Federal Judge Tosses Trump's Pennsylvania Lawsuit

The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.

Bring to a court objective, documented evidence of ‘fraud,’ ‘vote swapping,’ or ‘electoral misconduct.’

Of course, Trump’s lawyers can’t do this because no such evidence exists.
Of course it is. How do you think this would ever have a prayer of making it to the SC? See Bush v Gore. :)
Come at the argument with evidence, presented in front of a judge, not a TV camera. That's not where court battles are won.
City Hall is appealing to SCOTUS. Gag, vomit, wretch.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

The judge dismissed it hard.

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

That's about as close as a judge comes to saying 'Get the fuck out of here."
a single voter
We arent talking about the single voter, we are talking about the 4am ballot dump that came in with single vote for the groper joe and nothing else down ballot, 100% going to Joe. The "science" says that just cant happen, are you science deniers?

So you're claiming that the judge doesn't know what the case is about? I think its far more likely you don't.

As for the 4 am 'ballot dump', there was no evidence presented by Trump's team to support it.
Obama had a good run which he appointed a few hundred shits in black robes, who are partisan as any typical prog master. But in the past 4 years, there have been 3 new appointees to the Supreme bench and they dont like it when people are threated to be killed just because they follow the law...
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you didnt see the post #4 , where it shows, Obama appointee.. For every action there is a reaction, 6 to 3....Remember.
He was Republican appointed in a bipartisan agreement between senators Casey and Toomey . The Republican senator picked this judge. The judge is a Republican.
But you didn't think we could Google.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.

Bring to a court objective, documented evidence of ‘fraud,’ ‘vote swapping,’ or ‘electoral misconduct.’

Of course, Trump’s lawyers can’t do this because no such evidence exists.
Another publicly education moronic slave...damn those union teachers..
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you didnt see the post #4 , where it shows, Obama appointee.. For every action there is a reaction, 6 to 3....Remember.
He was Republican appointed in a bipartisan agreement between senators Casey and Toomey . The Republican senator picked this judge. The judge is a Republican.
But you didn't think we could Google.
I had you on ignore for 6 months, now i see why i did, i dont talk to slaves, i just communicate with free people. Back you go.
No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?
This is common to frivolous lawsuits. It's to prevent a plaintiff with deep pockets, but no legal case, from wasting any more of the courts time.

As the judge said, there is a substantial burden of proof to throw out one vote (disenfranchise a single voter) no less thousands.
They don't have jury trials for injunctions. Which is what the Trump team was requesting.
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Not worth $20? Who made that decision?

The controversy doesn't have any specific numeric value.

Injunctions don't have jury trials. They never have.

I think you may be trolling.
Obama appointed judge. Nothing to see here folks..

Trump is 2-34 in the courts by both Republican and Democratic judges. And none of those 2 have advanced beyond a rejection of Trump's claim.

But keep culting!
I am far from a legal expert. I am Allowed skepticism. I find it hard to believe that 25mil more people voted in this election when compared to 2016.

Really? Between the Coronavirus, the protests/riots, and the incredible polarization we've seen under the Trump administration (not blaming him for it, just pointing out that it's there), I don't find it all that surprising that voter turnout increased. That's even more true when you add in how mail-in voting was made available to everyone, so people didn't have to take a day off work, go to a polling place, etc.

People were given easier access to voting, had a few major issues to vote about, and many seem to feel that letting the 'other side' win would be terrible for them or the country as a whole. :dunno:
Trump has clearly lost this election and really needs to consider conceding so that the country can begin to move on. The longer he goes with this the more embarrassing it’ll be for him and the more stressful it will be on the country.
I disagree,,,

there is clear evidence of wrong doing in multiple states and as per our constitution there are systems in place to contest and make sure all is legal,,

trump has a duty to future generations to take this all the way,,

if you cared about the constitution and the country you would want the same thing,,,
Call us when the Trump owned SCOTUS has ruled.


Pennsylvania 20 Electoral College votes belong to Trump. For exactly the same reason Bush v Gore (2000) was decided,

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled in


That Under their Extraordinary Jurisdiction, the Michigan Supreme Court could ignore the will of their legislature as well as , U.S. Const. art. I, § 4, cl. 1, , . U.S. Const. art. II, § 1, cl. 2.[22] and Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, 114 (2000)

But since Federal Law is Supreme the Michigan Supreme Court fails.

Trump wins Pennsylvania.


And you say you're a lawyer.
Trump has clearly lost this election and really needs to consider conceding so that the country can begin to move on. The longer he goes with this the more embarrassing it’ll be for him and the more stressful it will be on the country.
I disagree,,,

there is clear evidence of wrong doing in multiple states and as per our constitution there are systems in place to contest and make sure all is legal,,

The evidence of widespread voter frraud just isn't there.

As demonstrated by the judge's ruling in this case:

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

Its the lack of evidence that renders Trump's cases such consistent failures.
The controversy doesn't have any specific numeric value.

Injunctions don't have jury trials. They never have.

I think you may be trolling.
I'm pretty sure it costs more than $20 just to have the injunction served on the appropriate party. Throw a claim for attorneys fees on top of that if it isn't $20. If there's no Constitution on the judge's desk, Trump's team is calling the military police.

But if that's just a request for temporary or preliminary injunction before the matter reaches the jury, that's one thing, but to dismiss the entire lawsuit on that basis is absurd. Enough to disbar the judge.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you didnt see the post #4 , where it shows, Obama appointee.. For every action there is a reaction, 6 to 3....Remember.
He was Republican appointed in a bipartisan agreement between senators Casey and Toomey . The Republican senator picked this judge. The judge is a Republican.
But you didn't think we could Google.
I had you on ignore for 6 months, now i see why i did, i dont talk to slaves, i just communicate with free people. Back you go.
You don't brag about ignoring people who fact-check your lies and misleading statements.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

Because these are fake leftist crack pot judges
I am far from a legal expert. I am Allowed skepticism. I find it hard to believe that 25mil more people voted in this election when compared to 2016.

Yeah, you are allowed skepticism. But are you as skeptical about Trump's claims too?

Trump has had 2 out of 36 claims in court go his way. One of those two was tossed out by the PA SC last week. I don't know what the other one was.

So if someone told you "My baseball team is the very best and they're going to win the World Series." And someone else tells you that the record of that baseball team is 2-34, who are you skeptical of? The one boasting that they're going to win the World Series or the one who tells you the team's record is 2-34?
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Of course it is. How do you think this would ever have a prayer of making it to the SC? See Bush v Gore. :)
Come at the argument with evidence, presented in front of a judge, not a TV camera. That's not where court battles are won.
City Hall is appealing to SCOTUS. Gag, vomit, wretch.

OK. The first paragraph of the article contains all the explanation you need of the process....and why this election fraud shit will never make it past the lower courts.
"The city of Fairbanks has petitioned the United States Supreme Court to review a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision allowing the Fairbanks Four to sue the city for wrongful imprisonment".
They were seeking an injunction. That's a legal request for a court order. That never involves a jury.
You can't get an injunction if there is no civil lawsuit >$20 involved.
Dismissing the request for injunction is not the same as dismissing the entire lawsuit.

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