Fellow Conservatives I am entering the battle of my life time

I have worked so hard for so many years to get this blessed land to where she should be. I'm not happy on the day to day as you know over foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and Syria but all in all this government of mine has rocked it.

And I am damn proud of them.

We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I am gone.


New Democratic Party.....?????
We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I'm curious about where you intend to go. What country do you see as providing a conservative haven these days?

And how about others here. Imagine you're damn sure you're leaving the country if (heaven forbid) Hillary is elected. What countries would be atop your list?

Best of luck to you td, hope things go your way.
I am not even sure what I am defending anymore. The kids in this country are being utterly shaped with socialist teachers. The entire public is being shaped by 90% of the entertainment industry. We are pretty much fighting godzilla with a butter knife.

That is the way I am seeing it right now.

Owl, my friend, what i am fighting for and defending my country the way it was when i was born.., plus, the Constitution as it is written, not the convoluted :bsflag: the liberscum have revised it to their fucked up way of new meanings that are NOT there.
I have worked so hard for so many years to get this blessed land to where she should be. I'm not happy on the day to day as you know over foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and Syria but all in all this government of mine has rocked it.

And I am damn proud of them.

We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I am gone.
Where would you go???
Can you provide some names of candidates who are in the NDP?

I need to know who not to vote for
No the NDP is not like the Democrats. The NDP is much further to the left than the Democrats. They're so left wing, I won't vote for them.

I will admit to voting for Jack Layton when he was the Leader of the NDP, but only because Jack was my city councillor in Toronto, and he genuinely believed in serving his constituents. I've never seen another politician like him.

But Harper had to go. He's the worst Prime Minister we've had since Brian Mulroney- not as bad as Mulroney, but not far off. Harper is so obsessed with balancing the budget in an election year, that he cut spending to the point that the country went into a recession this year.

Give me some examples of how it's possible to be to the left of you, Mrs. Mao

To someone like you who is radically right wing, everyone else is to the left of you. You think Obama, who is a center-right policitician, is a communist. Your perspective is completely off-kilter. Steven Harper is a centre right politician too, but in many ways, Obama is to his right. He hasn't prosecuted anyone on Wall Street, raised the minimum wage, nor did he put in single payer health care. His proposed amnesty for illegal immigrants is no different than Reagan's in the 1980's.

I think that balanced budgets are a good thing, but I would cut corporate welfare and military spending before social programs. I think that the treatment of war veterans in both of our countries is shameful in the extreme. These people risked their lives at the behest of the government. They shouldn't have to be begging for donations on TV to get the support and treatment they need.

I think the biggest problem with the education system in the US is that Republicans want to destroy it by any means - starve it, undermine it. Education has been completely politicized in the US. Liberals are not indoctrinating your children, but history and facts don't support the conservative narrative. Conservatives policies caused the Great Depression and the 2008 Recession. Conservative policies have lead to the worst income inequity in the world, and sapped the strength of the US economy. The US is wasting its wealth on foreign wars instead of investing in your country and your people. Infrastructure, research and education, which is Matthew's mantra, is where investment is needed.

The quality of education should be the same throughout the country. Getting a good education shouldn't depend on what neighbourhood you live in. No country can be successful unless all of its children have access to a quality education. If anything, poor children need a better quality of education than the rich, otherwise they hopes of escaping poverty are slim and none.

America used to be a great nation - the land of opportunity. Now, even the opportunity to get ahead is being lost. The youth of today will be hard pressed to live as well as their parents, especially given that today's college grads are being saddled with massive debt upon leaving school. How can you buy a house, a car and start a family with a 30K student loan?
No the NDP is not like the Democrats. The NDP is much further to the left than the Democrats. They're so left wing, I won't vote for them.

I will admit to voting for Jack Layton when he was the Leader of the NDP, but only because Jack was my city councillor in Toronto, and he genuinely believed in serving his constituents. I've never seen another politician like him.

But Harper had to go. He's the worst Prime Minister we've had since Brian Mulroney- not as bad as Mulroney, but not far off. Harper is so obsessed with balancing the budget in an election year, that he cut spending to the point that the country went into a recession this year.

Give me some examples of how it's possible to be to the left of you, Mrs. Mao

How can you buy a house, a car and start a family with a 30K student loan?

We did it with more than 90K in loan debt. 30K? Pffft that's nothing
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!
Yes... the reaction of those who either (1) desire a Nanny State or (2) would not mind the emergence of one, overly much - right?

I agree with you that rrraging rrrrighties want the nanny state...

Put down the bottle boy its too early:slap: I don't think all that alcohol is good for the vioce. Maybe you can retire move back to the states and became a Hillary groupie
No the NDP is not like the Democrats. The NDP is much further to the left than the Democrats. They're so left wing, I won't vote for them.

I will admit to voting for Jack Layton when he was the Leader of the NDP, but only because Jack was my city councillor in Toronto, and he genuinely believed in serving his constituents. I've never seen another politician like him.

But Harper had to go. He's the worst Prime Minister we've had since Brian Mulroney- not as bad as Mulroney, but not far off. Harper is so obsessed with balancing the budget in an election year, that he cut spending to the point that the country went into a recession this year.

Give me some examples of how it's possible to be to the left of you, Mrs. Mao

To someone like you who is radically right wing, everyone else is to the left of you. You think Obama, who is a center-right policitician, is a communist. Your perspective is completely off-kilter. Steven Harper is a centre right politician too, but in many ways, Obama is to his right. He hasn't prosecuted anyone on Wall Street, raised the minimum wage, nor did he put in single payer health care. His proposed amnesty for illegal immigrants is no different than Reagan's in the 1980's.

I think that balanced budgets are a good thing, but I would cut corporate welfare and military spending before social programs. I think that the treatment of war veterans in both of our countries is shameful in the extreme. These people risked their lives at the behest of the government. They shouldn't have to be begging for donations on TV to get the support and treatment they need.

I think the biggest problem with the education system in the US is that Republicans want to destroy it by any means - starve it, undermine it. Education has been completely politicized in the US. Liberals are not indoctrinating your children, but history and facts don't support the conservative narrative. Conservatives policies caused the Great Depression and the 2008 Recession. Conservative policies have lead to the worst income inequity in the world, and sapped the strength of the US economy. The US is wasting its wealth on foreign wars instead of investing in your country and your people. Infrastructure, research and education, which is Matthew's mantra, is where investment is needed.

The quality of education should be the same throughout the country. Getting a good education shouldn't depend on what neighbourhood you live in. No country can be successful unless all of its children have access to a quality education. If anything, poor children need a better quality of education than the rich, otherwise they hopes of escaping poverty are slim and none.

America used to be a great nation - the land of opportunity. Now, even the opportunity to get ahead is being lost. The youth of today will be hard pressed to live as well as their parents, especially given that today's college grads are being saddled with massive debt upon leaving school. How can you buy a house, a car and start a family with a 30K student loan?

I'm not "right wing" I'm libertarian. Also, you didn't answer the question. How could anyone be to the left of you?

And Obama center right, now that was funny
No the NDP is not like the Democrats. The NDP is much further to the left than the Democrats. They're so left wing, I won't vote for them.

I will admit to voting for Jack Layton when he was the Leader of the NDP, but only because Jack was my city councillor in Toronto, and he genuinely believed in serving his constituents. I've never seen another politician like him.

But Harper had to go. He's the worst Prime Minister we've had since Brian Mulroney- not as bad as Mulroney, but not far off. Harper is so obsessed with balancing the budget in an election year, that he cut spending to the point that the country went into a recession this year.

Give me some examples of how it's possible to be to the left of you, Mrs. Mao

How can you buy a house, a car and start a family with a 30K student loan?

We did it with more than 90K in loan debt. 30K? Pffft that's nothing

Yes, i had $80K in loans
No the NDP is not like the Democrats. The NDP is much further to the left than the Democrats. They're so left wing, I won't vote for them.

I will admit to voting for Jack Layton when he was the Leader of the NDP, but only because Jack was my city councillor in Toronto, and he genuinely believed in serving his constituents. I've never seen another politician like him.

But Harper had to go. He's the worst Prime Minister we've had since Brian Mulroney- not as bad as Mulroney, but not far off. Harper is so obsessed with balancing the budget in an election year, that he cut spending to the point that the country went into a recession this year.

Give me some examples of how it's possible to be to the left of you, Mrs. Mao

To someone like you who is radically right wing, everyone else is to the left of you. You think Obama, who is a center-right policitician, is a communist. Your perspective is completely off-kilter.

Then can you explain why the US Communist Party supported DumBama for both his elections? Can you explain how they wrote praise pieces in their newsletter on his policies--particularly his views on gun ownership in this country? Can you explain the overwhelming support he got from world dictators before his reelection?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....................

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