FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

did you see his "filing" got rejected by the Judge????




No shit? I had not seen that news item before, no. Thanks for the update. It indeed comes as absolutely no surprise. I predicted it in fact. :cool:

CriscoFEARa surely gave the clerks a good laugh or so, however.
its in his thread titled that
what a moron, now he claims the judge is guilty
does this mean he'll file a "misprision of treason" suit against the judge?
No shit? I had not seen that news item before, no. Thanks for the update. It indeed comes as absolutely no surprise. I predicted it in fact. :cool:

CriscoFEARa surely gave the clerks a good laugh or so, however.
its in his thread titled that
what a moron, now he claims the judge is guilty
does this mean he'll file a "misprision of treason" suit against the judge?
oh, i hope he does

According to attorney Brian Glick in his book War at Home, the FBI used four main methods during COINTELPRO:

1. Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.

2. Psychological Warfare From the Outside: The FBI and police used myriad other "dirty tricks" to undermine progressive movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists.

3. Harassment Through the Legal System: The FBI and police abused the legal system to harass dissidents and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, "investigative" interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters.

4. Extralegal Force and Violence: The FBI and police threatened, instigated, and themselves conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements. In the case of radical Black and Puerto Rican activists (and later Native Americans), these attacks - including political assassinations were so extensive, vicious, and calculated that they can accurately be termed a form of official "terrorism".

Co-Intel, Agent Provocateurs, and Propaganda Techniques of the Enemy.
No I have not seen a 3" rebar. The missing documentary spent a good bit of time describing that rebar tho. Viewers should listen to this .mp3 of Dr. Ron Larsen providing an,

The documentary describe how ONLY welders with a security clearance could execute the butt welds in the high tensile steel reinforcing rod kept in a locked container with a security gaurd on it during work hours.

Damn, I hardly know where to start debunking this pack of shit.

"Butt-welded" rebar. I've never seen anyone weld rebar, let alone butt welding it. Rebar is loosely tied together with wire so that it can expand when the concrete gets heated by the sun or other heat sources. The bars must be able to slip past each other so as not to shatter the concrete. Also, you would not want to weld the ends from one section to another, as again the thermal expansion would destroy the expansion joints.

"high tensile steel" rebar. Rebar is made from iron, not steel. Steel would be a huge waste of money for this application.

"kept in a locked container with a security guard". Now come on, even you are smarter than this. Who would want to steal rebar? Even if you could carry off 10 foot sections of "3 inch" rebar, you wouldn't get more than a few bucks from a junkyard. And that's if they can look beyond the fact that the bars are not rusted.

And the only welders I have heard of that need security clearances are Naval shipyard welders. I wish I could make the money they earn! If the builders of the WTC would have hired them, the total cost of construction would have been at least tripled.

By the way, you state the security guard was there during working hours. Does that mean it was OK for someone to slip in at night and steal this high value "high tensile steel, 3" rebar" under cover of darkness???
hey rat, While I agree with the rest of your post debunking agent chrissy once again, I do take exception to the statement about welding rebar.
I have designed building structures with butt welded rebar specified. However, this practice is generally only used for horizontal structures, not verticle structures such as the invisicrete walls agent chrissy insists were present in the wtc.
I have seen rebar welded in bridge decks, high rise decks and the base of dams.

I know of no reason to lock up 3" rebar. You can get it fabricated, it is not a nominal size. It would be too heavy to "carry off".

The rebar as he describes would not offer any vertical support. What he IS describing is the method used to butt weld the large steel box columns using full penetration welds. The 'core' of both WTC 1 and 2 were built using large box columns that were butt welded in place as the construction progressed.

The security he describes is laughable.

good luck rat inthe hat, you need it with agent chrissy.......
hey rat, While I agree with the rest of your post debunking agent chrissy once again, I do take exception to the statement about welding rebar.
I have designed building structures with butt welded rebar specified. However, this practice is generally only used for horizontal structures, not verticle structures such as the invisicrete walls agent chrissy insists were present in the wtc.
I have seen rebar welded in bridge decks, high rise decks and the base of dams.

I know of no reason to lock up 3" rebar. You can get it fabricated, it is not a nominal size. It would be too heavy to "carry off".

The rebar as he describes would not offer any vertical support. What he IS describing is the method used to butt weld the large steel box columns using full penetration welds. The 'core' of both WTC 1 and 2 were built using large box columns that were butt welded in place as the construction progressed.

The security he describes is laughable.

good luck rat inthe hat, you need it with agent chrissy.......

Thanks for the info regarding welding in those fields. We don't do any of those, so I was not familiar with them. We mostly roads, parking lots & foundations.

All low security fields, so we don't hire security to guard our rebar.

I am looking for info on high tensile steel super invisicrete. I could probably make a fortune using it for warehouse foundations. Perhaps Chrissy could turn me on to a source, so I could hire a few more employees and help turn the economy around.
Actually the issue is the invisisteel "massive box columns" that were supposed to be in the core area. Photos from 9-11 never show such columns in the core area.

This steel is about the size, but it is outside the core as shown in a later, perhaps, photo from the north looking down the length of the west concrete core line left of the "spire".

Here is the same, the ONLY "spire" looking from the west. This establishes the relative size of the "box column at the photos distance. Even fifi and divot call these "core columns". They do tnot pretend to be morong very well.

Now, this is later looking again from the west, actually the same camera seconds later. What we see is way too small and the character has changed. There is a lean to the right of the many small vertical lines. This looks EXACTLY like what 3" rebar made of high tensile with x-rayed butt welds would look like stood up without a wall. That is the only material which can do as we see.

You f'nnnn agents and your fake agent society and BS filler discourse are an very obvious theatre.
Actually the issue is the invisisteel "massive box columns" that were supposed to be in the core area. Photos from 9-11 never show such columns in the core area.

This steel is about the size, but it is outside the core as shown in a later, perhaps, photo from the north looking down the length of the west concrete core line left of the "spire".

Here is the same, the ONLY "spire" looking from the west. This establishes the relative size of the "box column at the photos distance. Even fifi and divot call these "core columns". They do tnot pretend to be morong very well.

Now, this is later looking again from the west, actually the same camera seconds later. What we see is way too small and the character has changed. There is a lean to the right of the many small vertical lines. This looks EXACTLY like what 3" rebar made of high tensile with x-rayed butt welds would look like stood up without a wall. That is the only material which can do as we see.

You f'nnnn agents and your fake agent society and BS filler discourse are an very obvious theatre.
more moronic bullshit from the biggest fucking moron on the planet

Now, this is later looking again from the west, actually the same camera seconds later. What we see is way too small and the character has changed. There is a lean to the right of the many small vertical lines. This looks EXACTLY like what 3" rebar made of high tensile with x-rayed butt welds would look like stood up without a wall. That is the only material which can do as we see.



If you can see 3 inch rebar at over 1 mile distances in a normal resolution photograph, you can only be Kal-El of Krypton.

One piece of handy advise, stay away from green or red Kryptonite!

By the way, now we're considering "X-rayed" butt welds? Forget what I said about Naval welders, now we're having to agree that they used Starfleet personnel!
i think we can all agree that chris is a complete fucking idiot and has no idea what it is he is looking at in those photos
You've shown already that you are using a word you do not know the meaning of. JREF didn't either. Just like you they could not define the origin of the word "idiot".

Idiots would not be able to do that.

If you cannot define the origin and root meaning of "idiot", you certainly cannot make that statement. You have failed to provide that meaning.

If you cannot define the origin and root meaning of "idiot", you certainly cannot make that statement. You have failed to provide that meaning.

while you have the dictionary out looking up definitions..... flip back a few pages to "deadbeat" and see if your picture is there.

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