Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump

You said you have other conservative views as well. We discuss a lot of things on this site. I am fiscally conservative as a libertarian and economic issues are my #1 issue, so sure, I side with Republicans far more than liberals. Also, liberals aren't really socially liberal or against military use, so they are disingenuous even where we would at least in words tend to agree.

But I fight with Republicans on the other hand all the time. I never see you fighting with Democrats on anything, just agreeing with them

No, I don't. I just said in this thread that Clinton and Obama were guilty for mishandling Benghazi. You are using selective reading... I've argued for the other things as well. Hell I stated my positions quite clearly in my introduction thread. If you can provide proof where I haven't held my positions from there I would be more than willing to discuss it. But you won't, because I don't misrepresent myself. Hell before you even attempt to look, let's make an avatar bet... how about that? I've made several offers for avatar bets and not a single fucking person that wants to bad mouth me about something is willing to back up their talk.

Can you give me the post number? I didn't see the word "Benghazi" in the thread until this post I'm responding to.

And that bet would be way too subjective for me to agree to. I don't make a lot of bets, but I have rules.

I don't bet leaving the site - your bet doesn't offer that - pass
I don't bet with people I don't trust to deliver - I do trust you, no problem - pass
I don't bet things I don't care about - I don't care that much on this, but I'll say OK - pass
I don't bet things that are too ambiguous to have a clear answer - Red sirens are going off on this one - fail

Someone mentioned about the 4 people being killed in Benghazi was Hillary and Obama's fault, but they may not have said Benghazi though that is what they were referring to.

You also do realize... as a Libertarian, that I have been arguing a fundamental Libertarian issue for months now when it comes to the DNC hack and the release of their emails? The right to privacy of individuals over anything else? Even if someone commits a crime they have rights that must be followed based on Libertarian views... and you have argued and blamed the DNC this whole time. Shouldn't you have been arguing that the information shouldn't have been released and that their rights were violated?

I've never argued it's the job of government to protect your privacy, I've argued it's the job of government to not violate your privacy. See the difference?

How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government
No, I don't. I just said in this thread that Clinton and Obama were guilty for mishandling Benghazi. You are using selective reading... I've argued for the other things as well. Hell I stated my positions quite clearly in my introduction thread. If you can provide proof where I haven't held my positions from there I would be more than willing to discuss it. But you won't, because I don't misrepresent myself. Hell before you even attempt to look, let's make an avatar bet... how about that? I've made several offers for avatar bets and not a single fucking person that wants to bad mouth me about something is willing to back up their talk.

Can you give me the post number? I didn't see the word "Benghazi" in the thread until this post I'm responding to.

And that bet would be way too subjective for me to agree to. I don't make a lot of bets, but I have rules.

I don't bet leaving the site - your bet doesn't offer that - pass
I don't bet with people I don't trust to deliver - I do trust you, no problem - pass
I don't bet things I don't care about - I don't care that much on this, but I'll say OK - pass
I don't bet things that are too ambiguous to have a clear answer - Red sirens are going off on this one - fail

Someone mentioned about the 4 people being killed in Benghazi was Hillary and Obama's fault, but they may not have said Benghazi though that is what they were referring to.

You also do realize... as a Libertarian, that I have been arguing a fundamental Libertarian issue for months now when it comes to the DNC hack and the release of their emails? The right to privacy of individuals over anything else? Even if someone commits a crime they have rights that must be followed based on Libertarian views... and you have argued and blamed the DNC this whole time. Shouldn't you have been arguing that the information shouldn't have been released and that their rights were violated?

I've never argued it's the job of government to protect your privacy, I've argued it's the job of government to not violate your privacy. See the difference?

How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.
Can you give me the post number? I didn't see the word "Benghazi" in the thread until this post I'm responding to.

And that bet would be way too subjective for me to agree to. I don't make a lot of bets, but I have rules.

I don't bet leaving the site - your bet doesn't offer that - pass
I don't bet with people I don't trust to deliver - I do trust you, no problem - pass
I don't bet things I don't care about - I don't care that much on this, but I'll say OK - pass
I don't bet things that are too ambiguous to have a clear answer - Red sirens are going off on this one - fail

Someone mentioned about the 4 people being killed in Benghazi was Hillary and Obama's fault, but they may not have said Benghazi though that is what they were referring to.

You also do realize... as a Libertarian, that I have been arguing a fundamental Libertarian issue for months now when it comes to the DNC hack and the release of their emails? The right to privacy of individuals over anything else? Even if someone commits a crime they have rights that must be followed based on Libertarian views... and you have argued and blamed the DNC this whole time. Shouldn't you have been arguing that the information shouldn't have been released and that their rights were violated?

I've never argued it's the job of government to protect your privacy, I've argued it's the job of government to not violate your privacy. See the difference?

How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control
Someone mentioned about the 4 people being killed in Benghazi was Hillary and Obama's fault, but they may not have said Benghazi though that is what they were referring to.

You also do realize... as a Libertarian, that I have been arguing a fundamental Libertarian issue for months now when it comes to the DNC hack and the release of their emails? The right to privacy of individuals over anything else? Even if someone commits a crime they have rights that must be followed based on Libertarian views... and you have argued and blamed the DNC this whole time. Shouldn't you have been arguing that the information shouldn't have been released and that their rights were violated?

I've never argued it's the job of government to protect your privacy, I've argued it's the job of government to not violate your privacy. See the difference?

How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

No government, no police... police have no power without money... money comes in taxes collected by the government... police don't know laws to enforce without, you guessed it, government... equal protection under those laws? Guess what, that's handled by... GOVERNMENT. We can do this little dance all day long... (except in the next couple hors I'm in class.) ;)
Someone mentioned about the 4 people being killed in Benghazi was Hillary and Obama's fault, but they may not have said Benghazi though that is what they were referring to.

You also do realize... as a Libertarian, that I have been arguing a fundamental Libertarian issue for months now when it comes to the DNC hack and the release of their emails? The right to privacy of individuals over anything else? Even if someone commits a crime they have rights that must be followed based on Libertarian views... and you have argued and blamed the DNC this whole time. Shouldn't you have been arguing that the information shouldn't have been released and that their rights were violated?

I've never argued it's the job of government to protect your privacy, I've argued it's the job of government to not violate your privacy. See the difference?

How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

The DNC servers were private DNC servers... Podesta's emails were private... They aren't government.
I've never argued it's the job of government to protect your privacy, I've argued it's the job of government to not violate your privacy. See the difference?

How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

No government, no police... police have no power without money... money comes in taxes collected by the government... police don't know laws to enforce without, you guessed it, government... equal protection under those laws? Guess what, that's handled by... GOVERNMENT. We can do this little dance all day long... (except in the next couple hors I'm in class.) ;)

Try again
I've never argued it's the job of government to protect your privacy, I've argued it's the job of government to not violate your privacy. See the difference?

How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

The DNC servers were private DNC servers... Podesta's emails were private... They aren't government.

Right, and they were hacked by a foreign power that we hack all the time. So what is your proposal?

What I proposed is we step up our hacking and retaliate. I can't go to someone we regularly hacked though and say with a straight face, you hacked us, wah!

I also laugh at the Democrats for saying because they weren't supposed to know that Hillary is corrupt, arrogant and a liar that they in fact don't know
How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

No government, no police... police have no power without money... money comes in taxes collected by the government... police don't know laws to enforce without, you guessed it, government... equal protection under those laws? Guess what, that's handled by... GOVERNMENT. We can do this little dance all day long... (except in the next couple hors I'm in class.) ;)

Try again

You just said in a previous post that government shouldn't have power because they always abuse it... MAKE UP YOU MIND.
Staff have been told to stop talking to Congress and the press.

WASHINGTON ― Multiple federal agencies have told their employees to cease communications with members of Congress and the press, sources have told The Huffington Post.

The freeze has startled aides on the Hill and people at those agencies, who worry that it could abruptly upend current operations and stifle work and discussions that routinely take place between branches of government.

Officials at sub-agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services, for example, have been told not to send “any correspondence to public officials” according to a memo shared with HuffPost. Instead, they have been asked to refer questions to agency leadership until the leadership has had time to meet with incoming White House staff about the new administration’s policies and objectives, according to a congressional official who was also informed of the communications freeze.

An official with the National Institutes of Health told HuffPost after the initial publication of this piece that an email had been sent to the directors of NIH institutes and centers providing guidance from HHS on how to handle new or pending regulation, policy or guidance.

More: Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump

No wonder federal employees are startled. Private citizens should also be startled.
How can you have freedoms if they don't defend your rights to have in the first place? You do realize that without our government unless you come from Royalty or a super rich family, you would be a subject for some dictator or King?

When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

The DNC servers were private DNC servers... Podesta's emails were private... They aren't government.

Right, and they were hacked by a foreign power that we hack all the time. So what is your proposal?

What I proposed is we step up our hacking and retaliate. I can't go to someone we regularly hacked though and say with a straight face, you hacked us, wah!

I also laugh at the Democrats for saying because they weren't supposed to know that Hillary is corrupt, arrogant and a liar that they in fact don't know

Did you just read what you said? A private organization was hacked by a foreign power that our government hacks all the time... now let that sink in a minute and the come back and try again.
Staff have been told to stop talking to Congress and the press.

WASHINGTON ― Multiple federal agencies have told their employees to cease communications with members of Congress and the press, sources have told The Huffington Post.

The freeze has startled aides on the Hill and people at those agencies, who worry that it could abruptly upend current operations and stifle work and discussions that routinely take place between branches of government.

Officials at sub-agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services, for example, have been told not to send “any correspondence to public officials” according to a memo shared with HuffPost. Instead, they have been asked to refer questions to agency leadership until the leadership has had time to meet with incoming White House staff about the new administration’s policies and objectives, according to a congressional official who was also informed of the communications freeze.

An official with the National Institutes of Health told HuffPost after the initial publication of this piece that an email had been sent to the directors of NIH institutes and centers providing guidance from HHS on how to handle new or pending regulation, policy or guidance.

More: Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump

No wonder federal employees are startled. Private citizens should also be startled.
This is an excellent move.
Management 101.....

Take control....
Agreed. Trump is putting his foot down.

Yes, and a few decades ago a little German used similar tactics.
no, that dude rounded up jews and killed them. I haven't seen that here in the America I live in. In fact I saw thousands of pssies on the street saturday at a protest. you think that happened in that german country? or is your ass sore and you're merely being a whiny bitch again?
When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

The DNC servers were private DNC servers... Podesta's emails were private... They aren't government.

Right, and they were hacked by a foreign power that we hack all the time. So what is your proposal?

What I proposed is we step up our hacking and retaliate. I can't go to someone we regularly hacked though and say with a straight face, you hacked us, wah!

I also laugh at the Democrats for saying because they weren't supposed to know that Hillary is corrupt, arrogant and a liar that they in fact don't know

Did you just read what you said? A private organization was hacked by a foreign power that our government hacks all the time... now let that sink in a minute and the come back and try again.
Why would he need to do that? That's spot on. hundreds of thousands of dollars were used against Isreal. You haven't heard about that? come on dude, you don't think our government doesn't send spies to Russia to watch russia? are you really that clueless? I supposed so.
When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

No government, no police... police have no power without money... money comes in taxes collected by the government... police don't know laws to enforce without, you guessed it, government... equal protection under those laws? Guess what, that's handled by... GOVERNMENT. We can do this little dance all day long... (except in the next couple hors I'm in class.) ;)

Try again

You just said in a previous post that government shouldn't have power because they always abuse it... MAKE UP YOU MIND.

I said government should have no proactive power to "protect" your privacy. They always use that as a power to control you. I said they should investigate and hold those accountable who commit a crime. You seriously don't see the difference? You're also conflating a man beating you up with international politics, which makes no sense at all
Only our lord and master Vladimir Trump is allowed to tweet from a government account.

Sieg Heil!

"Do as I say, not as I do."
When you assign the government the task of protecting our privacy from other citizens, then you are actually granting them a power. And what does government do with power? Abuse it, always. No libertarian would agree that your freedoms are a power of government. Libertarians recognize the greatest threat to your freedom IS government

No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

The DNC servers were private DNC servers... Podesta's emails were private... They aren't government.

Right, and they were hacked by a foreign power that we hack all the time. So what is your proposal?

What I proposed is we step up our hacking and retaliate. I can't go to someone we regularly hacked though and say with a straight face, you hacked us, wah!

I also laugh at the Democrats for saying because they weren't supposed to know that Hillary is corrupt, arrogant and a liar that they in fact don't know

Did you just read what you said? A private organization was hacked by a foreign power that our government hacks all the time... now let that sink in a minute and the come back and try again.

Right, so answer my question, "So what is your proposal?" I told you mine. But I don't want to go to Russia in flagrant hypocrisy and no way do I want to stop hacking them
No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

The DNC servers were private DNC servers... Podesta's emails were private... They aren't government.

Right, and they were hacked by a foreign power that we hack all the time. So what is your proposal?

What I proposed is we step up our hacking and retaliate. I can't go to someone we regularly hacked though and say with a straight face, you hacked us, wah!

I also laugh at the Democrats for saying because they weren't supposed to know that Hillary is corrupt, arrogant and a liar that they in fact don't know

Did you just read what you said? A private organization was hacked by a foreign power that our government hacks all the time... now let that sink in a minute and the come back and try again.
Why would he need to do that? That's spot on. hundreds of thousands of dollars were used against Isreal. You haven't heard about that? come on dude, you don't think our government doesn't send spies to Russia to watch russia? are you really that clueless? I supposed so.

That HAS NOTHING to do with a PRIVATE organization.
FLACK: Mein Fuerher, the Department of the Interior just tweeted a link to a paper about the Grand Canyon which says it is millions of years old!

TRUMP: Zizz iz egg-zactly vot I vas talkink about! My base says zee Earth is six zousand years olt! Vee must shut down ziss twitter account immediately!
No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

The DNC servers were private DNC servers... Podesta's emails were private... They aren't government.

Right, and they were hacked by a foreign power that we hack all the time. So what is your proposal?

What I proposed is we step up our hacking and retaliate. I can't go to someone we regularly hacked though and say with a straight face, you hacked us, wah!

I also laugh at the Democrats for saying because they weren't supposed to know that Hillary is corrupt, arrogant and a liar that they in fact don't know

Did you just read what you said? A private organization was hacked by a foreign power that our government hacks all the time... now let that sink in a minute and the come back and try again.
Why would he need to do that? That's spot on. hundreds of thousands of dollars were used against Isreal. You haven't heard about that? come on dude, you don't think our government doesn't send spies to Russia to watch russia? are you really that clueless? I supposed so.

It's incredible. And what an insane idea, that we stop spying on Russia. It would be idiotic
No you perceive it ALWAYS as abuse. Without the government some guy with a bigger gun, more friends, or a better fighter could walk onto your property, beat the fuck out of you, rape your wife, and kick your ass out. And that same principle trickles down to other freedoms as well. We are never going back to the days of the Wild West were the biggest baddest dude did whatever the fuck he wanted. And funny how you talk like this, yet you support Trump who just decided Native Americans rights don't matter... with the pipeline, and who wants to build the wall, which will use imminent domain to take thousands of acres of land away from private citizens.

I'm not an anarchist. What is wrong with you?

Of course the police come and arrest them, they are tried in criminal courts and taken away. That is a completely different thing than government "protecting" your privacy as you advocated.

Hillary even took her servers OUT of government control

The DNC servers were private DNC servers... Podesta's emails were private... They aren't government.

Right, and they were hacked by a foreign power that we hack all the time. So what is your proposal?

What I proposed is we step up our hacking and retaliate. I can't go to someone we regularly hacked though and say with a straight face, you hacked us, wah!

I also laugh at the Democrats for saying because they weren't supposed to know that Hillary is corrupt, arrogant and a liar that they in fact don't know

Did you just read what you said? A private organization was hacked by a foreign power that our government hacks all the time... now let that sink in a minute and the come back and try again.

Right, so answer my question, "So what is your proposal?" I told you mine. But I don't want to go to Russia in flagrant hypocrisy and no way do I want to stop hacking them

Well I'll tell you one thing for absolute certainty, I don't allow them to hack private citizens and release information, especially of the type that influences our most sacred governmental rights in conducting a fair election. And I WILL NOT, sacrifice my values. morals, and believes just for the advancement of a candidate I want to have in office.

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