Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.

As usual, NROs Kevin Williamson offers up a fresh perspective;

"Of course the law is against Cliven Bundy. How could it be otherwise? The law was against Mohandas Gandhi, too, when he was tried for sedition; Mr. Gandhi himself habitually was among the first to acknowledge that fact, refusing to offer a defense in his sedition case and arguing that the judge had no choice but to resign, in protest of the perfectly legal injustice unfolding in his courtroom, or to sentence him to the harshest sentence possible, there being no extenuating circumstances for Mr. Gandhi’s intentional violation of the law. Henry David Thoreau was happy to spend his time in jail, knowing that the law was against him, whatever side justice was on."

The Case for a Little Sedition | National Review Online

He also points out 'King George not only would have been well within his legal rights to hang every one of this nation’s seditious Founding Fathers, he would have been duty-bound to do so, the keeping of the civil peace being the first responsibility of the civil authority. Every fugitive slave, and every one of the sainted men and women who harbored and enabled them, was a law-breaker.'
As usual, NROs Kevin Williamson offers up a fresh perspective;

"Of course the law is against Cliven Bundy. How could it be otherwise? The law was against Mohandas Gandhi, too, when he was tried for sedition; Mr. Gandhi himself habitually was among the first to acknowledge that fact, refusing to offer a defense in his sedition case and arguing that the judge had no choice but to resign, in protest of the perfectly legal injustice unfolding in his courtroom, or to sentence him to the harshest sentence possible, there being no extenuating circumstances for Mr. Gandhi’s intentional violation of the law. Henry David Thoreau was happy to spend his time in jail, knowing that the law was against him, whatever side justice was on."

The Case for a Little Sedition | National Review Online

He also points out 'King George not only would have been well within his legal rights to hang every one of this nation’s seditious Founding Fathers, he would have been duty-bound to do so, the keeping of the civil peace being the first responsibility of the civil authority. Every fugitive slave, and every one of the sainted men and women who harbored and enabled them, was a law-breaker.'
Let us speak of Natural Rights...as endowed by GOD...Ghandi was a champion over MAN's Right to Govern him, and outspoken regarding Tyranny of men.
So why does the rancher just simply stop having his cattle graze there and let's call it a day. Can someone bring their cattle onto his land? I am not for the feds being there and nor am I on the ranchers side. This is simply "oh my cattle are off MY land so therefore I will simply get them off. ". Pretty simple. If you are going to graze there then pay up.

IN other words, you're on the sides of the feds who possess no constitutional authority to administrate that region.

Typical Progressive shill that pretends to be the neutral voice of reason, but never actually finds anything wrong with the government.
Go get his cattle off of the Federal lands. He has NO right to graze his cattle on that land per the Constitution.

The Constitution limits the Government, not individual Citizens.

Gtfo Commie.

And link which part of the Constitution would forbid him to graze cattle? Article IV, Section 3 only applies to Territories not contained within the boundaries of a State, and requires Congress, not bureaucrats, to pass those laws and regulations for them to be legal and enforceable, and only laws and regulations which are Necessary and Proper to fulfill the Constitutional Obligations of the Federal Government under Article IV, Section 4.

Fucking commies, seriously fuck you all.

You are a dumb ass making comments without reading the Constitution you fool.
This is not a free speech issue dumb ass, this is about PROPERTY RIGHTS.
And Bundy does not own the property.
Article IV Section 3 Clause 2
"The Congress shall have the power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory belonging to the United States".
Case law, which I doubt you have a clue what that is, is very clear and spells out exactly WHO CAN ENTER these lands AND FOR WHAT PURPOSES.
The courts of this great nation for the last 125 years (see Camfield v. United States 1897 and Light v. United States 1911) have also upheld that this clause gives the Congress the authority to adopt most ANY TYPE of legislation for Federal lands. You do know and admit this IS Federal land, don't you? This includes codes of criminal law, family law, and any and all exemptions from state taxation for persons allowed to live on Federal lands.
This clause also allows Congress to pass Federal regulation for all sales of Federal land, protecting Federal land from ALL trespassers and nuisances.

Try something else Moe as you have no clue on this.
So why does the rancher just simply stop having his cattle graze there and let's call it a day. Can someone bring their cattle onto his land? I am not for the feds being there and nor am I on the ranchers side. This is simply "oh my cattle are off MY land so therefore I will simply get them off. ". Pretty simple. If you are going to graze there then pay up.

IN other words, you're on the sides of the feds who possess no constitutional authority to administrate that region.

Typical Progressive shill that pretends to be the neutral voice of reason, but never actually finds anything wrong with the government.

LOL, you have no clue. Case law based on the Constitution for 125 years gives Congress, which BTW is the Federal government, the authority to administer this land, collect fees and not allow trespassers.
Your claim that this is a free speech issue is hilarious!

"militia mobilizing all over the country to come physically to help the Bundy family".
LOL, no.
Where in this article does it state the Constitution allows the Federal government to regulate Federal lands and not allow trespassers?

All sides over reacted in this. Government included as they put their own agents at risk.
But to claim that Bundy has a right to do what he is doing is 100% wrong.
Like it or not the Federal government owns the land and case law dating to 1897 allows them to make their own rules to govern it.

Get over it. Just like the media sucked in the dumb masses to believe Trayvon Martin was a 6th grade choir boy making liberals look like the dumb asses they are they did the same thing in this matter exposing the dumb asses on the right.

Do not drink the Kool Aid.

"militia mobilizing all over the country to come physically to help the Bundy family".
LOL, no.
Where in this article does it state the Constitution allows the Federal government to regulate Federal lands and not allow trespassers?

All sides over reacted in this. Government included as they put their own agents at risk.
But to claim that Bundy has a right to do what he is doing is 100% wrong.
Like it or not the Federal government owns the land and case law dating to 1897 allows them to make their own rules to govern it.

Get over it. Just like the media sucked in the dumb masses to believe Trayvon Martin was a 6th grade choir boy making liberals look like the dumb asses they are they did the same thing in this matter exposing the dumb asses on the right.

Do not drink the Kool Aid.

So right on all points.

I will add Bundy can't harm you, me, and the American people, but an out of control federal government with unlimited powers and a long history of over reacting, sure can.
The courts of this great nation for the last 125 years (see Camfield v. United States 1897 and Light v. United States 1911) have also upheld that this clause gives the Congress the authority to adopt most ANY TYPE of legislation for Federal lands. You do know and admit this IS Federal land, don't you? This includes codes of criminal law, family law, and any and all exemptions from state taxation for persons allowed to live on Federal lands.
This clause also allows Congress to pass Federal regulation for all sales of Federal land, protecting Federal land from ALL trespassers and nuisances.
I read that it was on state land. Not federal.
This just in: CNN & NBC are reporting that this man is a crazed Cult Leader and Racist. Big Brother now has the green light to murder him and his family. After all, how can anyone support a crazed Cult Leader and Racist? ;)
This just in: CNN & NBC are reporting that this man is a crazed Cult Leader and Racist. Big Brother now has the green light to murder him and his family. After all, how can anyone support a crazed Cult Leader and Racist? ;)

Get ready for a Waco/Ruby Ridge

That's the plan. Just float the idea to the corrupt Press that he's a crazed Cult Leader, Child Molester, and Racist. And that will result in a green light for Big Brother to murder this man and his family. No one will rush to support a Cult Leader, Child Molester, and Racist, right? It's all Media manipulation propaganda. Big Brother knows the average American dunce believes everything they see on the Idiot Box. If CNN & NBC declare the man a Cult Leader Racist, that's that. The Sheeple will be all-in on a massacre. It's very sad most Americans can be manipulated so easily.
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So you support sniper teams to protect the process servers trying to serve civil process on homeowners that are being foreclosed on and have armed supporters of the deadbeats there that do not pay their mortgage.
Got it.

No I don't. I support protecting the worker hired to remove a 20 year old illegal herd of cattle on federal lands from militiamen who have been lied to about the case. Not much difference than the Muslim Mullahs inciting their followers against the Great Satan.........us.

So you support risking lives of the workers hired to get the cattle, the agents and the sniper teams all over a civil administrative order.
Got it.

No I don't support the militia's aggressive actions at all, and I'm glad cooler heads at the BLM prevailed and a bloody confrontation was averted. I suspect the rancher will lose again in court.
Sadly we've gone from 'This land is your land, this land is my land', to sleazy Politicians like Harry Reid and Big Brother routinely forcibly stealing the land from the People. When will the People have enough?

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