FEC Chairman Drops A Bombshel

American Patriots......We have reached the end of the road....no more kicking the can down it. That's over.

Now you MUST ultimately decide to preserve your nation and freedom, or accept the chains of tyranny and bow to the corrupt and liars.

You have no other choice at this point.

It's finally down to live free.....or die
I just received an alert about the election. Federal Elections Commission Chairman says " election illegitimate."

Lol..a Trump flunky calling it for Trump. Will wonders never cease.
Lawfare is preferable to warfare.
So quit bitching.

And when the Trump cult loses in court, will you be saying the same thing?
I'd prefer not to have to kill anyone else in my lifetime but if this shit show doesn't get straightened out, I'm going to have to.
A lot of us will.
And those of us who have done it before, know what that's going to be like.

But if it comes to that, rather than let my grandkid suffer, I will.

I won't condemn her to a life of slavery.

I'm too old to switch to Communist rule.

They will try to outlaw the rifles that can be effective first.

ANYONE who complies with that might as well get on their knees and finish pleasuring the bastids.
Glad you are too old. Guess you will be stuck with the U. S. Constitution as the states certify their counts, that determine their electors.
Well, since this is a general election and a federal matter, the states have to adhere to federal guidelines.
They can't just break the law and get away with it like they have with immigration.
Making up their own rules is one thing, but disobeying court orders, and changing the rules during an election are felonies, and heads are about to roll. Not to mention creating fake ballots and changing votes without the voter's consent.
So you found campaign finance violations that you think will overturn a nationwide election and somebody thinks an obscure commission and does not and cannot operate without a quorum has something to say about it? Something totally beyond the limits of the law that created it? Yeah, right.
It appears that the Democrats have been caught rigging this election.....so the results at the very least should be called into question, if not thrown out completely. People need to go to jail over this...including Hillary, Pelosi, and Feinstein who are directly involved in the rigging of voting machines. Then the governor of PA should answer for claiming that while his state was still counting votes that Trump needed to shut up and except his loss.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

NONE will because the entire government is corrupt and in the hands of the Deep State Establishment.

For years now I've been asking how you expect the Establishment to protect you from......The Establishment.

No one ever seemed to understand maybe now? Who knows. Doubtful.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

NONE will because the entire government is corrupt and in the hands of the Deep State Establishment.

For years now I've been asking how you expect the Establishment to protect you from......The Establishment.

No one ever seemed to understand maybe now? Who knows. Doubtful.

Well, not a single prosecution of the felonies committed by Hillary, Comey, Biden, his kid, Mueller, etc., so naturally they knew nothing was going to happen to them; Trump shot himself in the head as far as I can see, or was just another RNC false flag, or is waiting until the last possible moment; so far it doesn't look like the latter to me. Hope I'm wrong but I doubt it. In any case, we know the election was crooked for sure now, so no need to keep taking anything the traitors and scum say seriously. Put them all on ignore.
Lol..a Trump flunky calling it for Trump. Will wonders never cease.
Lawfare is preferable to warfare.
So quit bitching.

And when the Trump cult loses in court, will you be saying the same thing?
I'd prefer not to have to kill anyone else in my lifetime but if this shit show doesn't get straightened out, I'm going to have to.
A lot of us will.
And those of us who have done it before, know what that's going to be like.

But if it comes to that, rather than let my grandkid suffer, I will.

I won't condemn her to a life of slavery.

I'm too old to switch to Communist rule.

They will try to outlaw the rifles that can be effective first.

ANYONE who complies with that might as well get on their knees and finish pleasuring the bastids.
Glad you are too old. Guess you will be stuck with the U. S. Constitution as the states certify their counts, that determine their electors.
Well, since this is a general election and a federal matter, the states have to adhere to federal guidelines.
They can't just break the law and get away with it like they have with immigration.
Making up their own rules is one thing, but disobeying court orders, and changing the rules during an election are felonies, and heads are about to roll. Not to mention creating fake ballots and changing votes without the voter's consent.
So you found campaign finance violations that you think will overturn a nationwide election and somebody thinks an obscure commission and does not and cannot operate without a quorum has something to say about it? Something totally beyond the limits of the law that created it? Yeah, right.
It appears that the Democrats have been caught rigging this election.....so the results at the very least should be called into question, if not thrown out completely. People need to go to jail over this...including Hillary, Pelosi, and Feinstein who are directly involved in the rigging of voting machines. Then the governor of PA should answer for claiming that while his state was still counting votes that Trump needed to shut up and except his loss.
It appears it was. by in large, a fair and balance election free of any intentional wrong doing. That is why it is being fought on twitter instead of the courts, as the trump administrations fortunes in court are that they lose far more often than win, simply because real judges require proof and none has been forthcoming that could change that many states. Regardless of interpreted appearances. You will have to have proof. Your two targets are missed by a mile, again. They do not control the states and never have. It is simply misconceptions trumpers are trying to push, (and failing miserably) like yours, that prevent them from winning in courts. You cannot go into court with no proof. "I don't like her and she sounds like a bitch" is not much of a legal argument in trying to overturn an election. Sorry, you are stuck with the constitution and rule of law. There is nothing you can do about that.
American Patriots......We have reached the end of the road....no more kicking the can down it. That's over.

Now you MUST ultimately decide to preserve your nation and freedom, or accept the chains of tyranny and bow to the corrupt and liars.

You have no other choice at this point.

It's finally down to live free.....or die
So when do you plan to hold your beer hall putsch?
I just received an alert about the election. Federal Elections Commission Chairman says " election illegitimate."

I would have liked nothing more then Trump to win and I think Biden won by voter fraud, but without presenting proof, his professional opinion means d1ck
Especially, since the committee does not have a quarum and if it did, would be 3 Rep/3 Dem tie, not to mention, not one single Republican or trumper has made any claim of campaign finance changing the election and that is the only thing that committee does. He only speaks for the committee if there is a quarum and they have investigated and resolved something, so it's not actually even a professional opinion, just a private opinion, another sheep bleating in the night, that it's shepherd is lost.

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