Federal Judge Tosses Trump's Pennsylvania Lawsuit

Though the case was always extremely unlikely to succeed, President Donald Trump's backers and legal team -- and particularly his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani -- had pinned their hopes on the federal judge in Pennsylvania giving some credibility to their suspicions of fraud and entertaining Trump's attempt to overturn the popular vote for President-elect Joe Biden.
But Judge Matthew Brann, a longtime and well-known Republican in Pennsylvania, refused.

This was essentially the last major case seeking to throw out or block enough votes that could swing a key state in Trump's favor, and Brann's decision on Saturday is the 30th loss or withdrawal of a case from the Trump campaign and its allies since Election Day. There have only been two wins in court, about very small numbers of votes.
TownHall.com RINO. Give it up already. City hall is city hall, and all their "local" policies are 100% party-line Democrat at the "small-government" level --- because every smaller government needs a bigger government to keep it in line --- authority begets authority, and mob bosses rule the roost, because of the ladies.
...So you want to Abolish prisons Defund the cops All drugs legal Universal income Ban guns Sounds like you want communism
Whatever in-the-world are you babbling about?

And, more importantly...

Whatever in-the-world does any of that claptrap have to do with whether or not the failed Rumpian power-grab got tossed out of court on its ear for lack of merit?

You asked how Rump was losing in this narrow context.

You were supplied with an irrefutable example of same.

Case closed.
...So you want to Abolish prisons Defund the cops All drugs legal Universal income Ban guns Sounds like you want communism
Whatever in-the-world are you babbling about?

And, more importantly...

Whatever in-the-world does any of that claptrap have to do with whether or not the failed Rumpian power-grab got tossed out of court on its ear for lack of merit?
And now you see why the public education is meant to fail its prog slaves..
...Yep, now it goes to the circuit, from there to the Supremes, 6 to 3(or 5 to 4 with traitor john roberts) elections do have consequences, and this time, President Trump will have more flexibility, and the power of the pardon, for when the Patriots start shooting a commie....
Damned funny stuff there... it's full of $hit piled to the rafters... but it's damned funny...

Sssooooooo much 'winning', eh? Bigly. :auiqs.jpg:
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

The judge dismissed it hard.

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

That's about as close as a judge comes to saying 'Get the fuck out of here."
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

oh darn,,, I guess he should just give up now,,,

Never give up!

MAGA forever!:thup:

Trump loses again.

View attachment 419661
Yep, now it goes to the circuit, from there to the Supremes, 6 to 3(or 5 to 4 with traitor john roberts) elections do have consequences, and this time, President Trump will have more flexibility, and the power of the pardon, for when the Patriots start shooting a commie....
The Supreme Court won't even take up this nonsense.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

oh darn,,, I guess he should just give up now,,,

Never give up!

MAGA forever!:thup:
Tired of losing yet?
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?
...So you want to Abolish prisons Defund the cops All drugs legal Universal income Ban guns Sounds like you want communism
Whatever in-the-world are you babbling about?

And, more importantly...

Whatever in-the-world does any of that claptrap have to do with whether or not the failed Rumpian power-grab got tossed out of court on its ear for lack of merit?

You asked how Rump was losing in this narrow context.

You were supplied with an irrefutable example of same.

Case closed.

Trump didn't lose, he won more votes then the beloved Obama, the one who lost is you.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

oh darn,,, I guess he should just give up now,,,

Never give up!

MAGA forever!:thup:
Tired of losing yet?

Who is losing? not moi.....not many of us

May be you are?:dunno:
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
In his ruling, Judge Brann concluded the lawsuit was marred by “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations…unsupported by evidence.”
Call us when the Trump owned SCOTUS has ruled.
The Supreme Court won't even touch these frivolous cases.
We own the SCOTUS after replacing Ginsburg with a pro life conservative
THAT is the strategy

There is no hope of any of these idiotic cases being advanced to the SCOTUS

The plan...is to send GOP electors to the EC illegally (states with Republican legislatures but that voted for Biden) and when that is challenged to take it to the SCOTUS

As you can see, Trumpers think they own the Court since there are two hard core long term Justices and three appointed directly by Trump.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

The judge dismissed it hard.

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

That's about as close as a judge comes to saying 'Get the fuck out of here."
a single voter
We arent talking about the single voter, we are talking about the 4am ballot dump that came in with single vote for the groper joe and nothing else down ballot, 100% going to Joe. The "science" says that just cant happen, are you science deniers?
"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

This decision will be repeated in every state
Obama appointed judge. Nothing to see here folks..

Trump is 2-34 in the courts by both Republican and Democratic judges. And none of those 2 have advanced beyond a rejection of Trump's claim.

But keep culting!
I am far from a legal expert. I am Allowed skepticism. I find it hard to believe that 25mil more people voted in this election when compared to 2016.
Then you're an idiot.

The level of "enthusiasm" on both sides is nearly unprecedented
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

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