Feds: Home Heating Costs to Rise As Much as 54% This Winter

The oil shortage and price spike is global, retards. Biden has nothing to do with it.

But when oil prices drop, be sure to start a topic praising Biden for it. You wouldn't want to be thought of as raging hypocrites, after all.
There was and is no oil shortage, other than the manmade shortage created by Brandon with his attacks upon the American oil industry.
2020 America was energy independent.
2021 Brandon is begging the Muslims and Putin to send us oil.
of course I do, I am not a mindless partisan sheep like you.

And yet, the White House is on pace to hand out more oil and gas drilling permits this year than any under President Trump and the most since George W. Bush left the Oval Office.
From your link…
The January 27 moratorium temporarily stopped lease sales, but it did nothing about oil and gas development on more than 38 million acres of public lands and waters already stockpiled in existing leases—legal contracts that typically prove all but impossible to break.”

Moratoriums drive up prices immediately. Gas prices rose on that news.
From your link…
The January 27 moratorium temporarily stopped lease sales, but it did nothing about oil and gas development on more than 38 million acres of public lands and waters already stockpiled in existing leases—legal contracts that typically prove all but impossible to break.”

Moratoriums drive up prices immediately. Gas prices rose on that news.
Yep, political tone is the biggest factor in oil prices. Whether its Brandon saying no more fossil fuels or Ayatollah saying he’ll shutdown the strait, words have huge impact.
That’ll help the poor!
Good job, Brandon!

That’ll help the poor!
Good job, Brandon!

Not to worry. Since global warming is out of control we won't need as much heat this winter. Besides, Psaki just said the other day that inflation is going down now. That must be true because Biden said he would never lie to the American people.
Robinettes, you voted for this!

NEW YORK (AP) — Get ready to pay sharply higher bills for heating this winter, along with seemingly everything else.

With prices surging worldwide for heating oil, natural gas and other fuels, the U.S. government said Wednesday it expects households to see their heating bills jump as much as 54% compared to last winter.

Nearly half the homes in the U.S. use natural gas for heat, and they could pay an average $746 this winter, 30% more than a year ago. Those in the Midwest could get particularly pinched, with bills up an estimated 49%, and this could be the most expensive winter for natural-gas heated homes since 2008-2009.

The second-most used heating source for homes is electricity, making up 41% of the country, and those households could see a more modest 6% increase to $1,268. Homes using heating oil, which make up 4% of the country, could see a 43% increase — more than $500 — to $1,734. The sharpest increases are likely for homes that use propane, which account for 5% of U.S. households.

This winter is forecast to be slightly colder across the country than last year. That means people will likely be burning more fuel to keep warm, on top of paying more for each bit of it. If the winter ends up being even colder than forecast, heating bills could be higher than estimated, and vice-versa.

The forecast from the U.S. Energy Information Administration is the latest reminder of the higher inflation ripping across the global economy. Earlier Wednesday, the government released a separate report showing that prices were 5.4% higher for U.S. consumers in September than a year ago. That matches the hottest inflation rate since 2008, as a reawakening economy and snarled supply chains push up prices for everything from cars to groceries.
LOL. Think it is funny that Biden things cutting off LNG exports is going to improve the situation. Nothing like throwing Europe under the bus.
Yes it is, and you wanted it to happen. Enjoy.
You are just re-iterating the same ignorant nonsense with zero correction or backing.

There is absolutely no serious reason to think that getting someone else into the WH would prevent post-covid supply chain problems. You are just too much of a fucking politico tool to understand this simple concept.
You are just re-iterating the same ignorant nonsense with zero correction or backing.

There is absolutely no serious reason to think that getting someone else into the WH would prevent post-covid supply chain problems. You are just too much of a fucking politico tool to understand this simple concept.

Let me guess, no one told you Biden killed the Keystone pipeline, gave Russia a free pass on Norsk, and revoked American drilling permits in ANWR. Dumbass.
Let me guess, no one told you Biden killed the Keystone pipeline, gave Russia a free pass on Norsk, and revoked American drilling permits in ANWR. Dumbass.

You are clueless, talking about drop sized effects in the ocean that is global energy market.

Keystone project in particular would not transport a single drop of oil for another decade. You have to a total idiot to claim that not cancelling it would have prevented current market distortions.
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Biden Reportedly Asks Oil Companies He Hurt to Save Him as Inflation Set to Raise Heating Costs This Winter​

You’re about to pay a lot more to keep your house warm during the winter months thanks to Biden’s economy inflating like a bouncy castle, but don’t worry, because Biden has a solution. He’ll just ask the energy companies he screwed over to lower their prices despite already harming their bottom line.

According to the Associated Press, the U.S. government said on Wednesday that it expects to see some American heating bills skyrocket to as high as 54 percent compared to last winter. It mostly depends on what you use to heat your home:

The sharpest increases are likely for homes that use propane, which account for only 5% of U.S. households, but others are also likely to see big increases.
Homes that use natural gas, which make up nearly half of all U.S. households, may spend $746 this winter, 30% more than a year ago. That could make this winter’s heating bills the highest for them since the winter of 2008-2009.

The second-most typical heating source for homes is electricity, making up 41% of the country, and those households could see a more modest 6% increase to $1,268. Homes using heating oil, which make up 4% of the country, could see a 43% increase — more than $500 — to $1,734.

Winter is coming and so are midterms. It’s hardly coincidental that President Joe Biden is trying to find solutions to stop his inflation from damaging Americans where they feel it the most; their wallets. The simple and most direct solution would be to drill here in America and drill now as Texas Governor Greg Abbott insisted Joe Biden begin doing back in August.

However, not only might it be too little too late, but drilling would upset his base so he’s left with one solution and that’s the ask the energy companies he damaged after all of his trifling to lower their costs. According to Reuters, two sources claim Biden has spoken with oil companies, though some of these companies are less than thrilled with Biden as it is and they may snub him anyway:

It can take six months to drill and complete a new well and bring the oil and gas to market. Any call by the White House for an increase in U.S. production is likely to fall on deaf ears, according to one oil executive, who did not want to be identified criticizing the approach. The industry has also been unhappy with some of Biden’s earlier actions, including a temporary drilling halt on federal lands, that they see as an attack on the industry.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki denies the White House is in communications with energy companies at this time.

“I’m actually not aware of any contact with oil and gas companies around this particular issue,” Psaki said at a White House press briefing.

To be clear, this is the bed Biden’s made and he and the Democrats will have to sleep in it, at least until they’re kicked out of it by an angry populace that put Democrats in charge of the House, Senate, and White House only to watch them abuse and destroy a once-thriving economy.

The first thing Biden did after entering office was to knee-cap the energy industry in the US, putting thousands of Americans out of work followed by threatening the rest of the energy industry that the Biden administration was coming for them, too.

As gas prices started to climb Biden had to go to Opec and beg them to pump more oil to help lower the price - Opec pumped a few barrels more but not enough to hep. As Inflation continues to rise, the supply chain crisis, and the huge jump in gas prices, and the expected jump in heating fuel costs Biden is now having to go 'hat in hand' to grovel in front of the US energy companies he has screwed to ask them to save him now.


Let's Go, Brandon!

All of these increases are kinda like major tax increases on the middle class and the poor, aren't they?
The people who can least afford the increases are getting hosed. Thanks, Brandon!
No problem... Biden will just pay the heating bills for everyone.
It's how things work now.
All of these increases are kinda like major tax increases on the middle class and the poor, aren't they?
The people who can least afford the increases are getting hosed. Thanks, Brandon!
The ones Biden, Pelosi, and other Democrats said would not see 1 dime in increased taxes because their $5.5 trillion Socialist/Marxist debt-bomb costs 'zero'.
The ones Biden, Pelosi, and other Democrats said would not see 1 dime in increased taxes because their $5.5 trillion Socialist/Marxist debt-bomb costs 'zero'.
Hey.... let me borrow $10,000 from you. It won't cost you anything.
Just go to the bank, sign a couple forms and - you have the money!!
Help a brother out!

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