Federal Judge Tosses Trump's Pennsylvania Lawsuit

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

This decision will be repeated in every state
So when you put 180,000 fraudulent votes in you dont think that disenfranchises the 180,000 real votes? Man you have some serious slave issues. At least try to talk back to your prog masters once in a while, otherwise, they will treat you worse...
No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Oh really? No jury trial for the matter? Are you saying the judge dismissed it even before a jury was summoned?
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

The judge dismissed it hard.

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

That's about as close as a judge comes to saying 'Get the fuck out of here."
a single voter
We arent talking about the single voter, we are talking about the 4am ballot dump that came in with single vote for the groper joe and nothing else down ballot, 100% going to Joe. The "science" says that just cant happen, are you science deniers?

So you're claiming that the judge doesn't know what the case is about? I think its far more likely you don't.

As for the 4 am 'ballot dump', there was no evidence presented by Trump's team to support it.
No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Oh really? No jury trial for the matter? Are you saying the judge dismissed it even before a jury was summoned?

Yes. All of them. If I've genuinely missed something here, please link for me an article where it said one of these lawsuits was actually heard by a judge and ruled on....or was it just dismissed? Big diff.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

oh darn,,, I guess he should just give up now,,,

Never give up!

MAGA forever!:thup:
Tired of losing yet?

Who is losing? not moi.....not many of us

May be you are?:dunno:
President Biden would disagree
No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Oh really? No jury trial for the matter? Are you saying the judge dismissed it even before a jury was summoned?

They don't have jury trials for injunctions. Which is what the Trump team was requesting.
Matthew Brann is an Obama appointee. Who is surprised he would rule against Trump?
No one, most likely.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you didnt see the post #4 , where it shows, Obama appointee.. For every action there is a reaction, 6 to 3....Remember.
Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over.
That's not how the game is played. We don't do vice in a court of law. Not in this country.
Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
There's a communist bloc of non-existent voters. Too many judges are commies, in cahoots with the Treasury, ATFX, Federal Reserve, etc.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

oh darn,,, I guess he should just give up now,,,

Never give up!

MAGA forever!:thup:
Tired of losing yet?

Who is losing? not moi.....not many of us

May be you are?:dunno:
President Biden would disagree
I just check the .gov web site and they dont have a president biden on record,,

you got a link??
I am waiting and hoping that the judges who have had to hear these cases will discipline these lawyers (ref: Rule 11) or even start proceedings to disbar them. trump's lawyers have brought frivolous lawsuits time after time, and even lied to the court.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
yep the overt attempt to disenfranchise voters, thy name is Progressive...slave..

We know all about you progs...

RulesRad-Defeat.pdf (jrmc2.com)
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

oh darn,,, I guess he should just give up now,,,

Never give up!

MAGA forever!:thup:
Tired of losing yet?

Who is losing? not moi.....not many of us

May be you are?:dunno:
President Biden would disagree

You mean RESIDENT Biden, surely.

Resident from the Nursing Home.
Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over.
That's not how the game is played. We don't do vice in a court of law. Not in this country.
Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
There's a communist bloc of non-existent voters. Too many judges are commies, in cahoots with the Treasury, ATFX, Federal Reserve, etc.

Of course it is. How do you think this would ever have a prayer of making it to the SC? See Bush v Gore. :)
Come at the argument with evidence, presented in front of a judge, not a TV camera. That's not where court battles are won.
Just have to see who appointed the hack and from there it goes to the circuit. You prog slaves are in deep shit...

You know that Trumps lawyers filed the lawsuit. If they weren't going to be ready, it's their own fault.

After days of filing challenges in various states, Trump last week put his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, in charge of the national legal fight.

As such, attorney Marc Scaringi of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, became the attorney handling the state case on Monday, a day before U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann was scheduled to hear motions by Pennsylvania state and county officials to dismiss the lawsuit, according to Politico.

“And, further, the court record compiled in such a short period of time already contains 148 docket entries by Plaintiffs, multiple Defendants and multiple Intervenor Defendants.”

Trumps legal team has had two weeks to prepare for the hearing, but by their own decision

“The President announced Saturday that he has asked Mayor Rudy Giuliani to lead the national legal team, along with local counsel,” Ellis said in a statement, according to Politico. “Our substitution of local counsel is consistent with routine managing of complex litigation.”

Simply put. You can't run out the clock by calling a time-out while you substitute players.
They don't have jury trials for injunctions. Which is what the Trump team was requesting.
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Not worth $20? Who made that decision?
I am waiting and hoping that the judges who have had to hear these cases will discipline these lawyers (ref: Rule 11) or even start proceedings to disbar them. trump's lawyers have brought frivolous lawsuits time after time, and even lied to the court.
I cant wait till the Supremes here the part where some of the kids of those lawyers were threatened with death, that really goes well in an election year.

Trump campaign lawyer under protection after 'threats of harm' (nypost.com)
Trump has clearly lost this election and really needs to consider conceding so that the country can begin to move on. The longer he goes with this the more embarrassing it’ll be for him and the more stressful it will be on the country.

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