Jesse Jackson Demands Meeting With Cracker Barrel Execs Over Reversal Decision

Not many people go out in public just to make themselves look like an ass. Jackson continually does just that. He's made it into a science.
Not many people go out in public just to make themselves look like an ass. Jackson continually does just that. He's made it into a science.

What makes it even funnier is that he's surrounded by sycophants and fans who egg him on.


You knew it was coming. He and his ilk are going to apply pressure on Cracker Barrel execs to reverse their reversal decision about Phil Robertson. He will be joined by the gay group GLAAD and the National Organization for Women. GLAAD is the one who urged A&E to drop Phil. Jackson will press A&E to drop the show completely. He and the other group members stated in a release:

“It is unacceptable that a personality who has been given such a large platform would benefit from racist and anti-gay comments,”

Now we are going to see if Cracker Barrel execs truly have some balls since Jesse is getting in the mix. He will probably threaten that he will smear them as racists and get all the negroes worked up in a frenzy.

Duck Dynasty: Jesse Jackson Sr. responds to Phil Robertson comments -
Duck Dynasty: Jesse Jackson Sr. responds to Phil Robertson comments -

Jesse Jackson Sr. has jumped into the controversy surrounding comments by Phil Robertson, star of A&E’s backwoods reality TV show, “Duck Dynasty.”

In an announcement sent out Tuesday, Jackson Sr. compared Robertson’s recent comments about African-Americans, gay people and women to comments made by the driver of Rosa Parks’ bus.

"At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law,” he said in the release. “Robertson's statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.’”

Blacks would be much better off without Jr.

He's a hateful shit off the worst kind.

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