FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Are you saying that gypsum stands uniformly solid leaving a smooth rounded top after hundreds of thousands of tons of heavy steel structure crashed over?

no. and thats why it is turning to dust as you stated earlier. :cuckoo:

your image is from the west. the sun was shining from the east. therfore you are looking through the smoke towards the sun. of course you are not going to see any detail looking at the unilluminated part!!

here is what the other side looks like, jackass.


That is seconds before from the south. The particualate has fallen in this later image.


In silhouette we would see the major structural steel you claim existed was in the core, protruding out the top. WE can see the uniform round shape of the top. Gypsum will not do that after hundrds of thousands of tons of steel has crashed over it.

That steel inside and outside the core would make holes in the gypsum and rip long vertical slashes of gypsum away.

Here we see what can only be rebar.


The core to the right of it is empty. Where are the supposed steel core columns with their many interconnecting diagonal braces? If we do not see them under these conditions, they clearly did not exist. Just as the lead engineer identified a concrete core not steel core columns on
September 13, 2001.

first of all, as you have been shown repeatedly, the lead engineer says STEEL CORE. the reporter in your interview is the one that says concrete core. you are blatantly lying when you say the lead engineer says it was a concrete core!!!

further proof of your delusions. you see things that are not there. you claim your photo shows rebar just a few inches thick from miles away across the river. that would be like trying to see what color hats the people in the picture are wearing. what hats? you cant even see the people on the boat that is probably about half the distance to the WTC site.

you also are saying that the gypsum and steel structure that is clearly visible in my picture, taken within seconds if not the exact same time as your picture, would suddenly fall away or disappear or some other stupid shit. the entire structure is FALLING. it is COLLAPSING. its all going to fall at basically the same speed no matter if it is gypsum, steel or concrete. its not going to all seperate neatly and fall away showing a concrete core even if there was one.

dude, you are extremely delusional and need professional help. you see things that arent there. you have no proof of a concrete core. none. nobody else looks at your pictures and sees the same things that you see. even people that believe the towers were blown up think you are nuts. :cuckoo:
no. and thats why it is turning to dust as you stated earlier. :cuckoo:

your image is from the west. the sun was shining from the east. therfore you are looking through the smoke towards the sun. of course you are not going to see any detail looking at the unilluminated part!!

here is what the other side looks like, jackass.


That is seconds before from the south. The particualate has fallen in this later image.


In silhouette we would see the major structural steel you claim existed was in the core, protruding out the top. WE can see the uniform round shape of the top. Gypsum will not do that after hundrds of thousands of tons of steel has crashed over it.

That steel inside and outside the core would make holes in the gypsum and rip long vertical slashes of gypsum away.

Here we see what can only be rebar.


The core to the right of it is empty. Where are the supposed steel core columns with their many interconnecting diagonal braces? If we do not see them under these conditions, they clearly did not exist. Just as the lead engineer identified a concrete core not steel core columns on
September 13, 2001.

first of all, as you have been shown repeatedly, the lead engineer says STEEL CORE. the reporter in your interview is the one that says concrete core.

You've not shown once that Leslie Robertson identifies a steel core. The reporter of the September 13, 2001 gets the information of the article from Leslie Robertson and the article is about Robertson. All images from 9-11 show an empty core area surrounded with concrete.

You support secret methods of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution. Done deal.
You've not shown once that Leslie Robertson identifies a steel core. The reporter of the September 13, 2001 gets the information of the article from Leslie Robertson and the article is about Robertson. All images from 9-11 show an empty core area surrounded with concrete.

You support secret methods of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution. Done deal.

the mistake by the reporter in your newsweek article, done two days after 9/11, was corrected in the later newsweek artcicle here. High Time - Newsweek.com

you are a disgusting individual that lies about the events of 9/11 just to attempt to sell books and make money.

get a real job and pay your child support DEADBEAT!!! :cuckoo:
You've not shown once that Leslie Robertson identifies a steel core. The reporter of the September 13, 2001 gets the information of the article from Leslie Robertson and the article is about Robertson. All images from 9-11 show an empty core area surrounded with concrete.

You support secret methods of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution. Done deal.

the mistake by the reporter in your newsweek article, done two days after 9/11, was corrected in the later newsweek artcicle here. High Time - Newsweek.com

The article does not state it is a correction and cites no sources. The Newsweek article is about Robertson and the Towers. Robertson is an authority.

you are a disgusting individual that lies about the events of 9/11 just to attempt to sell books and make money.

get a real job and pay your child support DEADBEAT!!! :cuckoo:

After you completely faile to notice violations of law enabling the FEMA deception when the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding, in spport for secrete methods of mass murder, you completely fail to recognize deprivations of due process and equal protections of law of those seeking justice for the dead and their families.

There can be no collectable debt with estopple. I was deprived of information lawfully subpoenaed when the county failed to appear on subpoena duces tecum. I needed that to create the income needed to pay.


The child support was created by welfare fraud. This will be asy for you to support 'cause you already support secret methods of mass murder.


Only to find that the federal courts will deprive all citizens who might file pro se civil rights cases of their civil rights/


You actually cannot be an American with this behavior. A criminal, .. yes, a traitor, yes, a sociopath, uh huh.
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The article does not state it is a correction and cites no sources. The Newsweek article is about Robertson and the Towers. Robertson is an authority.

and robertson says it was STEEL CORE you fucking jackass!!!

you got nothing. you have no proof at all of a concrete core. you have a reporter that makes a mistake in the confusion immediately following 9/11. you keep lying and saying robertson said there was a concrete core. you are a liar and you KNOW that robertson didnt say this. it is the REPORTER saying this. you know it. i know it. everybody else knows it.

show me pictures of the concrete core under construction. show me blueprints that say concrete core.


You support secret methods of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution. Done deal.

you are taking the 9/11 tragedy and making a joke out of by trying to make money selling lies in the book you wrote.

After you completely faile to notice violations of law enabling the FEMA deception when the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding, in spport for secrete methods of mass murder, you completely fail to recognize deprivations of due process and equal protections of law of those seeking justice for the dead and their families.

you are delusional. FEMA got the plans from robertson!!!

you are mocking the families by lying about the steel core and writing a stupid work of fiction claiming there were explosives embedded in a non-existent concrete core for 30 years.

There can be no collectable debt with estopple. I was deprived of information lawfully subpoenaed when the county failed to appear on subpoena duces tecum. I needed that to create the income needed to pay.


The child support was created by welfare fraud. This will be asy for you to support 'cause you already support secret methods of mass murder.


Only to find that the federal courts will deprive all citizens who might file pro se civil rights cases of their civil rights/


You actually cannot be an American with this behavior. A criminal, .. yes, a traitor, yes, a sociopath, uh huh.

pay your fucking child support!! a fucking paper from 1876 has nothing to do with you paying child support. get a job cooking french fries you fucking deadbeat.

excuses... excuses... excuses...

you are full of fucking excuses.

there was a documentary but somebody stole it.

there were pictures of a concrete core but somebody stole them all off the internet and out of every book ever published and they went back into every magazine and made sure there was no mention of a concrete core ever. it was a all a huge government plot.

there was a paper from 1876 but somebody stole it so now i cant work.

i didnt pay child support since 1993 but its not my fault because i'm too busy working under the table.

steel core.

steel core thrown all over the place...

steel core.

no concrete core.

steel core.

steel core.

steel core.

steel core.

steel core.

steel core.

steel core.

steel core.

And they all have the same sources, FEMA. And not one image from 9-11 showing the steel core columns.


And you think gypsum can stand at 400+ feet after hundreds of thousands of tons of steel crash over it. No steel structure shows.

What you have proven is that media cannot be trusted IF an accountable individual is not associated with it.

On September 13, 2001, Leslie Robertson, an individual who IS an authority after 3,000 were killed in the building he was an engineer for and he indetified a concrete core.
None of those show the needed diagonal bracing, but the image that is not of the twins is still in there,


Proven by this image which shows the true proportions of the perimeter columns compared to the spaces between them. Above we have almost 2 columns space between columns, below we have over 2 columns space between columns.


fizz could be stannrodd because in that post many of the images are at i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj16/stannrodd co stalker with gamolon from Lets Roll 9-11 in 2004.

The others show elevator guide rail support steel seen left and right of the center crane with butt plates on top of them. They are too weak for "core columns"


Only a 100% deep fillet weld on all 4 sides will suffice for a box columns as a "core column". The butt plates and single pass welds on the outsides of the elevator guide rail support steel are too weak to stand in the core on 9-11, that is why they are not seen,

Where are the plans?:lol:

Your images prove there was no diagonal bracing, absolutely needed with steel core columns. They show the only full length columns interior box columns that surround the core. What is seen on the right in this image with an end view of the concrete core wall on the left.

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no. and thats why it is turning to dust as you stated earlier. :cuckoo:

your image is from the west. the sun was shining from the east. therfore you are looking through the smoke towards the sun. of course you are not going to see any detail looking at the unilluminated part!!

here is what the other side looks like, jackass.


That is seconds before from the south. The particualate has fallen in this later image.


In silhouette we would see the major structural steel you claim existed was in the core, protruding out the top. WE can see the uniform round shape of the top. Gypsum will not do that after hundrds of thousands of tons of steel has crashed over it.

That steel inside and outside the core would make holes in the gypsum and rip long vertical slashes of gypsum away.

Here we see what can only be rebar.


The core to the right of it is empty. Where are the supposed steel core columns with their many interconnecting diagonal braces? If we do not see them under these conditions, they clearly did not exist. Just as the lead engineer identified a concrete core not steel core columns on
September 13, 2001.

first of all, as you have been shown repeatedly, the lead engineer says STEEL CORE. the reporter in your interview is the one that says concrete core.

The article here of September 13, 2001 about Leslie Robertson, the engineer of the Twin towers identifies a concrete core

MSNBC - ‘Painful and Horrible’

That information from that independent authority is confirmed by images from 9-11 showing concrete shear walls surrounding the empty core area.


You can only utilize independently verified evidence to prove the core structure, and you have none for the steel core columns. It all leads back to FEMA. No images from 9-11 show the steel core columns. They did not exist. What was in the core was elevator guide rail support steel and it fell immediatly on 9-11 because it had NO STRUCTURAL strength,

And they all have the same sources, FEMA. And not one image from 9-11 showing the steel core columns.

more fiction from you. just like the work of fiction you try to sell as a book at the expense of the 9/11 families.
The article here of September 13, 2001 about Leslie Robertson, the engineer of the Twin towers identifies a concrete core

MSNBC - ‘Painful and Horrible’

you just keep fucking lying. :cuckoo:

it shows what a scumbag you truly are. :evil:

any moron can read that article and see that Robertson did not say that. it was the reporter saying it and the reporter was wrong. many of the other articles also have interviews with robertson that say STEEL CORE.

And they all have the same sources, FEMA. And not one image from 9-11 showing the steel core columns.

more fiction from you. just like the work of fiction you try to sell as a book at the expense of the 9/11 families.

I've seen a few of those sites before, I know what is there. I will not waste my time. You are the one trying to help the perpetrators by support for the impossible in efforts to obscure the possible, not me.

I'm the one that posts an article containing quotes from the buildings engineer that also has the information identifying a concrete core.


Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

Corretct, it does not have quotes on it. However, it is likely the reporter rephrased a much longer techinical description and selected descriptors that were efficient to use in the article.

The article is totally consistent with what is seen on 9-11.

hey jackass. the concrete core part of your story isnt a quote. you keep lying and saying that robertson said it.

you wont even bother to look at the REAL information so that just proves you are using this horrible incident to try to make money by selling a book of lies.
hey jackass. the concrete core part of your story isnt a quote. you keep lying

READ agent. I said the article contains quotes.

DOES your article contain quotes?

some do. for instance this one. Skyscraper Safety Campaign - Must-Read Articles

there is also this article ACTUALLY WRITTEN BY ROBERTSON where he talk about the innovations in the WTC including NOT USING MASONRY. National Academy of Engineering (NAE) - Reflections on the World Trade Center

We developed the concept of and made use of the fire-rated shaft-wall partition system, which is now widely used in place of masonry and plaster walls. At that time, masonry was the standard enclosure for elevators, stairs, duct shafts, and other internal structures

so show me where robinson EVER says it was a concrete core? you are completely lying by saying he did.

keep mocking the families of the victims with your lies and your disinformation just so you can try to sell some books. you disgust me.
hey jackass. the concrete core part of your story isnt a quote. you keep lying

READ agent. I said the article contains quotes.

DOES your article contain quotes?

some do. for instance this one. Skyscraper Safety Campaign - Must-Read Articles

No quotes by Robertson relating to the structure, but he did show how he felt when asked about the building.

Leslie E. Robertson is the engineer who, with his then partner, John Skilling, was mainly responsible for the structure of the Twin Towers. Unlike most of his colleagues, who have been widely quoted and interviewed, he has remained largely out of the public eye since September 11th. His only public appearance was at a previously scheduled meeting of the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations, on October 5th, in New Hampshire, where, as the Wall Street Journal reported, on being asked by an engineer in the audience, "Is there anything you wish you had done differently in the design of the building?," Robertson broke down and wept at the lectern.

America needs the truth.

READ agent. I said the article contains quotes.

DOES your article contain quotes?

some do. for instance this one. Skyscraper Safety Campaign - Must-Read Articles

No quotes by Robertson relating to the structure, but he did show how he felt when asked about the building.

Leslie E. Robertson is the engineer who, with his then partner, John Skilling, was mainly responsible for the structure of the Twin Towers. Unlike most of his colleagues, who have been widely quoted and interviewed, he has remained largely out of the public eye since September 11th. His only public appearance was at a previously scheduled meeting of the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations, on October 5th, in New Hampshire, where, as the Wall Street Journal reported, on being asked by an engineer in the audience, "Is there anything you wish you had done differently in the design of the building?," Robertson broke down and wept at the lectern.

America needs the truth.


you want to play the game of quotes? ok....



just one single quote where robertson actually says it was a concrete core. not your stupid fucking reporter saying. WHERE IS ROBERTSON SAYING IT???
you are right. america does need the truth.

unfortunately you are a lying sack of shit that abandoned your own children. you lie continually and habitually.

america needs the truth. they sure as hell arent getting it from you!!
you are right. america does need the truth.

unfortunately you are a lying sack of shit that abandoned your own children. you lie continually and habitually.

america needs the truth. they sure as hell arent getting it from you!!

The truth is the reverse of what you write.

FEMA states the towers core looked like this.


on 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2,


You refuse to recognize that the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding enabling FEMA to decieve NIST. Meaning you work to protect the secret methods of mass murder on 9-11.

Not good for children.
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