FDR Warns America About Today's republicans

I am a history buff so yes I know that. I also know Roosevelt KNEW the Japanese were going to attack and he wanted and needed them to to give the US a reason to get into the war. Before Pearl Harbor the US had been committing economic terrorism against Japan and the US brought it on themselves...well the politicians did,the sailors and soldiers just became collateral damage for the corporate and political scumbags.
Ah...I cannot understand why people consider far right wingers to be crazy loon jobs. :cuckoo:
Do you paint everyone who doesn't agree with you as far right wingers? Seems to be a cop out so you don't have to debate them...but yeah I am not a right winger. I am a Racial Socialist. So economically I am a socialist,socially I am a nationalist/Conservative/etc.
Nationalist/Conservative is RW....in case you didn't know.

Another far left drone trying to push socialism as right wing!!
Me or Bodecea? I am no right winger...I may agree on social issues with them but that's as far as that goes.

Bodecea the far left drone..
Only things he did wrong in his presidency was allow jewish pressure in and falling to jewish pressure to aid England and then attack Germany.

I guess you didn't catch in your history class that Germany declared war on us first.

That's true, but FDR maneuvered Japan into attacking us. He knew the attack was coming and did nothing to warn Pearl Harbor. The man is a scumbag.
Only things he did wrong in his presidency was allow jewish pressure in and falling to jewish pressure to aid England and then attack Germany.

I guess you didn't catch in your history class that Germany declared war on us first.
I am a history buff so yes I know that. I also know Roosevelt KNEW the Japanese were going to attack and he wanted and needed them to to give the US a reason to get into the war. Before Pearl Harbor the US had been committing economic terrorism against Japan and the US brought it on themselves...well the politicians did,the sailors and soldiers just became collateral damage for the corporate and political scumbags.
Ah...I cannot understand why people consider far right wingers to be crazy loon jobs. :cuckoo:

On that issue, he is correct. Roosevelt conspired with Churchill and the Dutch to cut of all oil exports to Japan. That mean it had no other choice but to go to war to get oil. That's only one of the strategies Roosevelt used to goad the Japanese into going to war with the United States. Roosevelt even knew the location of the Japanese task force all the way from Japan to Pearl Harbor. These facts are all well documented.
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The Republicans during Roosevelt's time were LIBERALS. The Democrats were conservatives. So you are admitting that FDR was talking about Liberals. Thanks for clearing that up.
Don't let PompousCheek hear you say Socialist, Communist, Nazi lover FDR was a CON$ervoFascist, she will slap you 9 ways from Sunday with one of her copied and pasted insults! :rofl::lmao:
Again in FDR's time republicans were Liberals and democrats were conservatives. That started to change in FDR's last full 4 year term and changed completely by the late 50's. So FDR was warning about Liberal policies.
Where is PompousCheek when you need one of her copied and pasted insults?
He was the 1936 Brian Williams!
I love it when the Right eats their own. Williams was a major Bush apologist during the moronic Iraq war, and now, just to attack NBC the Right shits all over one of their own.
He was pretty much warning us about FDR. One of the worst presidents we've ever had along with Wilson, Carter and obie.

I guess you didn't catch in your history class that Germany declared war on us first.
I am a history buff so yes I know that. I also know Roosevelt KNEW the Japanese were going to attack and he wanted and needed them to to give the US a reason to get into the war. Before Pearl Harbor the US had been committing economic terrorism against Japan and the US brought it on themselves...well the politicians did,the sailors and soldiers just became collateral damage for the corporate and political scumbags.
Ah...I cannot understand why people consider far right wingers to be crazy loon jobs. :cuckoo:
Do you paint everyone who doesn't agree with you as far right wingers? Seems to be a cop out so you don't have to debate them...but yeah I am not a right winger. I am a Racial Socialist. So economically I am a socialist,socially I am a nationalist/Conservative/etc.
Nationalist/Conservative is RW....in case you didn't know.
And Socialist is "liberal" in case you didn't know.

You cannot be a "racialist" and a Liberal at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive. You're a fraud and a poser.

This used to be a nice place before this vermin element started seeping in from the sewer. I guess Stürmfront must have closed. Lucky the fuck us.
Look dumb ass the majority of the Democratic party through the 40's was conservative, that did not change till well into the 50's and 60's.
You may have something there, just look at the KKK. When the Dems abandoned the Klan in the 1960s the RepubliKlan Party took over the KKK.
Look dumb ass the majority of the Democratic party through the 40's was conservative, that did not change till well into the 50's and 60's.
You may have something there, just look at the KKK. When the Dems abandoned the Klan in the 1960s the RepubliKlan Party took over the KKK.

To be fair, the Klan has never had political affiliations. It would be more accurate to say the racists (in the South) left the D party for the R party (once Strom Thurmond did the unthinkable and switched in '64 it became thinkable).

Just as worth noting, they didn't go to the R party because it was the party of racism; they went to the R party because it was the party of conservatism -- which is what they always were anyway. Racism is by definition conservative. That's exactly why all those schisms kept happening. 1964.... 1948... 1924.... 1860...
Look dumb ass the majority of the Democratic party through the 40's was conservative, that did not change till well into the 50's and 60's.
You may have something there, just look at the KKK. When the Dems abandoned the Klan in the 1960s the RepubliKlan Party took over the KKK.

To be fair, the Klan has never had political affiliations. It would be more accurate to say the racists (in the South) left the D party for the R party (once Strom Thurmond did the unthinkable and switched in '64 it became thinkable).

Just as worth noting, they didn't go to the R party because it was the party of racism; they went to the R party because it was the party of conservatism -- which is what they always were anyway. Racism is by definition conservative.

Bam far left propaganda right on cue!
I am a history buff so yes I know that. I also know Roosevelt KNEW the Japanese were going to attack and he wanted and needed them to to give the US a reason to get into the war. Before Pearl Harbor the US had been committing economic terrorism against Japan and the US brought it on themselves...well the politicians did,the sailors and soldiers just became collateral damage for the corporate and political scumbags.
Ah...I cannot understand why people consider far right wingers to be crazy loon jobs. :cuckoo:
Do you paint everyone who doesn't agree with you as far right wingers? Seems to be a cop out so you don't have to debate them...but yeah I am not a right winger. I am a Racial Socialist. So economically I am a socialist,socially I am a nationalist/Conservative/etc.
Nationalist/Conservative is RW....in case you didn't know.
And Socialist is "liberal" in case you didn't know.

You cannot be a "racialist" and a Liberal at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive. You're a fraud and a poser.

This used to be a nice place before this vermin element started seeping in from the sewer. I guess Stürmfront must have closed. Lucky the fuck us.
Well sorry to piss in your frosted flakes but that's exactly what I am. Here I will even share a link to it.

Racial socialism[edit]
The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies Creativity's ideology as Neo-Nazi,[7] while Klassen stated that Creativity was not a rehash of Nazism, and listed eight differences between his political ideology and that of the Nazis.[8] Ben Klassen adopted the phrase "racial socialism" to describe his political ideology based on Creativity's golden rule. He was highly critical of democracy, advocating for meritocracy believing that strong, effective leaders should have the ability to rule. Under racial socialism, "whites would work together toward common goals but without the massive economic planning in the style of the Soviet GOSPLAN".[9] Klassen supported a limited version of a market economy. His main concern was that social and economic activities be directed in the best interests of white people. Criticizing the "leftist proclivities" of those who attempted to recruit solely from the white working class, Klassen believed that "all [white] members of the national or racial community... had an important role to play."[9]

Klassen stated that many people were "confused" about what socialism really is or what collectivism really entails, citing use of the term by Jews, Christians, conservatives, and other groups Creativity is designed to oppose as the source of the problem. Klassen and the Creativity church's position on what they viewed socialism as is "Organized Society." Klassen's socialism does not "imply state ownership of the means of production," nor does it, in his definition, "imply confiscation of private property." The Creativity church is opposed to state ownership of the basic means of production, such as farms, factories, stores, etc. However they are for the ownership of private property by individuals. They believe that there is a category of functions that are best performed by organized society as a whole. In this category they place highways, airports, harbors, national defense, law enforcement and many others.

Hate using Wikipedia but its the only place other than our holy books that its stated.
Yes, that's exactly what you are -- a fraud and a poser.

I never heard of you before today, when I saw you "thank" a post about killing more Muslims. That told me all I needed to know. As if the screen name wasn't enough.
Yes, that's exactly what you are -- a fraud and a poser.

I never heard of you before today, when I saw you "thank" a post about killing more Muslims. That told me all I needed to know. As if the screen name wasn't enough.

Yet you support killing more Muslims by supporting Obama's illegal wars..
Yes, that's exactly what you are -- a fraud and a poser.

I never heard of you before today, when I saw you "thank" a post about killing more Muslims. That told me all I needed to know. As if the screen name wasn't enough.
You are one angry little man...get a grip.

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