Federal Judge issues Subpoena for Birth Certificate


"Stop complainin!"
Jul 15, 2010
One would have thought that the birth certificate issue would have been laid to rest when Obama released copies back in April, but there is a problem. Document experts have been looking at the released copy and have concluded it’s a fake.

In order to get to the bottom of the controversy, attorney Orly Taitz filed a Freedom of Information Act request to see the original, typewritten certificate. In early July, a federal judge granted Taitz a subpoena to compel the Hawaii Department of Health to show it to her. As Hawaii did not contest the subpoena within the required 14 days, they appear to be on the verge of finally showing the legendary document.

On Aug 8 Taitz will walk into the Dept of Health offices in Honolulu, accompanied by two document experts, who will examine the original and compare it to the copy released by Obama. One of the experts – Paul Irey – states that he will be able to tell almost instantly whether the Obama copy is real. "Over the years of my career, I've seen everything that can be put on paper," he said. "Now that I'm thoroughly familiar with what the White House released, I will be able to tell you within a few minutes, if what the Hawaii DOH has matches what the White House has released, or not.”

Taitz and Irey will immediately scan the document and upload it to the Internet for all to see. Assuming no Shenanigans by the Hawaii DOH or the Obama administration to impede disclosure, one way or the other on Aug 8 the controversy should at last be resolved.
One would have thought that the birth certificate issue would have been laid to rest when Obama released copies back in April, but there is a problem. Document experts have been looking at the released copy and have concluded it’s a fake.

In order to get to the bottom of the controversy, attorney Orly Taitz filed a Freedom of Information Act request to see the original, typewritten certificate. In early July, a federal judge granted Taitz a subpoena to compel the Hawaii Department of Health to show it to her. As Hawaii did not contest the subpoena within the required 14 days, they appear to be on the verge of finally showing the legendary document.

On Aug 8 Taitz will walk into the Dept of Health offices in Honolulu, accompanied by two document experts, who will examine the original and compare it to the copy released by Obama. One of the experts – Paul Irey – states that he will be able to tell almost instantly whether the Obama copy is real. "Over the years of my career, I've seen everything that can be put on paper," he said. "Now that I'm thoroughly familiar with what the White House released, I will be able to tell you within a few minutes, if what the Hawaii DOH has matches what the White House has released, or not.”

Taitz and Irey will immediately scan the document and upload it to the Internet for all to see. Assuming no Shenanigans by the Hawaii DOH or the Obama administration to impede disclosure, one way or the other on Aug 8 the controversy should at last be resolved.

Thats great news.
your insane

I had to dust this one off just for you.

One would have thought that the birth certificate issue would have been laid to rest when Obama released copies back in April, but there is a problem. Document experts have been looking at the released copy and have concluded it’s a fake.

In order to get to the bottom of the controversy, attorney Orly Taitz filed a Freedom of Information Act request to see the original, typewritten certificate. In early July, a federal judge granted Taitz a subpoena to compel the Hawaii Department of Health to show it to her. As Hawaii did not contest the subpoena within the required 14 days, they appear to be on the verge of finally showing the legendary document.

On Aug 8 Taitz will walk into the Dept of Health offices in Honolulu, accompanied by two document experts, who will examine the original and compare it to the copy released by Obama. One of the experts – Paul Irey – states that he will be able to tell almost instantly whether the Obama copy is real. "Over the years of my career, I've seen everything that can be put on paper," he said. "Now that I'm thoroughly familiar with what the White House released, I will be able to tell you within a few minutes, if what the Hawaii DOH has matches what the White House has released, or not.”

Taitz and Irey will immediately scan the document and upload it to the Internet for all to see. Assuming no Shenanigans by the Hawaii DOH or the Obama administration to impede disclosure, one way or the other on Aug 8 the controversy should at last be resolved.

When this country was brand new and real patriots walked this soil a matter like this would have been immediately investigated. They knew that if someone was not a natural born citizen and was lying about it than they most have an agenda.

Today even though there is massive evidence against Obama in this matter we have some that will not even look at the evidence that has been presented. I weigh both sides of every issue before I take a stand on it. However there are many who don't and get their opinion solely from the mainstream media. What kind of an American is this?
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One would have thought that the birth certificate issue would have been laid to rest when Obama released copies back in April, but there is a problem. Document experts have been looking at the released copy and have concluded it’s a fake.

In order to get to the bottom of the controversy, attorney Orly Taitz filed a Freedom of Information Act request to see the original, typewritten certificate. In early July, a federal judge granted Taitz a subpoena to compel the Hawaii Department of Health to show it to her. As Hawaii did not contest the subpoena within the required 14 days, they appear to be on the verge of finally showing the legendary document.

On Aug 8 Taitz will walk into the Dept of Health offices in Honolulu, accompanied by two document experts, who will examine the original and compare it to the copy released by Obama. One of the experts – Paul Irey – states that he will be able to tell almost instantly whether the Obama copy is real. "Over the years of my career, I've seen everything that can be put on paper," he said. "Now that I'm thoroughly familiar with what the White House released, I will be able to tell you within a few minutes, if what the Hawaii DOH has matches what the White House has released, or not.”

Taitz and Irey will immediately scan the document and upload it to the Internet for all to see. Assuming no Shenanigans by the Hawaii DOH or the Obama administration to impede disclosure, one way or the other on Aug 8 the controversy should at last be resolved.

So what happens if the one Obama showed us is fake, but the one they view from Hawaii's DOH is valid? Or are they then going to tell us the one at the DOH is fake too?
Hawaii refuses subpoena of Obama birth certificate, citing privacy concerns

O.C. birthplace lawyer chastised by judge - Orange County Register
"Plaintiff is either toying with the Court or displaying her own stupidity," District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth wrote in a July 25 order...

In 2009, Taitz was fined $20,000 for misconduct by federal Judge Clay D. Land, who wrote that a Taitz filing was "breathtaking in its arrogance and borders on delusional. She expresses no contrition or regret regarding her misconduct. To the contrary, she continues her baseless attacks on the Court...."
Hawaii needs to maintain a fire watch in that building. Remember, Clintons are still advising Our Kenyan President!
pee ess: can I see Trig's birth certificate? better yet, a video of live birth?

So many so called Americans on here who piss on the Constitution. If you or anyone else is against our constitution than you are not an American.
Hawaii refuses subpoena of Obama birth certificate, citing privacy concerns

O.C. birthplace lawyer chastised by judge - Orange County Register
"Plaintiff is either toying with the Court or displaying her own stupidity," District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth wrote in a July 25 order...

In 2009, Taitz was fined $20,000 for misconduct by federal Judge Clay D. Land, who wrote that a Taitz filing was "breathtaking in its arrogance and borders on delusional. She expresses no contrition or regret regarding her misconduct. To the contrary, she continues her baseless attacks on the Court...."
:clap2: :rofl:
One would have thought that the birth certificate issue would have been laid to rest when Obama released copies back in April, but there is a problem. Document experts have been looking at the released copy and have concluded it’s a fake.

In order to get to the bottom of the controversy, attorney Orly Taitz filed a Freedom of Information Act request to see the original, typewritten certificate. In early July, a federal judge granted Taitz a subpoena to compel the Hawaii Department of Health to show it to her. As Hawaii did not contest the subpoena within the required 14 days, they appear to be on the verge of finally showing the legendary document.

On Aug 8 Taitz will walk into the Dept of Health offices in Honolulu, accompanied by two document experts, who will examine the original and compare it to the copy released by Obama. One of the experts – Paul Irey – states that he will be able to tell almost instantly whether the Obama copy is real. "Over the years of my career, I've seen everything that can be put on paper," he said. "Now that I'm thoroughly familiar with what the White House released, I will be able to tell you within a few minutes, if what the Hawaii DOH has matches what the White House has released, or not.”

Taitz and Irey will immediately scan the document and upload it to the Internet for all to see. Assuming no Shenanigans by the Hawaii DOH or the Obama administration to impede disclosure, one way or the other on Aug 8 the controversy should at last be resolved.

So what happens if the one Obama showed us is fake, but the one they view from Hawaii's DOH is valid? Or are they then going to tell us the one at the DOH is fake too?
If the one at DOH is fake kick obamaturd out of office immediatly. If the one released is fake, someone needs to go to jail for falsifying a document!
Orly Taitz?

Is she going to bring her copy of that fake Kenyan birth certificate?

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