Fearing LGBT Threats, Cracker Barrel Pulls Duck Products With Phil Robertsons Images

Ya gotta wonder where all these queers are coming from...out of the closet, out of the woodwork? The short answer is the public schools are producing them from the age of 5, telling them that garbage is "normal". They've done it for years and we're just now hearing about it. And the "women's movement" has done it's share too, making women man-haters, and men deciding the chase ain't worth what you catch...a nagging ball-breaker.

Queers and muslims got a lot in common....both are mentally ill. Both have an underground culture, places they frequent, publications they use to keep in touch, and a simmering hatred of white Christians. Throw in a president who is both a muslim and a queer and they're feeling very empowered and aggressive. Bottom line is a small minority of our citizens have the majority intimidated. We can either live with it or throw them back into the closets they belong in. I don't see the will to do that. I'm glad I'm getting to the age I won't have to see much past the next 10 years...it's getting uglier out there by the day.

You ought to advance to a position of prominence here.....quickly. You are one smart cookie. Too bad about your expected lifespan. We could use more like you to properly teach the youngsters.
Good stuff. Hurt them in the pocket book. The rednecks have a right to free speech and we have a right to limit their exposure and boycott them until they crumble in the dust screaming about how unfair it all is.

You do what you gotta do!
I didn't see any spokesperson from any women's group say a word against Martin Bashir when he went off
on Sarah Palin...So excuse me if I don't get all bent out of shape over what the duck Commander said.
Ya gotta wonder where all these queers are coming from...out of the closet, out of the woodwork? The short answer is the public schools are producing them from the age of 5, telling them that garbage is "normal". They've done it for years and we're just now hearing about it.

So you think there are more gays now than before, and that it is because of the curriculum in public schools?? Please tell us what sort of lessons turn a child gay?

Kids are mush heads; some like you still are. Teachers in the public schools are overwhelmingly leftist/prog who see the homo cult as perfectly normal. They relay that information to the litle mushheads through their looks, mannerisms, and increasing numbers of text books about Johnny "having two dads". So the mush heads are taught from the beginning anal sodomy with each other is a perfectly acceptable act.

What's required if we ever plan to run this crap onto a dirt road (pun! :lol:) is to put pics of a nasty looking queer back-dooring a fem queer on thousands of billboards all over the USA. Let's see what the nation thinks about that in the morning along with the egg Mcmuffin. :eek: Yessa, show the country what that looks like for once and then see how many "gay" marriages get performed. :suck:
For what purpose?

So they don't influence more of the easily led idiots that abound.

if thats the case you are going to have to start limiting a couple hundred other things.....do you really want to start that kind of shit?....

How do you eat an entire elephant? One bite at a time. By limiting I mean not watching the show or buying their products. People have a right to say what they want to. That should not change. However, they pay for that right when dealing with the backlash from whatever ignorant thing they may think is ok to say. if they got pulled from the show then they should have shown some discretion in voicing their opinion. Having the right to say what you want doesn't automatically mean everyone wants to hear it.
So Cracker Barre caves to pressure that doesn't exist?
What a bunch of pussies...

Are they gonna replace that shelf space with the style pajama outfit that Obama's
pajama boy wears.... :lol:
You ought to advance to a position of prominence here.....quickly. You are one smart cookie. Too bad about your expected lifespan. We could use more like you to properly teach the youngsters.

You can petition Intense to make me this board's spiritual advisor if you like. :lol:

Thanks for your (fake) concern about my remaining years. I'm 66 but I can still run the hundred in under 13 seconds (I ran a 10.1 in high shcool) and bench 250 4 or 5 times so I may well outlast you. One thing I don't have to worry about is withering away from AIDS...can you say the same? :eusa_eh:
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Just wow. I won't be eating at Cracker Barrel Restaurants anymore. Time to boycott them like we are doing A&E. What they did was ban all the Duck Dynasty and Duck Commander products with Phil Robertson's images on them. Phil personally owns Duck Commander. That means T-Shirts, posters, duck call packages, hats, etc., anything with a picture of him on them are being yanked from the shelves. But they will keep the products with all the other Robertson family member images. Phil is being exterminated or erased from existence for PC purposes to appease the vile unethical LGBT community.

'Duck Dynasty' -- Cracker Barrel Bails on Phil Robertson Products | TMZ.com

LibertyNEWS.com ? CONFIRMED: Cracker Barrel Yanks Phil Robertson/Duck Commander Products Over Fear of LGBT Threats

Cracker Barrel reportedly pulls some ?Duck Dynasty? merchandise from stores; Update: Limited to A&E products? | Twitchy

Walmart has sold out of DD stuff and trying to get their hands on more. Restaurants have to be aware of being picketed and vandalized. These nutjobs are quick to anger and act out, so if you have a business with windows that closes at night, they'll bust your windows and graffiti the storefront. Standing on princples is tough when you'll be attacked like that. :mad:

Very true. The gay mafia can put up a group of protesters to threaten anyone who wants to go to that business. As was done to SweetCakes, the vendors were threatened with violence.

I don't think it's going to work quite the same way with hunters.

Looks like 50 Shades Of Westboro Baptist Church mixed with a smidge of Paula Deen crucification to me.

The zombie apolocypse is real. Who is next to be tarred and feathered and it goes against the LGBT groups and affliliates. Watch out. Zombies are shrieking harpies in disguise.

I am fast becoming a conservative. I finally might wind up in a labeled box. Thank GLAAD and the LGBT community.
Thanks to Obama we now have a national health care system that is in turmoil.
But this is what the national focus is on....
Thanks to Obama we now have a national health care system that is in turmoil.
But this is what the national focus is on....

Perhaps this is a wag the dog sorta thing going on? Something to think about.
You ought to advance to a position of prominence here.....quickly. You are one smart cookie. Too bad about your expected lifespan. We could use more like you to properly teach the youngsters.

You can petition Intense to make me this board's spiritual advisor if you like. :lol:

Thanks for your (fake) concern about my remaining years. I'm 66 but I can still run the hundred in under 12 seconds (I ran a 10.1 in high shcool) and bench 250 4 or 5 times so I may well outlast you. One thing I don't have to worry about is withering away from AIDS...can you say the same? :eusa_eh:

Wow! That is impressive! You are a badass!

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