Federal Rules and Regulations cost average household $15,000 a year.

Just to show how wrong you are, here is Section 531 of Dodd-Frank:

Regulation of credit for reinsurance and reinsurance agreements
Credit for reinsurance
If the State of domicile of a ceding insurer is an NAIC-accredited State, or has financial solvency requirements substantially similar to the requirements necessary for NAIC accreditation, and recognizes credit for reinsurance for the insurer’s ceded risk, then no other State may deny such credit for reinsurance

This is a classic example of a federal pre-emption, by the way.

Just to show you how disingenuous you are.

Nightfox said:
laws from which the regulations are derived, un-elected bureaucrats in the Executive Branch write the vast preponderance of new regulations.

Run along now......


"Be bad, but at least don't be a liar, a deceiver!" -- Leo Tolstoy
You said, "Congress doesn't 'write' the regulations". In fact, they do write regulations.

As for the rest, I have frequently pointed out to the rubes who foam at the mouth over EOs that the Executive is given a great deal of latitude over regulations.
Second question: Obama signed off on those new rules, isn't true that the Congress writes the rules?
Just to point out another problem that most people don't realize, Congress doesn't "write" the regulations, they write/pass the laws from which the regulations are derived, un-elected bureaucrats in the Executive Branch write the vast preponderance of new regulations.

Congress has passed one of it's Constitutional Responsibilities off to the Executive Branch, comforting, huh? :)

Well that's passing the partisan buck. :2up:
It's not partisan (both sides do it), IMHO it's ducking responsibility, in other words if something goes wrong on the regulatory side they can say "Don't blame us we didn't write it!". :)
I suppose the fact that Americans on average commit 3 felonies a day is OK with you
You Commit Three Felonies a Day

I don't see the felonies I commit every day in that article.

Yes because that article listed ALL of the tens of thousands of vague laws

So obviously the complexity of the issue once again sails far over your head
"Federal Rules and Regulations cost average household $15,000 a year."

Let's stipulate that is true.

Now fill in the blank, healthmyths: "Federal Rules and Regulations save average household $______ a year."

why don't you provide that number?
More Rupublican math. No one is stupid enough to think that the costs of regulation (whatever they might actually be) are divided equally among each household :rolleyes:
You do realize that using averages is an accepted practice when speaking of large populations don't you?
There is nothing in that story which supports your claim.

There are two anecdotes, neither of which have anything to do with the average American. And anecdotes are not evidence.

lol, he'll respond with something like, prove it isn't true.
I often see the argument from ignorance fallacy here. Or it's mongoloid inbred version, "Look it up yourself!"

You tell them you can't prove a negative, and their response is Prove that I can't!
I'll bet any federal prosecutor could find something to charge you with if they wanted to
More Rupublican math. No one is stupid enough to think that the costs of regulation (whatever they might actually be) are divided equally among each household :rolleyes:
You do realize that using averages is an accepted practice when speaking of large populations don't you?

The OP would have us believe that without regulation we would each make $15k more per year. That is clearly not the case.
More Rupublican math. No one is stupid enough to think that the costs of regulation (whatever they might actually be) are divided equally among each household :rolleyes:
You do realize that using averages is an accepted practice when speaking of large populations don't you?

The OP would have us believe that without regulation we would each make $15k more per year. That is clearly not the case.

You wouldn't make more but you might save more because the cost of every single government regulation is passed on eventually to the consumer
I suppose the fact that Americans on average commit 3 felonies a day is OK with you
You Commit Three Felonies a Day

I don't see the felonies I commit every day in that article.

Yes because that article listed ALL of the tens of thousands of vague laws

So obviously the complexity of the issue once again sails far over your head

You....you realize you just quoted yourself, right?

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.
For some folks, there are more important things than clean air, food, water and a nice place to live. To them, they see you like this. You have everything you need, provided for you, in your nice, safe, regulated, clean environment.


But you are missing one thing. . .do you know what it is?

For those folks they see you as you really are, they would gladly give up all those niceties provided by big daddy government for that one thing the STATE can't provide. In fact, the more it tries to provide, the more it destroys the very thing life craves. . .


. . . . FREEDOM . . .

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.
For some folks, there are more important things than clean air, food, water and a nice place to live. To them, they see you like this. You have everything you need, provided for you, in your nice, safe, regulated, clean environment.


But you are missing one thing. . .do you know what it is?

For those folks they see you as you really are, they would gladly give up all those niceties provided by big daddy government for that one thing the STATE can't provide. In fact, the more it tries to provide, the more it destroys the very thing life craves. . .


. . . . FREEDOM . . .

So the 'freedom' to pollute the air, poison the water.

Lovely. Apparently the axiom 'don't shit where you eat' is contrary to the fringe right's conception of liberty.
More Rupublican math. No one is stupid enough to think that the costs of regulation (whatever they might actually be) are divided equally among each household :rolleyes:
You do realize that using averages is an accepted practice when speaking of large populations don't you?

The OP would have us believe that without regulation we would each make $15k more per year. That is clearly not the case.

You wouldn't make more but you might save more because the cost of every single government regulation is passed on eventually to the consumer

I suppose the fact that Americans on average commit 3 felonies a day is OK with you
You Commit Three Felonies a Day
There is nothing in that story which supports your claim.

There are two anecdotes, neither of which have anything to do with the average American. And anecdotes are not evidence.

lol, he'll respond with something like, prove it isn't true.
I often see the argument from ignorance fallacy here. Or it's mongoloid inbred version, "Look it up yourself!"
No, that's pretty much that state of things.

We live in a first world country with high standards because of this. I am glad that we have many of these regulations.

Loserterians seem to want us to look more like China or India. Capitalism will never respect our health or environment on its own.
More Rupublican math. No one is stupid enough to think that the costs of regulation (whatever they might actually be) are divided equally among each household :rolleyes:
You do realize that using averages is an accepted practice when speaking of large populations don't you?

The OP would have us believe that without regulation we would each make $15k more per year. That is clearly not the case.

Without some of these regulations for clean air, water, food and high standards most people would have far lower per capita earnings. It is unlikely that our society would be as healthy or as rich as it currently is if it was a shit hole!

And believe me, in such a society it is likely the rich would be even more powerful as the ppoor and middle class would have even less power as self respect ties in nicely on fighting the fucking greedy rich.
More Rupublican math. No one is stupid enough to think that the costs of regulation (whatever they might actually be) are divided equally among each household :rolleyes:
You do realize that using averages is an accepted practice when speaking of large populations don't you?

The OP would have us believe that without regulation we would each make $15k more per year. That is clearly not the case.

Without some of these regulations for clean air, water, food and high standards most people would have far lower per capita earnings. It is unlikely that our society would be as healthy or as rich as it currently is if it was a shit hole!

And believe me, in such a society it is likely the rich would be even more powerful as the ppoor and middle class would have even less power as self respect ties in nicely on fighting the fucking greedy rich.


"It is not unfrequent to hear men declaim loudly upon liberty, who, if we may judge by the whole tenor of their actions, mean nothing else by it but their own liberty, — to oppress without control or the restraint of laws all who are poorer or weaker than themselves"
-- Samuel Adams; from essay in the Independent Advertiser (1748)

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.
For some folks, there are more important things than clean air, food, water and a nice place to live. To them, they see you like this. You have everything you need, provided for you, in your nice, safe, regulated, clean environment.


But you are missing one thing. . .do you know what it is?

For those folks they see you as you really are, they would gladly give up all those niceties provided by big daddy government for that one thing the STATE can't provide. In fact, the more it tries to provide, the more it destroys the very thing life craves. . .


. . . . FREEDOM . . .

So the 'freedom' to pollute the air, poison the water.

Lovely. Apparently the axiom 'don't shit where you eat' is contrary to the fringe right's conception of liberty.

If government didn't protect those who polluted, they wouldn't need a huge bureaucracy that is corrupt that could tell some corporations it is OK, and some that it isn't.

Right now, "clean energy" is the beneficiary of the Dems and progressives, while the coal and petroleum industry are the losers. If the administrative branch should change hands, the EPA will tell you that rare earth minerals used in the production of clean energy technologies are a risk to human health and need to be regulated more tightly. It's a game, don't be a stooge. Right now, thankfully, folks have the right to sue the frackers. Do you think that will be allowed if the Republicans win? THAT, my friend, is the problem with corrupt statism.

Instead, the law could be applied equally. However, government and corporatism gets in the way.

Let's face it, the EPA is a joke, it is nothing but a political bully in the hands of which ever party controls it.

Most Corrupt Agencies - EPA

. . . and you shouldn't label people "fringe right, or fringe left" until you have a deeper understanding of what is going on. It isn't a matter of partisan politics, it is a matter of revealing truth.

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