a Communist. Consider what FDR told Rep. Martin Dies in 1940:

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (centre) with Churchill and Stalin at the Yalta conference. Click to enlarge

“I do not regard the Communists as any present or future threat to our country, in fact I look upon Russia as our strongest ally in the years to come. As I told you when you began your investigation, you should confine yourself to Nazis and Fascists. While I do not believe in Communism, Russia is far better off and the world is safer with Russia under Communism than under the Czars. Stalin is a great leader, and although I deplore some of his methods, it is the only way he can safeguard his government.”
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


Spot on.
Again in FDR's time republicans were Liberals and democrats were conservatives. That started to change in FDR's last full 4 year term and changed completely by the late 50's. So FDR was warning about Liberal policies.

This is not really true. Until the end of the 40s, there were Liberal and Conservative wings in BOTH parties. Yes, the Democratic party, because of the drive of the racist whites from the South, was the more conservative of the two on some issues, but for instance, on Social Security, definitely not. And the Republican Party of the 1900's until Eisenhower was most definitely the isolationistic party, a Conservative (Libertarian) trait, not a Liberal trait. So, you are overgeneralizing an issue that is more complex than you are probably willing to admit
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


Spot on.
Again in FDR's time republicans were Liberals and democrats were conservatives. That started to change in FDR's last full 4 year term and changed completely by the late 50's. So FDR was warning about Liberal policies.

This is not really true. Until the end of the 40s, there were Liberal and Conservative wings in BOTH parties. Yes, the Democratic party, because of the drive of the racist whites from the South, was the more conservative of the two on some issues, but for instance, on Social Security, definitely not. And the Republican Party of the 1900's until Eisenhower was most definitely the isolationistic party, a Conservative (Libertarian) trait, not a Liberal trait. So, you are overgeneralizing an issue that is more complex than you are probably willing to admit

See how the far left drones will rewrite history to their religious narrative..
I'm wondering at this point, are any of the later posters actually listening to what he said? 'No one will have to pay for this?' 'The administration in charge...' which was his???
FDR was a great man and president...

Yes he was. He gave his life for our nation. He could have stayed in his very easy life taking care of himself and the polio. He choose to serve our nation until he died.

Whenever anyone said his name around my parents or grandparents the first thing out of their mouths was "he saved us all" which he did.

It just goes to show how utterly and irreparably batshit crazy a very LARGE SWATH of the Right is when those freakazoids actually believe that FDR was somehow a communist or a fascist. Those people are completely untethered from reality and are more worthy of our pity than our scorn. FDR was without a doubt one of our greatest presidents ever, the only one in history to have to lead us out of absolutely the worst financial crisis we ever had, one caused by 12 years of reckless Republican rule under Harding / Coolidge and Hoover, to preparing us for the worst and most devastating war in our world's history, a war that was unavoidable but had we not prepared for it, would have turned out decidedly differently.

FDR was right about Social Security, he was right about Public Works Projects, he was right about mobilizing women for the workforce, seeing quite clearly that war was coming, he was right about the Lend-Lease act. They use the same old stupid argument to say that FDR actually made the depression worse, not better. What a bunch of utter fools.

Unlike the many Rabid, stupid fucked up Righties here in USMB who, luckily for us, are in no way representative of America at large, I can find good things to say about every President, even Nixon, absolutely irrespective of party. In fact, my favorite President of all time, bar none, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was a Republican.

As I just wrote, Righties who write this shit and think that smart people take it seriously are more worth our pity than scorn. They exhibit a kind of brain damage that I fear nothing can cure.
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FDR was a great man and president...

Yes he was. He gave his life for our nation. He could have stayed in his very easy life taking care of himself and the polio. He choose to serve our nation until he died.

Whenever anyone said his name around my parents or grandparents the first thing out of their mouths was "he saved us all" which he did.

It just goes to show how utterly and irreparably batshit crazy a very LARGE SWATH of the Right is when those freakazoids actually believe that FDR was somehow a communist or a fascist. Those people are completely untethered from reality and are more worthy of our pity than our scorn. FDR was without a doubt one of our greatest presidents ever, the only one in history to have to lead us out of absolutely the worst financial crisis we ever had, one causes by 12 years of reckless Republican rule under Harding / Coolidge and Hoover, to preparing us for the worst and most devastating war in our world's history. FDR was right about Social Security, he was right about Public Works Projects, he was right about mobilizing women for the workforce, seeing quite clearly that war was coming, he was right about the Lend-Lease act. They use the same old stupid argument to say that FDR actually made the depression worse, not better. What a bunch of utter fools.

Unlike the many Rabid, stupid fucked up Righties here in USMB who, luckily for us, are in no way representative of America at large, I can find good things to say about every President, even Nixon, absolutely irrespective of party. In fact, my favorite President of all time, bar none, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was a Republican.

As I just wrote, Righties who write this shit and think that smart people take it seriously are more worth our pity than scorn. They exhibit a kind of brain damage that I fear nothing can cure.

And the far left propaganda continues to roll on without question or hesitation.

Also proves that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion the planet.
. FDR knew what the republicans are

yes he knew they are/were opposed to his 16 year Great Depression and World War that killed 60 million.

Well, aren't you a stupid moron.

The great depression was in full swing when he was elected, a depression that started under Hoover and only got worse from year to year, until Roosevelt was elected. By 1940, the depression was over. And Roosevelt did not start WWII, you stupid asswipe excuse for a human being.

As stupid as you are, I am sure you are right at home with Conservatives here in USMB.
. FDR knew what the republicans are

yes he knew they are/were opposed to his 16 year Great Depression and World War that killed 60 million.

Well, aren't you a stupid moron.

The great depression was in full swing when he was elected, a depression that started under Hoover and only got worse from year to year, until Roosevelt was elected. By 1940, the depression was over. And Roosevelt did not start WWII, you stupid asswipe excuse for a human being.

As stupid as you are, I am sure you are right at home with Conservatives here in USMB.

See how the far left will protect their religious leaders..
Very few blacks voted democrat during FDR's tenure. Democrats were the party of slavery. Republicans were the people who crushed the party of slavery. That was still very fresh in the minds of American blacks. FDR was probably the greatest snob in presidential history. I think Truman had twice the guts FDR ever mustered. Truman and Kennedy were the last great democrat presidents. We haven't seen another since.

The key word in your statement was "were", and about the only correct word, as well.
Very few blacks voted democrat during FDR's tenure. Democrats were the party of slavery. Republicans were the people who crushed the party of slavery. That was still very fresh in the minds of American blacks. FDR was probably the greatest snob in presidential history. I think Truman had twice the guts FDR ever mustered. Truman and Kennedy were the last great democrat presidents. We haven't seen another since.

The key word in your statement was "were", and about the only correct word, as well.

Which is more correct than anything the far left propaganda drones will ever post.

And the far left is the party of slavery, but now it is political slavery as you drones keep showing..
FDR was a great man and president...

Yes he was. He gave his life for our nation. He could have stayed in his very easy life taking care of himself and the polio. He choose to serve our nation until he died.

Whenever anyone said his name around my parents or grandparents the first thing out of their mouths was "he saved us all" which he did.

It just goes to show how utterly and irreparably batshit crazy a very LARGE SWATH of the Right is when those freakazoids actually believe that FDR was somehow a communist or a fascist. Those people are completely untethered from reality and are more worthy of our pity than our scorn. FDR was without a doubt one of our greatest presidents ever, the only one in history to have to lead us out of absolutely the worst financial crisis we ever had, one causes by 12 years of reckless Republican rule under Harding / Coolidge and Hoover, to preparing us for the worst and most devastating war in our world's history. FDR was right about Social Security, he was right about Public Works Projects, he was right about mobilizing women for the workforce, seeing quite clearly that war was coming, he was right about the Lend-Lease act. They use the same old stupid argument to say that FDR actually made the depression worse, not better. What a bunch of utter fools.

Unlike the many Rabid, stupid fucked up Righties here in USMB who, luckily for us, are in no way representative of America at large, I can find good things to say about every President, even Nixon, absolutely irrespective of party. In fact, my favorite President of all time, bar none, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was a Republican.

As I just wrote, Righties who write this shit and think that smart people take it seriously are more worth our pity than scorn. They exhibit a kind of brain damage that I fear nothing can cure.

And the far left propaganda continues to roll on without question or hesitation.

Also proves that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion the planet.
You really have no idea how utterly ridiculous calling a political ideology a "religion" makes you look, what?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
FDR was a great man and president...

Yes he was. He gave his life for our nation. He could have stayed in his very easy life taking care of himself and the polio. He choose to serve our nation until he died.

Whenever anyone said his name around my parents or grandparents the first thing out of their mouths was "he saved us all" which he did.

It just goes to show how utterly and irreparably batshit crazy a very LARGE SWATH of the Right is when those freakazoids actually believe that FDR was somehow a communist or a fascist. Those people are completely untethered from reality and are more worthy of our pity than our scorn. FDR was without a doubt one of our greatest presidents ever, the only one in history to have to lead us out of absolutely the worst financial crisis we ever had, one causes by 12 years of reckless Republican rule under Harding / Coolidge and Hoover, to preparing us for the worst and most devastating war in our world's history. FDR was right about Social Security, he was right about Public Works Projects, he was right about mobilizing women for the workforce, seeing quite clearly that war was coming, he was right about the Lend-Lease act. They use the same old stupid argument to say that FDR actually made the depression worse, not better. What a bunch of utter fools.

Unlike the many Rabid, stupid fucked up Righties here in USMB who, luckily for us, are in no way representative of America at large, I can find good things to say about every President, even Nixon, absolutely irrespective of party. In fact, my favorite President of all time, bar none, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was a Republican.

As I just wrote, Righties who write this shit and think that smart people take it seriously are more worth our pity than scorn. They exhibit a kind of brain damage that I fear nothing can cure.

And the far left propaganda continues to roll on without question or hesitation.

Also proves that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion the planet.
You really have no idea how utterly ridiculous calling a political ideology a "religion" makes you look, what?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Says the far left drone!
First we have Obama going to the crusades now we have liberals exhuming FDR to try and save Obama through association. Must be a slow news night.

FDR would certainly have thought of Obama as JV. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself is not something we will ever have to fear Obama would say.

Had it not been for WWII Roosevelt would have not been looked upon so generously.The economy was still in shambles in 1940 .Also the vast corruption by unions of the political process generally assured a democratic victory.

Had FDR had the scrutiny of a republican president by the press today he would not have lasted long. Not only before the war but during the war Roosevelt made deals that lead to mass killings in an effort to keep Stalin in the fold.

But no one can deny that he lead this country to victory against the greatest menace western civilization has ever known. Please stop with any comparison between this man and Obama just because they both have dem behind their names. Party affiliation does not confer greatness.

Wait, I'm sorry, but " the scrutiny of a republican president by the press today?" You're fucking kidding me, right? This is the kind of scrutiny Bush had to face from the press in the lead-up to the Iraq war:




First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
How many strawmen are possible in one thread? Must say though, you do have a certain way about you.
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
How many strawmen are possible in one thread? Must say though, you do have a certain way about you.
Stating facts is not a strawman.
Do a little reading.
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
How many strawmen are possible in one thread? Must say though, you do have a certain way about you.
Stating facts is not a strawman.
Do a little reading.


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