Fed Sees No Recession

Opinions vary. He just cuts and pastes. Feel free to kiss his ass.

Which is more than you do. You never back up anything with data....we have had this discussion before.

Not kissing anyone's ass...just stating the facts.
Any jackass can cut and paste. I am here because I travel a lot and enjoy triggering leftists. I triggered him and he blocked me. LOL

It’s awesome.

Just odd that you attack those that actually support the claims they make.

The irony to all of this is that you just admitted that you are a troll...yet you whine about other trolls...fuck dude do you have any integrity at all?
Troll? Maybe? I only Attack those who refuse to debate me. He cowered so he gets blasted. You don’t like it? I don’t care. I do not block anyone. Blocking is for pussies. How many people do you block or on this site, ignore? And Leftists don’t deserve integrity.

You just said you come here because you "enjoy triggering leftists"...which is the very definition of a troll.

I do not ignore anyone, that is stupid.

One does not have integrity nor exhibit integrity because someone else deserves it, but because it is who they are. Either you have it or you do not...there is no turning it off and on.
I disagree. If pushed far enough then integrity goes out the window. They don’t deserve it.
Which is more than you do. You never back up anything with data....we have had this discussion before.

Not kissing anyone's ass...just stating the facts.
Any jackass can cut and paste. I am here because I travel a lot and enjoy triggering leftists. I triggered him and he blocked me. LOL

It’s awesome.

Just odd that you attack those that actually support the claims they make.

The irony to all of this is that you just admitted that you are a troll...yet you whine about other trolls...fuck dude do you have any integrity at all?
Troll? Maybe? I only Attack those who refuse to debate me. He cowered so he gets blasted. You don’t like it? I don’t care. I do not block anyone. Blocking is for pussies. How many people do you block or on this site, ignore? And Leftists don’t deserve integrity.

You just said you come here because you "enjoy triggering leftists"...which is the very definition of a troll.

I do not ignore anyone, that is stupid.

One does not have integrity nor exhibit integrity because someone else deserves it, but because it is who they are. Either you have it or you do not...there is no turning it off and on.
I disagree. If pushed far enough then integrity goes out the window. They don’t deserve it.

You have no clue what integrity is if you think it is about the other person.
Any jackass can cut and paste. I am here because I travel a lot and enjoy triggering leftists. I triggered him and he blocked me. LOL

It’s awesome.

Just odd that you attack those that actually support the claims they make.

The irony to all of this is that you just admitted that you are a troll...yet you whine about other trolls...fuck dude do you have any integrity at all?
Troll? Maybe? I only Attack those who refuse to debate me. He cowered so he gets blasted. You don’t like it? I don’t care. I do not block anyone. Blocking is for pussies. How many people do you block or on this site, ignore? And Leftists don’t deserve integrity.

You just said you come here because you "enjoy triggering leftists"...which is the very definition of a troll.

I do not ignore anyone, that is stupid.

One does not have integrity nor exhibit integrity because someone else deserves it, but because it is who they are. Either you have it or you do not...there is no turning it off and on.
I disagree. If pushed far enough then integrity goes out the window. They don’t deserve it.

You have no clue what integrity is if you think it is about the other person.
Opinions vary. Why do you care? You stalk me on this board and try to infuse your moral compass on me? Weird. I dont care. Once my kids became impacted my so called integrity and patience went out the window. Leftists and cowards like g5000 can go to hell.
In a development that is certain to infuriate and disappoint anti-American Democrats and leftards everywhere, the Fed Chairman admits the economy is strong and likely to remain so through 2020, inflation is low and contained, and interest rates are likely to remain at or about where they are. MAGA, baby!!! :D

Powell says the Fed is not forecasting or expecting a recession
“We’re not forecasting or expecting a recession,” he said. “The most likely outlook is still moderate growth, a strong labor market and inflation continuing to move back up.”

“Our main expectation is not at all that there will be a recession,” Powell said.
What has Powell said about the Fed pumping trillions of dollars into the Repo market over the past three months?

Can you say L-I-B-O-R?

New York Fed’s Fake Borrowing Rates Raise Ghosts of Libor’s Fake Rates

"On September 17, the interest rate on overnight loans in the repurchase agreement market (repo loans) spiked from the typical 2 percent to 10 percent.

"The U.S. repo market is where banks, hedge funds and mutual funds make overnight loans to one another against good collateral such as U.S. Treasury securities.

"The large spike in rates suggested to many on Wall Street that the mega banks on Wall Street were backing away from lending to one or more financial institutions or hedge funds out of fear over their creditworthiness.

"(See 'Intra-day Bankruptcy': A 2008 Email from the Fed Provides Insight into Today’s Overnight Repo Scare.)"
Opinions vary. Why do you care? You stalk me on this board and try to infuse your moral compass on me? Weird. I dont care. Once my kids became impacted my so called integrity and patience went out the window. Leftists and cowards like g5000 can go to hell.

Your moral compass it what it is, there is nothing I nor anyone else can do to affect it. Though I do find it a shame that you do no think integrity is a value worth instilling in your children.
Opinions vary. Why do you care? You stalk me on this board and try to infuse your moral compass on me? Weird. I dont care. Once my kids became impacted my so called integrity and patience went out the window. Leftists and cowards like g5000 can go to hell.

Your moral compass it what it is, there is nothing I nor anyone else can do to affect it. Though I do find it a shame that you do no think integrity is a value worth instilling in your children.
My kids have learned the hard way that you are either the predator or the prey. They think for themselves and both are excellent students and athletes. Both being looked at by schools for basketball and LAX.

They still drive me crazy mind you but my wife and I have instilled the values of being fighters in them and to help those who cannot always help themselves. At the same time we taught them not to be taken advantage off and that what they earned is theirs. Lastly, we tell them that there are winners and losers. Participants aren’t winners. They are just participants. Basically contrary to the soft Leftist thinking.
Opinions vary. Why do you care? You stalk me on this board and try to infuse your moral compass on me? Weird. I dont care. Once my kids became impacted my so called integrity and patience went out the window. Leftists and cowards like g5000 can go to hell.

Your moral compass it what it is, there is nothing I nor anyone else can do to affect it. Though I do find it a shame that you do no think integrity is a value worth instilling in your children.
My kids have learned the hard way that you are either the predator or the prey. They think for themselves and both are excellent students and athletes. Both being looked at by schools for basketball and LAX.

They still drive me crazy mind you but my wife and I have instilled the values of being fighters in them and to help those who cannot always help themselves. At the same time we taught them not to be taken advantage off and that what they earned is theirs. Lastly, we tell them that there are winners and losers. Participants aren’t winners. They are just participants. Basically contrary to the soft Leftist thinking.

Weird...nothing about honesty, integrity, "doing the right thing"... You must be a cultural Jew and not a religious one.
In a development that is certain to infuriate and disappoint anti-American Democrats and leftards everywhere, the Fed Chairman admits the economy is strong and likely to remain so through 2020, inflation is low and contained, and interest rates are likely to remain at or about where they are. MAGA, baby!!! :D

Powell says the Fed is not forecasting or expecting a recession
“We’re not forecasting or expecting a recession,” he said. “The most likely outlook is still moderate growth, a strong labor market and inflation continuing to move back up.”

“Our main expectation is not at all that there will be a recession,” Powell said.

Boom! Where’s Your Recession Now?
Boom! Where’s Your Recession Now?

RUSH: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What the heck’s going on? I thought we were headed for a recession. We were gonna have a recession. I mean, as recently as May and June, we were headed into a recession. Remember that? It was the consensus of all the financial experts in the media. They said, “Buckle up. A recession is coming.” Well, it sure doesn’t feel like that to me, folks.

JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny South Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!

RUSH: “U.S. Jobs Trounce Forecasts: 266,000 New Jobs.” The aforementioned experts — themselves dripping with hatred — predicted 180,000 jobs. It’s 266,000 jobs created. The economy is roaring. We have a 50-year low unemployment, 3.5% — a 50-year low. More black men have jobs than ever before. The African-American approval rating for Donald Trump is hovering in the 34 to 35% range. Audio sound bite number 3, Jim Cramer CNBC this morning.

CRAMER: Cable, CNN, MSN, what do they cover? Number 16, 16th, is positive economic news. All the rest of ’em are negative! So you know what’s going on here. People don’t want to say good things, and this is the best number I’ve ever seen in my life! … When we win the trade war — which you know we’re gonna win now because we have the better numbers — then they’re going to have to put the jobs here. That’s what they’re going to have to do. We’re not even talking about that yet. In the end, the Chinese are gonna have to put the jobs here. Because this thing is… The president can walk away from the table with this number. You can’t contradict these are the best numbers of our lives. It doesn’t matter whether you hate him or like him, these are real numbers!

RUSH: There is nothing comparable to this, folks: 3.5% unemployment, a 50-year low, African-Americans with more jobs than they’ve ever had before — expressed as a percentage and in real per capita numbers. Wage growth is commensurate with the job creation. What Cramer’s talking about there with the ChiComs… I addressed this yesterday. The trade deals that we have had with the ChiComs for the last few decades literally added up to the greatest transfer of wealth out of the American middle class. It went to China.

ME: Once again, time proves the Democrats to be liars, and Trump to be a winner.

Opinions vary. Why do you care? You stalk me on this board and try to infuse your moral compass on me? Weird. I dont care. Once my kids became impacted my so called integrity and patience went out the window. Leftists and cowards like g5000 can go to hell.

Your moral compass it what it is, there is nothing I nor anyone else can do to affect it. Though I do find it a shame that you do no think integrity is a value worth instilling in your children.
My kids have learned the hard way that you are either the predator or the prey. They think for themselves and both are excellent students and athletes. Both being looked at by schools for basketball and LAX.

They still drive me crazy mind you but my wife and I have instilled the values of being fighters in them and to help those who cannot always help themselves. At the same time we taught them not to be taken advantage off and that what they earned is theirs. Lastly, we tell them that there are winners and losers. Participants aren’t winners. They are just participants. Basically contrary to the soft Leftist thinking.

Weird...nothing about honesty, integrity, "doing the right thing"... You must be a cultural Jew and not a religious one.
“Doing the right thing” is subjective. Jews are evil people who rule media, are responsible for 9/11 and are committing atrocities in Israel. At least that is what the Left tells you. As Leo Durocher said, nice guys finish last.
Opinions vary. Why do you care? You stalk me on this board and try to infuse your moral compass on me? Weird. I dont care. Once my kids became impacted my so called integrity and patience went out the window. Leftists and cowards like g5000 can go to hell.

Your moral compass it what it is, there is nothing I nor anyone else can do to affect it. Though I do find it a shame that you do no think integrity is a value worth instilling in your children.
My kids have learned the hard way that you are either the predator or the prey. They think for themselves and both are excellent students and athletes. Both being looked at by schools for basketball and LAX.

They still drive me crazy mind you but my wife and I have instilled the values of being fighters in them and to help those who cannot always help themselves. At the same time we taught them not to be taken advantage off and that what they earned is theirs. Lastly, we tell them that there are winners and losers. Participants aren’t winners. They are just participants. Basically contrary to the soft Leftist thinking.

Weird...nothing about honesty, integrity, "doing the right thing"... You must be a cultural Jew and not a religious one.
“Doing the right thing” is subjective. Jews are evil people who rule media, are responsible for 9/11 and are committing atrocities in Israel. At least that is what the Left tells you. As Leo Durocher said, nice guys finish last.

What does God say about it?
Because the crash happened in 2009 you idiot troll

The recession started in Dec 2007...fuck dude, are you ever right about anything?

And the stock market crash started that same time and ended in March of 2009...not started...but ended.
They want the crash to be Obama's fault.
Why is this overt troll not banned?

Also, must say it is interesting, in a hypocritical sort of way, that you admit you support Trump due to his trolling of the left yet you keep trying to get someone banned for being a troll....something that you find so very attractive in Trump
G5000 posts memes and links and rarely if ever engages in debates. I may Hate leftists but I am civil in debates at least 50% of the time. Therein lies the difference.

You should work on self awareness. You're civil? You called someone an 'idiot troll' when you were wrong.
So, a guy who is proud of being a troll thinks someone else is a troll for posting facts from sources and they deserve to be banned?

Opinions vary. Why do you care? You stalk me on this board and try to infuse your moral compass on me? Weird. I dont care. Once my kids became impacted my so called integrity and patience went out the window. Leftists and cowards like g5000 can go to hell.

Your moral compass it what it is, there is nothing I nor anyone else can do to affect it. Though I do find it a shame that you do no think integrity is a value worth instilling in your children.
My kids have learned the hard way that you are either the predator or the prey. They think for themselves and both are excellent students and athletes. Both being looked at by schools for basketball and LAX.

They still drive me crazy mind you but my wife and I have instilled the values of being fighters in them and to help those who cannot always help themselves. At the same time we taught them not to be taken advantage off and that what they earned is theirs. Lastly, we tell them that there are winners and losers. Participants aren’t winners. They are just participants. Basically contrary to the soft Leftist thinking.

Weird...nothing about honesty, integrity, "doing the right thing"... You must be a cultural Jew and not a religious one.
“Doing the right thing” is subjective. Jews are evil people who rule media, are responsible for 9/11 and are committing atrocities in Israel. At least that is what the Left tells you. As Leo Durocher said, nice guys finish last.

What does God say about it?
God no longer speaks to me.
The recession started in Dec 2007...fuck dude, are you ever right about anything?

And the stock market crash started that same time and ended in March of 2009...not started...but ended.
They want the crash to be Obama's fault.
Why is this overt troll not banned?

Also, must say it is interesting, in a hypocritical sort of way, that you admit you support Trump due to his trolling of the left yet you keep trying to get someone banned for being a troll....something that you find so very attractive in Trump
G5000 posts memes and links and rarely if ever engages in debates. I may Hate leftists but I am civil in debates at least 50% of the time. Therein lies the difference.

You should work on self awareness. You're civil? You called someone an 'idiot troll' when you were wrong.
There is a method to my madness. I am very aware.
They want the crash to be Obama's fault.
Why is this overt troll not banned?

Also, must say it is interesting, in a hypocritical sort of way, that you admit you support Trump due to his trolling of the left yet you keep trying to get someone banned for being a troll....something that you find so very attractive in Trump
G5000 posts memes and links and rarely if ever engages in debates. I may Hate leftists but I am civil in debates at least 50% of the time. Therein lies the difference.

You should work on self awareness. You're civil? You called someone an 'idiot troll' when you were wrong.
There is a method to my madness. I am very aware.

Yeah, you've pretty much just admitted you have no integrity and therefore no reason to believe you're an honest actor.
Why is this overt troll not banned?

Also, must say it is interesting, in a hypocritical sort of way, that you admit you support Trump due to his trolling of the left yet you keep trying to get someone banned for being a troll....something that you find so very attractive in Trump
G5000 posts memes and links and rarely if ever engages in debates. I may Hate leftists but I am civil in debates at least 50% of the time. Therein lies the difference.

You should work on self awareness. You're civil? You called someone an 'idiot troll' when you were wrong.
There is a method to my madness. I am very aware.

Yeah, you've pretty much just admitted you have no integrity and therefore no reason to believe you're an honest actor.
People like you don’t deserve integrity only vitriol. Time for people like me to fight back. I have been silent for too long.
Also, must say it is interesting, in a hypocritical sort of way, that you admit you support Trump due to his trolling of the left yet you keep trying to get someone banned for being a troll....something that you find so very attractive in Trump
G5000 posts memes and links and rarely if ever engages in debates. I may Hate leftists but I am civil in debates at least 50% of the time. Therein lies the difference.

You should work on self awareness. You're civil? You called someone an 'idiot troll' when you were wrong.
There is a method to my madness. I am very aware.

Yeah, you've pretty much just admitted you have no integrity and therefore no reason to believe you're an honest actor.
People like you don’t deserve integrity only vitriol. Time for people like me to fight back. I have been silent for too long.

Yeah, GG is right I don't think you know what integrity is. It's not something you give it's a part of who you are.

But thanks for admitting you have no desire to be honest.
G5000 posts memes and links and rarely if ever engages in debates. I may Hate leftists but I am civil in debates at least 50% of the time. Therein lies the difference.

You should work on self awareness. You're civil? You called someone an 'idiot troll' when you were wrong.
There is a method to my madness. I am very aware.

Yeah, you've pretty much just admitted you have no integrity and therefore no reason to believe you're an honest actor.
People like you don’t deserve integrity only vitriol. Time for people like me to fight back. I have been silent for too long.

Yeah, GG is right I don't think you know what integrity is. It's not something you give it's a part of who you are.
My ancestors had integrity and then the Nazis invaded. The Soviet army in 1944 and 1945 went ballistic and lost all integrity. Few blame them. Integrity is impossible to maintain when dealing with people like you and g5000. It was a part of who I was. Now I am a different person. Thanks to people like you. You reap what you sow.
You should work on self awareness. You're civil? You called someone an 'idiot troll' when you were wrong.
There is a method to my madness. I am very aware.

Yeah, you've pretty much just admitted you have no integrity and therefore no reason to believe you're an honest actor.
People like you don’t deserve integrity only vitriol. Time for people like me to fight back. I have been silent for too long.

Yeah, GG is right I don't think you know what integrity is. It's not something you give it's a part of who you are.
My ancestors had integrity and then the Nazis invaded. The Soviet army in 1944 and 1945 went ballistic and lost all integrity. Few blame them. Integrity is impossible to maintain when dealing with people like you and g5000. It was a part of who I was. Now I am a different person. Thanks to people like you. You reap what you sow.

My god, man. Seek help. :21:

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