Fellow Conservatives I am entering the battle of my life time

No the NDP is not like the Democrats. The NDP is much further to the left than the Democrats. They're so left wing, I won't vote for them.

I will admit to voting for Jack Layton when he was the Leader of the NDP, but only because Jack was my city councillor in Toronto, and he genuinely believed in serving his constituents. I've never seen another politician like him.

But Harper had to go. He's the worst Prime Minister we've had since Brian Mulroney- not as bad as Mulroney, but not far off. Harper is so obsessed with balancing the budget in an election year, that he cut spending to the point that the country went into a recession this year.

Give me some examples of how it's possible to be to the left of you, Mrs. Mao

How can you buy a house, a car and start a family with a 30K student loan?

We did it with more than 90K in loan debt. 30K? Pffft that's nothing

Yes, i had $80K in loans

Maybe if these students were getting degrees in other than fields such as Art History or other worthless majors
No the NDP is not like the Democrats. The NDP is much further to the left than the Democrats. They're so left wing, I won't vote for them.

I will admit to voting for Jack Layton when he was the Leader of the NDP, but only because Jack was my city councillor in Toronto, and he genuinely believed in serving his constituents. I've never seen another politician like him.

But Harper had to go. He's the worst Prime Minister we've had since Brian Mulroney- not as bad as Mulroney, but not far off. Harper is so obsessed with balancing the budget in an election year, that he cut spending to the point that the country went into a recession this year.

Give me some examples of how it's possible to be to the left of you, Mrs. Mao

To someone like you who is radically right wing, everyone else is to the left of you. You think Obama, who is a center-right policitician, is a communist. Your perspective is completely off-kilter.

Then can you explain why the US Communist Party supported DumBama for both his elections? Can you explain how they wrote praise pieces in their newsletter on his policies--particularly his views on gun ownership in this country? Can you explain the overwhelming support he got from world dictators before his reelection?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....................
One, prove it. Two, show why it is important.
No the NDP is not like the Democrats. The NDP is much further to the left than the Democrats. They're so left wing, I won't vote for them.

I will admit to voting for Jack Layton when he was the Leader of the NDP, but only because Jack was my city councillor in Toronto, and he genuinely believed in serving his constituents. I've never seen another politician like him.

But Harper had to go. He's the worst Prime Minister we've had since Brian Mulroney- not as bad as Mulroney, but not far off. Harper is so obsessed with balancing the budget in an election year, that he cut spending to the point that the country went into a recession this year.

Give me some examples of how it's possible to be to the left of you, Mrs. Mao

To someone like you who is radically right wing, everyone else is to the left of you. You think Obama, who is a center-right policitician, is a communist. Your perspective is completely off-kilter.

Then can you explain why the US Communist Party supported DumBama for both his elections? Can you explain how they wrote praise pieces in their newsletter on his policies--particularly his views on gun ownership in this country? Can you explain the overwhelming support he got from world dictators before his reelection?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....................

He's gone down the path towards socialized medicine, expanded government control over energy and financial services, the typical Marxist path to controlling an economy
kaz, no he has not.

Can you define socialism and apply it to this administration?

Can you define marxism and apply it to this administration?

Can you define personality disorder and apply it to you?
No the NDP is not like the Democrats. The NDP is much further to the left than the Democrats. They're so left wing, I won't vote for them.

I will admit to voting for Jack Layton when he was the Leader of the NDP, but only because Jack was my city councillor in Toronto, and he genuinely believed in serving his constituents. I've never seen another politician like him.

But Harper had to go. He's the worst Prime Minister we've had since Brian Mulroney- not as bad as Mulroney, but not far off. Harper is so obsessed with balancing the budget in an election year, that he cut spending to the point that the country went into a recession this year.

Give me some examples of how it's possible to be to the left of you, Mrs. Mao

To someone like you who is radically right wing, everyone else is to the left of you. You think Obama, who is a center-right policitician, is a communist. Your perspective is completely off-kilter.

Then can you explain why the US Communist Party supported DumBama for both his elections? Can you explain how they wrote praise pieces in their newsletter on his policies--particularly his views on gun ownership in this country? Can you explain the overwhelming support he got from world dictators before his reelection?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....................
One, prove it. Two, show why it is important.

Accuses GOP of 'racism, lies, economic sabotage'
Published: 08/03/2011 at 9:37 PM
Read more at Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years

Dictators across globe want 4 more years
Published: 10/21/2012 at 10:05 PM
Read more at Chavez, Castro, Putin endorse Obama

Communist Party USA celebrates Obama's re-election
November 9, 2012 9:31 AM MST

Communist Party USA celebrates Obama's re-election
New democrats have tried to ruin the Country before and no doubt they will continue trying but the U.S. is still the greatest Country in the world. Minions of the NDP ridicule the Tea Party because they hate fear well informed citizens
Let us hope so.

Bernie!!! Bernie!!! Bernie!!!

Bernie is the ONLY honest candidate and the ONLY candidate who doesn't take PAC money or Dark Money of any kind.

Only contributions from individuals.

He is the only one who has spent years in Congress / Politics without using his position to become a multi-millionaire and that includes the Ice Queen.

He is a POPULIST which means he works for the PEOPLE not CORPORATIONS.


When the socialists took over the democrat party they became the NDP which if Sanders wins the primary you may well see that here as well.
New democrats have tried to ruin the Country before and no doubt they will continue trying but the U.S. is still the greatest Country in the world. Minions of the NDP ridicule the Tea Party because they hate fear well informed citizens
I'm not "right wing" I'm libertarian.

So.....you're left wing?

you forgot the rim shot

I'm not sure if you are trying to be funny or you are just stupid, please elaborate

I'm trying to clarify your view of politics. You said you are a libertarian. So, where does that fall on the spectrum? Right, left, or center?

Fiscal - right
Social - left
Military - left

Seriously, you don't know that? Though the difference in fiscal policy between us and Republicans is we mean it. And the difference between us and the left on social and military policies is we mean it.

here you go:

What is a small government libertarian? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I have worked so hard for so many years to get this blessed land to where she should be. I'm not happy on the day to day as you know over foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and Syria but all in all this government of mine has rocked it.

And I am damn proud of them.

We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I am gone.

If you don't like the NDP then try the YMCA. Or maybe you are ready for the NWA in the GOP. Or the FAO or maybe even FAO Schwarz. FEMA may be able to help though not through the previous POTUS.

Above all avoid CFIT. Very nasty headache afterwards to say the least.

In any case we bid you fairwell and good sailing mon frère. Watch out for the horse latitudes and Faust's Lake Superior.
I have worked so hard for so many years to get this blessed land to where she should be. I'm not happy on the day to day as you know over foreign policy regarding the Ukraine and Syria but all in all this government of mine has rocked it.

And I am damn proud of them.

We have a choice up and coming and if all the voters have lost their fucking minds and vote in a radical NDP I will now leave my country.

I am gone.
Where you gonna go?
I'm not "right wing" I'm libertarian.

So.....you're left wing?

you forgot the rim shot

I'm not sure if you are trying to be funny or you are just stupid, please elaborate

I'm trying to clarify your view of politics. You said you are a libertarian. So, where does that fall on the spectrum? Right, left, or center?

Fiscal - right
Social - left
Military - left

Seriously, you don't know that? Though the difference in fiscal policy between us and Republicans is we mean it. And the difference between us and the left on social and military policies is we mean it.

here you go:

What is a small government libertarian? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
ROFLMAO republicans mean it fiscally...ROFLMAO...lie more please.Only difference between republicans and democrats fiscally is what they want to spend the money on.
I'm not "right wing" I'm libertarian.

So.....you're left wing?

you forgot the rim shot

I'm not sure if you are trying to be funny or you are just stupid, please elaborate

I'm trying to clarify your view of politics. You said you are a libertarian. So, where does that fall on the spectrum? Right, left, or center?

Fiscal - right
Social - left
Military - left

Seriously, you don't know that? Though the difference in fiscal policy between us and Republicans is we mean it. And the difference between us and the left on social and military policies is we mean it.

here you go:

What is a small government libertarian? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
ROFLMAO republicans mean it fiscally...ROFLMAO...lie more please.Only difference between republicans and democrats fiscally is what they want to spend the money on.

You can't read, retard. I said republicans don't mean it fiscally
So.....you're left wing?

you forgot the rim shot

I'm not sure if you are trying to be funny or you are just stupid, please elaborate

I'm trying to clarify your view of politics. You said you are a libertarian. So, where does that fall on the spectrum? Right, left, or center?

Fiscal - right
Social - left
Military - left

Seriously, you don't know that? Though the difference in fiscal policy between us and Republicans is we mean it. And the difference between us and the left on social and military policies is we mean it.

here you go:

What is a small government libertarian? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
ROFLMAO republicans mean it fiscally...ROFLMAO...lie more please.Only difference between republicans and democrats fiscally is what they want to spend the money on.

You can't read, retard. I said republicans don't mean it fiscally
Neither party means it. Like I said its just what they want to spend it on that changes. I am actually more with the left there....more social things for citizens and less war mongering.
you forgot the rim shot

I'm not sure if you are trying to be funny or you are just stupid, please elaborate

I'm trying to clarify your view of politics. You said you are a libertarian. So, where does that fall on the spectrum? Right, left, or center?

Fiscal - right
Social - left
Military - left

Seriously, you don't know that? Though the difference in fiscal policy between us and Republicans is we mean it. And the difference between us and the left on social and military policies is we mean it.

here you go:

What is a small government libertarian? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
ROFLMAO republicans mean it fiscally...ROFLMAO...lie more please.Only difference between republicans and democrats fiscally is what they want to spend the money on.

You can't read, retard. I said republicans don't mean it fiscally
Neither party means it. Like I said its just what they want to spend it on that changes. I am actually more with the left there....more social things for citizens and less war mongering.

That's what I said. We mean it, neither party does. I said I'm with Republicans on fiscal, but I mean it, they don't. I'm with the left on social and military, but I mean it, they don't. What is wrong with you? Can you not read at all?

And no duh you agree with the left more, you always agree with them

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