FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core


guess what i found..


High Time - Newsweek.com
yes, a different more well informed reporter

And his sources?

It's is clear that there is some later subterfuge and dumbing down without the veracity of the September 13, 2001 article where the building engineer is interviewed. Then images of 9-11 confirm the concrete core as it appears exactly as it should.

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guess what i found..


High Time - Newsweek.com
yes, a different more well informed reporter

And his sources?

It's is clear that there is some later subterfuge and dumbing down without the veracity of the September 13, 2001 article where the building engineer is interviewed. Then images of 9-11 confirm the concrete core as it appears exactly as it should.

he never said that and denies he did
the reporter got it WRONG, just as you do
and your image no more shows concrete than it shows blue cheese
209 pages...

why bother anymore?

Clearly, you're never going to agree and noone's going to convinve anyone.

move one...
yes, a different more well informed reporter

And his sources?

It's is clear that there is some later subterfuge and dumbing down without the veracity of the September 13, 2001 article where the building engineer is interviewed. Then images of 9-11 confirm the concrete core as it appears exactly as it should.

he never said that and denies he did
the reporter got it WRONG

Such a statement needs reasoning to support that Newsweeek made an error when 3,000 innocent people are killed and you have not provided that.

The concrete core looks exactly as expected even in the remnants seen standing before the towers are completely destroyed.


You have completely failed to provide any image showing the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 and you have also failed to provide any verifying statements that do not lead back to FEMA.

You've also failed to recognize the violations of law that enable the deception when the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding.
☭proletarian☭;1834011 said:
209 pages...

why bother anymore?

Clearly, you're never going to agree and noone's going to convinve anyone.

move one...

agent diviot cannot agree because he has a directive. I have actual evidence that needs to be constantly visible in order for constitutional due process to ever be provided.
agent diviot cannot agree because he has a directive. I have actual evidence that needs to be constantly visible in order for constitutional due process to ever be provided.

the only evidence you have provided is the evidence that you are completely out of your fucking mind.

oh, and that you are a deadbeat dad that abandoned his children.
agent diviot cannot agree because he has a directive. I have actual evidence that needs to be constantly visible in order for constitutional due process to ever be provided.

the only evidence you have provided is the evidence that you are completely out of your fucking mind.

Of course that is what the perpetrators would want people to think of my information which differes frmo the official information of the core structure as is represented here,


BTW, that is the ONLY official depiction that exists of the core of 2 of the tallest buildings in the world..

Do not consider your usual lie traitor. There are no other depictions the publci can access except those taken from NYC offices by the ex NYC mayor who took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding. You, agent divot and agent kaiser have told that lie a few time and have never produced anthing to support the lie.

On 9-11, the only core visible is this. WTC 2 core with all of the exterior steel gone.


oh, and that you are a deadbeat dad that abandoned his children.

Of course the perpetrators of mass murder would have their agents attacking the messenger. Particularly so IF the message was crucial to their deceptions exposure.

I've addressed your BS accusatons (all agents working together) and efforts in the psyops you participate in by working to create "emotional reasoning, a "cognitive distortion". Something encouraged by crap television as a real mode of communication and thinking for at least 2 decades.


I've shown you that the courts are deadbeat and the county of santa barbara is a deadbeat for not showing on subpoeana invoking estopple.


But you work for the perpetrators and do not care about lawful government or the healing that the victims families need OR that which will protect America.

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this is a concrete core.

this is the STEEL core being built at the world trade center.

and this is what the people that were actually at ground zero thinkin of your fucking crazy ideas so dont even think about saying you represent the families

now got off your fucking ass. get a job and take care of your fucking children for the first time in your life.
agent diviot cannot agree because he has a directive. I have actual evidence that needs to be constantly visible in order for constitutional due process to ever be provided.

the only evidence you have provided is the evidence that you are completely out of your fucking mind.

Of course that is what the perpetrators would want people to think of my information which differes frmo the official information of the core structure as is represented here,

BTW, that is the ONLY official depiction that exists of the core of 2 of the tallest buildings in the world..

Do not consider your usual lie traitor. There are no other depictions the publci can access except those taken from NYC offices by the ex NYC mayor who took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding. You and and agent divot and agent kaiser have told that lies a few timeand have never produced anthing to support the lie.

On 9-11, the only core visible is this. WTC 2 core with all of the exterior steel gone.

oh, and that you are a deadbeat dad that abandoned his children.

Of course the perpetrators of mass murder would have their agents attacking the messenger. Particularly so IF the message was crucial to their deceptions exposure.

I've addressed your BS accusatons and efforts in the psyops you participate in by working to create "emotional reasoning, a "cognitive distortion". Something encouraged by crap television as a real mode of communication and thinking for at least 2 decades.


I've shown you that the courts are deadbeat and the county of santa barbara is a deadbeat for not showing on subpoeana invoking estopple.


But you work for the perpetrators and do not care about lawful government or the healing that the victims families need OR that which will protect America.
yeah, sure, that's the ONLY evidence on the construction of the WTC
the blueprints don't exist

what a dumbfuck you are
the only evidence you have provided is the evidence that you are completely out of your fucking mind.

Of course that is what the perpetrators would want people to think of my information which differes from the official information of the core structure as is represented here,


BTW, that is the ONLY official depiction that exists of the core of 2 of the tallest buildings in the world..

Do not consider your usual lie traitor. There are no other depictions the publci can access except those taken from NYC offices by the ex NYC mayor who took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding. You and and agent divot and agent kaiser have told that lies a few timeand have never produced anthing to support the lie.

On 9-11, the only core visible is this. WTC 2 core with all of the exterior steel gone.


oh, and that you are a deadbeat dad that abandoned his children.

Of course the perpetrators of mass murder would have their agents attacking the messenger. Particularly so IF the message was crucial to their deceptions exposure.

I've addressed your BS accusatons and efforts in the psyops you participate in by working to create "emotional reasoning, a "cognitive distortion". Something encouraged by crap television as a real mode of communication and thinking for at least 2 decades.


I've shown you that the courts are deadbeat and the county of santa barbara is a deadbeat for not showing on subpoeana invoking estopple.


But you work for the perpetrators and do not care about lawful government or the healing that the victims families need OR that which will protect America.
yeah, sure, that's the ONLY evidence on the construction of the WTC
the blueprints don't exist

what a dumbfuck you are

Hmmm more cognitive distortions. An "Over generalization", the blueprints or plans, do exist, ............ but they were taken by guiliani and he put them in his fortress as you refuse to acknowledge enabled the FEMA deception.


Our concern is based on the following facts, as we understand them. On or about December 24, 2001, Commissioner George Rios, on behalf of the City of New York and/or the Department of Records and Information Services of the City of New York, entered into a contract with the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc., signed by Saul Cohen, President, concerning the records of the mayoralty of Rudolph Giuliani. The records are said to include appointment books, cabinet meeting audiotapes, e-mails, telephone logs, advance and briefing memos, correspondence, transition materials, and private schedules, as well as Mr. Giuliani�s departmental, travel, event, subject, and Gracie Mansion files. Giuliani's "World Trade Center files"

Rudy Giuliani has spent a lifetime dictating his own legend. When he was U.S. attorney in Manhattan, he abruptly ended the longtime practice of publishing annual reports, making reporters and others utterly dependent on his version of how productive the office was. And now, while peddling the story of his mayoralty for millions to publishers and moviemakers, he's gained exclusive control over a public record ordinarily available to all.

Gabe Pressman, the city's greatest television newsman, did an op-ed piece in the Times last week celebrating Bloomberg's destruction of Giuliani's eight-year stonewall. As accurate as this piece may prove to be about Bloomberg, it failed to note that the wall around Giuliani's public life has only relocated to a fortress in Queens. Giuliani does not trust the Bloomberg administration to resist FOIL requests for him, nor does he trust the charter to safeguard his myth. He will shape it himself for profit, laundering the people's papers through his own cadre of mercenaries and true believers, leaving for the public eye only what he sees fit.

And he was probably paid to take the documents

Rudy's Ties to a Terror Sheikh
Giuliani's business contracts tie him to the man who let 9/11's mastermind escape the FBI
by Wayne Barrett
November 27th, 2007 3:39 PM
Illustration by Wes Duvall
Special reporting by Samuel Rubenfeld and additional research by Adrienne Gaffney and Danielle Schiffman
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Three weeks after 9/11, when the roar of fighter jets still haunted the city's skyline, the emir of gas-rich Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah al-Thani, toured Ground Zero. Although a member of the emir's own royal family had harbored the man who would later be identified as the mastermind of the attack—a man named Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, often referred to in intelligence circles by his initials, KSM—al-Thani rushed to New York in its aftermath, offering to make a $3 million donation, principally to the families of its victims. Rudy Giuliani, apparently unaware of what the FBI and CIA had long known about Qatari links to Al Qaeda, appeared on CNN with al-Thani that night and vouched for the emir when Larry King asked the mayor: "You are a friend of his, are you not?"
"We had a very good meeting yesterday. Very good," said Giuliani, adding that he was "very, very grateful" for al-Thani's generosity.
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So his children might be threatened again with the secret methods of mass murder used on 9-11?

you have some fucking nerve to bring up children. what the fuck have you ever done in your entire life for children? you wont even support your own fucking children you fucking deadbeat!!

you lazy ass motherfucker. you want to bring up the victims families and you dont even take care of your own family. you are one of the most disgusting things on earth. nothing compares to not taking care of your very own children.

your deserve to have someone shove a boot so far up your ass that you can taste it.
give it a fucking rest, dipshit

So his children might be threatened again with the secret methods of mass murder used on 9-11?
like you give a shit about anyones children, you fucking DEADBEAT

So you are suggesting that the children of America live in a lawless society where they have no rights and if my rights are deprived when I seek lawful performance in record keeping by courts, and because of that I'm deprived of income and information needed for medical care, I should pay what I cannot when I cannot and the infiltrated goverment ignores regulation, law, duty, oaths and kills us by the thousands, I should not try to save Constitutional due process perfromed in a case of 3,000 murders in order to prevent the same lethal threat to mine, and all children?

Or do you suggest that you should be able to ignore the 3,000 murders altogether that do not have an accurate cause of death, as if they do not matter, and just leave it out of the discussion?
So his children might be threatened again with the secret methods of mass murder used on 9-11?
like you give a shit about anyones children, you fucking DEADBEAT

So you are suggesting that the children of America live in a lawless society where they have no rights and if my rights are deprived when I seek lawful performance in record keeping by courts, and because of that I'm deprived of income and information needed for medical care, I should pay what I cannot when I cannot and the infiltrated goverment ignores regulation, law, duty, oaths and kills us by the thousands, I should not try to save Constitutional due process perfromed in a case of 3,000 murders in order to prevent the same lethal threat to mine, and all children?

Or do you suggest that you should be able to ignore the 3,000 murders altogether that do not have an accurate cause of death, as if they do not matter, and just leave it out of the discussion?

no. i am suggesting that you are a lazy fucking deadbeat dad who didnt even cvare for his own children. you have no business spreading your lies about 9/11 when you cant even take care of your own kids.


excuses, excuses, excuses. your life is full of excuses. you have excuses for everything and everything is everyone elses fault.

i cant pay my child support. its not my fault.
i cant pay taxes and i work under the table. its not my fault.
i cant keep a job. its not my fault.
i cant see a doctor because i dont have a paper from 1876. its not my fault.
i dont have a paper from 1876 because its a big fucking comspiracy to keep me from having a job. its not my fault.

WAKE UP JACKASS. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!! get off your lazy ass and get a job. pay your fucking child support.
So his children might be threatened again with the secret methods of mass murder used on 9-11?
like you give a shit about anyones children, you fucking DEADBEAT

So you are suggesting that the children of America live in a lawless society where they have no rights and if my rights are deprived when I seek lawful performance in record keeping by courts, and because of that I'm deprived of income and information needed for medical care, I should pay what I cannot when I cannot and the infiltrated goverment ignores regulation, law, duty, oaths and kills us by the thousands, I should not try to save Constitutional due process perfromed in a case of 3,000 murders in order to prevent the same lethal threat to mine, and all children?

Or do you suggest that you should be able to ignore the 3,000 murders altogether that do not have an accurate cause of death, as if they do not matter, and just leave it out of the discussion?
no one is ignoring the murders you dumbfuck
we already know who killed them and how
only you, you delusional dipshit think its more than what it is
like you give a shit about anyones children, you fucking DEADBEAT

So you are suggesting that the children of America live in a lawless society where they have no rights and if my rights are deprived when I seek lawful performance in record keeping by courts, wherein I'm deprived of income and information needed for medical care, that I should pay what I cannot when I cannot and the infiltrated goverment ignores regulation, law, duty, oaths and kills us by the thousands should be enabled, while I should not try to see Constitutional due process perfromed in a case of 3,000 murders in order to prevent the same lethal threat to mine, and all children?

Or do you suggest that you should be able to ignore the 3,000 murders altogether that do not have an accurate cause of death, as if they do not matter, and just leave it out of the discussion?
no one is ignoring the murders you dumbfuck
we already know who killed them and how
only you, you delusional dipshit think its more than what it is

No, we don't know that and the fact that THIS is the only official depiction of the core structure proves it.

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