Jesse Jackson Demands Meeting With Cracker Barrel Execs Over Reversal Decision

Jackson an "icon"? That's a laugh.
Ninety percent of Blacks today couldn't give a SFF what an old race whore queen thinks today.
Even the gold medal winning Race Pimp of all time Rev Al is being made fun of in his own community.
Goggle up where these simians live and tell me they ever gave a shit for 'the Black man'. The ONLY time Rev. Al 'marches is if there is a private jet an executive suite and a lot of 'cash money' on offer to show up.
Cracker Barrel decided not to cave into threats so now they need to be DESTROYED..

Isn't that what all good Reverends do?

Jackson is a horrible human being. If he was free from sin he might be an honorable person, but he isn't...I don't why he is still taken seriously on anything

he and Sharpton are nothing more but crooks and Extortionist

Might be honorable? :eusa_eh:

Obviously Jackson is not, so the point is moot, but if he was free from sin, wouldn't he be The Messiah?
Jessie Jackson should worry about his own family, like all the ones in jail for ripping off people..And he's got so many skeletons in his closest he has some nerve

He's so not important anymore he should go away

Jesse Jackass can't help himself. Besides...he's been ignored for far too long, so he has to make his presence known every once in a while.
Wonder if Jesse is looking for a cash payout Ahem I mean donation or a fast track approval for a
Cracker Barrel franchise for a friend or family member?
So Jess wants to get involved ehh ?

Well good, this will only shore up the supporters of Robertson.
Cracker Barrel decided not to cave into threats so now they need to be DESTROYED..

Isn't that what all good Reverends do?

Jackson is a horrible human being. If he was free from sin he might be an honorable person, but he isn't...I don't why he is still taken seriously on anything

he and Sharpton are nothing more but crooks and Extortionist

Might be honorable? :eusa_eh:

Obviously Jackson is not, so the point is moot, but if he was free from sin, wouldn't he be The Messiah?

Apparently for Christmas, Stephanie became free from sin. Glory!!!!
an irrelevant "reverend" decided to remind the public about his existence?
"...Jesse Jackson Demands Meeting With Cracker Barrel Execs Over Reversal Decision..."
Fuck 'im... and his buddy Al Sharpton, too...

Indeed they stuck their nose in the Trayvon Martian case demanding a arrest and trial then when they got both and the outcome was not what they wanted they bitched about that.
Any one else find it ironic that 'the Black community' basically has only two men who speak for the community? Both have left a trail behind of 'race-baiting' criminal activity, racial Black mail, false accusations, tax violations, immoral acts etc like the slugs they are. They have always appealed to the 'lowest common denominators' in the Black community.
Notice at the recent town hall with Sharpton how the speakers who were standing up against Sharpton were level headed and articulate. Just the sort of people Sharpton and Jackson are afraid of in the Black community.
Anyway Jackson is about one more syllable from being totally incoherent and Sharpton has long since become a laughing stock and an embarrassment among educated Blacks.
If the race pimp is getting involved it's because he smells money, again.

A good read...Shakedown: Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson by Kenneth R. Timmerman.

Go pound sand, Jesse. Or knock another woman up instead as your wife didn't seem to get too upset last time.
1870: "God damn ******* are ruining this country!"

1890: "The only good Indian is a dead Indian!"

1930: "The Jews are to blame!" (add thick German accent for maximum effect)

1955: "The Liberals are communists and they're ruining the country!"

1964: "God damn ******* are ruining this country!"

2013: "It's the Gays AND the *******! Them and the Muslims are nothing but terrorists!"

You know... as long as he keeps his hunting and killing to fowl and quadrupeds, Phil Robertson can SAY whatever he wants, but I'll bet anyone a dollar that, sans an apology, he too ends up on the wrong side of history.

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