A couple of issues here.

1. What does this have to do with your amnesia in responding the same post twice?
2. I'm not a Sanders supporter.
3. James O'keefe is a lying piece of shit so why would I care what made up crap he's uncovered?
how is james o'keefe a lying piece of shit? he merely videotapes those who tell their stories. what?

By selectively editing clips and developing a false narrative based on the edited clips. That type of Yellow Journalism worked a couple of times on a reactionary level, until the unedited clips were released. Now the guy has credibility problems.
Joe is a blathering Senile Chinese Russian Puppet Idiot.

Heil Schiffler!

So, how's the weather over there in St. Petersburg? Snow melting yet?
how about yours in Siberia?

are there NO message board posters from the USA?

exceptin me, of course....
same tactics fascists, conservatives and republicans use.....
2a. Freudian projection
The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Freudian Projection: Of what they accuse, they are themselves guilty.

and I accuse you of the same....

I'll go so far as to say "YOUR SIDE STARTED IT!"

but when you say "liberals use fear and hate and intimidation tactics" I am merely reminded of the HATE and FEAR and INTIMIDATION tactics that YOUR side indulges in.

it is YOUR side that keeps saying " we have the GUNS!" ....please explain how you are NOT using FEAR of guns and INTIMIDATION of using those guns because you HATE liberals.....

and kindly explain all that talk of "civil war"
You have foolishly *ahem* assumed that I am a republican, when I am not..."My side" doesn't participate, for the most part..."My side" rejects authoritarians and central planners in all their forms.

If there ever is a civil war (which a seriously doubt there will be) I can guarantee that "my side" will be the ones looking for ways to benefit from the arrogance and stupidity of violent little statist shitburgers like you.
same tactics fascists, conservatives and republicans use.....
2a. Freudian projection
The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Freudian Projection: Of what they accuse, they are themselves guilty.

and I accuse you of the same....

I'll go so far as to say "YOUR SIDE STARTED IT!"

but when you say "liberals use fear and hate and intimidation tactics" I am merely reminded of the HATE and FEAR and INTIMIDATION tactics that YOUR side indulges in.

it is YOUR side that keeps saying " we have the GUNS!" ....please explain how you are NOT using FEAR of guns and INTIMIDATION of using those guns because you HATE liberals.....

and kindly explain all that talk of "civil war"
You have foolishly *ahem* assumed that I am a republican, when I am not..."My side" doesn't participate, for the most part..."My side" rejects authoritarians and central planners in all their forms.

If there ever is a civil war (which a seriously doubt there will be) I can guarantee that "my side" will be the ones looking for ways to benefit from the arrogance and stupidity of violent little statist shitburgers like you.

I said....."FACISTS"



you FOOLISHLY "ASS U med" that I including them all together.

nope.....silly ass....

merely pointing out that AMONGST the groups who use fear and hate and intimidation you may, in addition to LEFTWINGERS, include FASCISTS and CONSERVATIVES and REPUBLICANS"
same tactics fascists, conservatives and republicans use.....
2a. Freudian projection
The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Freudian Projection: Of what they accuse, they are themselves guilty.

and I accuse you of the same....

I'll go so far as to say "YOUR SIDE STARTED IT!"

but when you say "liberals use fear and hate and intimidation tactics" I am merely reminded of the HATE and FEAR and INTIMIDATION tactics that YOUR side indulges in.

it is YOUR side that keeps saying " we have the GUNS!" ....please explain how you are NOT using FEAR of guns and INTIMIDATION of using those guns because you HATE liberals.....

and kindly explain all that talk of "civil war"
You have foolishly *ahem* assumed that I am a republican, when I am not..."My side" doesn't participate, for the most part..."My side" rejects authoritarians and central planners in all their forms.

If there ever is a civil war (which a seriously doubt there will be) I can guarantee that "my side" will be the ones looking for ways to benefit from the arrogance and stupidity of violent little statist shitburgers like you.

I said....."FACISTS"



you FOOLISHLY "ASS U med" that I including them all together.

nope.....silly ass....

merely pointing out that AMONGST the groups who use fear and hate and intimidation you may, in addition to LEFTWINGERS, include FASCISTS and CONSERVATIVES and REPUBLICANS"
I'm not falling for your game, no matter how much caplock you use, projectisaurus rex.

And whataboutism isn't an argument either.
A little bit of a thread fail.

Typical thread.

A conservative puts forth an opinion, in this case makes valid points about how socialism and Marxism typically go hand in hand....which has been shown by history to be true.

And the responses?

Through 5 pages, not one that didn't come off the elementary school playground.

Like the one above.

It is appalling how poorly educated liberals/socialists/budding-Bolsheviks are these days. And, how immature. It is very scary for the future of what has been the greatest country so far in human history.
We know what you are doing. You and your band of Nad Hombres decided to launch a campaign of lies, hatred and fear mongering since the day President s Trump was nominated and you even asked The Russians to help you.

And you’ve ran from one overhyped Fake Crisis to another for 4 straight Years.

Nad Hombres? Awesome band name.
The Nad Hombres was for you, because I know how you like the "Rainbow Parades."

I like Nad Hombres much better for the band than Rainbow Parades.
A little bit of a thread fail.

Typical thread.

A conservative puts forth an opinion, in this case makes valid points about how socialism and Marxism typically go hand in hand....which has been shown by history to be true.

And the responses?

Through 5 pages, not one that didn't come off the elementary school playground.

Like the one above.

It is appalling how poorly educated liberals/socialists/budding-Bolsheviks are these days. And, how immature. It is very scary for the future of what has been the greatest country so far in human history.

I know, Finland is so scary.
And totalitarianism is exactly what todays Democrats are selling. When you have good talkers like Obama, Sanders and Buttigieg peddling socialism-communism to disgruntled but simple minded people, the ignoramuses get converted by the liars. It's sad to see how much influence totalitarianism has on the American people, especially our naive youth.
Nothing new. Stalin called them useful idiots.

The Capitalists Will Sell Us the Rope with Which We Will Hang Them.

Vlad Lenin

By doing business with China, that is what is happening. This is why we had once made policies to not do business with such regimes under the well known fear that big money wins just about every time.

Corporatists are not capitalists. Trust that. When Disney for example dictates to us who can say what in art, that is when we know.

Well that is what they do. Reference how they banned South Park cause they said their dear leader looks like whinnie the pooh. Banned and Comedy Central had to make decisions.

Look at the NBA. No problem when they loudly and proudly boycott Trump cause they call him an oppressor and of course racist. Well, they got on their knees for the Chinese lord when our citizen expressed his opinion. Well, people were calling for the firing, and the NBA dismissed their support for the actual oppressed in Hong Kong.

See how it works and we will and we are reaping the whirlwind.
A little bit of a thread fail.

Typical thread.

A conservative puts forth an opinion, in this case makes valid points about how socialism and Marxism typically go hand in hand....which has been shown by history to be true.

And the responses?

Through 5 pages, not one that didn't come off the elementary school playground.

Like the one above.

It is appalling how poorly educated liberals/socialists/budding-Bolsheviks are these days. And, how immature. It is very scary for the future of what has been the greatest country so far in human history.

I know, Finland is so scary.

and there-in lies the problem.....

say...."Finland" to a conservative and he IMMEDIATELY thinks......Cuba! Venezuela!

say....."wouldn't it be great for America if EXCELLENT education was available at an AFFORDABLE cost?!?!?" ......and cons immediately think.....RUSSIA! CHINA!

say...."wouldn't it be great if everyone had access to AFFORDABLE health care?".... and that conservative will smoke a few more cigarettes, eat a few more fatty fries, continue to become an obese pig developing heart, lung, back, stomach and liver problems that the rest of us will end up paying for and just call you a "commy socialist who wants HIS tax dollars!".....
A little bit of a thread fail.

Typical thread.

A conservative puts forth an opinion, in this case makes valid points about how socialism and Marxism typically go hand in hand....which has been shown by history to be true.

And the responses?

Through 5 pages, not one that didn't come off the elementary school playground.

Like the one above.

It is appalling how poorly educated liberals/socialists/budding-Bolsheviks are these days. And, how immature. It is very scary for the future of what has been the greatest country so far in human history.

I know, Finland is so scary.

and there-in lies the problem.....

say...."Finland" to a conservative and he IMMEDIATELY thinks......Cuba! Venezuela!

say....."wouldn't it be great for America if EXCELLENT education was available at an AFFORDABLE cost?!?!?" ......and cons immediately think.....RUSSIA! CHINA!

say...."wouldn't it be great if everyone had access to AFFORDABLE health care?".... and that conservative will smoke a few more cigarettes, eat a few more fatty fries, continue to become an obese pig developing heart, lung, back, stomach and liver problems that the rest of us will end up paying for and just call you a "commy socialist who wants HIS tax dollars!".....

You certainly can't have an honest discussion about universal healthcare or of social safety nets which exist in literally every established western democracy with the far right.
And totalitarianism is exactly what todays Democrats are selling. When you have good talkers like Obama, Sanders and Buttigieg peddling socialism-communism to disgruntled but simple minded people, the ignoramuses get converted by the liars. It's sad to see how much influence totalitarianism has on the American people, especially our naive youth.
Nothing new. Stalin called them useful idiots.

The Capitalists Will Sell Us the Rope with Which We Will Hang Them.

Vlad Lenin

By doing business with China, that is what is happening. This is why we had once made policies to not do business with such regimes under the well known fear that big money wins just about every time.

Corporatists are not capitalists. Trust that. When Disney for example dictates to us who can say what in art, that is when we know.

Well that is what they do. Reference how they banned South Park cause they said their dear leader looks like whinnie the pooh. Banned and Comedy Central had to make decisions.

Look at the NBA. No problem when they loudly and proudly boycott Trump cause they call him an oppressor and of course racist. Well, they got on their knees for the Chinese lord when our citizen expressed his opinion. Well, people were calling for the firing, and the NBA dismissed their support for the actual oppressed in Hong Kong.

See how it works and we will and we are reaping the whirlwind.
The ruling on Citizens United allows corporations to spend undisclosed and unregulated amounts of money on political campaigns, shifting outcomes to the interests and undermining true democracy.

See relationship between capitalism and democracy.

by contrast, the only ideology which puts democracy in the workplace is socialism.
If there isnt democracy in the workplace, its something other than socialism.
Still don't see how the left justify use of force to implement their policies. I'm not just talking taxation. The left has the assumption people are too stupid to make decisions, so they must be forced to accept whatever decree for their own good. Crack a few eggs, freedom is overrated, ect.
Still don't see how the left justify use of force to implement their policies. I'm not just talking taxation. The left has the assumption people are too stupid to make decisions, so they must be forced to accept whatever decree for their own good. Crack a few eggs, freedom is overrated, ect.

"Still don't see how the left justify use of force to implement their policies."

Neither do I!

I also have a problem with conservatives who do the same thing......

The only people talking about a "bloody civil war" are conservatives

the only people threatening the OTHER side with the phrase "we have the gUNS!" are conservatives

the only people espousing "we must take back our country by ANY MEANS NECESSARY" are conservatives....and "by any means necessay" MEANS VIOLENCE!

and who says "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."? CONSERVATIVES! (the ones with the TYRANT!)

rush limbaugh said "leave only some liberals left alive"

and ann coulter said "we should shoot a few (liberals) to let the rest know it can happen to them"

Sounds like violence to me....

" The left has the assumption people are too stupid to make decisions,"

is that anything like how conservatives, from limbaugh to his lowliest minion, ALL AGREE that liberals are "idiots, morons, stupid"?

because I hear THAT all the time from conservatives....

I see it daily on this message board

This is just you ACCUSING your enemies of your own crimes!
A little bit of a thread fail.

Typical thread.

A conservative puts forth an opinion, in this case makes valid points about how socialism and Marxism typically go hand in hand....which has been shown by history to be true.

And the responses?

Through 5 pages, not one that didn't come off the elementary school playground.

Like the one above.

It is appalling how poorly educated liberals/socialists/budding-Bolsheviks are these days. And, how immature. It is very scary for the future of what has been the greatest country so far in human history.

I know, Finland is so scary.

and there-in lies the problem.....

say...."Finland" to a conservative and he IMMEDIATELY thinks......Cuba! Venezuela!

say....."wouldn't it be great for America if EXCELLENT education was available at an AFFORDABLE cost?!?!?" ......and cons immediately think.....RUSSIA! CHINA!

say...."wouldn't it be great if everyone had access to AFFORDABLE health care?".... and that conservative will smoke a few more cigarettes, eat a few more fatty fries, continue to become an obese pig developing heart, lung, back, stomach and liver problems that the rest of us will end up paying for and just call you a "commy socialist who wants HIS tax dollars!".....

You certainly can't have an honest discussion about universal healthcare or of social safety nets which exist in literally every established western democracy with the far right.
Social security will be insolvent soon. Medicare will be insolvent soon. Your argument is starting to sound like "but all my friends do heroin". You need to stop beating dead horses and start thinking outside the box.
A little bit of a thread fail.

Typical thread.

A conservative puts forth an opinion, in this case makes valid points about how socialism and Marxism typically go hand in hand....which has been shown by history to be true.

And the responses?

Through 5 pages, not one that didn't come off the elementary school playground.

Like the one above.

It is appalling how poorly educated liberals/socialists/budding-Bolsheviks are these days. And, how immature. It is very scary for the future of what has been the greatest country so far in human history.

I know, Finland is so scary.

and there-in lies the problem.....

say...."Finland" to a conservative and he IMMEDIATELY thinks......Cuba! Venezuela!

say....."wouldn't it be great for America if EXCELLENT education was available at an AFFORDABLE cost?!?!?" ......and cons immediately think.....RUSSIA! CHINA!

say...."wouldn't it be great if everyone had access to AFFORDABLE health care?".... and that conservative will smoke a few more cigarettes, eat a few more fatty fries, continue to become an obese pig developing heart, lung, back, stomach and liver problems that the rest of us will end up paying for and just call you a "commy socialist who wants HIS tax dollars!".....

You certainly can't have an honest discussion about universal healthcare or of social safety nets which exist in literally every established western democracy with the far right.
Social security will be insolvent soon. Medicare will be insolvent soon. Your argument is starting to sound like "but all my friends do heroin". You need to stop beating dead horses and start thinking outside the box.

I've heard that SS is going to be insolvent my entire life. That beaten horse is in a museum.

Typical thread.

A conservative puts forth an opinion, in this case makes valid points about how socialism and Marxism typically go hand in hand....which has been shown by history to be true.

And the responses?

Through 5 pages, not one that didn't come off the elementary school playground.

Like the one above.

It is appalling how poorly educated liberals/socialists/budding-Bolsheviks are these days. And, how immature. It is very scary for the future of what has been the greatest country so far in human history.

I know, Finland is so scary.

and there-in lies the problem.....

say...."Finland" to a conservative and he IMMEDIATELY thinks......Cuba! Venezuela!

say....."wouldn't it be great for America if EXCELLENT education was available at an AFFORDABLE cost?!?!?" ......and cons immediately think.....RUSSIA! CHINA!

say...."wouldn't it be great if everyone had access to AFFORDABLE health care?".... and that conservative will smoke a few more cigarettes, eat a few more fatty fries, continue to become an obese pig developing heart, lung, back, stomach and liver problems that the rest of us will end up paying for and just call you a "commy socialist who wants HIS tax dollars!".....

You certainly can't have an honest discussion about universal healthcare or of social safety nets which exist in literally every established western democracy with the far right.
Social security will be insolvent soon. Medicare will be insolvent soon. Your argument is starting to sound like "but all my friends do heroin". You need to stop beating dead horses and start thinking outside the box.

I've heard that SS is going to be insolvent my entire life. That beaten horse is in a museum.
Paranoia is a serious disease, Qdog.
And y
Still don't see how the left justify use of force to implement their policies. I'm not just talking taxation. The left has the assumption people are too stupid to make decisions, so they must be forced to accept whatever decree for their own good. Crack a few eggs, freedom is overrated, ect.

"Still don't see how the left justify use of force to implement their policies."

Neither do I!

I also have a problem with conservatives who do the same thing......

The only people talking about a "bloody civil war" are conservatives

the only people threatening the OTHER side with the phrase "we have the gUNS!" are conservatives

the only people espousing "we must take back our country by ANY MEANS NECESSARY" are conservatives....and "by any means necessay" MEANS VIOLENCE!

and who says "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."? CONSERVATIVES! (the ones with the TYRANT!)

rush limbaugh said "leave only some liberals left alive"

and ann coulter said "we should shoot a few (liberals) to let the rest know it can happen to them"

Sounds like violence to me....

" The left has the assumption people are too stupid to make decisions,"

is that anything like how conservatives, from limbaugh to his lowliest minion, ALL AGREE that liberals are "idiots, morons, stupid"?

because I hear THAT all the time from conservatives....

I see it daily on this message board

This is just you ACCUSING your enemies of your own crimes!

And yet the left pushes for gigantic national programs and taking choices away from people. When they can't do this legislatively, they use the courts. While taking away people's choices, they say they will make things less expensive, which is not true. Heavy taxation for inferior services makes no sense. Using illegal immigration to flip states from republican to democrat is also quite a disgrace and a hostile act. I have no problem with disagreements on policy, but democrats appear too obsessed with race or gender to even get to their health and energy takeover plans, gun confiscation, censorship, and ignoring federal laws. I'm not saying republicans are saints, but at least the rhetoric they ignore is about free choice, competition, following the law, equal justice, and not being the doormat of every country on earth.
how is james o'keefe a lying piece of shit? he merely videotapes those who tell their stories. what?

By selectively editing clips and developing a false narrative based on the edited clips. That type of Yellow Journalism worked a couple of times on a reactionary level, until the unedited clips were released. Now the guy has credibility problems.
Joe is a blathering Senile Chinese Russian Puppet Idiot.

Heil Schiffler!

So, how's the weather over there in St. Petersburg? Snow melting yet?
how about yours in Siberia?

Is that where ya'll vacation in the summertime over there?
how's your visit there going?
A little bit of a thread fail.

Typical thread.

A conservative puts forth an opinion, in this case makes valid points about how socialism and Marxism typically go hand in hand....which has been shown by history to be true.

And the responses?

Through 5 pages, not one that didn't come off the elementary school playground.

Like the one above.

It is appalling how poorly educated liberals/socialists/budding-Bolsheviks are these days. And, how immature. It is very scary for the future of what has been the greatest country so far in human history.

I know, Finland is so scary.
it is?
A little bit of a thread fail.

Typical thread.

A conservative puts forth an opinion, in this case makes valid points about how socialism and Marxism typically go hand in hand....which has been shown by history to be true.

And the responses?

Through 5 pages, not one that didn't come off the elementary school playground.

Like the one above.

It is appalling how poorly educated liberals/socialists/budding-Bolsheviks are these days. And, how immature. It is very scary for the future of what has been the greatest country so far in human history.

I know, Finland is so scary.

and there-in lies the problem.....

say...."Finland" to a conservative and he IMMEDIATELY thinks......Cuba! Venezuela!

say....."wouldn't it be great for America if EXCELLENT education was available at an AFFORDABLE cost?!?!?" ......and cons immediately think.....RUSSIA! CHINA!

say...."wouldn't it be great if everyone had access to AFFORDABLE health care?".... and that conservative will smoke a few more cigarettes, eat a few more fatty fries, continue to become an obese pig developing heart, lung, back, stomach and liver problems that the rest of us will end up paying for and just call you a "commy socialist who wants HIS tax dollars!".....

You certainly can't have an honest discussion about universal healthcare or of social safety nets which exist in literally every established western democracy with the far right.
sure let's have one. 85% of americans have insurance, what's your issue? I thought obammy care covered the other 15% what happened? almost nine years now.

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