Fears of hottest year on record as global temperatures spike

Of course we do. We have these amazing things called "thermometers". And there's this field calls "statistics" that allows one to calculate an average from multiple measurements.

There's that the news from the weird alternate reality, the place that so many on the right now reside in.

Follow the money. All of the corrupting bribe money flows to the denier side, so all of the the fraud and corruption and garbage science comes from the denier side. Any climate scientists could get rich if they stooped to lying for the deniers. They don't. They refuse such bribes. They sacrifice money to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility.

When you've been reduced to "ALL THE DATA IS FAKED!", as the deniers have, that's basically an admission that all the facts contradict you.
When is the next Ice Age?
You're silly. It's the middle of June in SW Wisconsin, and the temperatures are still going down in the 50's at night.
It was 48 yesterday at 7am in western Pennsylvania.
Today it IS 86...but so what, right?? It's nearly Independence Day. Not that unusual. I remember a number of years ago it was already that way on Memorial Day.
When is the next Ice Age?
Well, if you listen to deniers, any day now. They've been predicting a new ice age non-stop for the past 40 years. Their record of being completely wrong about everything is perfect and unblemished.

Over that same period, the climate scientists were predicting strong warming. And they were proven right. Go fig.

Now, had humans left the climate alone, the next ice age would have arrived in 20k - 50k years. As it is, humans may have cancelled the next ice age.
Well, if you listen to deniers, any day now. They've been predicting a new ice age non-stop for the past 40 years. Their record of being completely wrong about everything is perfect and unblemished.

Over that same period, the climate scientists were predicting strong warming. And they were proven right. Go fig.

Now, had humans left the climate alone, the next ice age would have arrived in 20k - 50k years. As it is, humans may have cancelled the next ice age.
Global Warming is just a hoax.
That's right. Bleat what TheParty tells you to bleat. Good sheep. The appropriate number of cult brownie points have been added to your account.
Do you really think I give a rats ass about global warming. Most Americans don't.
Well, if you listen to deniers, any day now. They've been predicting a new ice age non-stop for the past 40 years. Their record of being completely wrong about everything is perfect and unblemished.

Over that same period, the climate scientists were predicting strong warming. And they were proven right. Go fig.

Now, had humans left the climate alone, the next ice age would have arrived in 20k - 50k years. As it is, humans may have cancelled the next ice age.

Global warming is a hoax, a conspiracy theory, and a fearmongering fake threat to make you voluntarily give up your quality of life. And you're such an idiot, you swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker.
Of course we do. We have these amazing things called "thermometers". And there's this field calls "statistics" that allows one to calculate an average from multiple measurements.

There's that the news from the weird alternate reality, the place that so many on the right now reside in.

Follow the money. All of the corrupting bribe money flows to the denier side, so all of the the fraud and corruption and garbage science comes from the denier side. Any climate scientists could get rich if they stooped to lying for the deniers. They don't. They refuse such bribes. They sacrifice money to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility.

When you've been reduced to "ALL THE DATA IS FAKED!", as the deniers have, that's basically an admission that all the facts contradict you.
You are confused about this.

They take a few temperature measurements and then use those measurement as proxies for the vast amount of area on earth that is not monitored. The models they use for the projections are mostly shit in shit computer simulations that may or may not be valid. Usually developed by universities under grants by agencies that are looking for a particular outcome. They even manipulate the temperature readings. NOAA was found to being doing that big time.

We have exposed a significant amount of AGW data to be fraudulent and or cherry picked. So much that the AGW weenies have no credibility any more.

If AGW was real the indisputable science would show it. The very fact that much of the data have been found to be fraudulent or cherry picked just shows that AGW is a scam. Even the principal scientists have admitted to to perpetuating the scam.

Climate change is real. AGW is a bullshit scam.

You stupid confused uneducated low information Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution. You are gullible as hell.

Look at the old commie countries if you want to see environmental degradation.
The thing is I wouldn't support any country be they capitilist or communist for damaging the environment and harming the human populations standard of living. I'd demand better.


News flash Moon Bat - Summer is hot in Mexico!

It has always been hot. People bitch about it more now because there are more people.
News flash Moon Bat - Summer is hot in Mexico!

It has always been hot. People bitch about it more now because there are more people.
The actual temperatures involved say you're either an idiot or a liar.

The actual temperatures involved say you're either an idiot or a liar.

Yea, it gets hot. It also gets cold. Australia had the coldest winter on record this last year. California and the West had a cold and wet winter. Record snowfall in many places. We are just coming out of a three year period of El Nina where the Pacific Ocean had cooler temperatures.

That is natural climate change and nobody is arguing it.

What is the scam is saying that humans are the ones causing it when there is zero credible proof. Just some stupid correlation that doesn't mean jackshit, some fraudulent and cherry picked data and some shit in shit out computer models and a whole lot of lying by scientists and government agencies that should know better.

Nobody can really say what what the record is because there is hardly any record going past WWII. Mexico was a third world country up until they discovered oil and moved into a second world status. Nobody did much historical climate research.

Of course you so fucking bat shit crazy with this silly AGW religion that you don't have the capacity to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass and reject the bullshit scam.
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Yea, it gets hot. It also gets cold. Australia had the coldest winter on record this last year. California and the West had a cold and wet winter. Record snowfall in many places.

That is natural climate change and nobody is arguing it.
Virtually every single climate scientist on the planet is arguing against that.
What is the scam is saying that humans are the ones causing it when there is zero credible proof.
There are no proofs in the natural sciences. What there is is evidence; mountains and mountains and mountains of evidence. And ZERO evidence that the recent warming is caused by any natural cause.
Just some stupid correlation that doesn't mean jackshit
I remind you and all your buddies that while correlation doesn't equal causation, ALL CAUSATION SHOWS CORRELATION.
some fraudulent and cherry picked data
You have NO EVIDENCE that the data we're all looking at is fraudulent or cherry picked. NONE.
and some shit in shit out computer models
You know absolutely nothing about computer models.
and a whole lot of lying by scientists and government agencies that should know better.
You've come to all these conclusions simply because you want to. You have NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ANY OF YOUR CONTENTIONS.
Nobody can really say what what the record is because there is hardly any record going past WWII.
You are a fucking idiot. The mercury thermometer was invented in 1714 and the pen even further back. Why the fuck would there be no records?
Mexico was a third world country up until they discovered oil and moved into a second world status. Nobody did much historical climate research.
You think no one in Mexico knows how to read a thermometer?
Of course you so fucking bat shit crazy with this silly AGW religion that you don't have the capacity to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass and reject the bullshit scam.
Worthless. You are absolutely worthless.
Virtually every single climate scientist on the planet is arguing against that.

There are no proofs in the natural sciences. What there is is evidence; mountains and mountains and mountains of evidence. And ZERO evidence that the recent warming is caused by any natural cause.

I remind you and all your buddies that while correlation doesn't equal causation, ALL CAUSATION SHOWS CORRELATION.

You have NO EVIDENCE that the data we're all looking at is fraudulent or cherry picked. NONE.

You know absolutely nothing about computer models.

You've come to all these conclusions simply because you want to. You have NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ANY OF YOUR CONTENTIONS.

You are a fucking idiot. The mercury thermometer was invented in 1714 and the pen even further back. Why the fuck would there be no records?

You think no one in Mexico knows how to read a thermometer?

Worthless. You are absolutely worthless.

That is natural climate change and nobody is arguing it.

That is weather, not climate.

Just some stupid correlation that doesn't mean jackshit

Depends on what it is. Their theory is that increasing Co2 in the atmosphere would warm the atmosphere. They NEVER proved that, they FUDGED it...

Satellites and balloons had shown no warming in the atmosphere for 30 years despite rising Co2. The Co2 fraud should have terminated right there. Instead, it fudged both with laughable excuses that do not explain their change to the data.

Co2 does nothing

Arguing weather today isn't relevant because their thesis is WRONG.

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