Feds to set prices on GM cars

I drive a Ford Explorer, my wife drives a Ford Escape, my daughter a Fusion, my son a Jeep.
The last GM car I owned was a Cadillac sts. And by last, I mean last.
I will never buy a GM made car for the rest of my life.
Ford didn't take taxpayer dollars from me, GM did.
I buy Ford.
I drive a Ford Explorer, my wife drives a Ford Escape, my daughter a Fusion, my son a Jeep.
The last GM car I owned was a Cadillac sts. And by last, I mean last.
I will never buy a GM made car for the rest of my life.
Ford didn't take taxpayer dollars from me, GM did.
I buy Ford.
Ford took my money twice, in the '70's, and left me with piles of shit.

I've never known anyone with a Jeep that did not have it in the shop regularly.

I prefer Toyotas, but, they fancied up their trucks too much, so, I am driving a Chevy "work truck".

I like it a lot.
Ford took my money twice, in the '70's, and left me with piles of shit.

I've never known anyone with a Jeep that did not have it in the shop regularly.

I prefer Toyotas, but, they fancied up their trucks too much, so, I am driving a Chevy "work truck".

I like it a lot.

Every car maker in the 70's delivered shit, not just Ford.
Both Ford and Chevy trucks in the mid 70's - early 80's were unbelievable rust buckets before a buyer even paid off the loan.
Jeep is a preference. People who buy them for whatever reason love them. Myself, they are loud, crude and unreliable.
Does it mean you are stuck in Detroit?

So you think the only cities or states that had large numbers of UAW jobs was Detroit or MI. You might be a Republican.

Look at the state just to the south of MI. OHIO is what they call it. Home of the National Collegiate Football Champions.

And once home to tens of thousands of good paying auto jobs. Now it's down to just thousands of good paying jobs. I grew up in Dayton. Which had a huge number of GM jobs. Ever heard of DELPHI, formerly DELCO. S-10 trucks were built here for years. Shocks, brake assemblies, AC units. etc etc.

All pretty much gone to Mexico or somewhere else.
But I still love my pickem up truck from Chevrolet.

And am real glad that GM wasn't allowed to fail.
It means I prefer not to, and you do.
Wow that was hard.

Hey dude. You don't have to be so snarky. I thought this was sharing time. And seeing as how you "shared" what you drive and why you drive them, I was just sharing back.
Does it mean you are stuck in Detroit?

So you think the only cities or states that had large numbers of UAW jobs was Detroit or MI. You might be a Republican.

Look at the state just to the south of MI. OHIO is what they call it. Home of the National Collegiate Football Champions.

And once home to tens of thousands of good paying auto jobs. Now it's down to just thousands of good paying jobs. I grew up in Dayton. Which had a huge number of GM jobs. Ever heard of DELPHI, formerly DELCO. S-10 trucks were built here for years. Shocks, brake assemblies, AC units. etc etc.

All pretty much gone to Mexico or somewhere else.
But I still love my pickem up truck from Chevrolet.

And am real glad that GM wasn't allowed to fail.

I live in Southern Indiana.
30 years ago within 90 miles of my home there was two large GM plants, a Ford Plant and a Delco Plant. Five.
Today - only one still exist. All of the others were moved to Mexico.

"and am real glad that GM wasn't allowed to fail".

They did fail. Massive Failures. GM and its subsidiaries, last count I knew of, went bankrupt 27 times. 27.
They failed so bad that the only way they could exist was to take $billions in welfare to stay alive.
They did fail. Massive Failures. GM and its subsidiaries, last count I knew of, went bankrupt 27 times. 27.

I am glad that GM didn't do what you Republican wanted to to do. And that is go down for the count and stay there.
Seems to me that GM just posted some good earnings numbers. For a failed company that is.

And the Cruze and the Malibu that my daughters are driving seems like a real car. Not a failure.

But like Dems like to say; IF at first you don't succeed (like 27 times according to you) then try try again.
That's what GM did. Tried again. Nothing wrong with that.

BTW. There were no banks to lend GM the amount of money then needed in the time frame they needed it.
I don't have a problem that my tax dollars went to help GM, I consider it money well spent.

Unlike the boondoggles the Repubs waste money on. They just waste money with nothing in return. Unless you count dead or horribly maimed soldiers a return on investment.
So let me get this straight...
GM, through MASSIVE mismanagement loss $billions.
It's subsidiaries filed bankruptcy 27 times as a result of such failures.
So twice, the only way GM could remain a business was to take welfare money from taxpayers.
Now...what did taxpayers get in return? They loss their jobs, that's what.
GM took $BILLIONS in bailouts and then systematically moved American jobs overseas.
Only one-third of GM's employees are in America today.
GM got our money, and then fired the very people who gave it to them.


Grace D. Lieblein, President and CEO of GM Mexico, for example, proudly announced in a GM Mexico press release:

“75 years ago, General Motors came to our country with a dream to fulfill: turning Mexico into a prosperous nation for the benefit of millions of families. Today, after 75 years into the adventure, we have achieved goals that seemed unattainable, thanks to the efforts and dedication of Mexican talent. During the 75 years GM Mexico has been in operation, the subsidiary has produced 7 million vehicles, 20 million engines, and 4 million transmissions. GM Mexico employs 11,500 direct and about 90,000 indirect employees.”

So it now appears that GM’s goal is to make Mexico prosperous, not the good old US of A! In the same press release, GM heralds its upcoming billion dollar investments in its Mexican plants (versus a $100 million investment in Rochester, New York). It should have saved the Rochester announcement for another day.

GM is no less ambitious with respect to manufacturing in the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Again from GM’s annual report:

“We will continue to grow our business under the Baojin, Jiefang, and Wuling brands. We operate in Chinese markets through a number of joint ventures and maintaining good relations with our joint venture partners, which are affiliated with the Chinese government, is an important part of our Chinese growth strategy.”

Seems like a good match: U.S. Government Motors with China’s “national champions.” Well, Obama likes government-private partnerships. Our GM is now in cahoots with the titans of the Chinese Communist Party.

Forbes Magazine
So let me get this straight...
GM, through MASSIVE mismanagement loss $billions.
It's subsidiaries filed bankruptcy 27 times as a result of such failures.
So twice, the only way GM could remain a business was to take welfare money from taxpayers.
Now...what did taxpayers get in return? They loss their jobs, that's what.
GM took $BILLIONS in bailouts and then systematically moved American jobs overseas.
Only one-third of GM's employees are in America today.
GM got our money, and then fired the very people who gave it to them.

Well lets look at what could have happened without the bailouts.

All the jobs would be in China. Or somewhere else. ALL OF THEM.

Now while that may have been fine for the upper echelon of management, it wouldn't have done anything for the hourly workers.

Being a middle class guy myself and having to work for a living, yep I am glad those jobs (how ever many there were) were saved for the American workers.

To bad you let your party affiliation negatively influence your outlook on Americans and their jobs. I know you are not rich and you probably had to work at some time in your life. But this affiliation with the party of the ultra rich does not serve you or the country very well.
So let me get this straight...
GM, through MASSIVE mismanagement loss $billions.
It's subsidiaries filed bankruptcy 27 times as a result of such failures.
So twice, the only way GM could remain a business was to take welfare money from taxpayers.
Now...what did taxpayers get in return? They loss their jobs, that's what.
GM took $BILLIONS in bailouts and then systematically moved American jobs overseas.
Only one-third of GM's employees are in America today.
GM got our money, and then fired the very people who gave it to them.

Well lets look at what could have happened without the bailouts.

All the jobs would be in China. Or somewhere else. ALL OF THEM.

Now while that may have been fine for the upper echelon of management, it wouldn't have done anything for the hourly workers.

Being a middle class guy myself and having to work for a living, yep I am glad those jobs (how ever many there were) were saved for the American workers.

To bad you let your party affiliation negatively influence your outlook on Americans and their jobs. I know you are not rich and you probably had to work at some time in your life. But this affiliation with the party of the ultra rich does not serve you or the country very well.

Ok, now before this I was thinking you are a reasonable person. You are making me think otherwise. There is absolutely zero indication by my postings that my thoughts are based on political bias. None.
Just because something someone says does not agree with you - does not automatically fall under the category of "therefore political bias".
That means you have a closed mind, preconceived notions otherwise known as idealist.
Now to address your points.
When a company files bankruptcy it does not go out of business. In fact, bankruptcy is specifically designed to SAVE companies and therefore jobs. That is what it is for.
FACT: GM took the taxpayer bailout and DIRECTLY invested that same money into China and Mexico. Period. Inarguable. It is a fact. We all know it.
Secondly, it is questionable if it should even be legal for our government to pick and choose winners and losers. Of which, are almost always for political reasons and not market beneficial.
Let's imagine you own a printing company. Everyday you compete in your market, your competition does the same - but everyone competes in a level playing field.
But hold on - the Government comes along and gives tax abatements, property tax forgiveness, and out right cash, $Millions of it to one company. It goes without saying this gives this company a significant advantage. A significant advantage that will likely result in others going out of business.
You support this? What about the other printers already in business in this market?
Too bad?
I drive a Ford Explorer, my wife drives a Ford Escape, my daughter a Fusion, my son a Jeep.
The last GM car I owned was a Cadillac sts. And by last, I mean last.
I will never buy a GM made car for the rest of my life.
Ford didn't take taxpayer dollars from me, GM did.
I buy Ford.
Ford took my money twice, in the '70's, and left me with piles of shit.

I've never known anyone with a Jeep that did not have it in the shop regularly.

I prefer Toyotas, but, they fancied up their trucks too much, so, I am driving a Chevy "work truck".

I like it a lot.

What is hilarious about the Ford owner is that Chrysler owned Jeep during it's bail out.... Somehow the outrage fades; it always does. When ESPN fired Rush Limbaugh for his racist comments about McNabb, the same losers were talking about boycotting ESPN....you NEVER hear about that any longer.
So let me get this straight...
GM, through MASSIVE mismanagement loss $billions.
It's subsidiaries filed bankruptcy 27 times as a result of such failures.
So twice, the only way GM could remain a business was to take welfare money from taxpayers.
Now...what did taxpayers get in return? They loss their jobs, that's what.
GM took $BILLIONS in bailouts and then systematically moved American jobs overseas.
Only one-third of GM's employees are in America today.
GM got our money, and then fired the very people who gave it to them.
Well lets look at what could have happened without the bailouts.

All the jobs would be in China. Or somewhere else. ALL OF THEM.

Now while that may have been fine for the upper echelon of management, it wouldn't have done anything for the hourly workers.

Being a middle class guy myself and having to work for a living, yep I am glad those jobs (how ever many there were) were saved for the American workers.

To bad you let your party affiliation negatively influence your outlook on Americans and their jobs. I know you are not rich and you probably had to work at some time in your life. But this affiliation with the party of the ultra rich does not serve you or the country very well.
Nope. If GM went under the market would still exist, including the market for American cars. Plus, someone could have bought their equipment and started another company. Even if you were right, if an American company can't compete they deserve to fail.

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