Fed Govt, NOT Climate Change, Our Biggest Threat


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There are 610,042 homeless U.S. Citizens in this country, 57,849 homeless veterans who served and fought for their country. 1.6 Million Americans used 'transitional housing'. Up to 1.5 MILLION American children in America are 'homeless' each year. 394,698 of these Americans are living in Emergency Shelters.
LINK: Google

46,000,000+ Americans (46+ MILLION) are on food stamps (for the 38th straight month)
LINK: https://www.google.com/#q=Number+of+Americans+on+foodstamps

35.4% - MORE than 1/3rd - 109,631.000 of Americans live in households that receive Welfare

LINK: Google

Over 93 MILLION Americans / 1/3rd of Americans are no longer in the work force (highest since 1978)
LINK: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwir-Pyl4brJAhXIOCYKHaAfA8EQFggcMAA&url=http://cnsnews.com/news/article/ali-meyer/americans-not-labor-force-exceed-93-million-first-time-627-labor-force&usg=AFQjCNELAwDh7GbjBiKBRHOgNqbXK4iYDQ
LINK: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwir-Pyl4brJAhXIOCYKHaAfA8EQFggkMAE&url=https://www.rt.com/usa/238697-americans-labor-jobs-report/&usg=AFQjCNEOWA7AKLrWGtnMBawRjZVeeWdZdA


Our elected officials are charged with the duty of representing their constituents, their American citizen constituents, to work for the welfare and in the best interest of this country, for its national security, and prosperity; however, they are doing anything BUT this.

Our Federal Govt is ignoring the Constitution, is refusing to enforce the Rule of Law, is advocating and working on behalf of illegal who have no respect for this country or our laws, are bringing in and protecting these illegals and thousands of Muslim 'refugees' who are potential terrorists at worst and people who do not share our values and ideals at best, who will work to undermine our government and way of life to impose their own (such as Sharia law).

Our government seeks bring into the United States, to feed, to clothe, to shelter, to fund, to provide jobs for, and to provide benefits for millions of illegals / foreigners when it can not / WILL not address and provide for the needs of it's own American citizens!

Our representatives, our President, are also supposed to be 'good stewards' of our collected tax revenue, to use that money efficiently, effectively, and in the best interest and for the prosperity of this nation and its citizens....but in truth what they are actually doing is beyond irresponsible and amounts in many cases to criminal fiscal mismanagement!

Considering all the needs first listed above, considering veterans not receiving the health care they need, considering our ignored decaying infrastructure, WHILE our politicians insist we are not paying enough in tax revenue - that this is the ONLY way for us to fund and address all of our needs, both they and the media continue to ignore such monumental fraud, waste, abuse, and crime perpetrated by those same politicians.

In the last few years, considering what our politicians COULD have spent our money on and who they could have helped, BOTH parties, instead, spent our precious, hard-earned, easily-taken tax dollars on the following:

$1.2 million that went toward the National Science Foundation for teaching robots how to select outfit combinations and dress children and the elderly

$250 million that trained only 60 Syrian rebels to fight the Islamic State (ISIL) – that’s $4 million per rebel

$65,000+ to study what happens to bugs when someone turns on a light in a dark area

$1 million for a granite sculpture

$20,000 for books as Christmas gifts

$1.5 million in furniture

$26,315 for North Face parkas

$5 million for custom handcrafted stemware

$104.4 million went to families that didn’t qualify for subsidized public housing

$8 million on solar panels - two years later, the facility tore down the never-used panels

$1.67 billion spent to maintain approximately “77,700 unused or underutilized federally owned properties

The Internal Revenue Service spent $17.7 billion in improper tax credits (** See ‘Charlie Rangel’ and ‘Al Sharpton’)

$43 million was spent on a gas station in Afghanistan

$36 million for an empty “unused and obviously unnecessary” 64,000 square-foot building at Camp Leatherneck in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan.

The Gorimor Industrial Park which cost $7.7 million was turned over to the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency to create more than 900 local jobs, but six years later there are only two businesses with 22 individuals that work at the site.

$335 million in wasted power was spent at the Tarakhil Power Plant, “a diesel-fueled power plant constructed outside of Kabul, Afghanistan” that was deemed “severely underutilized” after a federal audit

Last year the President signed 224 bills into law but published 3,554 final rules. This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules. These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.

In 2014 the Government Accountability Office found that five federal agencies spent $3.1 billion on government workers who were put on paid administrative leave during 2011 to 2013. Roughly $775 million went to salaries of 57,000 government employees that were not working for a month or longer. “This is money paid from taxpayers who actually work hard to earn their salaries.

This does not include the hundreds of billions of dollars we charitably give out to other nations and groups around the world, to include terrorist organizations and to nations that do not have our best interests in mind.

LINK: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/30/wasted-tax-dollars-4-million-train-syrian-rebel-fighter-1-2-million-teach-robots-dress-children/

THIS is not even any where near the complete list but is only a SAMPLING...yet our politicians DEMAND we give them more to insatiably SPEND. Where is the outrage? Where is the accountability? Why do the 'sheep' continue to roll over and allow themselves to be sheared? Why do we not DEMAND that Americans take care of their own before doling out our life-blood and future on the rest of the world, especially to those who only see us as their 'sugar daddy' or 'enemy'?

Government does not NEED any more money. Before any politician insists they need / want to raise taxes, demand they show you how they will end this senseless waste. Tell them to get their money from existing fiscally criminal spending already going on.

Wake up, America...
Last edited:
Exactly, but you can't get through all these low information citizens of this day and age. they believe the BS of. I'M FROM the Guberment and I'm here to help.

what they don't grasp is that Government made up mostly of a bunch of nobody Bureaucrats ( Like Lois Lerner from the IRS) making all YOUR important decisions and they can giveth and they can turn around and taketh. if you don't BOW to their commands.

this Government has now become a MONSTER that is consuming us WORKING people who pays the taxes for them to survive. and they have now become a TYRANT overbearing government. but sadly that is because the people has allowed it to go on.

There are 610,042 homeless U.S. Citizens in this country, 57,849 homeless veterans who served and fought for their country. 1.6 Million Americans used 'transitional housing'. Up to 1.5 MILLION American children in America are 'homeless' each year. 394,698 of these Americans are living in Emergency Shelters.
LINK: Google

46,000,000+ Americans (46+ MILLION) are on food stamps (for the 38th straight month)
LINK: https://www.google.com/#q=Number+of+Americans+on+foodstamps

35.4% - MORE than 1/3rd - 109,631.000 of Americans live in households that receive Welfare

LINK: Google

Over 93 MILLION Americans / 1/3rd of Americans are no longer in the work force (highest since 1978)
LINK: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwir-Pyl4brJAhXIOCYKHaAfA8EQFggcMAA&url=http://cnsnews.com/news/article/ali-meyer/americans-not-labor-force-exceed-93-million-first-time-627-labor-force&usg=AFQjCNELAwDh7GbjBiKBRHOgNqbXK4iYDQ
LINK: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwir-Pyl4brJAhXIOCYKHaAfA8EQFggkMAE&url=https://www.rt.com/usa/238697-americans-labor-jobs-report/&usg=AFQjCNEOWA7AKLrWGtnMBawRjZVeeWdZdA


Our elected officials are charged with the duty of representing their constituents, their American citizen constituents, to work for the welfare and in the best interest of this country, for its national security, and prosperity; however, they are doing anything BUT this.

Our Federal Govt is ignoring the Constitution, is refusing to enforce the Rule of Law, is advocating and working on behalf of illegal who have no respect for this country or our laws, are bringing in and protecting these illegals and thousands of Muslim 'refugees' who are potential terrorists at worst and people who do not share our values and ideals at best, who will work to undermine our government and way of life to impose their own (such as Sharia law).

Our government seeks bring into the United States, to feed, to clothe, to shelter, to fund, to provide jobs for, and to provide benefits for millions of illegals / foreigners when it can not / WILL not address and provide for the needs of it's own American citizens!

Our representatives, our President, are also supposed to be 'good stewards' of our collected tax revenue, to use that money efficiently, effectively, and in the best interest and for the prosperity of this nation and its citizens....but in truth what they are actually doing is beyond irresponsible and amounts in many cases to criminal fiscal mismanagement!

Considering all the needs first listed above, considering veterans not receiving the health care they need, considering our ignored decaying infrastructure, WHILE our politicians insist we are not paying enough in tax revenue - that this is the ONLY way for us to fund and address all of our needs, both they and the media continue to ignore such monumental fraud, waste, abuse, and crime perpetrated by those same politicians.

In the last few years, considering what our politicians COULD have spent our money on and who they could have helped, BOTH parties, instead, spent our precious, hard-earned, easily-taken tax dollars on the following:

$1.2 million that went toward the National Science Foundation for teaching robots how to select outfit combinations and dress children and the elderly

$250 million that trained only 60 Syrian rebels to fight the Islamic State (ISIL) – that’s $4 million per rebel

$65,000+ to study what happens to bugs when someone turns on a light in a dark area

$1 million for a granite sculpture

$20,000 for books as Christmas gifts

$1.5 million in furniture

$26,315 for North Face parkas

$5 million for custom handcrafted stemware

$104.4 million went to families that didn’t qualify for subsidized public housing

$8 million on solar panels - two years later, the facility tore down the never-used panels

$1.67 billion spent to maintain approximately “77,700 unused or underutilized federally owned properties

The Internal Revenue Service spent $17.7 billion in improper tax credits (** See ‘Charlie Rangel’ and ‘Al Sharpton’)

$43 million was spent on a gas station in Afghanistan

$36 million for an empty “unused and obviously unnecessary” 64,000 square-foot building at Camp Leatherneck in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan.

The Gorimor Industrial Park which cost $7.7 million was turned over to the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency to create more than 900 local jobs, but six years later there are only two businesses with 22 individuals that work at the site.

$335 million in wasted power was spent at the Tarakhil Power Plant, “a diesel-fueled power plant constructed outside of Kabul, Afghanistan” that was deemed “severely underutilized” after a federal audit

Last year the President signed 224 bills into law but published 3,554 final rules. This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules. These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.

In 2014 the Government Accountability Office found that five federal agencies spent $3.1 billion on government workers who were put on paid administrative leave during 2011 to 2013. Roughly $775 million went to salaries of 57,000 government employees that were not working for a month or longer. “This is money paid from taxpayers who actually work hard to earn their salaries.

This does not include the hundreds of billions of dollars we charitably give out to other nations and groups around the world, to include terrorist organizations and to nations that do not have our best interests in mind.

LINK: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/30/wasted-tax-dollars-4-million-train-syrian-rebel-fighter-1-2-million-teach-robots-dress-children/

THIS is not even any where near the complete list but is only a SAMPLING...yet our politicians DEMAND we give them more to insatiably SPEND. Where is the outrage? Where is the accountability? Why do the 'sheep' continue to roll over and allow themselves to be sheared? Why do we not DEMAND that Americans take care of their own before doling out our life-blood and future on the rest of the world, especially to those who only see us as their 'sugar daddy' or 'enemy'?

Government does not NEED any more money Before any politician insists they need / want to raise taxes, demand they show you how they will end this senseless waste. tell them to get their money from already existing fiscally criminal spending already going on.

Wake up, America...
What a useless rant!
Our Federal taxation now is lower than it was 20 & 30 years ago.
Want it lower? How about we cut the Defense budget further?

The political issues on taxation revolve around the gov programs we want. Where to spend.
Do we want to help the rich further at the expense of the much less fortunate?
YOU IMPLY THAT. What a cold ass.

Gov efficiency is another matter; we can always do more with less ...
It would help if we had the 2 major parties working cooperatively instead of against each other!
There are 610,042 homeless U.S. Citizens in this country, 57,849 homeless veterans who served and fought for their country. 1.6 Million Americans used 'transitional housing'. Up to 1.5 MILLION American children in America are 'homeless' each year. 394,698 of these Americans are living in Emergency Shelters.
LINK: Google

46,000,000+ Americans (46+ MILLION) are on food stamps (for the 38th straight month)
LINK: https://www.google.com/#q=Number+of+Americans+on+foodstamps

35.4% - MORE than 1/3rd - 109,631.000 of Americans live in households that receive Welfare

LINK: Google

Over 93 MILLION Americans / 1/3rd of Americans are no longer in the work force (highest since 1978)
LINK: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwir-Pyl4brJAhXIOCYKHaAfA8EQFggcMAA&url=http://cnsnews.com/news/article/ali-meyer/americans-not-labor-force-exceed-93-million-first-time-627-labor-force&usg=AFQjCNELAwDh7GbjBiKBRHOgNqbXK4iYDQ
LINK: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwir-Pyl4brJAhXIOCYKHaAfA8EQFggkMAE&url=https://www.rt.com/usa/238697-americans-labor-jobs-report/&usg=AFQjCNEOWA7AKLrWGtnMBawRjZVeeWdZdA


Our elected officials are charged with the duty of representing their constituents, their American citizen constituents, to work for the welfare and in the best interest of this country, for its national security, and prosperity; however, they are doing anything BUT this.

Our Federal Govt is ignoring the Constitution, is refusing to enforce the Rule of Law, is advocating and working on behalf of illegal who have no respect for this country or our laws, are bringing in and protecting these illegals and thousands of Muslim 'refugees' who are potential terrorists at worst and people who do not share our values and ideals at best, who will work to undermine our government and way of life to impose their own (such as Sharia law).

Our government seeks bring into the United States, to feed, to clothe, to shelter, to fund, to provide jobs for, and to provide benefits for millions of illegals / foreigners when it can not / WILL not address and provide for the needs of it's own American citizens!

Our representatives, our President, are also supposed to be 'good stewards' of our collected tax revenue, to use that money efficiently, effectively, and in the best interest and for the prosperity of this nation and its citizens....but in truth what they are actually doing is beyond irresponsible and amounts in many cases to criminal fiscal mismanagement!

Considering all the needs first listed above, considering veterans not receiving the health care they need, considering our ignored decaying infrastructure, WHILE our politicians insist we are not paying enough in tax revenue - that this is the ONLY way for us to fund and address all of our needs, both they and the media continue to ignore such monumental fraud, waste, abuse, and crime perpetrated by those same politicians.

In the last few years, considering what our politicians COULD have spent our money on and who they could have helped, BOTH parties, instead, spent our precious, hard-earned, easily-taken tax dollars on the following:

$1.2 million that went toward the National Science Foundation for teaching robots how to select outfit combinations and dress children and the elderly

$250 million that trained only 60 Syrian rebels to fight the Islamic State (ISIL) – that’s $4 million per rebel

$65,000+ to study what happens to bugs when someone turns on a light in a dark area

$1 million for a granite sculpture

$20,000 for books as Christmas gifts

$1.5 million in furniture

$26,315 for North Face parkas

$5 million for custom handcrafted stemware

$104.4 million went to families that didn’t qualify for subsidized public housing

$8 million on solar panels - two years later, the facility tore down the never-used panels

$1.67 billion spent to maintain approximately “77,700 unused or underutilized federally owned properties

The Internal Revenue Service spent $17.7 billion in improper tax credits (** See ‘Charlie Rangel’ and ‘Al Sharpton’)

$43 million was spent on a gas station in Afghanistan

$36 million for an empty “unused and obviously unnecessary” 64,000 square-foot building at Camp Leatherneck in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan.

The Gorimor Industrial Park which cost $7.7 million was turned over to the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency to create more than 900 local jobs, but six years later there are only two businesses with 22 individuals that work at the site.

$335 million in wasted power was spent at the Tarakhil Power Plant, “a diesel-fueled power plant constructed outside of Kabul, Afghanistan” that was deemed “severely underutilized” after a federal audit

Last year the President signed 224 bills into law but published 3,554 final rules. This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules. These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.

In 2014 the Government Accountability Office found that five federal agencies spent $3.1 billion on government workers who were put on paid administrative leave during 2011 to 2013. Roughly $775 million went to salaries of 57,000 government employees that were not working for a month or longer. “This is money paid from taxpayers who actually work hard to earn their salaries.

This does not include the hundreds of billions of dollars we charitably give out to other nations and groups around the world, to include terrorist organizations and to nations that do not have our best interests in mind.

LINK: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/30/wasted-tax-dollars-4-million-train-syrian-rebel-fighter-1-2-million-teach-robots-dress-children/

THIS is not even any where near the complete list but is only a SAMPLING...yet our politicians DEMAND we give them more to insatiably SPEND. Where is the outrage? Where is the accountability? Why do the 'sheep' continue to roll over and allow themselves to be sheared? Why do we not DEMAND that Americans take care of their own before doling out our life-blood and future on the rest of the world, especially to those who only see us as their 'sugar daddy' or 'enemy'?

Government does not NEED any more money Before any politician insists they need / want to raise taxes, demand they show you how they will end this senseless waste. tell them to get their money from already existing fiscally criminal spending already going on.

Wake up, America...
What a useless rant!
Our Federal taxation now is lower than it was 20 & 30 years ago.
Want it lower? How about we cut the Defense budget further?

The political issues on taxation revolve around the gov programs we want. Where to spend.
Do we want to help the rich further at the expense of the much less fortunate?
YOU IMPLY THAT. What a cold ass.

Gov efficiency is another matter; we can always do more with less ...
It would help if we had the 2 major parties working cooperatively instead of against each other!
where did he mention taxes? and they can have 6 parties working with each other, this Government is too big and out of control. they have agencies on top of agencies who is doing basically the same things. and they have now become their own little rulers (take the Epa, the Irs, etc) making up their own rules over us Instead of it going through our Representation in Congress. they also weren't suppose to be there as a Nanny, Mother and Daddy. that's why we have STATE governments. but they have been Intruding more and more into OUR STATES. and you want to talk taxes they are so big they are consuming us who pays the Taxes for them to stay alive.
What a useless rant!
Our Federal taxation now is lower than it was 20 & 30 years ago.
Want it lower? How about we cut the Defense budget further?

What an idiot! I don't care if taxation is the lowest it has been in 100 years - the fact that our government is WASTING HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS while there are so many needy, struggling Americans is the problem! The fact that there are so many needy, struggling American citizens and our government is ignoring them and instead putting illegals and potential terrorists first is the problem. If we are paying the lowest taxes in US history yet still spending trillions on B$ and non-beneficial programs that means there are trillions in spending that could be cut and thus taxes could be lowered.

And like a typical Liberal, handed this long list of wasteful programs, 'pet projects', etc - instead of thinking about cutting any of THOSE you immediately ask / think about cutting the military / national defense 1st and foremost....
Exactly, but you can't get through all these low information citizens of this day and age. they believe the BS of. I'M FROM the Guberment and I'm here to help.

what they don't grasp is that Government made up mostly of a bunch of nobody Bureaucrats ( Like Lois Lerner from the IRS) making all YOUR important decisions and they can giveth and they can turn around and taketh. if you don't BOW to their commands.

this Government has now become a MONSTER that is consuming us WORKING people who pays the taxes for them to survive. and they have now become a TYRANT overbearing government. but sadly that is because the people has allowed it to go on.

but you can't get through all these low information citizens

Oh the irony coming from someone on the government dole, medicaid and food stamps
What a useless rant!
Our Federal taxation now is lower than it was 20 & 30 years ago.
Want it lower? How about we cut the Defense budget further?

What an idiot! I don't care if taxation is the lowest it has been in 100 years - the fact that our government is WASTING HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS while there are so many needy, struggling Americans is the problem! The fact that there are so many needy, struggling American citizens and our government is ignoring them and instead putting illegals and potential terrorists first is the problem. If we are paying the lowest taxes in US history yet still spending trillions on B$ and non-beneficial programs that means there are trillions in spending that could be cut and thus taxes could be lowered.

And like a typical Liberal, handed this long list of wasteful programs, 'pet projects', etc - instead of thinking about cutting any of THOSE you immediately ask / think about cutting the military / national defense 1st and foremost....
In case you did not notice, i agreed that gov should be more efficient.
General criticism is an emotional pacifier.
Constructive criticism has value.
How can gov be more efficient in the programs it has adopted?

Which programs gov should have is usually the political party issue.
More defense spending or more social programs ... to benefit ALL citizens (& partner aliens) as a whole?
Exactly, but you can't get through all these low information citizens of this day and age. they believe the BS of. I'M FROM the Guberment and I'm here to help.

what they don't grasp is that Government made up mostly of a bunch of nobody Bureaucrats ( Like Lois Lerner from the IRS) making all YOUR important decisions and they can giveth and they can turn around and taketh. if you don't BOW to their commands.

this Government has now become a MONSTER that is consuming us WORKING people who pays the taxes for them to survive. and they have now become a TYRANT overbearing government. but sadly that is because the people has allowed it to go on.

but you can't get through all these low information citizens

Oh the irony coming from someone on the government dole, medicaid and food stamps
Yep, she has been sucking on the government tit her whole life, and bitching about it.
this is felt by more than just a few. what will it take to get them back under some control. I think it's too late myself. too many people on the tax payer gravy train dished out by this stinking Federal Government. they knew what they doing all along. and the democrat party has been out in front leading the way


Near Record Low: 1 in 5 Americans Trust the Government
74 percent say elected officials put their own interests ahead of the country


BY: Ali Meyer
November 30, 2015 4:24 pm

Only one in five Americans—19 percent—say they trust the government always or most of the time, which is among the lowest levels recorded in the last 50 years, according to a report from Pew Research Center.

Additionally, 55 percent think that ordinary Americans could solve national problems better than elected officials and 74 percent say that politicians put their own interests ahead of the country.

“Negative views of elected officials are hardly a new phenomenon—for years, large majorities have faulted elected officials for losing touch with Americans and not caring about the views of average people.”

Large shares of both Democrats, 72 percent, and Republicans, 89 percent, say they can seldom trust the government.

“At a general level, the public finds the government frustrating and badly managed,” states Pew. “Just 20 percent say the federal government runs its programs well, and 59 percent say it is in need of ‘very major reform,’ up 22 percentage points since 1997.”

A majority of Republicans, 75 percent, say that the government needs major reform, while 44 percent of Democrats say the same.

“Republicans are also far more likely than Democrats to say that the government is wasteful and inefficient (75 percent vs. 40 percent of Democrats) and to give the government a ‘poor’ rating for how it operates its programs (50 percent vs. 18 percent).”

all of it here:
Near Record Low: 1 in 5 Americans Trust the Government

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