Federal Court Approves Border Wall Against Environmental Argument

Anybody tired of WINNING yet....I ain't!

A federal judge on Tuesday ruled against an environmental challenge to President Trump’s border wall, delivering a win to the Trump administration in a decision that allows construction plans to move forward.

In a 101-page ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel wrote that both Congress and the executive branch “share responsibilities in protecting the country from terrorists and contraband illegally entering at the borders.”

The case involved the Trump administration’s ability to ignore environmental laws in the construction of the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The project had been challenged by several environmental groups and the state of California.

The ruling will now allow the administration to issue waivers on environmental laws and build sections of the border wall.

Federal judge rules against challenge to Trump border wall
Its going to be built so democrats should step aside instead of prolonging their agony
I say build the fucking wall, but pay for it with the defense budget in my opinion. I mean, it is a wall after all. Seems kinda defense related to me.
Whether it gets built or not - Mexico ain't paying for it. So, get out your wallets...
Whether it gets built or not - Mexico ain't paying for it. So, get out your wallets...
Mexico will and up worse for the wall. Do we need to pay up front? Sure. Will it pay off in the end hell yes. build the damn wall.
Mexico is irate because we're redoing NAFTA and robbing them
of that 70 to 100 billion dollar shortfall we have in trade with them.

Once that is fixed, we'll be able to build a wall along the Canadian
Border also
The Wall will be built. Challenge after challenge by liberals who want to weaken national security have been defeated. Yet again...another lame obstructionist argument falls.
Federal judge rules against challenge to Trump border wall

You don't think that ends the discussion, do you?
I don’t understand why there is opposition in the first place?

Of course you don't
How many illegals do you think we need here?
The illegal alien (“dreamer”) who held a protest sign reading: No borders, no nations, fu*k your deportations, should be flown on Air Force One, seated across President Trump, given a parachute, & dropped at the Mexico side of our border. What an ungrateful creep.

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