Fear Is Not Your Enemy. Covid Is

Fear Is Not Your Enemy. Covid Is​

What I believe is that the chances of dying are FAR less if you're vaccinated and boosted
Obviously a significant number of people here and across the planet disagree

but dictatorial leftwingers are determined to crush every non conformist they can find
Glad to see that you think birx is a butt crack.

Dr. Deborah Birx said that while some countries are reporting coronavirus fatality numbers differently, in the U.S. you are counted as a victim of the pandemic if you die while testing positive for the virus, even if something else causes your death.
This is your train of thought? LOL! You really can't see forest for tree can you?
Worldometer contains the details
CDC admitted in print media about June but I don’t have a copy. It’s not that you are unaware, you simply now ignore your beloved CDC . You loved it when it locked us down.
You never have a copy. That's why you lose so many debates.

Instead contaminated masks are thrown in the garbage, in our streets and eventually pollute our waters...
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Obviously a significant number of people here and across the planet disagree

but dictatorial leftwingers are determined to crush every non conformist they can find
A significant number of people believe Elvis is still alive and bagging groceries in Minnesota

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