Federal Judge throws out Democrat Attempt to Block Wall Funding

Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.

You see wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a wall which isn’t needed and won’t have any affect on your illegal immigrant population whatsoever, as a good idea. People who are smarter, and students of history know that WALLS DON’T WORK.

Walls do NOTHING to deal with the root causes of illegal migration which is employers like Donald Trump who are only to happy to exploit them. Taking away their jobs sends them home REAL fast.

Voted for Donald Trump which proves you’re not really very smart at all and you don’t know much at all or you would have known what a crook and a con man he is.

The wall that isn't needed??

You seem to have missed the 20 million illegals who are in the country right now that cost we tax payers billions each year.

I couldn't care less about your "root" cause and neither do most Americans.

I voted for Trump and will vote for him again in 2020. You voted for Hitlery which proves what an utter fool you are.

As for smart?? That sure isn't your ignorant ass.
I have said on this message board for many months that I believe The Wall to be a very, very dumb idea.

Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc..

But the Yuge Glaring fallacy in your argument is the thinking that all immigrants come here to get a job.
Many come here for nefarious reasons. No wall = Come On In.
The wall that isn't needed??

You seem to have missed the 20 million illegals who are in the country right now that cost we tax payers billions each year.

I couldn't care less about your "root" cause and neither do most Americans.

I voted for Trump and will vote for him again in 2020. You voted for Hitlery which proves what an utter fool you are.

As for smart?? That sure isn't your ignorant ass.

Faun, Oldlady and most of the "Open Border" advocates are probably Socialists, Communists or just plain hate America for what ever reason.
Whatever cause results in the demise of freedom in America, they'll be there in support.
A win for presidential powers in declaring national emergencies to solve legislative impasses with the opposition party.

That Karma's gonna run over your Dogma.
A win for presidential powers in declaring national emergencies to solve legislative impasses with the opposition party.

That Karma's gonna run over your Dogma.

Um...hate to be the one to open your eyes old boy but.....
With as many as 500,000 illegals crossing the border MONTHLY...
It is an Invasion....therefor "National Emergency" is accurate.

Unfortunately, the "opposition" relishes the destruction of America.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
A lot of honorable people do stupid things, but if they still have bad breath, they need to brush their teeth, sir. The honorable Haywood Gilliam erred. honest. :)
A win for presidential powers in declaring national emergencies to solve legislative impasses with the opposition party.

That Karma's gonna run over your Dogma.

Um...hate to be the one to open your eyes old boy but.....
With as many as 500,000 illegals crossing the border MONTHLY...
It is an Invasion....therefor "National Emergency" is accurate.

Unfortunately, the "opposition" relishes the destruction of America.

It's nothing new. It goes in cycles. With full employment, under the table workers are in demand. Most of the immigrants are arriving at legal ports of entry. Instead of a contentious wall, why not allocate funds for temporary humane housing centers to accommodate these folks before they get a hearing, instead of releasing them after just 20 days?
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
Well, Rule #! in Demmie world is "Let other people pay the price for me." and "Just put my check in the mail."
I have said on this message board for many months that I believe The Wall to be a very, very dumb idea.

Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc.

Trouble is, our elected officials have repeatedly demonstrated their lack of balls on this subject, and the situation is just getting worse...

We cannot rely upon our elected officials to suddenly grow such balls, and we're out of time in which to wait...

The Wall might end-up being the Next-Best Thing, for stemming the flow of Illegals.

Hell, the more Democrats howl and pi$$ and moan over The Wall, the more I wonder why they're so scared of it.

I've just about reached the point where I'm ready to say:

"To hell with it... build the goddamned wall, and let's see what happens next."

The Democrats have nobody but themselves to blame; standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their fellow countrymen...

It's the single most identifiable issue that brought about their humiliating defeat on the evening of November 8, 2016...

And yet the retards keep doubling-down on Illegals-friendly policy and dogma...

Vote Whores, who pander to Hispanics rather than secure our Southern Border and clamp-down on Illegal Immigration...

I guess ya just can't fix "stupid" with such fools who blindly refuse to learn and adapt...

Idiot Democrats.
Reagan put that on the table to get if he allowed amnesty. He did, the democrats screwed him over.
--------------------------------------- 'reagan and especially' bush and his familia were both working for the results that the USA is seeing on the border . 'bush' was probably More guilty in influencing 'reagan' as reports that 'reagan' was going senile MAY have been accurate Iceberg .
Interesting you would blame Bush. I blame the immigrants for not obeying American immigrant laws to wait their turn. What we're getting is a lot of porky pigs saying "me first."

And we're paying the price for the weakness of Congress that tells them they should pass laws to help illegals vote--for themselves only. :rolleyes:
Containing it is a start. Besides, we were promised border security in 1986 by the government, so...where is it, hmm?
and yet we've been arguing about containment for the entire trump admin and most all of the obama one.

where is that again?

again, you risked your life on the trip to get to america, is a wall going to stop you and make you turn around and go home?

we need to give them reasons to turn around and find a better life - at home.

Yeah, no welfare benefits, free food, and housing for illegals. Fine employers of illegals.
what is going on in Guatemala that makes all these people risk lives to come here anyway? why is there such a flood THESE DAYS that wasn't hear 5 or 10 years ago?

how about we do some analytical thinking to this vs. slap up wall then bitch when they still come and now just view the wall as obstacle 381,383 of 450,000 to get here?

IDGAF, build that wall!
i want the problem fixed so building the wall won't be necessary.
well dude, it isn't going to happen. It hasn't for decades, instead we hand out amnesty. I'm done, if Congress won't do its job, I'm satisfied with a more physical solution such as a wall. why do you care about the wall anyway? Evil sick people are in control of my country and think foreigners are more important than our own citizens. MORE IMPORTANT. They can't insult americans fast enough!!! our representatives!!!!!!!
Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
does it?

these people walk thousands of miles through harsh country paying people they know would kill them if it served their purpose to get here. do you really think a wall is going to fix the problem?

man, i walked 2000 miles through the desert but this wall is now going to stop me...so close...

we need to fix the problem at the core - not try to simply contain it.

Containing it is a start. Besides, we were promised border security in 1986 by the government, so...where is it, hmm?
and yet we've been arguing about containment for the entire trump admin and most all of the obama one.

where is that again?

again, you risked your life on the trip to get to america, is a wall going to stop you and make you turn around and go home?

we need to give them reasons to turn around and find a better life - at home.

Yeah, no welfare benefits, free food, and housing for illegals. Fine employers of illegals.
what is going on in Guatemala that makes all these people risk lives to come here anyway? why is there such a flood THESE DAYS that wasn't hear 5 or 10 years ago?

how about we do some analytical thinking to this vs. slap up wall then bitch when they still come and now just view the wall as obstacle 381,383 of 450,000 to get here?

This isn't just here overwhelming migration is world wide.

Democrats have given an open invitation to come here. They are promising the world. Free housing, free education, free everything. Americans will pay. Democrats will make them. Democrats will protect them from deportations. It's a secure retirement.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
Well, Rule #! in Demmie world is "Let other people pay the price for me." and "Just put my check in the mail."
Aw crap! I was gonna mail a check today and the mail already came. :(
I have said on this message board for many months that I believe The Wall to be a very, very dumb idea.

Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc.

Trouble is, our elected officials have repeatedly demonstrated their lack of balls on this subject, and the situation is just getting worse...

We cannot rely upon our elected officials to suddenly grow such balls, and we're out of time in which to wait...

The Wall might end-up being the Next-Best Thing, for stemming the flow of Illegals.

Hell, the more Democrats howl and pi$$ and moan over The Wall, the more I wonder why they're so scared of it.

I've just about reached the point where I'm ready to say:

"To hell with it... build the goddamned wall, and let's see what happens next."

The Democrats have nobody but themselves to blame; standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their fellow countrymen...

It's the single most identifiable issue that brought about their humiliating defeat on the evening of November 8, 2016...

And yet the retards keep doubling-down on Illegals-friendly policy and dogma...

Vote Whores, who pander to Hispanics rather than secure our Southern Border and clamp-down on Illegal Immigration...

I guess ya just can't fix "stupid" with such fools who blindly refuse to learn and adapt...

Idiot Democrats.
Reagan put that on the table to get if he allowed amnesty. He did, the democrats screwed him over.
--------------------------------------- 'reagan and especially' bush and his familia were both working for the results that the USA is seeing on the border . 'bush' was probably More guilty in influencing 'reagan' as reports that 'reagan' was going senile MAY have been accurate Iceberg .
Interesting you would blame Bush. I blame the immigrants for not obeying American immigrant laws to wait their turn. What we're getting is a lot of porky pigs saying "me first."

And we're paying the price for the weakness of Congress that tells them they should pass laws to help illegals vote--for themselves only. :rolleyes:
you can blame them for that, but at this point, it's all a risk to them. people seem to think they just get bored and want to come to the US to piss us off. maybe things like facing our laws, finding ways around walls and the like is easier than:

A Guatemalan Village Tells The Story of Immigration To The U.S.
Why Are So Many Guatemalans Migrating to the U.S.?
Why Many Guatemalans Are Leaving Their Home For The U.S.

so between corruption, gang violence, lack of jobs and opportunity - they make the move north. now if you're in a position to risk everything to move out of all this and into some place safe, are laws or a wall going to make you go "damn, guess i'll sit here and be killed?"

Guatemala from what i'm reading is the deadliest place to live not engaged in a war. reading the other articles there's a myriad of problems that we can sit back and say "your country, your problem" but they've already decided it's safer to risk coming to america and worrying about our laws or THE WALL than staying.

so a wall won't stop them. it won't even come close to addressing the WHY it's happening. while you can say their problems are not ours, you'd be wrong.

they have become ours because we've become the safest bet in life for unfortunately far too many people.

we need to fix the problem, not put up a wall and hope they stop coming.
course some do walk . i read just the other day , the Cartels and 'mexicans' are providing some big or small transportation to the USA Southern border Iceberg . [and the 'mex' gov is encouraging the invaders for many , many years Iceberg]
where are they getting their water and food? LOL. anyone, and I mean anyone, who thinks this is just people leaving are about as clueless to things as my asshole. The dems wish to destroy our country. it is as evident as anytime in history. It's time to take a stand at the border, I say all militia go after these invaders stick the barrel of a gun in their snout, cock their triggers and tell them to go back home or die. I have no problem with that at all. I think the open border invite will look different after that encounter. Anyone?
does it?

these people walk thousands of miles through harsh country paying people they know would kill them if it served their purpose to get here. do you really think a wall is going to fix the problem?

man, i walked 2000 miles through the desert but this wall is now going to stop me...so close...

we need to fix the problem at the core - not try to simply contain it.

Containing it is a start. Besides, we were promised border security in 1986 by the government, so...where is it, hmm?
and yet we've been arguing about containment for the entire trump admin and most all of the obama one.

where is that again?

again, you risked your life on the trip to get to america, is a wall going to stop you and make you turn around and go home?

we need to give them reasons to turn around and find a better life - at home.

Yeah, no welfare benefits, free food, and housing for illegals. Fine employers of illegals.
what is going on in Guatemala that makes all these people risk lives to come here anyway? why is there such a flood THESE DAYS that wasn't hear 5 or 10 years ago?

how about we do some analytical thinking to this vs. slap up wall then bitch when they still come and now just view the wall as obstacle 381,383 of 450,000 to get here?

This isn't just here overwhelming migration is world wide.

Democrats have given an open invitation to come here. They are promising the world. Free housing, free education, free everything. Americans will pay. Democrats will make them. Democrats will protect them from deportations. It's a secure retirement.
and all that is quite attractive to people who are facing the situations i note above in my last post. this is stupid also but a wall isn't going to stop the dems and it certainly won't stop people who view this as their last shot in life.

now what?
course some do walk . i read just the other day , the Cartels and 'mexicans' are providing some big or small transportation to the USA Southern border Iceberg . [and the 'mex' gov is encouraging the invaders for many , many years Iceberg]
where are they getting their water and food? LOL. anyone, and I mean anyone, who thinks this is just people leaving are about as clueless to things as my asshole. The dems wish to destroy our country. it is as evident as anytime in history. It's time to take a stand at the border, I say all militia go after these invaders stick the barrel of a gun in their snout, cock their triggers and tell them to go back home or die. I have no problem with that at all. I think the open border invite will look different after that encounter. Anyone?

you go ahead and tell them that. since they feel they are already dead where they are, that threat to them is old news.
does it?

these people walk thousands of miles through harsh country paying people they know would kill them if it served their purpose to get here. do you really think a wall is going to fix the problem?

man, i walked 2000 miles through the desert but this wall is now going to stop me...so close...

we need to fix the problem at the core - not try to simply contain it.

Containing it is a start. Besides, we were promised border security in 1986 by the government, so...where is it, hmm?
and yet we've been arguing about containment for the entire trump admin and most all of the obama one.

where is that again?

again, you risked your life on the trip to get to america, is a wall going to stop you and make you turn around and go home?

we need to give them reasons to turn around and find a better life - at home.

Yeah, no welfare benefits, free food, and housing for illegals. Fine employers of illegals.
what is going on in Guatemala that makes all these people risk lives to come here anyway? why is there such a flood THESE DAYS that wasn't hear 5 or 10 years ago?

how about we do some analytical thinking to this vs. slap up wall then bitch when they still come and now just view the wall as obstacle 381,383 of 450,000 to get here?

This isn't just here overwhelming migration is world wide.

Democrats have given an open invitation to come here. They are promising the world. Free housing, free education, free everything. Americans will pay. Democrats will make them. Democrats will protect them from deportations. It's a secure retirement.
dude the left are giving them free stuff our own countrymen aren't getting. Including our VA. again, the left in congress have stated there is no more USA.
course some do walk . i read just the other day , the Cartels and 'mexicans' are providing some big or small transportation to the USA Southern border Iceberg . [and the 'mex' gov is encouraging the invaders for many , many years Iceberg]
where are they getting their water and food? LOL. anyone, and I mean anyone, who thinks this is just people leaving are about as clueless to things as my asshole. The dems wish to destroy our country. it is as evident as anytime in history. It's time to take a stand at the border, I say all militia go after these invaders stick the barrel of a gun in their snout, cock their triggers and tell them to go back home or die. I have no problem with that at all. I think the open border invite will look different after that encounter. Anyone?

you go ahead and tell them that. since they feel they are already dead where they are, that threat to them is old news.
then it won't matter right? why do they feel they get a free pass? explain

BTW, then why doesn't every country with a family like that just not get to come here without vetting? shit why exist? let's all look like that then, cause that will be the end game.
Containing it is a start. Besides, we were promised border security in 1986 by the government, so...where is it, hmm?
and yet we've been arguing about containment for the entire trump admin and most all of the obama one.

where is that again?

again, you risked your life on the trip to get to america, is a wall going to stop you and make you turn around and go home?

we need to give them reasons to turn around and find a better life - at home.

Yeah, no welfare benefits, free food, and housing for illegals. Fine employers of illegals.
what is going on in Guatemala that makes all these people risk lives to come here anyway? why is there such a flood THESE DAYS that wasn't hear 5 or 10 years ago?

how about we do some analytical thinking to this vs. slap up wall then bitch when they still come and now just view the wall as obstacle 381,383 of 450,000 to get here?

This isn't just here overwhelming migration is world wide.

Democrats have given an open invitation to come here. They are promising the world. Free housing, free education, free everything. Americans will pay. Democrats will make them. Democrats will protect them from deportations. It's a secure retirement.
dude the left are giving them free stuff our own countrymen aren't getting. Including our VA. again, the left in congress have stated there is no more USA.
yes - we are being stupid too. but is a wall going to fix our own stupidity and dysfunction?

not seen the left in congress say there is no more USA. link me up?
course some do walk . i read just the other day , the Cartels and 'mexicans' are providing some big or small transportation to the USA Southern border Iceberg . [and the 'mex' gov is encouraging the invaders for many , many years Iceberg]
where are they getting their water and food? LOL. anyone, and I mean anyone, who thinks this is just people leaving are about as clueless to things as my asshole. The dems wish to destroy our country. it is as evident as anytime in history. It's time to take a stand at the border, I say all militia go after these invaders stick the barrel of a gun in their snout, cock their triggers and tell them to go back home or die. I have no problem with that at all. I think the open border invite will look different after that encounter. Anyone?

you go ahead and tell them that. since they feel they are already dead where they are, that threat to them is old news.
then it won't matter right? why do they feel they get a free pass? explain
where did i say it's a free pass?

please show me.

this would go easier if you'd stop making assumptions (incorrectly) on what i'm saying.

we need to help fix their problems at home so they will stop coming here as an answer. killing them when they get here to me just is not an option nor an answer.

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