Federal Rules and Regulations cost average household $15,000 a year.

What does the Iraq War cost?

What did we get for that? Trump says nothing.

What did Halliburton get?

How does Halliburton benefit from the regulatory codes that they help create?

Stop spreading propaganda from rightwing information sources that are funded by the special interests that own government.
oh wow that was an accident. Oops so what we polluted your waters, killed and contaminated
the fish you will eat
that Epa just released toxic waste into our river that turned IT YELLOW. We haven't been told the damage it's going to create for years to come. but we are suppose to just site back while they the Epa passes strangling hurtful regulations us when they don't even have that power. I can't stand a citizen who stick up for wasteful, now hurtful MONSTER Federal government

That was an accident .

But tell me , who made that toxic waste ?

you're serious, that's what scary about people needing the Federal Government to run their live
Everyone keeps describing the declining income of Americans.

Here is one major reason!

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings? Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,” Lankford’s report notes. “We can balance responsible regulations with cost-effective solutions that work for families.”

While in the past year Obama signed 224 bills into law, he also published 3,554 final rules. “This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules,” according to the report.

These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.
Obama's 3,554 Rules and Regulations Cost Households $15,000 - Breitbart

Which federal regulations? For example, I'm down with regulations that require clean water and clean air.
But not CEI, who have lobbied against clean air standards since the 1990s.
Lets put regulations under presidents in prospective. Below is how many regulations were added by president.
Ronald Reagn-42,693-8 years
George HW Bush-17,619-4 years
Bill Clinton-42,619-8years
George W Bush-31,634-8 years
Barrack Obama-25,377-6 years

So since 1981, Republican presidents are responsible for 91,946 regulations in 20 years, for an average of 4,597 per year.
Democrat presidents are responsible for 67,996 regulations in 18 years, for an average of 3,778 per year.
BUT, according to the OP, Obama responsible for costing households $15,000 a year. What about the other 156388 previous regulations since 1981?
Anyone? :dunno:
oh wow that was an accident. Oops so what we polluted your waters, killed and contaminated
the fish you will eat
that Epa just released toxic waste into our river that turned IT YELLOW. We haven't been told the damage it's going to create for years to come. but we are suppose to just site back while they the Epa passes strangling hurtful regulations us when they don't even have that power. I can't stand a citizen who stick up for wasteful, now hurtful MONSTER Federal government

That was an accident .

But tell me , who made that toxic waste ?

you're serious, that's what scary about people needing the Federal Government to run their live

Actually what is scary, is that people like you believe the OP and Breibart! :alcoholic:
Uncle Ferd says dat's why he stays broke alla time...

... an' why his g/f gotta pay...

... when dey go out onna date.

You must like pollution, shitty food and crappy water. I find it well worth it to live in a first world you piece of shit.

Were you eating shitty food before Obama? Did you call in sick because of pollution?
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

They reduce freedom, that is the end effect.

The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws
Seat-Belt Laws Infringe a Person's Constitutional Rights
Sunday, September 01, 2002
The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws | William J. Holdorf

Such action by seat-belt law supporters shows the insidious nature of such laws, and supporters continue to lobby for stricter enforcement and heavier penalties. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 2001 added its own flavor of tyranny by ruling it was legal for a Texas police officer to arrest, handcuff, and jail a woman, and impound her car, for not buckling up herself and her children.5 Our nation, founded on freedom, certainly has come a long way from Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” to “Click it or ticket.”

Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable.
So, I see you didn't read the article. The OP was about what regulations are costing us.

I often tell my kid that we have to pay X amount of dollars to drive on the road.

He doesn't understand how car insurance lobbies have made it so expensive to drive that when he turns eighteen, it will cost him more in two years for insurance than it will to buy an old beater, even if he has never been in an accident. Folks in this thread don't understand how regulations affect them directly, well, there you go. . .

I'm sorry you haven't instilled personal responsibility with your kid! It isn't the insurance companies as much as the idiots that drive,text,listen radio and think they
won't have an accident! It is this silly attitude you obviously have passed on to your kid that MAKE insurance more expensive. I bet you drive 40 mph in
20 mph zone ...if there is no cop around! I'm sorry how badly you have taught your kid by your juvenile behavior!

Actually, no. I have no tickets and no points on my license. I drive defensively at all times, I'm very cautious.

Mine is less than a third of what is on this chart. This chart is the AVERAGE. Here you see what they charge new drivers annually.


How Age Affects Car Insurance Costs

I think you are missing the point here.

Car insurance for a teenager for a couple years is still going to cost more than the cost of a newer used car, even if you are never in a car crash silly.

Yes because that article listed ALL of the tens of thousands of vague laws

So obviously the complexity of the issue once again sails far over your head

You....you realize you just quoted yourself, right?
yes I was adding to my previous post
We live in a first world country with high standards because of this. I am glad that we have many of these regulations.

Loserterians seem to want us to look more like China or India. Capitalism will never respect our health or environment on its own.

The issue isn't that some regulations are needed

It's that there are so many on the books that are fucking stupid
What Do Federal Regulations Cost the Economy?

Federal regulations cost a whopping $2.028 trillion in 2012. While the average American company pays $9,991 per employee, per year, to comply with these federal rules, the average manufacturer pays even more: $19,564 per employee each year. The costs are even higher for small manufacturers (those with less than 50 employees), who spend $34,671 per employee, per year, complying with federal regulations. - See more at: What Do Federal Regulations Cost the Economy?

And you wonder why manufacturing in this country is disappearing
What does the Iraq War cost?

What did we get for that? Trump says nothing.

What did Halliburton get?

How does Halliburton benefit from the regulatory codes that they help create?

Stop spreading propaganda from rightwing information sources that are funded by the special interests that own government.
Since when is war a regulatory action
Auto deaths keep dropping even though there are more cars than ever . Why? Cause of safety regs.

True an airbag adds to the cost of the car, they also save thousands of lives every week .

No all regs are bad .

They reduce freedom, that is the end effect.

The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws
Seat-Belt Laws Infringe a Person's Constitutional Rights
Sunday, September 01, 2002
The Fraud of Seat-Belt Laws | William J. Holdorf

Such action by seat-belt law supporters shows the insidious nature of such laws, and supporters continue to lobby for stricter enforcement and heavier penalties. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 2001 added its own flavor of tyranny by ruling it was legal for a Texas police officer to arrest, handcuff, and jail a woman, and impound her car, for not buckling up herself and her children.5 Our nation, founded on freedom, certainly has come a long way from Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” to “Click it or ticket.”

Travel is a right. Driving is a privilege. And basic safety requirements for driving are perfectly reasonable.
So, I see you didn't read the article. The OP was about what regulations are costing us.

I often tell my kid that we have to pay X amount of dollars to drive on the road.

He doesn't understand how car insurance lobbies have made it so expensive to drive that when he turns eighteen, it will cost him more in two years for insurance than it will to buy an old beater, even if he has never been in an accident. Folks in this thread don't understand how regulations affect them directly, well, there you go. . .

I'm sorry you haven't instilled personal responsibility with your kid! It isn't the insurance companies as much as the idiots that drive,text,listen radio and think they
won't have an accident! It is this silly attitude you obviously have passed on to your kid that MAKE insurance more expensive. I bet you drive 40 mph in
20 mph zone ...if there is no cop around! I'm sorry how badly you have taught your kid by your juvenile behavior!

Actually, no. I have no tickets and no points on my license. I drive defensively at all times, I'm very cautious.

Mine is less than a third of what is on this chart. This chart is the AVERAGE. Here you see what they charge new drivers annually.


How Age Affects Car Insurance Costs

I think you are missing the point here.

Car insurance for a teenager for a couple years is still going to cost more than the cost of a newer used car, even if you are never in a car crash silly.

NO i'm not missing the point because Insurance premiums are based on experiences. Obviously that's why AGE has a bearing idiot!
Once again misinformed anti-capitalist-hate-America try to make companies the villains.
And again you are missing the point as most people like you seem to forget... Common sense in driving and in all life style AFFECT insurance payments.
When you see idiots performing skateboard tricks, idiots climbing mountains, among the other stupid activities our ancestors didn't do because they could have
had accidents and NO insurance to pay. Thus insurance premiums were less... But when you idiots attack the companies and forget the simple common sense
you don't climb a mountain without having a risk... your chances of an accident increase. But of course you anti-business hate any company brainless people
do just that take risks. Tell me you teenager doesn't do idiotic activities that your insurance company had to put out for health care costs!
oh wow that was an accident. Oops so what we polluted your waters, killed and contaminated
the fish you will eat
that Epa just released toxic waste into our river that turned IT YELLOW. We haven't been told the damage it's going to create for years to come. but we are suppose to just site back while they the Epa passes strangling hurtful regulations us when they don't even have that power. I can't stand a citizen who stick up for wasteful, now hurtful MONSTER Federal government

That was an accident .

But tell me , who made that toxic waste ?

you're serious, that's what scary about people needing the Federal Government to run their live

Actually what is scary, is that people like you believe the OP and Breibart! :alcoholic:

unlike you I can think for myself and the op post threads that are facts. you don't care how much this government take's from you and your family for USELESS regulations, then fine. donate your paychecks to them next
Everyone keeps describing the declining income of Americans.

Here is one major reason!

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings? Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,” Lankford’s report notes. “We can balance responsible regulations with cost-effective solutions that work for families.”

While in the past year Obama signed 224 bills into law, he also published 3,554 final rules. “This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules,” according to the report.

These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.
Obama's 3,554 Rules and Regulations Cost Households $15,000 - Breitbart
What did de regulations cost America? Goldman sax just agreed to pay $5 billion for selling us toxic loans. How much did we all lose on that?
Everyone keeps describing the declining income of Americans.

Here is one major reason!

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, covering the cost of federal regulations costs American families close to $15,000 of their average income.
“Can you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and savings? Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to ensure regulations work for the people,” Lankford’s report notes. “We can balance responsible regulations with cost-effective solutions that work for families.”

While in the past year Obama signed 224 bills into law, he also published 3,554 final rules. “This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new rules,” according to the report.

These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.
Obama's 3,554 Rules and Regulations Cost Households $15,000 - Breitbart
What did de regulations cost America? Goldman sax just agreed to pay $5 billion for selling us toxic loans. How much did we all lose on that?

Yeah Billy Blow Job cost you that
People are such pieces of shit, that the government needs to pass around 40,000 new laws and regulations every year just to help us from dying in the streets.

how in GOD's name did we get from 1776AD to 1976AD without adding 3,000 new laws rules and regs. with every year since 1976AD bringing U.S. more rules laws and demoscum bullshit? this current regime has saddled us citizens with more inhuman restrictions than any previous Admin. :up:
Lets put regulations under presidents in prospective. Below is how many regulations were added by president.
Ronald Reagn-42,693-8 years
George HW Bush-17,619-4 years
Bill Clinton-42,619-8years
George W Bush-31,634-8 years
Barrack Obama-25,377-6 years

So since 1981, Republican presidents are responsible for 91,946 regulations in 20 years, for an average of 4,597 per year.
Democrat presidents are responsible for 67,996 regulations in 18 years, for an average of 3,778 per year.
BUT, according to the OP, Obama responsible for costing households $15,000 a year. What about the other 156388 previous regulations since 1981?
Anyone? :dunno:

You should have added Jimmy Carter's 36,789
  1. 1976 7,401
  2. 1977 7,031
  3. 1978 7,001
  4. 1979 7,611
  5. 1980 7,745
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
You are so right. GOP/Democrats have been responsible for more and more regulations.

But the point is which group wants American businesses to succeed?
Which group understands that MOST Americans work for tax paying small businesses.
"in calculating receipts from corporate income taxes, the IRS calculates that, as of 2009, corporations with $250 million or less in assets pay 75.4 percent of the total corporate tax revenue. With gross collections of approximately $225,482,000 from all corporations, that amounts to roughly $170,013,000 in corporate income tax revenue from smaller companies"
How Much Tax Revenue Do Small Businesses Generate?

And it is this group that pays 75.4% of all corporate taxes that are hardest hit by compliance to growing mountain of rules regulations.
Again remember illustration of business adding 1 more employee over 15 means adding another water closet and the cost to do it.

So most GOPers want businesses to succeed knowing these businesses pay most taxes! And idiots like Obama hate these businesses and want them via more
rules and regulations to be put out of business.
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