FDR Warns America About Today's republicans

FDR was an interesting tool, his entire political and economic objective was to preserve the power and control of leadership in the hands of the wealthiest, ivy league educated, entitled blue blood family's. His outright disdain toward the middle class and upward mobility of lower classes to his sphere of prominence and respectability, regardless of race, irked his self ordained entitled tribe of elitist Brahmans and fostered what we now have is class and economic warfare. The KKK was just the normal evolution of repressed individuals spawned and promoted by the Democrats to keep another group in their place, as servants and caretakers for the entitled blue bloods. A true progressive that understood how to manipulate the masses for his own benefit.
As for KKK, nope, the GOP never bought into their repressive dogma. Remember, if not for the GOP, southern and eastern democrats would have never addressed the deficiencies of the very principles the Constitution and Bill of Rights represented, then again, we are talking about perverted spinning of fact and the love we all know, if your old enough, of the love the democrats had for their fellow man. Come on, don't spew such crap, there are those that are old enough, and well enough educated to know other wise.
See how to the far left drones see anything that is not far left as far right!
May 12, 2008

RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal
See how to the far left drones see anything that is not far left as far right!
May 12, 2008

RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

Yet the far left is none of those things, even though they have hijacked many terms..

Just like you are a far left drone posting the propaganda of your religion without question or hesitation..
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


In FDRs time, the republicans we know today were Democrats. Due to the New Deal, they bailed out of the Democratic Party and took their billions with them. What they would never want you to know is, FDR really didn't want to do the New Deal and neither did Congress. But there were millions of WWI veterans well armed that were threatening to do a revolution. FDR had no choice but to create jobs fast.The Prez and Congress had no choice but to keep the nation together. But the Corporations found they could no longer control congress and the Prez and switched parties. The switch was pretty much done by the late 60s. The Progessive Republicans bailed out of the Republican party and changed to the Democratic Party. Both parties, in a matter of 30 years, completely polarized.

I don't see how it could have happened any different way for the New Deal. What America was getting was a Raw Deal before that. Multi Millionaires and Billionaires lost control of the Federal Government from 1935 to 1968. Of course, if the WPA and CCC didn't happen, there would be a very violent armed revolution and the Dems and Reps would have been dissolve. . Both the WPA and CCC ran from 1935 to 1942.

The Rich Corporations went through the Depression with little harm. They had enough to weather it just fine. In fact, when WWII happened, some of these creetins were found guilty of doing business with the Enemy. The Corporations tossed sacrificial lambs for prosecution and all were convicted. Maybe you will recognise a few of Corporate Leaders'; Koch was banged so hard that the whole company moved overseas. Mostly to the Soviet Union. That was the worst of the lot. Until then, old man Koch backed the dems. But quickly started pumping millions into the Republican Party after 1946. This is also the wonderful Company that from 2009 till today, has been fined over 400 million for oil spills and pumping crap into rivers. I don't see a damned difference.
See how to the far left drones see anything that is not far left as far right!
May 12, 2008

RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

There are conservative Democrats and Moderates.
Yes, that's exactly what you are -- a fraud and a poser.

I never heard of you before today, when I saw you "thank" a post about killing more Muslims. That told me all I needed to know. As if the screen name wasn't enough.

Like all Nazis, he's a socialist. I know the truth is hard for you to admit, but nevertheless, there it is.

And here's another clue for you, asshole: there's nothing "conservative" about racism. That's purely a characteristic of those who lick the boots of the almighty state - liberals, in other words.
I saw this and thought, wow he's got a great crystal ball. FDR knew what the republicans are and he warned us. I just wish people had listened to his warning.


In FDRs time, the republicans we know today were Democrats. Due to the New Deal, they bailed out of the Democratic Party and took their billions with them. What they would never want you to know is, FDR really didn't want to do the New Deal and neither did Congress. But there were millions of WWI veterans well armed that were threatening to do a revolution. FDR had no choice but to create jobs fast.The Prez and Congress had no choice but to keep the nation together. But the Corporations found they could no longer control congress and the Prez and switched parties. The switch was pretty much done by the late 60s. The Progessive Republicans bailed out of the Republican party and changed to the Democratic Party. Both parties, in a matter of 30 years, completely polarized.

I don't see how it could have happened any different way for the New Deal. What America was getting was a Raw Deal before that. Multi Millionaires and Billionaires lost control of the Federal Government from 1935 to 1968. Of course, if the WPA and CCC didn't happen, there would be a very violent armed revolution and the Dems and Reps would have been dissolve. . Both the WPA and CCC ran from 1935 to 1942.

The Rich Corporations went through the Depression with little harm. They had enough to weather it just fine. In fact, when WWII happened, some of these creetins were found guilty of doing business with the Enemy. The Corporations tossed sacrificial lambs for prosecution and all were convicted. Maybe you will recognise a few of Corporate Leaders'; Koch was banged so hard that the whole company moved overseas. Mostly to the Soviet Union. That was the worst of the lot. Until then, old man Koch backed the dems. But quickly started pumping millions into the Republican Party after 1946. This is also the wonderful Company that from 2009 till today, has been fined over 400 million for oil spills and pumping crap into rivers. I don't see a damned difference.

I've never seen such an immense pile of horseshit.
Look dumb ass the majority of the Democratic party through the 40's was conservative, that did not change till well into the 50's and 60's.
You may have something there, just look at the KKK. When the Dems abandoned the Klan in the 1960s the RepubliKlan Party took over the KKK.

To be fair, the Klan has never had political affiliations. It would be more accurate to say the racists (in the South) left the D party for the R party (once Strom Thurmond did the unthinkable and switched in '64 it became thinkable).

Just as worth noting, they didn't go to the R party because it was the party of racism; they went to the R party because it was the party of conservatism -- which is what they always were anyway. Racism is by definition conservative. That's exactly why all those schisms kept happening. 1964.... 1948... 1924.... 1860...

ROFL! It's impossible to express in mere words how full of shit you are. The Klan has always been a creature of the Democrat party. You have to be brain damaged not to know that.
He was the 1936 Brian Williams!
I love it when the Right eats their own. Williams was a major Bush apologist during the moronic Iraq war, and now, just to attack NBC the Right shits all over one of their own.

Brian Williams is a right-winger?

Now we know you're a lunatic.
Well he sure exaggerates like a Right-winger!

He lies just like a left-winger.
Right-wingers ALWAYS lie about Left-wingers.
Just have a second American civil war. Democrats will have their chance to cleanse the country.
The Klan has always been a creature of the Democrat party. You have to be brain damaged not to know that.
The Klan has always been a creature of CON$ervoFascism. You have to be brain damaged not to know that.
Yes, that's exactly what you are -- a fraud and a poser.

I never heard of you before today, when I saw you "thank" a post about killing more Muslims. That told me all I needed to know. As if the screen name wasn't enough.

Like all Nazis, he's a socialist. I know the truth is hard for you to admit, but nevertheless, there it is.

And here's another clue for you, asshole: there's nothing "conservative" about racism. That's purely a characteristic of those who lick the boots of the almighty state - liberals, in other words.

That's not what I wrote either but you're illiterate so you make up your own posts. That's cute. Reminds me of a post you wrote when I first got to USMB - it went, and I quote, "I went back and reread your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".


Liberalism invented the very concept "all men are created equal". It's irreconcilable with racism.
That makes him a poser clown and you, a kid on the side with jelly all over his face.
Yes, that's exactly what you are -- a fraud and a poser.

I never heard of you before today, when I saw you "thank" a post about killing more Muslims. That told me all I needed to know. As if the screen name wasn't enough.

Like all Nazis, he's a socialist. I know the truth is hard for you to admit, but nevertheless, there it is.

And here's another clue for you, asshole: there's nothing "conservative" about racism. That's purely a characteristic of those who lick the boots of the almighty state - liberals, in other words.

That's not what I wrote either but you're illiterate so you make up your own posts. That's cute. Reminds me of a post you wrote when I first got to USMB - it went, and I quote, "I went back and reread your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".


Liberalism invented the very concept "all men are created equal". It's irreconcilable with racism.
That makes him a poser clown and you, a kid on the side with jelly all over his face.

The far left drones and their propaganda, they do love to rewrite history..
Yes, that's exactly what you are -- a fraud and a poser.

I never heard of you before today, when I saw you "thank" a post about killing more Muslims. That told me all I needed to know. As if the screen name wasn't enough.

Like all Nazis, he's a socialist. I know the truth is hard for you to admit, but nevertheless, there it is.

And here's another clue for you, asshole: there's nothing "conservative" about racism. That's purely a characteristic of those who lick the boots of the almighty state - liberals, in other words.

That's not what I wrote either but you're illiterate so you make up your own posts. That's cute. Reminds me of a post you wrote when I first got to USMB - it went, and I quote, "I went back and reread your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".


Liberalism invented the very concept "all men are created equal". It's irreconcilable with racism.
That makes him a poser clown and you, a kid on the side with jelly all over his face.

You have nothing in common with those liberals. In fact, your kind often expresses their contempt for the Founding Fathers.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Look dumb ass the majority of the Democratic party through the 40's was conservative, that did not change till well into the 50's and 60's.
You may have something there, just look at the KKK. When the Dems abandoned the Klan in the 1960s the RepubliKlan Party took over the KKK.

To be fair, the Klan has never had political affiliations. It would be more accurate to say the racists (in the South) left the D party for the R party (once Strom Thurmond did the unthinkable and switched in '64 it became thinkable).

Just as worth noting, they didn't go to the R party because it was the party of racism; they went to the R party because it was the party of conservatism -- which is what they always were anyway. Racism is by definition conservative. That's exactly why all those schisms kept happening. 1964.... 1948... 1924.... 1860...

ROFL! It's impossible to express in mere words how full of shit you are. The Klan has always been a creature of the Democrat party. You have to be brain damaged not to know that.

What's impossible to express in words is how you find your way to the power switch on a computer, let alone get food into your own mouth.

Number one there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Never has been. Number two, the Klan wasn't started, maintained or continued by any political party. It was formed in the first iteration by six Confederate soldier veterans (around a campfire in Pulaski Tennessee on Christmas Day 1865). Soldiers, not politicians. That was one of several vigilante groups founded by Confederate Soldiers at the same time for the same purpose -- to deny the outcome of, and continue the cause of, the Civil War. Another such group was called the Knghts of the White Camellia. We remember the Klan better than the others because while these groups died out in their own time (the original Klan was defunct by 1880), it got restarted in a more recent century.

In 1915, exactly a hundred years ago, inspired by the racist D.W. Griffith film "Birth of a Nation", a Georgia salesman name William Simmons resurrected the Klan in its second iteration. Registered it with the Georgia secretary of State, the whole shebang. Again, a salesman, not a politician. This second iteration adopted (from the film) the white sheets and burning crosses imagery we've come to know, and broadened the original KKK's hate targest to include not just blacks but Jews, Catholics, communists, adulterers and loose women. They saw and presented themselves as a social (not political) white protestant Christian moral police force.

This second Klan, fueling from the fearmongering of the worst period of racial strife in this nation's history (not unlike today's Islamophobia) was more organized and spread much further than the first, making inroads ito the midwest and west, especially Indiana and Colorado, where it got governors and senators elected, and the city council of Anahiem (all of the foregoing Republicans btw) as well as in Ohio and the Pacific northwest. At the same time there were Democrat Klan getting elected in the South -- which of course was a one-party State; if you wanted to be elected to anything in the South you either ran as a Democrat, or you lost to one. Then there was John Walton, the Democratic Governor of Oklahoma, who after taking office just after the infamous Tulsa Race Riot, tried to drive the Klan out, but the Klan got Walton removed.

So to the extent the KKK dabbled in politics at all, its members ran as Democrats in the South, as Republicans in the West and Midwest -- in other words whatever worked for access to power in that setting. That's because politics wasn't its objective; its driving force was socio-cultural, however perverse that cause was. Most Klan didn't dabble in politics at all. But they ALL dabbled in Christian-based moralism and racism.

This is history, Finger-boy. Don't try to bullshit me. Cultural values is where racism happens. Cultural values is where everything happens. This latter-day revisionism summa y'all try to concoct and keep tossing on the wall like pasta to see if it sticks just to try to score points in some imaginary political football game is really kind of juvenile . Also kinda befits your stupid avatar.

Grow the fuck up. You embarrass yourself.
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