FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

so basically you have no pictures of a concrete core.

Correct, because your masters, the infiltrators of the US government and perpetrators of mass murder on 9-11 TOOK THE images from the archives. Just like they TOOK the video from PBS I viewed in 1990 that makes it possible for me to identify the structural elements seen in 9-11 images.

Accordingly, I use images from 9-11 that show concrete and an EMPTY core area which proves concrete and DISPROVES the steel core columns in one move.

Here is proof the video DID exist in the PBS archives. Dr Ron Larsen Ph.d updates his search for the video on his web radio show in 2007.

my masters? who would they be? be specific please. i would not want to be embarrassed by not knowing who my masters are if we should ever meet for the first time. you realize how delusional this is, right? what does your psychiatrist think about all this? certainly someone as mentally delusional as you is under the care of professionals.

you cant identify the structural elements because they didnt ever exist. it has noting to do with a video only you have ever seen (apparently). it has nothing to do with men in black ripping pages from published books or checking each and every picture on the internet to see if it is of the wtc then to see if there is any pictures of concrete in the pictures. its all in your head, dude.

seriously. get help. you need it.
"Skyscraper". Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology. Oxford University Press. p. 322. ISBN 0-19-869138-6.

"Modern skyscrapers such as the World Trade Center, New York, have steel and concrete hull-and-core structures. The central core–a reinforced concrete tower–contains lift shafts, staircases, and vertical ducts."

you realize that they are not talking specifically about WTC and making a general statement, right? you do understand english?

they do have steel structures. they do have concrete structures. they are SKYSCRAPERS not specifically the WTC. :cuckoo:
"Skyscraper". Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology. Oxford University Press. p. 322. ISBN 0-19-869138-6.

"Modern skyscrapers such as the World Trade Center, New York, have steel and concrete hull-and-core structures. The central core–a reinforced concrete tower–contains lift shafts, staircases, and vertical ducts."

you realize that they are not talking specifically about WTC and making a general statement, right? you do understand english?

they do have steel structures. they do have concrete structures. they are SKYSCRAPERS not specifically the WTC. :cuckoo:

This makes it specific.

MSNBC - ‘Painful and Horrible’

Says engineer Robertson, “If they had fallen down immediately, the death counts would have been unimaginable,” he says. “The World Trade Center has performed admirably, and everyone involved in the project should be proud.” The buildings were designed specifically to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707, the largest plane flying in 1966, the year they broke ground on the project.

This specifically shows the concrete.

one more time.......

this is what a concrete core looks like under construction. notice the concrete is in place first before the rest of the structure is built around it.

this is the STEEL core being built at the world trade center. notice the steel core is in place first before the rest of the structure is built around it.
085840/http://msnbc.msn.com/id/3069641/]MSNBC - ‘Painful and Horrible’[/url]

Says engineer Robertson, “If they had fallen down immediately, the death counts would have been unimaginable,” he says. “The World Trade Center has performed admirably, and everyone involved in the project should be proud.” The buildings were designed specifically to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707, the largest plane flying in 1966, the year they broke ground on the project.

This specifically shows the concrete.

i know you are delusional and you see concrete in the picture you just posted (even though there is no concrete there). i am wondering if you see concrete in your quote by robertson even though it isnt there. :cuckoo:
so basically you have no pictures of a concrete core.

Correct, because your masters, the infiltrators of the US government and perpetrators of mass murder on 9-11 TOOK THE images from the archives. Just like they TOOK the video from PBS I viewed in 1990 that makes it possible for me to identify the structural elements seen in 9-11 images.

Accordingly, I use images from 9-11 that show concrete and an EMPTY core area which proves concrete and DISPROVES the steel core columns in one move.

Here is proof the video DID exist in the PBS archives. Dr Ron Larsen Ph.d updates his search for the video on his web radio show in 2007.

my masters? who would they be? be specific please.

The perpetrators of mass murder who killed 3,000 people in 20 seconds,


They benefit from your un evidenced support of lies.

These people lose.

The perpetrators of mass murder who killed 3,000 people in 20 seconds,

They benefit from your un evidenced support of lies.

you think i work for al-qeda?!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaahaha!!!! :lol: :cuckoo:

doing massive amounts of research for fucktards like him is nothing but a waste of your time
he ignores the facts and stays with his faith in something that wasnt there
yeah. i hide them in my underwear drawer.

you;re a jackass.... :lol:

How can you say who brought the building down if you cannot even credibly define the structures of the buildings?

did you happen to notice the two big fucking AIRPLANES that flew into the towers? :cuckoo:

or were they cement too?
no shit, the nature of the core doesnt change the fact that the buildings were brought down because of the attacks
and i dont care what the fuck this moron claims, i know it for a fact since i knew that BEFORE the attacks
How can you say who brought the building down if you cannot even credibly define the structures of the buildings?

did you happen to notice the two big fucking AIRPLANES that flew into the towers? :cuckoo:

or were they cement too?
no shit, the nature of the core doesnt change the fact that the buildings were brought down because of the attacks
and i dont care what the fuck this moron claims, i know it for a fact since i knew that BEFORE the attacks

No evidence agent. Null post.
No evidence agent. Null post.

holy fuck!!!

you are complaining about somebody else not having evidence?!! :lol:

this thread is almost 2,800 posts long of people asking for evidence of your concrete core and you have yet t oshow any!!! :cuckoo:
did you happen to notice the two big fucking AIRPLANES that flew into the towers? :cuckoo:

or were they cement too?
no shit, the nature of the core doesnt change the fact that the buildings were brought down because of the attacks
and i dont care what the fuck this moron claims, i know it for a fact since i knew that BEFORE the attacks

No evidence agent. Null post.
evidence has been posted, and anyone with a functioning brain has seen and believes it
that leaves you out
you, the only one of of billions of people on planet earth that thinks the WTC had concrete core

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