Federal Tax Revenue Per MONTH $ 200 BBBBB

Toro is not a Liberal. Stop sprouting off like that Charles, only makes you look stupid.

Alas Toro:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Toro again.

I Was referring to Libs in General there Modbert. Only my first sentence was directed at Toro. Chill out.

Oh and telling me to stop "spouting off" well that just makes you look like an ass.
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Oh and telling me to stop "spouting off" well that just makes you look like an ass.

So does making wide generalizations about people on one side of the political spectrum. Hasn't stopped you yet clearly though. :thup:
Oh and telling me to stop "spouting off" well that just makes you look like an ass.

So does making wide generalizations about people on one side of the political spectrum. Hasn't stopped you yet clearly though. :thup:

Asking why libs are still defending him is making a wide Generalization? Seriously? Are you claiming the Vast Majority of Libs are not still defending him?

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Asking why libs are still defending him is making a wide Generalization? Seriously? Are you claiming the Vast Majority of Libs are not still defending him?


Considering polling has shown that Liberals disapproval of Obama has been climbing steadily, especially in the past year, I think you should pay closer attention.
So the govt will continue to pay interest, but what will it not pay?

The scumbags do not have the testicular fortitude to offend any powerful political faction. So we are screwed.

Conditions are ideal for an opportunist who promises to repair things only if he is given dictatorial powers. read "Mein Kampf" when you get a chance.


Asking why libs are still defending him is making a wide Generalization? Seriously? Are you claiming the Vast Majority of Libs are not still defending him?


Considering polling has shown that Liberals disapproval of Obama has been climbing steadily, especially in the past year, I think you should pay closer attention.

LOL, Yeah that's why so many Libs on this board are railing against Obama, when he says were going to default.

Please dude.

I think it is reasonable, and not irrational, or "STUPID" to assume most Libs are still defending Obama.
Asking why libs are still defending him is making a wide Generalization? Seriously? Are you claiming the Vast Majority of Libs are not still defending him?


Considering polling has shown that Liberals disapproval of Obama has been climbing steadily, especially in the past year, I think you should pay closer attention.

and that would be why? Oh yeah, he's not spending fast enough.
Some tough Choices would have to be made for sure. However that does not excuse the Down Right Lying scum bag in the WH. Claiming were going to Default. All we have to do to not Default is pay the interest on time. Which we have more than enough money to do with out Raising the Debt Limit, or Borrowing anymore money.


So he is a fear mongering liar, Who is playing politics with the worlds economy by floating the ludicrous idea that we could default if we do not raise the Debt Limit.

Why are you libs still defending this asshole. As we speak he is trying to convince us all that the interest alone on our debt is so High, He can not continue to pay it unless we borrow money to do it.

Think about a that for a min.

Sheer Horse Shit.

How do you know that we might not default? Default is a function of paying your bills on time. What if there is a mismatch of cash flows? We know that some days have big inflows and other days have big outflows. Cash flows don't come in and out of the Treasury smoothly. And it's not about paying the interest on time. It's also about paying back the debt on time. Monday had a $33 billion refunding. That's money we have to pay back, since we can't do any more refundings and auctions. We have four refundings in the first half of August, and $56 billion due on Aug 15. I don't know how much the refundings are worth. Maybe I'll check tomorrow.

I don't think we are going to default, but I can't say for sure. I can give you scenarios when we do, even if the probabilities are small. But the probabilities aren't zero.
LOL, Yeah that's why so many Libs on this board are railing against Obama, when he says were going to default.

Please dude.

I think it is reasonable, and not irrational, or "STUPID" to assume most Libs are still defending Obama.

I just think you're ignoring the full set of facts because it doesn't set with your worldview of Liberals.

Not raising the debt ceiling would be very unreasonable.
Some tough Choices would have to be made for sure. However that does not excuse the Down Right Lying scum bag in the WH. Claiming were going to Default. All we have to do to not Default is pay the interest on time. Which we have more than enough money to do with out Raising the Debt Limit, or Borrowing anymore money.


So he is a fear mongering liar, Who is playing politics with the worlds economy by floating the ludicrous idea that we could default if we do not raise the Debt Limit.

Why are you libs still defending this asshole. As we speak he is trying to convince us all that the interest alone on our debt is so High, He can not continue to pay it unless we borrow money to do it.

Think about a that for a min.

Sheer Horse Shit.

Toro is not a Liberal. Stop sprouting off like that Charles, only makes you look stupid.

Alas Toro:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Toro again.

The people whom I talk to who say that the consequences could be disastrous aren't Democrats.
The people whom I talk to who say that the consequences could be disastrous aren't Democrats.

Standard & Poor as we both know is going to drop our credit rating down to a D if we don't raise the debt ceiling by August 2. That alone speaks volumes.
Oh cool. Godwin's Law.

Goldhagen says flatly, “The churches welcomed the Nazis' ascendancy to power.” They were, he says, conservative institutions that hoped Hitler would free them from the confusions of the Weimar Republic and from the Socialist and Communist parties “which threatened to rob the churches of their power and influence.”

Goldhagen rightly deplores the fact that during the Nazi period the churches, Catholic and Protestant, did not officially condemn the extermination program or stand up for the rights of Jews. Christians in Germany have been reproaching themselves for that for fifty years. They do not need to be informed of the fact by a bright young American academic who had not yet been born into his privileged existence at the time when religious leaders living under a ruthless and totalitarian tyranny failed to muster the courage to be martyrs. Nobody then doubted for a moment that the penalty for doing what Goldhagen says they should have done was imprisonment and death. Goldhagen's claim that everybody knew what Hitler had in mind and later knew about the extermination underway is unsupported by evidence. His egregious and self-righteous condemnation of those who did know but failed to be heroes is indecent, while his vaunted scholarship that ignores the actual circumstances of the churches at the time can only be described as shoddy."

Article | First Things

So the govt will continue to pay interest, but what will it not pay?

No doubt autistic children will be denied treatment, the blind will have their dogs taken away, crack babies will be thrown in dumpsters and old people will have to eat cut-rate dog food.

Since the parasites are ignorant, but they vote, the politicians will be unable to stop the financial hemorrhage.

Q: How much revenue does the Treasury take in on average in a month?

A: Roughly about $200 billion.

The U.S. Treasury will not default - Fundmastery Blog - MarketWatch

How is it then that federal government can not live within it means?!?!?!?!


It's always good to show people what a billion dollars looks like. Now take the below chart and multiply it by 200.

$1 billion dollars.jpg

1 billion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on palets--times 200 is the revenue that the Federal Government brings in each month--yet they have borrowed and spent so much--promised so much that we are now 14.3 trillion in red ink. Just the interest on the debt they have run up so far--is 39 billion dollars a month.
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Q: How much revenue does the Treasury take in on average in a month?

A: Roughly about $200 billion.

The U.S. Treasury will not default - Fundmastery Blog - MarketWatch

How is it then that federal government can not live within it means?!?!?!?!


Have you looked at all the shit we spend money on?

Sadly, I have.

But the politicians love emergencies.

Throughtout history the federal government has always USURPED powers during "emergencies" even though the fuckers vave been responsible for creating them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you think that paying only the armed services salaries and the interest on debt means that the government is not defaulting, your crazy.

How are you going to get arms and munitions, food and clothing for the military. How are the electric bills and fuel bills for the military bases going to be paid?

Not to mention social security and medicare payments.

How about government workers pensions?

The list is endless, but the simple fact is: the governement owes money and the governement has to pay it's bills...all of them.

Ideally, the bureaucrats should pay for any expense not CONSTITUTIONALLY AUTHORIZED but the truth is that taxpayers are the who will pay and suffer the consequences if the government defaults again.

I've been shouting this for 2 days. Obama clearly lied. We have more than enough money for the necessities. I believe after entitlements and soldiers we have about 36 billion left.

It's time to make hard choices not tax increases. .

Yes , indeed.We have more than enough money for the constitutionally mandated necessities.

Q: How much revenue does the Treasury take in on average in a month?

A: Roughly about $200 billion.

The U.S. Treasury will not default - Fundmastery Blog - MarketWatch

How is it then that federal government can not live within it means?!?!?!?!


The Fact is all our Obligations to not Default, plus necessities like SS, and MC, and The Military. Can be paid for with out Borrowing another penny.

Obama is a fear Mongering asshole.

The Fact is all our CONSTITUTIONAL Obligations can be paid for with out Borrowing another penny.


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