Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump

The new rule has been expanded to the EPA with the addition of prohibiting official updates to individual social media accounts.

Trump bans EPA employees from giving social media updates

Considering the current bureaucracy is mostly Dems and Progs, this makes sense until he cleans house, or at least gets them to be the non-partisan cogs in the government machine they are supposed to be.
only tyrants, with a majority, say that.
bullshit. Tyrants use government agencies to lie to, mislead, and abuse the citizens who might out them.
Apparently none of you liberals have ever gone through corporate ethics training.

You mean training to lie? I'm not familiar with that kind of ethics training.
Sorry that you are so ill informed on how businesses are run ( yet not surprised). Every corporation has a code of conduct and strict ethics policy. Employees don't like rules and regulations they are free to find other employment.

I've worked for several companies throughout my working life - and none of them trained me to lie.

So not speaking to the press is lying? Interesting take nutter.

Trump's federal communications blackout extends beyond the press. Do you like secret government? It didn't work too well in Germany and the Soviet Union. Adolf Trump is turning America into North Korea.
he's shutting down the secret government.
Staff have been told to stop talking to Congress and the press.

WASHINGTON ― Multiple federal agencies have told their employees to cease communications with members of Congress and the press, sources have told The Huffington Post.

The freeze has startled aides on the Hill and people at those agencies, who worry that it could abruptly upend current operations and stifle work and discussions that routinely take place between branches of government.

Officials at sub-agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services, for example, have been told not to send “any correspondence to public officials” according to a memo shared with HuffPost. Instead, they have been asked to refer questions to agency leadership until the leadership has had time to meet with incoming White House staff about the new administration’s policies and objectives, according to a congressional official who was also informed of the communications freeze.

An official with the National Institutes of Health told HuffPost after the initial publication of this piece that an email had been sent to the directors of NIH institutes and centers providing guidance from HHS on how to handle new or pending regulation, policy or guidance.

More: Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump

No wonder federal employees are startled. Private citizens should also be startled.

Private citizens already live in the real world where they know they are not supposed to talk to the press about their companies without approval from the company. It's part of being called what most of us refer to as an "employee"
private citizens are not the owners of the companies, we the citizens ARE the owners of our government, every dime in every budget for every department comes from us....

SUNSHINE is GOOD, repeat after me....sunshine is good.

We elected Trump to run the government. He's running it just like his voters want to run it.

Elections have consequences!

So Care4all, your issue with Snowden is what then since you're arguing government workers don't have the obligation to respect their employer's confidentiality that private workers do?

Are we talking about yet another instance where your standards suddenly change when we switch the party we are talking about?
I'm not a leftist

"I'm not a leftist"


Again, if I were a leftist... why would I argue and say over and over I'm not? What sense would that make? Just because I can see through Trump and what he is doing doesn't make me a leftist anymore than it makes you a Nazi.
You would do it precisely because you're a leftist. They lie all the time.

Right... you don't fucking get it. I guess someone that can think for themselves and doesn't have to listen and do whatever their party tells them to do scares you.
I do get it. That's what upsets you. I'm not fooled by leftwing bullshit. When do you ever show any evidence of thinking for yourself? You parrot exactly the same shit as every other douche bag leftwinger in this forum.

Bullshit. I was told just the other day by a poster here how my views on government spending was Conservative. I'm pro-gun and pro-life... what kind of fucking LWNJ is for those two things? I have other Conservative views as well. You just can't stand a person that doesn't like trump but isn't a fucking Hillary supporter nor voted for Obama... because that's the only defenses you have for Trump.
"I'm not a leftist"


Again, if I were a leftist... why would I argue and say over and over I'm not? What sense would that make? Just because I can see through Trump and what he is doing doesn't make me a leftist anymore than it makes you a Nazi.
You would do it precisely because you're a leftist. They lie all the time.

Right... you don't fucking get it. I guess someone that can think for themselves and doesn't have to listen and do whatever their party tells them to do scares you.
I do get it. That's what upsets you. I'm not fooled by leftwing bullshit. When do you ever show any evidence of thinking for yourself? You parrot exactly the same shit as every other douche bag leftwinger in this forum.

Bullshit. I was told just the other day by a poster here how my views on government spending was Conservative. I'm pro-gun and pro-life... what kind of fucking LWNJ is for those two things? I have other Conservative views as well. You just can't stand a person that doesn't like trump but isn't a fucking Hillary supporter nor voted for Obama... because that's the only defenses you have for Trump.

It would help people believe you're not left wing if your non-left wing views came up in discussions
No, I really don't think you understand the gravity of what is going on. This is serious shit, this isn't a fucking game. He is the President of the United States. You might think it is funny to troll people that aren't Republicans or didn't support Trump, but this is real life and has real life consequences. You need to get your head out of your ass and see what is seriously going on.
No, you have no fucking idea what's going on....this is not a fucking game...

You best get the fuck out of our way......

You are sad. People died to give us freedom and here we have a guy that is fucking with our system and you think it is some kind of joke. I'm not fucking playing around. You need to wake the fuck up and fast.
Americans died to give us Liberty.....get a fucking clue on what's going on before you get hurt.....

They could have died to give us free clam dinners but it wouldn't matter to you and other Trump supporters. All you care about is that A republican won... you seriously are walking around with your eyes shut and ears closed... I'm not fucking joking about this. This trolling shit isn't cute anymore. I'm really not sure what it will take for you guys to wake the fuck up.
Nope. Trump is doing exactly what we want him to do. Shutting off the government subsidized leftwing propaganda spigot is a major step in throttling the left's takeover of our government. talking to the press and attempting to undermine the president will now be grounds for termination.

It's a beautiful thing!.

That's not all he is doing. He's fucking blocking you Trumpbots off from seeing what he and his cronies are really doing behind the scenes... and you won't fucking know what's coming until it is already done and you won't be able to bother your representatives about it because it will be over and done with. That's a fundamental part of our government, the voice of the people, and he is taking that away... not only from the people you fucking hate so much, but yourself... but you're to fucking partisan blind to see it.
Again, if I were a leftist... why would I argue and say over and over I'm not? What sense would that make? Just because I can see through Trump and what he is doing doesn't make me a leftist anymore than it makes you a Nazi.
You would do it precisely because you're a leftist. They lie all the time.

Right... you don't fucking get it. I guess someone that can think for themselves and doesn't have to listen and do whatever their party tells them to do scares you.
I do get it. That's what upsets you. I'm not fooled by leftwing bullshit. When do you ever show any evidence of thinking for yourself? You parrot exactly the same shit as every other douche bag leftwinger in this forum.

Bullshit. I was told just the other day by a poster here how my views on government spending was Conservative. I'm pro-gun and pro-life... what kind of fucking LWNJ is for those two things? I have other Conservative views as well. You just can't stand a person that doesn't like trump but isn't a fucking Hillary supporter nor voted for Obama... because that's the only defenses you have for Trump.

It would help people believe you're not left wing if your non-left wing views came up in discussions

We aren't talking about pro-life or pro-gun control... and as I already said... a Trump supporter in another thread called me Conservative when it comes to the budget in another thread.
You are sad. People died to give us freedom and here we have a guy that is fucking with our system and you think it is some kind of joke. I'm not fucking playing around. You need to wake the fuck up and fast.
Americans died to give us Liberty.....get a fucking clue on what's going on before you get hurt.....

They could have died to give us free clam dinners but it wouldn't matter to you and other Trump supporters. All you care about is that A republican won... you seriously are walking around with your eyes shut and ears closed... I'm not fucking joking about this. This trolling shit isn't cute anymore. I'm really not sure what it will take for you guys to wake the fuck up.
4 Americans died and Obama went to Vegas to campaign and play golf. With your blessings, so fuck off.

My blessings? Please show me where I ever gave my blessings. This isn't about Obama. If you haven't forgotten he isn't President anymore. I never voted for Obama... I said Hillary should be in jail for what she did. So again... that has NOTHING to do with what's going on RIGHT NOW.
Leftwing douche bags hate it whenever anyone brings up Obama because that makes their hypocrisy so obvious. None of you had a problem with any of the outrages conducted by the Obama administration. Your crying falls on deaf ears.

Hey dumbass, why do you keep lopping me into that Obama loving group when I wasn't even here until the new election cycle?
You are sad. People died to give us freedom and here we have a guy that is fucking with our system and you think it is some kind of joke. I'm not fucking playing around. You need to wake the fuck up and fast.
Fucking with our system? Looks like you've been MSNBC'd.

I can't stress this enough, I'm not joking nor trolling. What Trump is doing with blacking out the media, having his staff tell contradictory reports, and flat out telling lies about trivial things and then making a big deal about it in the media... this is all part of something much much much bigger.
Bullshit. If you are a federal employee, you have a new boss. You do what the boss says, or leave.

There is a huge difference between a boss and what Trump is doing. You either know that and don't care, or you are a fucking idiot.
No there isn't. Corporations issue such rules all the time. I recently just received such a set of rules.

That's a private company, not the GOVERNMENT that represents you. You have the rights to write, and call your Representatives and to conduct peaceful protests if they are doing something you don't like. You don't get that. The Woman's March is why Trump is doing this... he can't stand people not agreeing with what he wants to do in government and showing him up on it. He's a petulant child.
You would do it precisely because you're a leftist. They lie all the time.

Right... you don't fucking get it. I guess someone that can think for themselves and doesn't have to listen and do whatever their party tells them to do scares you.
I do get it. That's what upsets you. I'm not fooled by leftwing bullshit. When do you ever show any evidence of thinking for yourself? You parrot exactly the same shit as every other douche bag leftwinger in this forum.

Bullshit. I was told just the other day by a poster here how my views on government spending was Conservative. I'm pro-gun and pro-life... what kind of fucking LWNJ is for those two things? I have other Conservative views as well. You just can't stand a person that doesn't like trump but isn't a fucking Hillary supporter nor voted for Obama... because that's the only defenses you have for Trump.

It would help people believe you're not left wing if your non-left wing views came up in discussions

We aren't talking about pro-life or pro-gun control... and as I already said... a Trump supporter in another thread called me Conservative when it comes to the budget in another thread.

You said you have other conservative views as well. We discuss a lot of things on this site. I am fiscally conservative as a libertarian and economic issues are my #1 issue, so sure, I side with Republicans far more than liberals. Also, liberals aren't really socially liberal or against military use, so they are disingenuous even where we would at least in words tend to agree.

But I fight with Republicans on the other hand all the time. I never see you fighting with Democrats on anything, just agreeing with them
If I decided to badmouth my company on facebook, I would be terminated.
No different here.
New boss. New rules.

It goes beyond badmouthing an employer
You are not allowed to speak to the press on behalf of your employer without permission

It is not a free speech violation...it is just good business

Government isn't business.... by him controlling the information coming out of government, they can tell you all the lies they want in order to keep people from voicing their displeasure for what is going on and exercising their fundamental rights as citizens to contact their Representatives of conduct protests.... it's NOT the same thing.
Right... you don't fucking get it. I guess someone that can think for themselves and doesn't have to listen and do whatever their party tells them to do scares you.
I do get it. That's what upsets you. I'm not fooled by leftwing bullshit. When do you ever show any evidence of thinking for yourself? You parrot exactly the same shit as every other douche bag leftwinger in this forum.

Bullshit. I was told just the other day by a poster here how my views on government spending was Conservative. I'm pro-gun and pro-life... what kind of fucking LWNJ is for those two things? I have other Conservative views as well. You just can't stand a person that doesn't like trump but isn't a fucking Hillary supporter nor voted for Obama... because that's the only defenses you have for Trump.

It would help people believe you're not left wing if your non-left wing views came up in discussions

We aren't talking about pro-life or pro-gun control... and as I already said... a Trump supporter in another thread called me Conservative when it comes to the budget in another thread.

You said you have other conservative views as well. We discuss a lot of things on this site. I am fiscally conservative as a libertarian and economic issues are my #1 issue, so sure, I side with Republicans far more than liberals. Also, liberals aren't really socially liberal or against military use, so they are disingenuous even where we would at least in words tend to agree.

But I fight with Republicans on the other hand all the time. I never see you fighting with Democrats on anything, just agreeing with them

No, I don't. I just said in this thread that Clinton and Obama were guilty for mishandling Benghazi. You are using selective reading... I've argued for the other things as well. Hell I stated my positions quite clearly in my introduction thread. If you can provide proof where I haven't held my positions from there I would be more than willing to discuss it. But you won't, because I don't misrepresent myself. Hell before you even attempt to look, let's make an avatar bet... how about that? I've made several offers for avatar bets and not a single fucking person that wants to bad mouth me about something is willing to back up their talk.
If I decided to badmouth my company on facebook, I would be terminated.
No different here.
New boss. New rules.

It goes beyond badmouthing an employer
You are not allowed to speak to the press on behalf of your employer without permission

It is not a free speech violation...it is just good business

Government isn't business.... by him controlling the information coming out of government, they can tell you all the lies they want in order to keep people from voicing their displeasure for what is going on and exercising their fundamental rights as citizens to contact their Representatives of conduct protests.... it's NOT the same thing.

So you support Snowden? I do. Just asking you
The new rule has been expanded to the EPA with the addition of prohibiting official updates to individual social media accounts.

Trump bans EPA employees from giving social media updates

Considering the current bureaucracy is mostly Dems and Progs, this makes sense until he cleans house, or at least gets them to be the non-partisan cogs in the government machine they are supposed to be.
only tyrants, with a majority, say that.
bullshit. Tyrants use government agencies to lie to, mislead, and abuse the citizens who might out them.

LOL! you just argued against what Trump is doing... and you don't even realize it.
If I decided to badmouth my company on facebook, I would be terminated.
No different here.
New boss. New rules.

It goes beyond badmouthing an employer
You are not allowed to speak to the press on behalf of your employer without permission

It is not a free speech violation...it is just good business

Government isn't business.... by him controlling the information coming out of government, they can tell you all the lies they want in order to keep people from voicing their displeasure for what is going on and exercising their fundamental rights as citizens to contact their Representatives of conduct protests.... it's NOT the same thing.

So you support Snowden? I do. Just asking you

No, because what he did put innocent American lives at stake that had nothing to do with the corrupt activity going on. It wasn't his right to choose that those people's lives deserved to be put in harm's way in order to accomplish his goals. the ends do not always justify the means.
I do get it. That's what upsets you. I'm not fooled by leftwing bullshit. When do you ever show any evidence of thinking for yourself? You parrot exactly the same shit as every other douche bag leftwinger in this forum.

Bullshit. I was told just the other day by a poster here how my views on government spending was Conservative. I'm pro-gun and pro-life... what kind of fucking LWNJ is for those two things? I have other Conservative views as well. You just can't stand a person that doesn't like trump but isn't a fucking Hillary supporter nor voted for Obama... because that's the only defenses you have for Trump.

It would help people believe you're not left wing if your non-left wing views came up in discussions

We aren't talking about pro-life or pro-gun control... and as I already said... a Trump supporter in another thread called me Conservative when it comes to the budget in another thread.

You said you have other conservative views as well. We discuss a lot of things on this site. I am fiscally conservative as a libertarian and economic issues are my #1 issue, so sure, I side with Republicans far more than liberals. Also, liberals aren't really socially liberal or against military use, so they are disingenuous even where we would at least in words tend to agree.

But I fight with Republicans on the other hand all the time. I never see you fighting with Democrats on anything, just agreeing with them

No, I don't. I just said in this thread that Clinton and Obama were guilty for mishandling Benghazi. You are using selective reading... I've argued for the other things as well. Hell I stated my positions quite clearly in my introduction thread. If you can provide proof where I haven't held my positions from there I would be more than willing to discuss it. But you won't, because I don't misrepresent myself. Hell before you even attempt to look, let's make an avatar bet... how about that? I've made several offers for avatar bets and not a single fucking person that wants to bad mouth me about something is willing to back up their talk.

Can you give me the post number? I didn't see the word "Benghazi" in the thread until this post I'm responding to.

And that bet would be way too subjective for me to agree to. I don't make a lot of bets, but I have rules.

I don't bet leaving the site - your bet doesn't offer that - pass
I don't bet with people I don't trust to deliver - I do trust you, no problem - pass
I don't bet things I don't care about - I don't care that much on this, but I'll say OK - pass
I don't bet things that are too ambiguous to have a clear answer - Red sirens are going off on this one - fail
Bullshit. I was told just the other day by a poster here how my views on government spending was Conservative. I'm pro-gun and pro-life... what kind of fucking LWNJ is for those two things? I have other Conservative views as well. You just can't stand a person that doesn't like trump but isn't a fucking Hillary supporter nor voted for Obama... because that's the only defenses you have for Trump.

It would help people believe you're not left wing if your non-left wing views came up in discussions

We aren't talking about pro-life or pro-gun control... and as I already said... a Trump supporter in another thread called me Conservative when it comes to the budget in another thread.

You said you have other conservative views as well. We discuss a lot of things on this site. I am fiscally conservative as a libertarian and economic issues are my #1 issue, so sure, I side with Republicans far more than liberals. Also, liberals aren't really socially liberal or against military use, so they are disingenuous even where we would at least in words tend to agree.

But I fight with Republicans on the other hand all the time. I never see you fighting with Democrats on anything, just agreeing with them

No, I don't. I just said in this thread that Clinton and Obama were guilty for mishandling Benghazi. You are using selective reading... I've argued for the other things as well. Hell I stated my positions quite clearly in my introduction thread. If you can provide proof where I haven't held my positions from there I would be more than willing to discuss it. But you won't, because I don't misrepresent myself. Hell before you even attempt to look, let's make an avatar bet... how about that? I've made several offers for avatar bets and not a single fucking person that wants to bad mouth me about something is willing to back up their talk.

Can you give me the post number? I didn't see the word "Benghazi" in the thread until this post I'm responding to.

And that bet would be way too subjective for me to agree to. I don't make a lot of bets, but I have rules.

I don't bet leaving the site - your bet doesn't offer that - pass
I don't bet with people I don't trust to deliver - I do trust you, no problem - pass
I don't bet things I don't care about - I don't care that much on this, but I'll say OK - pass
I don't bet things that are too ambiguous to have a clear answer - Red sirens are going off on this one - fail

Someone mentioned about the 4 people being killed in Benghazi was Hillary and Obama's fault, but they may not have said Benghazi though that is what they were referring to.

You also do realize... as a Libertarian, that I have been arguing a fundamental Libertarian issue for months now when it comes to the DNC hack and the release of their emails? The right to privacy of individuals over anything else? Even if someone commits a crime they have rights that must be followed based on Libertarian views... and you have argued and blamed the DNC this whole time. Shouldn't you have been arguing that the information shouldn't have been released and that their rights were violated?
It would help people believe you're not left wing if your non-left wing views came up in discussions

We aren't talking about pro-life or pro-gun control... and as I already said... a Trump supporter in another thread called me Conservative when it comes to the budget in another thread.

You said you have other conservative views as well. We discuss a lot of things on this site. I am fiscally conservative as a libertarian and economic issues are my #1 issue, so sure, I side with Republicans far more than liberals. Also, liberals aren't really socially liberal or against military use, so they are disingenuous even where we would at least in words tend to agree.

But I fight with Republicans on the other hand all the time. I never see you fighting with Democrats on anything, just agreeing with them

No, I don't. I just said in this thread that Clinton and Obama were guilty for mishandling Benghazi. You are using selective reading... I've argued for the other things as well. Hell I stated my positions quite clearly in my introduction thread. If you can provide proof where I haven't held my positions from there I would be more than willing to discuss it. But you won't, because I don't misrepresent myself. Hell before you even attempt to look, let's make an avatar bet... how about that? I've made several offers for avatar bets and not a single fucking person that wants to bad mouth me about something is willing to back up their talk.

Can you give me the post number? I didn't see the word "Benghazi" in the thread until this post I'm responding to.

And that bet would be way too subjective for me to agree to. I don't make a lot of bets, but I have rules.

I don't bet leaving the site - your bet doesn't offer that - pass
I don't bet with people I don't trust to deliver - I do trust you, no problem - pass
I don't bet things I don't care about - I don't care that much on this, but I'll say OK - pass
I don't bet things that are too ambiguous to have a clear answer - Red sirens are going off on this one - fail

Someone mentioned about the 4 people being killed in Benghazi was Hillary and Obama's fault, but they may not have said Benghazi though that is what they were referring to.

You also do realize... as a Libertarian, that I have been arguing a fundamental Libertarian issue for months now when it comes to the DNC hack and the release of their emails? The right to privacy of individuals over anything else? Even if someone commits a crime they have rights that must be followed based on Libertarian views... and you have argued and blamed the DNC this whole time. Shouldn't you have been arguing that the information shouldn't have been released and that their rights were violated?

I've never argued it's the job of government to protect your privacy, I've argued it's the job of government to not violate your privacy. See the difference?
We aren't talking about pro-life or pro-gun control... and as I already said... a Trump supporter in another thread called me Conservative when it comes to the budget in another thread.

You said you have other conservative views as well. We discuss a lot of things on this site. I am fiscally conservative as a libertarian and economic issues are my #1 issue, so sure, I side with Republicans far more than liberals. Also, liberals aren't really socially liberal or against military use, so they are disingenuous even where we would at least in words tend to agree.

But I fight with Republicans on the other hand all the time. I never see you fighting with Democrats on anything, just agreeing with them

No, I don't. I just said in this thread that Clinton and Obama were guilty for mishandling Benghazi. You are using selective reading... I've argued for the other things as well. Hell I stated my positions quite clearly in my introduction thread. If you can provide proof where I haven't held my positions from there I would be more than willing to discuss it. But you won't, because I don't misrepresent myself. Hell before you even attempt to look, let's make an avatar bet... how about that? I've made several offers for avatar bets and not a single fucking person that wants to bad mouth me about something is willing to back up their talk.

Can you give me the post number? I didn't see the word "Benghazi" in the thread until this post I'm responding to.

And that bet would be way too subjective for me to agree to. I don't make a lot of bets, but I have rules.

I don't bet leaving the site - your bet doesn't offer that - pass
I don't bet with people I don't trust to deliver - I do trust you, no problem - pass
I don't bet things I don't care about - I don't care that much on this, but I'll say OK - pass
I don't bet things that are too ambiguous to have a clear answer - Red sirens are going off on this one - fail

Someone mentioned about the 4 people being killed in Benghazi was Hillary and Obama's fault, but they may not have said Benghazi though that is what they were referring to.

You also do realize... as a Libertarian, that I have been arguing a fundamental Libertarian issue for months now when it comes to the DNC hack and the release of their emails? The right to privacy of individuals over anything else? Even if someone commits a crime they have rights that must be followed based on Libertarian views... and you have argued and blamed the DNC this whole time. Shouldn't you have been arguing that the information shouldn't have been released and that their rights were violated?

I've never argued it's the job of government to protect your privacy, I've argued it's the job of government to not violate your privacy. See the difference?

How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

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