Fear Is Not Your Enemy. Covid Is

What I believe is that the chances of dying are FAR less if you're vaccinated and boosted
Good for you. I don’t operate that way. I try to evaluate and analyze an issue before believing something.

Are you aware of this?

Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried To Have Sealed For 55 years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release​

Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried To Have Sealed For 55 years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release
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Unvaccinated are dying at 10x or more the rate of vaccinated.
The politics should be stripped out of the debate on the vaccines by now since Trump proclaimed the vaccines to be safe and effective.
We can only assume that his followers have fallen behind the curve!
Or are stricken with stubbornness to a suicidal level?
I think Lesh is likely just really, really, really ascared that he might have to go get a job and works three times as hard looking for excuses not to.

Likely just wants to sit around in his underoos the rest of his miserable existence milking the rest of us dry at the barrel of a government gun. In fact, it seems to be a trend with these clowns in the larger scheme of things. Sems like they work harder avoiding work than what that'd actually have to do if they went to work.
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I think Lesh is likely just really, really, really ascared that he might have to go get a job and works three times as hard looing for excuses not to.
Fuck off troll. I’m retired and still work at my business 3 days a week
Cut the strings stupid… then use hand sanitizer.

This ain’t rocket surgery
Cut the strings?
How about red bagging contaminated masks and incinerating them as the supposed bio hazard that they are.

Sad and pathetic that you excuse littering and pollution for the narrative.
Cut the strings?
How about red bagging contaminated masks and incinerating them as the supposed bio hazard that they are.

Sad and pathetic that you excuse littering and pollution for the narrative.
Hey douchebag...the virus dies on surfaces in hours
A significant number of people believe Elvis is still alive and bagging groceries in Minnesota
But libs dont want to send them to reeducation camps or force them to die if they get sick

and dont bother declaring yoursrlf as the exception

i’ll assume that till you prove otherwise
No one is trying to win a debate with closed-minded libs

we just present the truth for truths own sake
In other words you spew shit you read on RWNJ sites and Facebook (are they different?) and expect people to believe it.
What kinda insane shit are you babbling about?
I’m pointing out insane shit by your side

there are already hints from the left about how far you are prepared to go

Meaning no jobs for people not vaccinated and doctors turning away patients
Sites such as?

I dont think you can find any that I’ve quoted from that dont carry the same story in the lib media
So tell us where you get your nonsense from
I get my news from the same places you do

but I process it better
From what you've posted...you "process" it into garbage.

Do you run it through an insanity filter?
Crooks & Liars:

Bias: Hyper-Partisan Left

Reliability: Mixed Reliability/Opinion OR Other Issues

Lesh- you need better sources to help maintain USMB’s prestige!

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