Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.

Because conservatives, Dems and Pubs, have poorly treated minorities from the 1600s until today. Don't worry, 2dA, no one is mad at you.
Which explains why they have been moving here in droves since day one. Good thinking.

Right, African Americans willingly moved here.
Those were the only minorities? Slavery existed but that doesn't mean minorities haven't been moving here, and still are.
First you gotta ask yourself if the federal government is always right. In this case a few details are conveniently left out by most of the political pundits. From what I understand Mr. Bundy had a long term agreement to graze his cattle on state property. The property in question is not under federal jurisdiction except for alleged endangered freaking turtles. The dumb assed BLM didn't even know that it was calving season or they didn't care when they rounded up the cattle with helicopters in an insanely expensive operation. The fact that the BLM blinked is an indication that they knew they were wrong and it is also an indication of the profound lack of respect and trust for the Hussein administration.
First you gotta ask yourself if the federal government is always right. In this case a few details are conveniently left out by most of the political pundits. From what I understand Mr. Bundy had a long term agreement to graze his cattle on state property. The property in question is not under federal jurisdiction except for alleged endangered freaking turtles. The dumb assed BLM didn't even know that it was calving season or they didn't care when they rounded up the cattle with helicopters in an insanely expensive operation. The fact that the BLM blinked is an indication that they knew they were wrong and it is also an indication of the profound lack of respect and trust for the Hussein administration.

He had no agreement. His family bought that land in the 1800s, a century before the BLM was founded and the tortoise squabble started in 1993. His family grazed cattle for nothing as there was no entity or "rent" required.
But Bundy's claim that the Federal government has no claim to the land is bogus.
Over reaction by everyone involved. Bundy is a freeloader and the government waited too long to act.
I live just 2 miles from a huge cattle ranch. They own the land on which their cattle graze, but every now and then I find myself wishing that one would wander over to my place. If that happens, there will be prime rib for dinner!
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So should the law be enforced?

So far I've read the fed have rounded up 380 head of cattle. My guess is they will let the nutters calm down a bit and then go in and round up the rest in a month or two.

Sniper teams and 200 agents to round up cattle in a civil matter.
Wow, even Obama knew this was bad decision.

Yeah, to protect the cowboys hired to round up the cattle from the yahoos.
So far I've read the fed have rounded up 380 head of cattle. My guess is they will let the nutters calm down a bit and then go in and round up the rest in a month or two.

Sniper teams and 200 agents to round up cattle in a civil matter.
Wow, even Obama knew this was bad decision.

Yeah, to protect the cowboys hired to round up the cattle from the yahoos.

So you support sniper teams to protect the process servers trying to serve civil process on homeowners that are being foreclosed on and have armed supporters of the deadbeats there that do not pay their mortgage.
Got it.
Sniper teams and over 200 agents to perfect civil process is what they were there for.
ALL parties in this are dumbasses.
Sniper teams and 200 agents to round up cattle in a civil matter.
Wow, even Obama knew this was bad decision.

Yeah, to protect the cowboys hired to round up the cattle from the yahoos.

So you support sniper teams to protect the process servers trying to serve civil process on homeowners that are being foreclosed on and have armed supporters of the deadbeats there that do not pay their mortgage.
Got it.

If process servers are ever tasked with serving on 600k acres of open land, after being threatened repeatedly, and the "people" they are serving happen to be skittish enough that having other vehicles accompany the servers could make it more difficult, then yeah I support sniper teams for them.

I saw the pics of the feds. I saw that there were guys with scoped rifles. That is actually a pretty common firearm out west. Does anyone know if they were actual Snipers, or if they were just using scoped rifles do to the terrain & situation?
Now that I have found out a little bit more. In 1993 BLM moved in to manage and protect the environment for the desert tortoise. Bundy did indeed sign an agreement to pay fees to BLM for which BLM agreed to be responsible for maintenance of the land such as making sure water was available and repair of damage. This went along quite happily until 1998 when BLM inexplicably ceased operations on the parcel except for killing the excess tortoise population. Worse, the BLM started sending notices to property owners that had agreements to make repairs and secure access to water, at the sole expense of these property owners. Bundy wrote back saying "You do it. We had an agreement". BLM refused and started fines. Bundy then refused to make his payments (not really grazing fees at all) and tried to make payments to the state. The state didn't have any money coming except for the grazing fees they were paid.

Shiree Bundy Cox on the Bundy Family Allotment That Was ?Bought?: BLM Background and Public Lands | Maggie's Notebook

What Bundy should have done was sue BLM along with the State of Nevada, take the money for the fees and put them in an interest bearing impound account. In an HONEST court, BLM would not have a chance. In our current corrupt kangaroo courts, who knows.

This is really just a massive land swindle.
Sniper teams and 200 agents to round up cattle in a civil matter.
Wow, even Obama knew this was bad decision.

Yeah, to protect the cowboys hired to round up the cattle from the yahoos.

So you support sniper teams to protect the process servers trying to serve civil process on homeowners that are being foreclosed on and have armed supporters of the deadbeats there that do not pay their mortgage.
Got it.

No I don't. I support protecting the worker hired to remove a 20 year old illegal herd of cattle on federal lands from militiamen who have been lied to about the case. Not much difference than the Muslim Mullahs inciting their followers against the Great Satan.........us.
This isn't over. Rumor is, Big Brother will be stepping up the harassment of this man and his family. 'Dirty Harry' Reid and his Chinese buddies are livid. They want blood. I warned right at the start that Big Brother is vindictive and evil. Look for em to label this man an 'Evil Cult Leader', 'Child Molester', 'Racist', or 'Terrorist' next. They want this man destroyed or dead. Make no mistake about that. This man and his family need our prayers. This is far from over.
Yeah, to protect the cowboys hired to round up the cattle from the yahoos.

So you support sniper teams to protect the process servers trying to serve civil process on homeowners that are being foreclosed on and have armed supporters of the deadbeats there that do not pay their mortgage.
Got it.

If process servers are ever tasked with serving on 600k acres of open land, after being threatened repeatedly, and the "people" they are serving happen to be skittish enough that having other vehicles accompany the servers could make it more difficult, then yeah I support sniper teams for them.

I saw the pics of the feds. I saw that there were guys with scoped rifles. That is actually a pretty common firearm out west. Does anyone know if they were actual Snipers, or if they were just using scoped rifles do to the terrain & situation?

This was a civil process. NO one ever brings in anyone to perfect CIVIL process even when there is a group of meth head no teeth militia groups.
The government put LIVES AT RISK of their agents over a CIVIL process administrative ruling.
In my 35 years as a detective agency license holder I have NEVER seen anything like this.
Just like Waco the government put the lives of their own AT RISK over not really anything other than some cows grazing.
Joke. Both sides are idiots in this.
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This was a civil process. NO one ever brings in anyone to perfect CIVIL process even when there is a group of meth head no teeth militia groups.
The government put LIVES AT RISK of their agents over a CIVIL process administrative ruling.
In my 35 years as a detective agency license holder I have NEVER seen anything like this.
Just like Waco the government put the lives of their own AT RISK over not really anything other than some cows grazing.
Joke. Both sides are idiots in this.
I agree with everything but the last sentence. What should the rancher have done since he couldn't afford the jacked up fees designed to run him out? It isn't just about grazing rights.

Questions Raised About Senator Reid’s Connection to Bundy Ranch Dispute
As William F. Jasper noted in his April 11 article about the standoff, however, there was more to the federal action to remove Bundy’s cattle from “public lands” (where they are, allegedly, damaging the “fragile” habitat of the protected desert tortoise) than has been widely reported:

According to Bundy, whose family has been ranching in the area since the 1800s, the BLM’s armed invasion and occupation of Nevada has nothing to do with protecting the tortoise and everything to do with running him off the land, as it has already done to all of the other ranchers in Clark County.
Yeah, to protect the cowboys hired to round up the cattle from the yahoos.

So you support sniper teams to protect the process servers trying to serve civil process on homeowners that are being foreclosed on and have armed supporters of the deadbeats there that do not pay their mortgage.
Got it.

No I don't. I support protecting the worker hired to remove a 20 year old illegal herd of cattle on federal lands from militiamen who have been lied to about the case. Not much difference than the Muslim Mullahs inciting their followers against the Great Satan.........us.

So you support risking lives of the workers hired to get the cattle, the agents and the sniper teams all over a civil administrative order.
Got it.
This was a civil process. NO one ever brings in anyone to perfect CIVIL process even when there is a group of meth head no teeth militia groups.
The government put LIVES AT RISK of their agents over a CIVIL process administrative ruling.
In my 35 years as a detective agency license holder I have NEVER seen anything like this.
Just like Waco the government put the lives of their own AT RISK over not really anything other than some cows grazing.
Joke. Both sides are idiots in this.
I agree with everything but the last sentence. What should the rancher have done since he couldn't afford the jacked up fees designed to run him out? It isn't just about grazing rights.

Questions Raised About Senator Reid’s Connection to Bundy Ranch Dispute
As William F. Jasper noted in his April 11 article about the standoff, however, there was more to the federal action to remove Bundy’s cattle from “public lands” (where they are, allegedly, damaging the “fragile” habitat of the protected desert tortoise) than has been widely reported:

According to Bundy, whose family has been ranching in the area since the 1800s, the BLM’s armed invasion and occupation of Nevada has nothing to do with protecting the tortoise and everything to do with running him off the land, as it has already done to all of the other ranchers in Clark County.

Go get his cattle off of the Federal lands. He has NO right to graze his cattle on that land per the Constitution.
Go get his cattle off of the Federal lands. He has NO right to graze his cattle on that land per the Constitution.

The Constitution limits the Government, not individual Citizens.

Gtfo Commie.

And link which part of the Constitution would forbid him to graze cattle? Article IV, Section 3 only applies to Territories not contained within the boundaries of a State, and requires Congress, not bureaucrats, to pass those laws and regulations for them to be legal and enforceable, and only laws and regulations which are Necessary and Proper to fulfill the Constitutional Obligations of the Federal Government under Article IV, Section 4.

Fucking commies, seriously fuck you all.
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This was a civil process. NO one ever brings in anyone to perfect CIVIL process even when there is a group of meth head no teeth militia groups.
The government put LIVES AT RISK of their agents over a CIVIL process administrative ruling.
In my 35 years as a detective agency license holder I have NEVER seen anything like this.
Just like Waco the government put the lives of their own AT RISK over not really anything other than some cows grazing.
Joke. Both sides are idiots in this.
I agree with everything but the last sentence. What should the rancher have done since he couldn't afford the jacked up fees designed to run him out? It isn't just about grazing rights.

Questions Raised About Senator Reid’s Connection to Bundy Ranch Dispute
As William F. Jasper noted in his April 11 article about the standoff, however, there was more to the federal action to remove Bundy’s cattle from “public lands” (where they are, allegedly, damaging the “fragile” habitat of the protected desert tortoise) than has been widely reported:

According to Bundy, whose family has been ranching in the area since the 1800s, the BLM’s armed invasion and occupation of Nevada has nothing to do with protecting the tortoise and everything to do with running him off the land, as it has already done to all of the other ranchers in Clark County.
This is where transparency in government, (you know the word that Obama boasted about) in order to get hired for the job, should be front row and center now. If Harry Reid (a paid government employee) is involved in a huge conflict of interest within his office that involves this situation, then he should be removed from his job, and from the power position in which he holds. The rancher should just fade back into American society, but go there knowing that justice is still a part of American policy, and it will always remain joined together with the proper actions carefully thought out and taken in this nation to uphold that policy, otherwise when things go wrong. Now the key is always in protecting all involved from making wrong choices that could get anyone hurt or worse killed all due to mis-information, hype, propaganda, outright lies being told, spin, partisan one sidedness, and pride that won't allow either side to back down if taken to far in the wrong direction.
So why does the rancher just simply stop having his cattle graze there and let's call it a day. Can someone bring their cattle onto his land? I am not for the feds being there and nor am I on the ranchers side. This is simply "oh my cattle are off MY land so therefore I will simply get them off. ". Pretty simple. If you are going to graze there then pay up.
So why does the rancher just simply stop having his cattle graze there and let's call it a day. Can someone bring their cattle onto his land? I am not for the feds being there and nor am I on the ranchers side. This is simply "oh my cattle are off MY land so therefore I will simply get them off. ". Pretty simple. If you are going to graze there then pay up.
They were on STATE Land...one PRIZED by Dingy Harry Reid and his son in a crooked DEAL with the ChiComs.

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