Federal Rules and Regulations cost average household $15,000 a year.


You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.
For some folks, there are more important things than clean air, food, water and a nice place to live. To them, they see you like this. You have everything you need, provided for you, in your nice, safe, regulated, clean environment.


But you are missing one thing. . .do you know what it is?

For those folks they see you as you really are, they would gladly give up all those niceties provided by big daddy government for that one thing the STATE can't provide. In fact, the more it tries to provide, the more it destroys the very thing life craves. . .


. . . . FREEDOM . . .

So the 'freedom' to pollute the air, poison the water.

Lovely. Apparently the axiom 'don't shit where you eat' is contrary to the fringe right's conception of liberty.

If government didn't protect those who polluted, they wouldn't need a huge bureaucracy that is corrupt that could tell some corporations it is OK, and some that it isn't.

And by 'protecting those who pollute', you mean enforcing clean water and clean air regulations?

Regulations that you oppose, citing 'freedom'. With that 'freedom' apparently the liberty to poison water and air.
Uh-huh, just out of curiosity once you're done with your deflection dance are you going to take a stab at making an actual argument? Or has it been so long that you've forgotten how it's done?

I knew you couldn't do it because you never read it.
Thank you.
*** YAWN ****
Apparently you've forgotten that it was you not I that attempted to substitute impugning the source (without you reading it or even knowing what it was) for an actual argument I understand though, must be tough for you to function with a brain whose storage capacity is sufficient to store only one memory at a time.
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

They reduce freedom, that is the end effect.

The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws
Seat-Belt Laws Infringe a Person's Constitutional Rights
Sunday, September 01, 2002
The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws | William J. Holdorf

Such action by seat-belt law supporters shows the insidious nature of such laws, and supporters continue to lobby for stricter enforcement and heavier penalties. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 2001 added its own flavor of tyranny by ruling it was legal for a Texas police officer to arrest, handcuff, and jail a woman, and impound her car, for not buckling up herself and her children.5 Our nation, founded on freedom, certainly has come a long way from Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” to “Click it or ticket.”

Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable.
So, I see you didn't read the article. The OP was about what regulations are costing us.

I often tell my kid that we have to pay X amount of dollars to drive on the road.

He doesn't understand how car insurance lobbies have made it so expensive to drive that when he turns eighteen, it will cost him more in two years for insurance than it will to buy an old beater, even if he has never been in an accident. Folks in this thread don't understand how regulations affect them directly, well, there you go. . .
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

They reduce freedom, that is the end effect.

The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws
Seat-Belt Laws Infringe a Person's Constitutional Rights
Sunday, September 01, 2002
The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws | William J. Holdorf

Such action by seat-belt law supporters shows the insidious nature of such laws, and supporters continue to lobby for stricter enforcement and heavier penalties. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 2001 added its own flavor of tyranny by ruling it was legal for a Texas police officer to arrest, handcuff, and jail a woman, and impound her car, for not buckling up herself and her children.5 Our nation, founded on freedom, certainly has come a long way from Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” to “Click it or ticket.”

Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable.
So, I see you didn't read the article. The OP was about what regulations are costing us.

And I asked which regulation. To which the OP cited a $1.50 per person per year 'fee' to keep water cleaner.
Which I have no problem with. Costs that actually improve the way we live, like roads and clean water, are perfectly fine.

And you were bring up issues of the violation of constitutional rights. I corrected you. Driving is a priveledge. Travel is a right. If the distinction is off topic, then so is your entire post.
More Rupublican math. No one is stupid enough to think that the costs of regulation (whatever they might actually be) are divided equally among each household :rolleyes:
You do realize that using averages is an accepted practice when speaking of large populations don't you?

The OP would have us believe that without regulation we would each make $15k more per year. That is clearly not the case.

Without some of these regulations for clean air, water, food and high standards most people would have far lower per capita earnings. It is unlikely that our society would be as healthy or as rich as it currently is if it was a shit hole!

And believe me, in such a society it is likely the rich would be even more powerful as the ppoor and middle class would have even less power as self respect ties in nicely on fighting the fucking greedy rich.

Of course it comes down to class warfare. That's so juvenile. So sad that people like you rather then wanting to "build" up others you like an angry animal want to
tear down. Attack rather then aspire. I guess that's why there are so many of you and so few of us that aspire rather then snarl.
I have a plan that could raise the standard of living of and I'm being very specific here... for those that want to build rather then destroy!
It is truly sad that people like you only aspire to tear someone down. YOU like Obama think the only way to improve is to tear apart.
You are one of those constantly tearing apart America and yet you are doing something that the richest person on earth 100 years ago could never imagine!
Here we are discussing rather then digging a ditch or walking behind a team of horses plowing the land. Instead of staying up watching TV our ancestors
had to be asleep when it was dark because they had to work 10,12 hours just to get food.
And obviously you want to tear apart what our ancestors had built...cooperatively! You don't believe in cooperation. You believe in destroying and as a result
you will never get to what I aspire to because the major difference between us is I believe in doing unto you as you would would do unto me. The Golden Rule which I'm sure based on your antipathy to hard work you think is a religious concept. I truly do feel sorry for people like you that don't aspire to build but conspire to destroy!
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

They reduce freedom, that is the end effect.

The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws
Seat-Belt Laws Infringe a Person's Constitutional Rights
Sunday, September 01, 2002
The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws | William J. Holdorf

Such action by seat-belt law supporters shows the insidious nature of such laws, and supporters continue to lobby for stricter enforcement and heavier penalties. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 2001 added its own flavor of tyranny by ruling it was legal for a Texas police officer to arrest, handcuff, and jail a woman, and impound her car, for not buckling up herself and her children.5 Our nation, founded on freedom, certainly has come a long way from Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” to “Click it or ticket.”

Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable.
So, I see you didn't read the article. The OP was about what regulations are costing us.

I often tell my kid that we have to pay X amount of dollars to drive on the road.

He doesn't understand how car insurance lobbies have made it so expensive to drive that when he turns eighteen, it will cost him more in two years for insurance than it will to buy an old beater, even if he has never been in an accident. Folks in this thread don't understand how regulations affect them directly, well, there you go. . .

I'm sorry you haven't instilled personal responsibility with your kid! It isn't the insurance companies as much as the idiots that drive,text,listen radio and think they
won't have an accident! It is this silly attitude you obviously have passed on to your kid that MAKE insurance more expensive. I bet you drive 40 mph in
20 mph zone ...if there is no cop around! I'm sorry how badly you have taught your kid by your juvenile behavior!
According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Dioxin is good for you. :cuckoo:

CEI is famous for their tobacco disinformation campaign.
How stupid do you have to be to believe anything the Koch funded think tank and lobby group says?

That's the spirit! when you cannot rebut the argument with reason and evidence; attempt to discredit the source. :rolleyes:
No evidence was given on how the $14,976 number was fabricated, so it stands on the credibility, or lack thereof, of the source.

Enjoy your healthful Dioxin, and be sure to wash it down with Flint water.

knock off the dramatics,. that's one problem with you left/lib/dems running our government. You don't use your mind and think you use your silly emotions. we don't NEED regulations on top of regulations that is ALWAYS passed down to us citizens.
And I asked which regulation. To which the OP cited a $1.50 per person per year 'fee' to keep water cleaner.
Which I have no problem with. Costs that actually improve the way we live, like roads and clean water, are perfectly fine.
Methinks you are missing the point of the report (granted the headline hyperbole was misleading); using the example of the $1.50 per person per year "fee" to keep water cleaner.

Some example questions for a regulatory review process:
Question 1: Is this regulation and the way it is being enforced permitted under the Constitution? If answer is yes proceed to #2, if not scrap the regulation.
Question 2: Is it actually keeping water "cleaner" and if so how much "cleaner" and what water are we talking about?
Question 3: Is the $1.50 actually being spent effectively? How much of it actually goes to pay for keeping said water "cleaner" and how much of it goes down various bureaucratic rat holes? Could this be done cheaper and yield the same or better results?
Question 4: Are there any unintended negative consequences and if so what are they? do the negative consequences outweigh the benefits?

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.
It would be nice to go through every new regulation and figure out the direct cost to the consumer. Then put a disclaimer on the price tag showing exactly what the price would be if Obama had not been elected.

Some of the new costs he's added:

  1. New excise-taxes
  2. Raised minimum - wage
  3. Obamacare taxes
  4. Fast foods taxes
  5. Hidden taxes on tobacco products
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

They reduce freedom, that is the end effect.

The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws
Seat-Belt Laws Infringe a Person's Constitutional Rights
Sunday, September 01, 2002
The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws | William J. Holdorf

Such action by seat-belt law supporters shows the insidious nature of such laws, and supporters continue to lobby for stricter enforcement and heavier penalties. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 2001 added its own flavor of tyranny by ruling it was legal for a Texas police officer to arrest, handcuff, and jail a woman, and impound her car, for not buckling up herself and her children.5 Our nation, founded on freedom, certainly has come a long way from Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” to “Click it or ticket.”

Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable.
So, I see you didn't read the article. The OP was about what regulations are costing us.

And I asked which regulation. To which the OP cited a $1.50 per person per year 'fee' to keep water cleaner.
Which I have no problem with. Costs that actually improve the way we live, like roads and clean water, are perfectly fine.

And you were bring up issues of the violation of constitutional rights. I corrected you. Driving is a priveledge. Travel is a right. If the distinction is off topic, then so is your entire post.
Sure, you want to go there, let's

The government doesn't give a shit what the EPA has to say. It's all politics, and it's all corrupt.

The Senior Vice President of the EPA Headquarters Union discusses the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water.

I've been taking care of getting my own water from the free market for the past fifteen years, you think I trust the government? :lmao:
that Epa just released toxic waste into our river that turned IT YELLOW. We haven't been told the damage it's going to create for years to come. but we are suppose to just site back while they the Epa passes strangling hurtful regulations us when they don't even have that power. I can't stand a citizen who stick up for wasteful, now hurtful MONSTER Federal government
I've been taking care of getting my own water from the free market for the past fifteen years, you think I trust the government? :lmao:

Wait you don't trust the government that was able to pull off building the Obamacare Exchange Website for a mere $1 Billion or so.................on second thought never mind, I see your point.:D
More Rupublican math. No one is stupid enough to think that the costs of regulation (whatever they might actually be) are divided equally among each household :rolleyes:
You do realize that using averages is an accepted practice when speaking of large populations don't you?

The OP would have us believe that without regulation we would each make $15k more per year. That is clearly not the case.

Without some of these regulations for clean air, water, food and high standards most people would have far lower per capita earnings. It is unlikely that our society would be as healthy or as rich as it currently is if it was a shit hole!

And believe me, in such a society it is likely the rich would be even more powerful as the ppoor and middle class would have even less power as self respect ties in nicely on fighting the fucking greedy rich.
Yeah, right.

Nice platitudes.

Ask those folks in Flint, poisoned by their own government how much they trust "regulations" now. . . .

your government taking care of you

EPA Knew About Michigan Water Contamination For Months Without Telling The Public


Andrew Follett
Energy and Environmental Reporter

12:09 PM 01/14/2016


Anthony Fordham picks up bottled water from the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan to deliver to a school after elevated lead levels were found in the city's water in Flint, Michigan December 16, 2015. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) top Midwest official knew about the Flint, Michigan drinking water crisis of 2015 months before telling the public, according to a Tuesday report by the The Detroit News.

EPA official Susan Hedman did not publicize the EPA’s concern over Flint’s water quality or the water’s dangerous health concerns. The federal agency instead quietly fought with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for at least six months about what should be done.

EPA water expert, Miguel Del Toral, identified potential contamination problems with Flint’s drinking water last February and confirmed the suspicions in April. He authored an internal memo about the problem in June, according to documents obtained by Virginia Tech.

Meanwhile, Hedman became aware of the contamination issue in April

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/01/14/epa-knew-about-michigan-water-contamination-for-months-without-telling-the-public/#ixzz3xFuKr3RB
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

They reduce freedom, that is the end effect.

The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws
Seat-Belt Laws Infringe a Person's Constitutional Rights
Sunday, September 01, 2002
The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws | William J. Holdorf

Such action by seat-belt law supporters shows the insidious nature of such laws, and supporters continue to lobby for stricter enforcement and heavier penalties. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 2001 added its own flavor of tyranny by ruling it was legal for a Texas police officer to arrest, handcuff, and jail a woman, and impound her car, for not buckling up herself and her children.5 Our nation, founded on freedom, certainly has come a long way from Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” to “Click it or ticket.”

Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable.
So, I see you didn't read the article. The OP was about what regulations are costing us.

And I asked which regulation. To which the OP cited a $1.50 per person per year 'fee' to keep water cleaner.
Which I have no problem with. Costs that actually improve the way we live, like roads and clean water, are perfectly fine.

And you were bring up issues of the violation of constitutional rights. I corrected you. Driving is a priveledge. Travel is a right. If the distinction is off topic, then so is your entire post.

I cited just ONE of the MASSIVE thousands of NEW rules and regulations.
But because simple minds can't handle more complicated examples I won't share with you the massive effort to destroy and entire industry. All based on
phony science. YOU and other idiots are willing to give up your own personal responsibility to let the govt. take care of you from womb to tomb! A whole generation
of mindless robots listening to even dumber people in cubicles in D.C. telling you exactly how much toilet paper you should use!
your government taking care of you

EPA Knew About Michigan Water Contamination For Months Without Telling The Public


Andrew Follett
Energy and Environmental Reporter

12:09 PM 01/14/2016


Anthony Fordham picks up bottled water from the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan to deliver to a school after elevated lead levels were found in the city's water in Flint, Michigan December 16, 2015. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) top Midwest official knew about the Flint, Michigan drinking water crisis of 2015 months before telling the public, according to a Tuesday report by the The Detroit News.

EPA official Susan Hedman did not publicize the EPA’s concern over Flint’s water quality or the water’s dangerous health concerns. The federal agency instead quietly fought with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for at least six months about what should be done.

EPA water expert, Miguel Del Toral, identified potential contamination problems with Flint’s drinking water last February and confirmed the suspicions in April. He authored an internal memo about the problem in June, according to documents obtained by Virginia Tech.

Meanwhile, Hedman became aware of the contamination issue in April

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/01/14/epa-knew-about-michigan-water-contamination-for-months-without-telling-the-public/#ixzz3xFuKr3RB

Uh oh Steph...did you know that it was the Republican Governor that is responsible?

And regulations that required the river water to be treated before it was piped into people's homes would have prevented this poisoning by the Snyder administration.
Since Reagan, regulations are increasingly written under the influence of lobbyists of large corporations. They often involve complex entrance barriers, but make no mistake, the whole point of having lobbyists is to capture regulators. Research the regulations that came out of Chaney's energy task force - they all benefited the industry, but it's nice to know the average taxpayer is getting fucked by our corporations.

Study Reaganomics. The theory is that regulations should be written by the industry, for the industry.
that Epa just released toxic waste into our river that turned IT YELLOW. We haven't been told the damage it's going to create for years to come. but we are suppose to just site back while they the Epa passes strangling hurtful regulations us when they don't even have that power. I can't stand a citizen who stick up for wasteful, now hurtful MONSTER Federal government

That was an accident .

But tell me , who made that toxic waste ?

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