Fed Sees No Recession

Orange man rolling with the best economy ever. You can just feel the heat from the seething white-hot hate rage within the libs.
Not even close to the best economy ever.

Clinton's economy grew much faster. And created way more jobs than any other administration in history.

Nice try.
In a development that is certain to infuriate and disappoint anti-American Democrats and leftards everywhere, the Fed Chairman admits the economy is strong and likely to remain so through 2020, inflation is low and contained, and interest rates are likely to remain at or about where they are. MAGA, baby!!! :D

Powell says the Fed is not forecasting or expecting a recession
“We’re not forecasting or expecting a recession,” he said. “The most likely outlook is still moderate growth, a strong labor market and inflation continuing to move back up.”

“Our main expectation is not at all that there will be a recession,” Powell said.
Actually what this means is the Fed is not going to submit to Trump's demands they take interest rates into negative territory.
I knew some bitter, no-info NeverTrumper would take the bait. The "non-political" Fed began raising rates virtually on the day Trump was elected, effectively tapping the brakes on our economy. They had kept them at 1/2% or lower for Obama's entire 8 years.

Yeah ... no bias there either.


They began raising rates in 2015. Long before Trump was elected.

The economy was doing just fine, even during Trump's first year. The Dow grew 34 percent his first year.

Then the dumbass started his trade war. You know how much the Dow has gone up in the two years since then?

FIVE percent. And GDP nosedived, along with the manufacturing index, and farmers.

That's ALLLLLLLL Trump.
Um ... MORON? They moved them from 1/4% all the way up to 1/2%.

You're not just no-info, you're dense. Here's the thing ... barring a major economic collapse in 2020 - one the Fed does not foresee - you are looking at another term for Trump. :beer:

The scientific models all have Trump winning in 2020 ... BIGLY. You do believe in science, right? No wonder the Dems are so hot to impeach.

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that
According to Moody’s Analytics, Trump is headed toward another four years in the White House. And, if the numbers are right, it won’t even be close.
Earlier scientific modelers came to the same conclusion as Moody's.

3 forecast modelers predict Trump will win in 2020
The big picture: Trump wins all three modelers. Economists predict that the tailwind is large.
  • Ray Fair, a professor at Yale, "found that the growth rates of gross domestic product and inflation have been the two most important economic predictors — but he also found that incumbency was also an important determinant of presidential election outcomes."
  • "Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has looked at 12 models, and Mr. Trump wins in all of them."
  • "Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics has reached the same conclusion in his examination of the Electoral College."
I hope you and all Americans are benefitting from our prosperity.

Really ? holy wow batman... where's my cape.

This is artificially sustained. How can you not see that ?

It's a dangerous house of cards. The normal recovery has been artificially boosted by de-regulation. The crash will be double 2008/2009
All economies are artificial.
It must come as a disappointment to democrats.
Yanno, it's not just that bitter American leftards celebrate every time our investment markets dip, it's their hoping & praying that things will go very wrong for this country and its people. I can't even imagine doing such a thing (or how they can) but … well … our Democrats are proud of their seething hatred. Bill Maher made clear just how deep and all-consuming is their hate:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”

Maher prays for a recession that will hurt millions of Americans simply because his butt hurts. That kind of disdain & disloyalty - when turned into action - is seditious, especially among those sworn to uphold our laws and our constitution.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
The Federal Reserve is the Most Dangerous Enemy of the U.S. and its Economy

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.” ~ SIR JOSIAH STAMP, (President of the Bank of England in the 1920’s, the second richest man in Britain):

Everything predicted by the enemies of banks, in the beginning, is now coming to pass. We are to be ruined now by the deluge of bank paper. It is cruel that such revolutions in private fortunes should be at the mercy of avaricious adventurers, who, instead of employing their capital, if any they have, in manufactures, commerce, and other useful pursuits, make it an instrument to burden all the interchanges of property with their swindling profits, profits which are the price of no useful industry of theirs.” –Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1814. ME 14:61

Thomas Jefferson's Top 10 Quotes On Money And Banking - The Whitlock Company
One last thing. The Fed has been bailing Trump out for the past few months. Massive quantitative easing in the repo market.

Trump has run up such massive deficits that cash flow is drying up, and the Fed has had to inject hundreds of billions of dollars into the market.

So don't pretend Trump isn't getting his tiny balls fondled by the Fed, mm-kay?


Since I started that topic, the Fed has gone to warp speed with QEInfinity.
In a development that is certain to infuriate and disappoint anti-American Democrats and leftards everywhere, the Fed Chairman admits the economy is strong and likely to remain so through 2020, inflation is low and contained, and interest rates are likely to remain at or about where they are. MAGA, baby!!! :D

Powell says the Fed is not forecasting or expecting a recession
“We’re not forecasting or expecting a recession,” he said. “The most likely outlook is still moderate growth, a strong labor market and inflation continuing to move back up.”

“Our main expectation is not at all that there will be a recession,” Powell said.

From this same group in Jan 2007....10 months before the recession started...

The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target for the federal funds rate at 5-1/4 percent.

Recent indicators have suggested somewhat firmer economic growth, and some tentative signs of stabilization have appeared in the housing market. Overall, the economy seems likely to expand at a moderate pace over coming quarters.

Readings on core inflation have improved modestly in recent months, and inflation pressures seem likely to moderate over time. However, the high level of resource utilization has the potential to sustain inflation pressures.
The Fed didn't see the crash of 2008, either.
Because the crash happened in 2009 you idiot troll

The recession started in Dec 2007...fuck dude, are you ever right about anything?

And the stock market crash started that same time and ended in March of 2009...not started...but ended.
Actually you’re right. My bad. Started early 08 not 09. Oooops. Ended in the summer of 09.

Well, you are getting closer...late 2007...but you are moving the right way
The Fed didn't see the crash of 2008, either.
Because the crash happened in 2009 you idiot troll

The recession started in Dec 2007...fuck dude, are you ever right about anything?

And the stock market crash started that same time and ended in March of 2009...not started...but ended.
Actually you’re right. My bad. Started early 08 not 09. Oooops. Ended in the summer of 09.

Well, you are getting closer...late 2007...but you are moving the right way
Damn dates
The Fed didn't see the crash of 2008, either.
Because the crash happened in 2009 you idiot troll

The recession started in Dec 2007...fuck dude, are you ever right about anything?

And the stock market crash started that same time and ended in March of 2009...not started...but ended.
They want the crash to be Obama's fault.
Why is this overt troll not banned?
The Fed didn't see the crash of 2008, either.
Because the crash happened in 2009 you idiot troll

The recession started in Dec 2007...fuck dude, are you ever right about anything?

And the stock market crash started that same time and ended in March of 2009...not started...but ended.
They want the crash to be Obama's fault.
Why is this overt troll not banned?

He is no more a troll that you are.

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