Federal Court throws out trump suit to block Congress from getting his tax returns

Trump was going to release them or claimed he would & the rubes of course fell for his bullshit.

He may have released them until he realized he'd be exposed for the tax dodging up to his ass in debt thieving bastard that he really is.

But the rubes don't care because Trump said they're "special" & he "loves them".

Donald Trump: 'What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening'

He wants his cult to only believe what he tells them. AND THEY ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO FALL FOR IT!
If Trump's returns made him look good he'd release them & him & his Fox News goons would be running their yaps about it 24/7.

They don't. That's what this is REALLY about.
No, what this is really about is you being a little fucking asswipe butt hurt kuuunt shit who is jealous because he has a lot more tax write offs than your poor bitch ass, and you want to make political hay out of it, but your twat faced goons in congress can't do so, because it is illegal.

How about that?

Cry your little bitch eyes out.

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